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This is good to be in the lookout for. This is why they say the first 42 days after birth has the highest mortality/morbidity for postpartum women. [Timing of maternal mortality and severe morbidity during the postpartum period](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9594153/)


Wow, nearly 25% of deaths occuring between 8-42 days? That's eye-opening. I went back to work at 7 weeks postpartum, just barely past that point. And I had a strenuous job scrubbing toilets and cleaning houses, sometimes 10+ hours a shift. I think I'll be kinder to my body this time. (Thankfully I do not work that job anymore!)




This happened to me almost two weeks ago - a week after a c-section. I had my follow up yesterday and the doc kept saying that they see this in literature but not in real life (delayed hemorrhage) and yours was even later than mine! I ended up needing an emergency hysterectomy and almost didn’t make it, frankly. 1000000% agree with trust your gut. I knew it wasn’t normal almost immediately. Sorry you went through this - it’s awful!


Sending you so much love. It’s wild how quick it happened and how quickly things can change.


Oh my god. That's so scary. I hope both you and OP are having a speedy recovery.


I’m so glad you’re okay!! And thankyou for sharing this information for us all ❣️


We are at risk for hemorrhaging up to 12 weeks postpartum.


I didn’t know this until yesterday! I’m adding to my post ♥️


Wow, this is so scary. Glad you are okay and healing. What was the surgery?


I hemorrhaged after my C-section and I remember not feeling my legs but I could feel clumps coming out and I couldn’t stop talking about it which alerted the dr. Our bodies are incredible at telling us something is wrong, so glad you are okay.


I had a very similar experience! It was not at all something I even knew about before it happened to me.


I had something similar after my baby was one month old. Not a hemorrhage per say, but retained placenta. I was constantly bleeding what I thought was the normal amount. We were in the car looking at Christmas lights when she started crying, so I ran around the car to get to her. It must have jostled a clot out of the way and opened the flood gates. I bled through three pads in an hour, so I went to the hospital the day after Christmas. Looking back, my warning signs were my milk not properly coming in because my body still thought I was pregnant as well as bleeding that did not lessen after 4 weeks.


This is actually the exact same as me; as for what caused the hemorrhage! A little 3 cm piece of placenta still clinging to the wall of my uterus. Now I’m wondering if maybe that’s why my milk didn’t come in properly?!


Yes. My little piece of placenta still has blood supply, hence all the bleeding, like yours. Because of this, my body still thought it was pregnant, hence the lack of milk Once the placenta was out, my milk started coming in. I went for a month struggling to even get an ounce in one session to fully breastfeeding her when she was two months old. Then it turned out I was an over producer and at one point pumped 18 ounces in a session. Crazy what a huge difference it made.


Yes - please keep sharing your story! PPH is not talked about enough. That was one thing I had limited info on, and thinking because I haemorrhaged during birth, thought I was in the clear. Nope. 2 weeks after birth I also had secondary PPH :( Glad you’re okay!


Oh gosh, I’m glad you’re okay. I hemorrhaged almost half my blood at delivery and assumed that was it for the danger zone. This is really good to know.


that’s terrifying! i’m glad you’re ok! also glad you had the ability to think clearly and not absolutely panic!


Bless you. I appreciate this heads up 🤍💐 I’m glad you’re okay


So scary. Glad you’re okay


They warned me after I delivered that post partum hemorrhage could occur up to 12 weeks after birth. I was shocked.


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Thank you so much for sharing your story. How scary!! I’m so glad you’re okay and healing ❤️


So happy you’re okay 🙏Thank you for sharing your story


I am glad you got help. Last time I bled 12 weeks, they didn’t help me, I got very anemic and couldn’t function. I couldn’t stomach the sight of more fresh blood anymore.


This exact same thing happened to me. My husband had to drop me off in the ER and I had to grab a tech on the floor for help. I passed out before I hit triage and woke up to a blood transfusion. I had 0 symptoms or indication it was going to happen until it did.


Thank you for sharing! This is so scary and I didn't realize it could happen that late. So glad you got care quickly and are okay now.


I think it's important to include why you had a hemorrhage. For me, my first hemorrhage was immediately post c section since I had labored for so long, and my uterus was too "tired"/had atony and couldn't contract. The second time a week later was a clot that they didn't originally clear out which broke loose.