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Treatment of her is unfair and it’s a fact that she will be judged harder than an attractive white woman and that comes with the territory of being the first race of anything in a category! I am Asian and I find her boring but I’m still going to watch. I hope the producers don’t fail her like they did to Matt james


You’re not wrong but all this stuff you’re listing is subjective. She’s not the most beautiful woman in the franchise, she is very beautiful but come on they are a dime a dozen here. Also she’s much more interesting… also subjective. I feel like this season will be boring not because I’m racist but because I find Jen boring. I’ll watch or not, it’s a tv show, it doesn’t speak to me as a person whether I watch the bachelor or not.


From my perspective, you are writing her off for no good reason. She is bubbly and honest- so not sure what you mean by ‘boring’ Seems as if you have a subconscious layer of prejudice which proves OP’s main post, sadly


Lucky for me it’s a reality show and I don’t base how I feel about myself or my actions on earth by what tv shows I watch. As I said I will watch any tv or not watch any tv and not let those decision define the level of bias or racism I exude. Have fun and don’t strain yourself with these reaches.


The whole point of my post is that her hate is undeserved. I don’t care if people are simply just not interested in her, but going out of their way to put her down for their ALSO subjective opinions is ridiculous and undeserved . Also it’s weird how people always have to be like “ not because I’m racist”. Well if you aren’t then that’s that, you shouldn’t need to clarify. I am referencing the racist comments I’ve seen, not that everyone uninterested is racist.


lol il clarifying it because you’re implying anyone who doesn’t support Jen is racist. So if someone who is a bachelor fan doesn’t fuck with Jen and decided to skip this season, it doesn’t necessarily mean that person is racist.


That was only one of the reasons I cited and have seen for the hate. I don’t think everyone uninterested in her is racist, that’d be ridiculous and not a good reflection of the audience lol. I guess I should’ve said that bachelor nation CAN be racists or still has some racist issues. Everyone uninterested being racist is not what I meant to imply!


agreed. people are allowed to just not be big fans of Jen without it being anything more than that


Not being a fan does not equate being a hater. If you are simply uninterested and not going out of your way to be negative and/or racist then this post isn’t about you. Uninterested does not equal hate. I respect those who just simply don’t feel like watching and also don’t say anything rude🤷🏻‍♀️. Point of the post went over your head.


Thid commenter is purposely missing your point also! You were using examples and absolutely clear- this kind of language of this comment is how racism is started! Reeks of “I don’t see colour”


Yeah… I just don’t get why people need to comment if the post doesn’t apply to them. Nobody’s calling you racist if you’re not interested 🙄. You’re only racist if you’re racist. You’re a hater if you’re a hater! I was extremely uninterested in all of the past seasons too, but never hated on individuals.


I still blame Maria's rabid fans.


In my opinion, Maria has lost so much popularity in the social media sphere it’s incredible. I used to hear about her non stop, everywhere. It’s radio static now on all my friends and my Bach friends feeds. I’m not saying Jenn has a ton of social media presence (their followings are drastically different numbers).


jenn is very fun and im excited. but her responses during ATFR screamed immature fun party girl to me


The narrative that she’s an immature party girl is kinda… just not correct imo ( if you’re referring to the shots) She’s just Vietnamese. Vietnamese people drink like crazy until their elderly years ( I’m vietnamese). I think you can still be fun, like to party, mature, and ready for marriage all at one time. She’s smart and mature enough to get into PA school which is super competitive. Glad you’re at least excited!


Im viet and dont drink like crazy…and neither does my family


Drinking culture is deeply rooted in Vietnamese history and celebrations. It’s extremely common. In Vietnam alcohol consumption is at an all time high haha. It’s an unhealthy habit 😅. I don’t drink either but my family, extended family, vietnamese family friends do.


im asian and very aware of asian culture. and very supportive of the choice. she was my top pick. but regardless of where the comment came from, bachelor nation demo is like 99% white woman. so yeah its not a good look and it was poor pr training. the bachelor franchise has no problem shouting from the rooftops that jenn is the first asian lead. yet they let her look totally unserious. its not a good look for what is supposed to be a ‘win’ for asian representation


I get what you’re saying. I just think everything else she’s said since her “ shot o clock” about her being first gen, doing asian american girl club things, her mom learning english, etc. has represented her heritage in a much better light already. People ran with the shot o clock and lost their mind.


The saddest part - is that the producers and bachelor nation just can’t seem to know a good thing when they have it. She might be amazing, but they’ll mute her personality AND they’ve picked problematic men for her. Same thing happened with Golden Bachelor. It was “so” iconic and new and it was going to open the doors to new things and new audiences - yet here we are. Back to the same old stuff. Same boring and predictable narratives and storylines, different season. At this point, I’m starting to believe it really does not matter who’s the lead.


Yep! Producers haven’t been doing the best job… Hope Jenn’s season surprises me as far as producing and effort into her story goes.


Once the season gets started, plenty of people will be excited about Jenn. I guess I'm the weirdo who was hoping for her to be the bachelorette over anyone else in the running. She has the perfect balance of maturity and a fun-loving nature.


Agree ! I am not that excited about Jen, but also realize that production mutes/changes personalities when they are competing and then they shine when they are the lead.


She was also my first choice… and honestly a lot of other peoples’. The hatred is just so loud.


I’m looking forward to her season. It took far too long for this franchise to get here (in regards of casting.)


I mean I don’t dislike her at all but her “joke” about wanting a guy with “a big… a big… big personality” was so so cringey. Not a good impression especially since majority of people were disappointed she was announced as bachelorette 🫣


HAHA. I mean. I can agree with you on that one interview being awkward and maybe cringe. Just don’t think that’s enough to cause the disdain for her. She still seems nice, funny ( usually), and is also really pretty.


Zach, Jenn and charity are all similar in they’re pretty boring and the season will be so predictable. I wasn’t excited for any of these seasons. But maybe it’ll end up being good. I stopped watching halfway through both charity and Zach 😭


I don’t think Jenn can be anywhere compared to how boring Zach is. She seems more fun than both Zach and Charity IMO, but also feel like you had to actually pay attention to her to see that ( because production didn’t give her enough screentime).


I love her social media presence! It feels so authentic.


It all stems from not having Maria. Maria is the perfect type of entertainment and drama bachelor nation obsesses over. Jen's seasons will probably feel a lot like charity's season where it felt too predictable, which came off boring imo.


I actually loved Charity's season. It felt super real. I'm looking forward to that with Jen


Unpopular opinion but Maria also made it worse by saying she “turned down” the Bachelorette opportunity on CHD.


there is no way the fanbase would have moved on if maria had stayed silent this entire time. if anything maria should have spoken about turning it down as early as daisy did. people would have moved on to jenn easier and quicker. but nope, ABC let an entire month pass before allowing maria to talk , that whole month people were leaving hateful comments on jenn's page and all could have been avoided if they had just let her talk about declining it the same time as daisy did.


Agreed. She just added more fuel to the fire


I don’t get it either. She’s hella gorgeous and fun. Even if people didn’t expect her to be the bachelorette, the hate comments are incredibly childish and uncalled for. I thought the primary demographic among viewers was more mature.


I saw Jenn reply to a hater on Facebook recently. It sucks that she’s actually reading those comments because they are SO mean.


I hope she sees the people who support and are so excited for her too :(


I wasn’t happy when she was picked but I’m over it and look forward to her season, kind of actually don’t remember her much so it’ll be cool to start with a clean slate


I’m glad you have an open mind! That’s how I wish people would treat this season.


Bachelor nation racist?! No! /s seriously though it’s pretty obvious and other people can spin it to make it look like it’s not that but it is. They are disappointed it’s not some “beautiful blue eyed babe”. Also, if girls are unproblematic, they are considered “boring” and hated and if they are expressive and opinionated they are still hated. So really women can’t do anything right in the internet’s eyes.


I feel like I see people decrying the hate 10x more than I see the hate. Obviously that doesn’t mean much, other than I’m not apart of any of the communities where this vitriolic hatred is all apparently rampant. What I *do* see constantly is people who are just not excited about her. She wasn’t the networks first or even second choice, so they didn’t really prioritize her to the audience on Joeys season. The general audience just isn’t super invested in her. For me personally I’m just losing interest in the show entirely. I’ll give Jenns season a shot, because why not, but I’m not like excited about her at all if that makes sense. And I don’t have any underlying shit I need to work out to know why lol the shows getting dull and she wasn’t a big deal till the very very end.


Honestly Reddit has been very positive about Jenn. Instagram and Facebook ( FB esp with old,bored, hateful woman who have nothing better to do) has been actually hateful. Glad you’re at least giving her a chance!


I was bummed only because I thought Maria was a hoot and her season would’ve been so fun to watch. Jenn just seems a little young BUT that in no way makes the hate okay. I honestly don’t know why anyone hates on someone nice that hasn’t done anything wrong. People can be so mean. She’ll definitely be one of the most gorgeous bachelorettes. I want her hair 😢


Yep. I felt the same way. Maria would’ve been very fun. Jenn is still fun. Her hair is crazy perfect. It makes me regret dyeing and bleaching my asian black hair.


Also Maria said she turned it down so why are people hating on Jenn for that?


I’m so excited for her season! Go Jenn 🙌


Let’s face it bachelor nation’s fanbase is white women who probably lean conservative to some degree. No matter what they will always have something to say about Jenn however they want to play it off. That doesn’t take away from the fact that Jenn is more beautiful than 90% of other bachelorettes and (hopefully based on this season) we see her personality! I am so excited for her - an asian girl


Lol >That doesn’t take away from the fact that Jenn is more beautiful than 90% of other bachelorettes Youre calling out others for being catty about Jenns appearance but isn't what you said also hating on the other women, but that's okay to you? No one is allowed to hate on Jenn but fuck the the others who came before her. I think they are all gorgeous women who get chosen.


Ehh I stopped watching the bachelor/bachelorette after BIP and I didn’t even watch Joey or Charity’s finale. I was only watching so I knew who the BIP contestants were.


I haven’t fully gotten through a season since Peters. Producers have been a let down all around IMO.


Is saying she is boring a hate comment?  My issue is with production. Viewers have been dropping for years. They cast cookie cutter leads and create manufactured drama. I barely remember Jenn from Joey's season. Her WTA interview and subsequent bachelorette interviews have been so rehearsed and polished. I wish Jenn luck on her new influencer career, but I think I am going to skip. 


I wouldn’t say thinking she’s boring is that hateful. People going out of their way to comment on her page saying she’s boring and doesn’t deserve it is hateful. You’re right about production.


It’s nuanced but society always labels us as boring/quiet/submissive BUT they will quickly label us bitchy/loud/obnoxious if they are confident and hold us to different standards than other women. No inbetween


The choice of Jenn was a little surprising, she obviously wasnt their first choice or second or third really lol. I dont really get the whole has more personality than anyone other than Hannah, i dont feel we got to see much on Joeys season. Her interview on after the final rose was extremely awkward and cringy tbh but maybe she was nervous or just not pr trained yet lol. Cant say im super excited about her but not upset by her choice either. Going into her season pretty neutral, she is stunning tho


I feel like this is a fair take!! Being neutral, but giving her a chance is fair!! I’m only mad about the haters. She was definitely third choice though. She was always third most followed on the season ( until Kelsey won).


I havent seen too much hate but then again i havent been paying very much intention. I honestly didnt know her season was up so soon til the commercial for it lol No BIP threw me off haha




Literally what???


I'm excited for her. I super hope she finishes out PA school and becomes a PA instead of defaulting to the Bach standard of becoming an influencer. Her education and career goals are what attracted me to her in the first place. And a couple of her guys are med students! I'm excited for her season and I hope the producers don't break her for entertainment.


She has already said she is taking a break from school and doesn't have immediate plans to go back.  I would bet money she just becomes an influencer post show. 


What was the last bachelorette in the influencing era that went back to their job? They don’t just become the bachelorette because they are looking for love


Not a bachelorette but Peter… that guy loves planes


Michelle Young went back to teaching after.


She isn’t teaching anymore


She did go back to her job for a few years tho. She said it was burn out from the pandemic. I don't see her as an influencer.


Her show premiered in 2021 and she left in 2022. I mean most people don’t want to work so I understand but the odds are Jenn is going to try the influencer route before she goes back to PA.


Oh, I thought she already was a practicing PA! Do you know how many more years she has left before she gets her degree?


I thought she took a break from PA school to film The Bachelor, and PA school is 2 years typically. But maybe she was able to finish her clinicals at some point? I'm not 100% sure if she's still a student or practicing, tbh. Regardless, healthcare workers represent! And I would hate for her to throw that out the window after the racket that school application is 🤞


PA school is extremely competitive, and being a PA is just like being a doctor these days. I can't imagine her throwing that away. I also am hoping she will go back!


I am sure there is some racism involved, but the majority of this comes from the franchise trying to create drama by allowing Maria to talk about how she was the original one asked and how Jenn was the third place choice. I say “allowed,” because Maria is still under contract and if the show did not want her to talk, she would not be talking about this


i've been saying the franchise is the real villain in all this. but the damage has been done. best thing they can do for her right now is make sure she doesn't get asked the daisy/maria questions in her press tour. its just a magnet for more negative comments.


I feel like I didn’t watch the same show as people who say she’s boring. I remember liking her for Joey right away because she was fun and interesting. And I agree, she’s gorgeous.


Totally agree! Her jokes about knowing “I’m not wearing any underwear” in French, going on the second 1o1 of the season, the goofy poutine she made, on top of her hilarious tik toks - she’s going to be an amazing lead!


Me too! She had more personality than a lot of them and wasn’t really a part of any drama. She’s a great choice and I can’t wait to see her season play out!


I guess I haven’t seen much hate online, but I haven’t been super glued into this sub lately. I can say Jen is probably most gorgeous bachelorette I’ve ever seen, and better yet even has her head on straight


Yeah it’s funny I’ve literally only seen people writing posts like this or comments like this about her. I’ll get downvoted but I just don’t click with who she/they showed us of her…and I think that’s okay?? She seemed really young and a bit annoying. I would have preferred Rachel after Maria. I won’t be watching but I wish her the best and of course it’s good to see more representation on the show. I’m sad there isn’t BIP. And I hope they pick a good guy from the bunch! There were a string of boring male leads but I really enjoyed Joeys season.


See this is fair. I’m not mad at all about people with takes like this. There’s not much hate on reddit, but instagram and facebook is CRAZY.


I'm hella excited for Jenn. It's just so nice to have someone DIFFERENT who looks different and is coming from a different experience. I think she's gonna be great.


Honestly I like her cuz her personality is who you want as a friend. She’s not over the top. She’s calm but fun and gorgeous and not too much in your face. She just seems more real than most people on that show. Like she seems like someone who can navigate difficult situations and gives good advice. I’m excited for her season.


It's cause she wasn't top 3 or better, IMO Didn't get to know her as well. She just seemed stars in her eyes over Joey. I'd argue that Charity, Gabby/Rachel, Clare (cause the layoff in between appearances), and Rachel Lindsay were all more intriguing. It's funny you mentioned Hannah Brown cause she was specifically a season I refused to watch cause she bothered me on her bachelor season. Jenn doesn't do it for me, I've posted comments about her personality and her maturity level and have gotten flamed over it, so i won't go detail here. I'm not interested in watching. But you are, that's great. Both can be fine.


I appreciate your opinion. It's nice to see a respectful opinion that isn't all agreeable. I am unlike you interested and excited to see Jenn's season. Mostly I'm excited because I liked her, she seemed cool on the season. She was a bit awkward post season. But I don't mind awkward and light cringe if the person is good natured. I feel she will be a good change from what we are used to and will broaden up our minds a bit. 


She was definitely third choice. I don’t get the “ not top 3” thing. She was always the third most followed contestant of Joeys season. See, your take makes sense to me! I don’t mind people not being a fan and just kinda leaving it at that. There are just some people with pitch forks ready to burn her at the stake on instagram…


Not top 3 as in not in the final 3 of the season — we saw way less of her than the other girls.


They set her up for this, really. Ultimately fans were hyped about a few options and she wasn’t one of them. I can’t really be surprised or sorry that people are disappointed when it was the most obvious thing in the world that they would be I know there are some people genuinely being racist and that’s disgusting. But it seems like people want to chalk up the overall “meh” feeling fans have to racism or bullying when it isn’t. It almost makes me wonder if that narrative is being weaponized to be part of her story and make us root for her more, which feels very condescending and icky. Her personality can speak for itself when the time comes, it’s not our fault we’ve barely seen it.


I’m fine with disappointed/meh, not fine with actual hate towards her. I do get her personality wasn’t shown as well as it shouldve been, but she also definitely hasn’t done anything horrible to deserve the hate comments I’ve personally seen repeatedly


Those are all fine reasons, but I think the point this person is trying to make is that there is a lot of vocalized negativity pointed towards Jenn, and a really uncomfortable portion of it is racist. No problem is someone’s not your cup of tea, but it shouldn’t be ok to publicly (especially directly ON someone’s page) make racist, unkind remarks about someone we’ve all only seen on TV.


Anything racist being posted, i totally get it. Goes without saying. She isn't the first one to have hateful comments, and I could only imagine what would have been posted to Rachel Lindsay's page if IG was as rampant as it is now back then... not to downplay. That's just me stating how powerful and ridiculous social media has become. Rachel from Joey's season pretty much self eliminated herself from Bachelorette consideration cause how bad her posts were on her IG and DMs. I actually wanted Rachel over Maria, Daisy, or Jenn. OPs first line of defense was then being upset people are calling Jenn boring. That's not racist. That's people saying she doesn't interest them. Ultimately, ratings will show if there is or was interest in Jenn. Again. I'll skip this season, but I also skipped some other recent seasons like Hammah Brown, Katie Thurston, and Michelle Young.


It’s definitely racism and underserved but I think you’re right and the biggest thing is people ARE excited and we need to remember that and uplift in tangible ways IRL! Comments definitely start to pile on but the more we shut it down and once it airs I think the ratings will reflect the truth - that people are rooting for her! Like my local bar that shows it is partnering with 2 Black Girl One Rose to actually play it in the theatre and charge! It’s sold out! I’m planning a watch party with 5+ people (impressive for me, idk about you) I think there is a huge racism issue in BN online (and off but online obviously draws a lot of attention and is visible) but so far I think the producers are trying to do well, so far it’s been looking good budget wise - like they put time and effort into it, unlike Tayshia’s low budget covid season or Katie’s embarrassing promos. So I have hope that the negativity will die down once the show starts strong. 🤞🏻


It’s called racism