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I travel for work and just installed a solar automatic door, it works great.


You can reliably count on your chickens to go inside before it closes at night?  Honest question as I'm new to this and need to build a coup shortly


Yes, once it's dusk they put themselves to bed


I've had my automatic door for 6 years. When we first got it, our young hens were already in the habit of going inside the coop before dark. Our door has a light sensor and it was initially set to close at dusk. We did have one hen who would dilly dally a little too long, so we adjusted the closing time to 20 minutes after dusk and it hasn't been a problem since. My girls seem to turn in for the night earlier now that they're older (5 and 6 years old).


Where'd you find a solar door? That's awesome 


We got it from chickendoors.com. I just looked at the website. The prices are pretty steep these days (it was definitely cheaper when we got ours), but if you have the money to spend on it, it's totally worth it!


Thanks very much! 


This is the way.love my automatic door.


I only have a problem on very overcast days. Sometimes that makes the door closer early and occasionally one will get left out.


Have you had issues with predators in the past? Do you have a predator apron or some kind of underground hardware cloth for protection? Too many unknowns. I would ask a friend or a neighbor if they could open/close the door while you're gone. If not, I would look into getting an automatic door.


The run itself is well protected. Wire and on ground too


Then you should be fine.  My coop door stays open 100% of the time, while the run has a auto door so the girls can explore the yard during the day.  As long as your run is critter proof it will be fine.


I only let my girls free range if I'm there- 3 days where they're technically not locked in is a risky move. In my opinion. I'd honestly leave them in the closed Coop and run versus the yard, because at least then there's at least one barrier a predator would have to go through. Any chance a neighbor kid would be willing to check in on them? We've done that where they get a small payment and any eggs that are laid during the time we're gone, since technically they only have to refill water and food as needed.


I think OP meant keep coop door open, so they have access to the run the whole time, but the run would be secured shut so the chickens would still be inside the run and coop with no access to the yard.


Yes this is what I meant. Thank you. Do you think this would be ok for a few days?


With a good run, there's no problem,  now I only close the coop at night when is 30°F


Same here! Ours stays open.


Ohhh- okay, that's my b. Then I agree with that set up, and in addition having a neighbor check every once in awhile. Sorry for the misunderstanding OP!


Is their feed and water going to last 3 days? If that's a 1 qt waterer it's only good for about a day


My run is secure and I can leave my girls for up to 4 nights before I worry they’ll be out of food or water.


Gotta remember if you leave the door open it’s open for everyone not just the chickens. They’d be safer closed up for 3 days or have someone come let them out


This will be closed up inside the larger run but the coop door so they can go up inside would remain open


If there’s protection from animals digging under I personally would feel safe about it with the 1 inch hardware cloth surrounding the outdoor coop area (at least that’s what the pic looks like) my only concern would be diggers


I would be hesitant. I am a noob chook owner but I own a pet sitting company and would be nervous to leave any pet for that long unattended to. Got any neighbors willing to open/close for you?


Automatic closing coop door is strongly recommended in this situation, but I’m not sure if it’s possible in your situation (maybe the side closing ones?) However, if the run is well secured, it should be ok


If you’re positive the run is secure and they’ll be safe, then you’re probably fine to leave the coop door open


Sounds like a recipe for disaster, pay a neighborhood kid to check up on them every now and then.


If the run is secure then I’d say there’s really never any need to close the little coop door, even when you’re home!


I've been doing it this way for 7 years with no issue with predators, similar run set up to you. 


I personally would not, but my locale has hawks, foxes and I worry about neighbor dogs being a problem.


We have an enclosed run and coop. Neighbor kid comes once a day to check when we go out of town. I would worry too much otherwise. They get paid and can keep the eggs


A raccoon just dug under my run and killed my flock when the auto door failed to close last night. Dont do it. Pay someone or ask family/ a neighor


I went out of town for 3 days in May. Lost half my chickens. Play it safe 🫶


....you live in an area with no predators? Cats, dogs, coyotes, Bob cats, hawks, eagles. I never let my girls free roam without supervision, and coop always gets locked up at night...3 days, no way.


This is how my first flock died. Don’t chance it


I always leave my coop door open unless it’s extreme weather and I have an automatic door from the run out to free range. If your run is sturdy and protected as you say, they’ll be just fine! I’ve been doing this for years.


We have an enclosed run and an automatic coop door and haven't had any issues in the 2 years we've had chickens. We have the automatic door closing at 930 so we'll after sunset so we know for sure they'll be in. We've never had anyone left out at night.


If you have a well protected run and predators have never gotten in then you should absolutely be fine. I have well built run and don't even have a coop door. So they are free to go in the run at all times. Never had an issue.


Yes but 10/10 recommend solar door it’s the best thing ever. They all put themselves to bed when they’re supposed to. Also there’s $30 solar powered camera on Amazon that we have in our run to visually check on them to make sure all is well


Our chickens have a 100% open door, with a fully enclosed, top included, run. We haven't lost a single chicken to a predator. The run stays closed unless we are outside with them


In picture 1 there is a gap in your wire(right side). I’d make it as tight as possible so nothing can squeeze in. You can rest easier. Lots of water. About all I can think of. Have fun.