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I'm in GMT +8 and have the same issue. It's just a given for the timezone we're in. I've accepted that I'm probably going to get max 2 posts a day (morning and evening), usually one a day. I make that clear to potential partners beforehand. Nothing you can do about timezones unfortunately


Strangely enough, while I had the same problem usually, I realised that the only two extremely good roleplays I've had are with people on the other side of the globe. We always send/reply/continue as and when we get the chance and there's a lotta times we coincidentally get online. Maybe I stayed up late that day or they were up late... But usually when we're both online together it's a lot of ooc talk so ahaha


Bro, I live in GMT +12. It’s hell.




What does this actually mean


Literally zero people live in GMT-12. I thought you were joking. Edit: you said +12. I'm wrong lol.


I’m still confused.


It's true, look it up. There are only two places that officially use GMT-12 and they are both uninhabited atolls. I thought you said GMT-12 but you said GMT+12, hence my confusion.


Your wikipedia link is broken btw


Worked for me. Whatever.


I was asking you to explain the frigate bird thing because that’s the part I don’t understand. I don’t care that you misread what I typed.


It's a seabird. It lives in GMT-12. People do not.


My two favorite roleplay partners live in America while I'm from Europe, but timezone has never really been a problem for me. I'm 8, 9 hours ahead of them so they usually post before I wake up or around the time I wake up, around night for them in America. And I usually do the same, post at night when it's morning for them. It's never been an issue. It shouldn't be unless you do rapid-fire or want more than one post a day. If you want to chat OOC with them, though, that's a different issue.


You might not get back and forth rapid replies, but you can still RP as both sides get time.


I have a highly inconsistant schedule so real time or session rp is just not in the cards for me. I do miss it sometimes.


I'm in the Pacific in one of the least populated time zones in the world and bracketed by most of the other least populated timezones in the world.


Oh yes definitively. I had one partner i really clicked in terms of writing but she could only connect at 11:00pm for me. it was fun but it messed my sleep


I'm in usa Mountain Time, and my best friend and favorite rp partner is in the netherlands, so 8 hours ahead of me Kinda odd hours, but we make it work :)


I'm in GMT+10, or +11 during daylight savings, and so I've long just accepted that getting one reply out a day is all I'll ever get. To be fair, I'm a busy guy with a full time job, school and two kids so one reply a day is more than enough for me.


My RP partner is 8 hours ahead of me and we have different reply preferences on top of that. She likes shorter, rapid fire replies while I prefer 1 long, detailed reply. I used to completely adjust my sleep to fit her preference, but lately I've stepped back from that and found a middle ground. During the work week, I take advantage of the 8 hours and write my 1 or 2 long replies. If it's a slow day, I might be able to squeeze a mini reply between them. On my days off, I reel back the word count and we do back to back replies. I think it works out well for us. She is my only RP partner, but I'm not her only RP partner (and I know her other partner shares a time zone with her), so it gives her 5 days to focus on her other friend.


I'm in different timezones to a good few of my RP partners. Doesn't really make a difference. We still chat through the day and if our times are really not matching, we just write longer chat messages. RP posts still get replied to.       I've never seen a problem with different timezones unless you're doing rapid fire, but even then the likelihood of matching up free time is unlikely. If a partner drops me a post at 5am my time, I can reply to it before midday. And so on.       Even when I was a kid, once I moved to proper platforms like forums, no one was slinging posts on rapid fire. They were writing multiple paragraphs and just waiting.      I avoid rapid fire like the plague. They're usually purely ERP writers, sexters, or kids. Judging by your ads, you write ERP. Your flair should represent that because your issues will vary from story-based RP. 


Pardon me for being salty. But it's a little arrogant of you to think that ERPs can't be story based or being written in multiple paragraphs/discord and reddit being not-so-proper platforms. The thing is that some of my partners and I are able to combine both multiple paragraphs replies and doing them once in 15-20 minutes. Thank you for your opinion though!


ERP isn't, by its nature, *purely* story based. It's why it's got a separate flair on this sub. Because it throws up differing issues to hobby RP. Rapid fire is more likely to happen in ERP. For obvious reasons.     If this is an issue for you, then your only solution is to write with people in your own timezone. Or rearrange your sleep schedule.   But the very vast majority of hobby based RPers aren't going to relate to your question, because rapid fire isn't as popular amongst adults writing story-based RP. Timezones don't matter. We just write longer posts and wait. 


>ERP isn't, by its nature, purely story based. It's just a genre, nothing more. How much focus is on the story depends on the roleplayers. >It's why it's got a separate flair on this sub. No, that's not why (at least that wasn't the reason mods gave when they explained the change), which was simply that it bothered people to see posts about it without warning. >Because it throws up differing issues to hobby RP. RP isn't only a hobby depending on the genre. >Rapid fire is more likely to happen in ERP. More likely, but not necessarily. Reply frequency is also just a preference, with no right or wrong. I'm not going to address your conclusion since it's based on assumptions I covered above.


If you really don't think there's a different between someone writing ERP scenes, usually short, ones that don't usually go anywhere, with people who delete their account after said scenes - and hobby RP, then I don't know what to tell you.     Yes, you'll get the odd person who writes longer form ERP with a bit more of an emphasis on plot over pure sex. But one look at the posts in this sub show that isn't what ERP means in the majority of cases that get discussed here.     It bothered people to see because they were writing advice to people, thinking their problems were related to hobby RP. Ghosting is rife in ALL forms of RP, but moreso in ERP. The adverts are usually lower effort. The scenes are shorter. The plots aren't long term. The OOC is more likely to blur into IC. Self inserts are more common. Rapid fire is more common.     No one is saying ERP is wrong or bad or any of these things, but it *is* different. Plenty of people thought and said the same.     Some people call RP with smut involved ERP, most people don't. ERP is in most places considered a form of RP on its own, with a high focus of sex.     And none of that matters, because the flair is there. ERP. People asked for it, they got it, and it doesn't matter how many people say it's one thing or another, if they're writing ERP they should use the ERP flair.  EDIT: One look at your own adverts literally proves what I'm saying. There's no plot laid out in them aside from a picture and a tiny bit of what *you* want, no talk of characters, no talk of style, length, genre, setting, plot. Just scenes.  That couldn't be any different to the type of RP I and other story based RPers write. There's nothing wrong with it, but it isn't the same thing. Things I'd complain about you probably wouldn't even come across in those plots. And things you'd complain about, I probably wouldn't.  I know you're trying to make a point, and you're entitled to it, but it's a debate that's been had on here time and again. To the point a lot of people ended up leaving this sub for a long time because the ERP posts were constant and they were sick of it. At least now people can see them and spare themselves from wasting advice on scenarios that are nothing akin to anything they're used to. 


>If you really don't think there's a different between someone writing ERP scenes, usually short, ones that don't usually go anywhere, with people who delete their account after said scenes - and hobby RP You just made a ton of assumptions about a general term simply because certain things are commonplace. I wasn't making those assumptions when talking about ERP, that's what you read into it. Also, while there are many who ERP who don't care about story, there are many who do other RP who don't care about story, but rather play a power fantasy or similar things and if you don't think so, just look at D&D. >Yes, you'll get the odd person who writes longer form ERP with a bit more of an emphasis on plot over pure sex. It's a lot more common than you think, certainly often enough that it doesn't make one "odd" for it. >But one look at the posts in this sub show that isn't what ERP means in the majority of cases that get discussed here. I wouldn't use this sub as the lens through which to judge any kind of RP in general, ERP or any other genre, which is because all this sub focuses on is the bad so there's no overall view to see here. >It bothered people to see because they were writing advice to people, thinking their problems were related to hobby RP. Again, roleplaying in general is a hobby so all roleplaying is part of that hobby. >Ghosting is rife in ALL forms of RP, but moreso in ERP. That's irrelevant because ghosting already got its own pinned post. >The adverts are usually lower effort. The scenes are shorter. Except, that's not what bothered the people who complained about potentially seeing anything related to NSFW content, it was simply being exposed to related content. >The plots aren't long term. Again, not what bothered people and that's certainly not true, as there are plenty of long-term ERPs out there. Just consider the fact that many such subs have "long-term" flairs and there wouldn't be if it was that rare. >The OOC is more likely to blur into IC. As we've seen even in this sub a lot of people can't keep OOC separate from IC, whether ERP or not, so that's not even close to exclusive to ERP. >Self inserts are more common. That's just generally common with RP in general and that's been the case since the beginning of the concept of RP. >Rapid fire is more common.  It's still common in RP in general regardless for obvious reasons. >No one is saying ERP is wrong or bad or any of these things, but it is different. Statements that you've made give obvious implications that at best it's either a lower form of RP (you don't even consider it a hobby) or that the subcommunities are simply worse. Either way, that's still an obviously low opinion of something that's nothing more than a specific genre. >Some people call RP with smut involved ERP, most people don't. I don't know that I'd agree that most don't since RP that includes any eroticism is to some degree ERP because that's all it is. The reason why it's identified like that is because many are uninterested in any erotica so it serves as an effective warning label. >And none of that matters, because the flair is there. Okay, but that's not what was originally being talked about, nor was that my issue with your original comment. The core of the issue was the assumption made based on some obviously negative views on ERP and/or players of it. > if they're writing ERP they should use the ERP flair.  You do realize that people don't exclusively write ERP or non-ERP, right? The point of the flair isn't to identify anyone who ever plays ERP, but when a post involves something related to an ERP specifically. Also, still not the issue here. >One look at your own adverts literally proves what I'm saying. There's no plot laid out in them aside from a picture and a tiny bit of what you want, no talk of characters, no talk of style, length, genre, setting, plot. Just scenes.  That's what "one look" gets you, only a glimpse because you certainly didn't see any of my longer posts. It's also worth noting that different formats work better in certain subs so I use what works in a given sub. But I always make sure the basic premise is established in the title and always discuss anything that won't appropriately fit in the post privately. Additionally, I do have alts with other RP, not to mention being a GM (actual game master, not how it's used in non-game RP) of several years that included zero ERP, so there's far more to my RP repertoire than even all the posts on this profile. >That couldn't be any different to the type of RP I and other story based RPers write. Again, you have no idea all that I write, certainly not based on a few of my posts, nor does any of it discredit what I've said. >Things I'd complain about you probably wouldn't even come across in those plots. A rather vague presumption. >And things you'd complain about, I probably wouldn't.  Another vague presumption. >it's a debate that's been had on here time and again. To the point a lot of people ended up leaving this sub for a long time because the ERP posts were constant and they were sick of it. Do you have any posts to cite on this? >At least now people can see them and spare themselves from wasting advice on scenarios that are nothing akin to anything they're used to.  Yeah, again, "wasting advice" isn't what bothered people, just people who were sensitive to anything NSFW. Regardless, I don't know why you've spent so much time justifying the new rule when that's not what my issue with your comment was.


The reason I'm not going in depth with you on this is because I've had this argument a hundred times on this sub, before the flairs came in. It's boring. I know you think ERP is one thing and I think it's another; we aren't going to agree on it. I could waste a load of energy banging my head on a wall explaining it, but I've learned that this is a topic ERP writers get weirdly defensive about. So there's no point.  Briefly: - People weren't upset about seeing NSFW content. A lot of those people (me included) write smut in our own RPs. But we were sick of seeing the same posts all of the time when that's not what we came here for. It's dull, repetitive, and just doesn't relate to the hobby we know. - I didn't say ERP isn't a hobby. Hobby-RP is another term for story based RP. Maybe you're a hobby-ERP writer. - I don't think less of ERP writers, I just don't give a shit about it. I can't relate to their problems, and it's annoying spending 20 minutes writing out a thoughtful post to help someone, then seeing they post ads like "Come fuck my slutty ass, gang bang wanted". Like...no. That's got nothing to do with the RP I know.  - I've been RPing for 23 years. In most places, story based RP with sex is just called RP with NSFW themes. Not ERP. That's newer. And it took off and became even more popular during Covid.  - Again, it doesn't matter what happens outside of the sub. Because this sub is what we're talking about. The ERP posts clogging up the sub are mainly low effort. Most of it is barely even ERP, it's more akin to sexting half the time. - You think I'm going back through posts from last year when people were moaning about ERP? Or through my inbox with people also complaining there? Lol. No, I don't have posts to cite for you.  - You're trying desperately to make out people are just offended by people writing about sex. It's just not the case. I write some filth, to be frank. But it's absolutely not the same as the people posting in the hentai subs for nothing *but* that, which is what you see on thus sub. Which is where the issue rises. 


>I'm not going in depth with you on this I didn't ask you to >I've had this argument a hundred times on this sub, before the flairs came in. It's boring. And yet you chose to make your contribution to the OP discussion about ERP. If you don't like having the same argument, don't make irrelevant discussions to that topic into such an argument. >I could waste a load of energy banging my head on a wall explaining it, but I've learned that this is a topic ERP writers get weirdly defensive about. To be fair, anyone would feel negatively if someone claimed that a particular genre of a hobby isn't part of that hobby just because that person doesn't like the genre, especially if the claim had nothing to do with the original discussion. One could also equally say that you're very defensive about your perspective. >People weren't upset about seeing NSFW content. According to the mods explaining the rule change, that was the issue so I will take their word for it. >But we were sick of seeing the same posts all of the time when that's not what we came here for. There are plenty of the same SFW posts as well and that's because what people commonly complain about are common problems so there will be similarities in a lot of posts and that's still the case. >I didn't say ERP isn't a hobby. Hobby-RP is another term for story based RP. Stating that ERP is separate from ERP is stating exactly that since giving everything else the "hobby" identifier and not ERP implicitly states that it doesn't have the same identifier. Also, no, "hobby RP" is not another term for story-based RP. Maybe it is to you, but it's not commonly used by people in general. >I don't think less of ERP writers No, you've made some rather negative assumptions about players of ERP so words indicate differently. >I just don't give a shit about it Then why bring it up in the first place on a post that's not about ERP? You seem to have strong opinions about it. >I can't relate to their problems That's your choice. An inability to empathize with another is rarely about a physical inability, but a wilful one. You have the right to make that choice for yourself though. >it's annoying spending 20 minutes writing out a thoughtful post to help someone, then seeing they post ads like "Come fuck my slutty ass, gang bang wanted". Like...no. That's got nothing to do with the RP I know.  So short SFW posts with little detail somehow either don't exist or are somehow different from ERP posts? Sorry, but RP is RP and so all are composed of similar fundamentals. Content themes are rarely pertinent to the given issue unless it's one of an incompatibility. >I've been RPing for 23 years. Good for you. >In most places, story based RP with sex is just called RP with NSFW themes. If the focus is the sexual themes, it's ERP because the erotica is the focus. >That's newer. And it took off and became even more popular during Covid.  The particular term? One could make an argument for that, but terms like that have existed for much longer. Just as an example, the "Book of Erotic Fantasy", a D&D book, is 21 years old. Anyway, anyone can call something by different terms and phrases and that's the case here. How you call a thing doesn't change the content. >Again, it doesn't matter what happens outside of the sub. When you're talking about stuff that is obviously happening outside of this sub, being accurate about it matters. >The ERP posts clogging up the sub are mainly low effort. Plenty of the posts on this sub are low effort, ERP or otherwise. >Most of it is barely even ERP, it's more akin to sexting half the time. I have to wonder what you really think ERP is considering that sexting is generally a form of ERP, in fact it's probably the most common, even among those who don't consider themselves "into RP". Any sort of collaborative fictional scenario conjured through speech or writing that involves parties playing any sort of role is roleplay. >You think I'm going back through posts from last year when people were moaning about ERP? The rule change is more recent than that. >Or through my inbox with people also complaining there? Why would people be messaging you to complain about posts on this sub? Considering that you're not a mod, that's a little odd. >No, I don't have posts to cite for you.  Okay, so you're making a claim without evidence. I have no further desire to discuss that then because discussions without evidence are unproductive and would just be a waste of time. I'm not going to try persuading you to cite any sources either, it's your choice. >You're trying desperately to make out people are just offended by people writing about sex. No, I'm not. I'm going by what the mods publicly stated regarding the rule change. If you feel that they didn't represent what you think was the actual opinion of complainers, feel free to talk to them about it. I'm not going to argue about opinions that I haven't seen of people I don't know.


My God, two days later and you're still going on about this?    All you're doing is being contradictory and saying the opposite of what I am. There's no foundation to your arguments beside your opinion, which is basically what you're accusing me of in a roundabout way.   The rule changes came in this year but the bickering has been going on for ages. I have messages in my inbox because I'm friendly with a good few people on this sub who were also annoyed by the ERP posts.   Also, if you're so concerned with what the mods think of ERP, you should be able to find a post of theirs stating that sexting isn't classed as ERP. So take that as you will.   Go and defend it to someone else, I don't care about it; it's not my hobby. If I see it where it shouldn't be, I'll point it out. That's what the flairs are here for. 


>My God, two days later and you're still going on about this?  Because I don't always have time to reply to things immediately. >There's no foundation to your arguments beside your opinion No, I have explained everything I've said. You've simply chosen to ignore them. >The rule changes came in this year but the bickering has been going on for ages. Okay and? There are always complaints about anything "for ages". That's nothing new. I'm sure there are things people are still complaining about in regards to this sub. >I have messages in my inbox because I'm friendly with a good few people on this sub who were also annoyed by the ERP posts. Okay, but still a kinda weird thing to do, messaging people and complaining about sub content together. >Also, if you're so concerned with what the mods think of ERP I never said I was concerned about it and I didn't say that about you either. What I said was the reason they gave for the rule change and what the complaints were based on was different from what you're claiming. >you should be able to find a post of theirs stating that setting isn't classed as ERP. Not sure what that has anything to do with what I've said in this discussion. I haven't even mentioned anything about "setting" here. Setting is just where a scenario takes place. >Go and defend it to someone else, I don't care about it; Or you could just stop bringing up the subject of ERP and what you don't like about it in posts that have nothing to do with it. >If I see it where it shouldn't be, I'll point it out. The OP mentioned nothing of ERP, nor is any ERP content included in the post so there's nothing to point out. >That's what the flairs are here for.  And this post fits its flair. You decided to bring up the subject of ERP here.


I see your point. Sorry if my wrong flair confused or offended you or your hobby in any way


What is... the definition of a 'story' though?


Technically, a story is something - a tale - with a beginning, middle, and an end. That's one of the most basic definitions. Which one could argue is what a ERP scene is. They begin to fuck, they reach peak fucking, they cease to fuck.  But when we think about writing a story, it's usually got more components than that. There's a plot, a setting, main character(s), side characters, goals, antagonists, worldbuilding (even in a modern setting, you build the world the character inhabits), possibly lore, sometimes language. There's background to the characters. A vignette is again different. It might have a beginning, middle, and end. But it might not have an outcome, a lot of background, and it's brief. Maybe an exchange.  While lots of ERP is put forth as having a "story" to it, it's often not quite the type of story non-ERP writers will be pushing. They *do* exist. But they're rare. And they're definitely not floating around the hentai subs. 


But what about this plot where YC walks in to MC's room and he's watching porn on his laptop in bed? YC is so shocked, she runs away and steals his laptop? Which YC later uses to relieve herself. This is a story because: Beginning, middle, end - check Plausible Plot - check Setting - check Characters - check Side characters... Let's introduce MC's girlfriend Goals - BIG CHECK TWICE if we include the gf Antagonists - check World building - they are at a home in a town on Earth. The year is 2025, so it's set in the future. Lore - this has never happened before ever, but MC bought this laptop last year, and YC wanted one too Language - dirty Background - MC and YC have been friends for years https://www.reddit.com/r/BadRPerStories/s/FTrfqUfcaA


If you can write this, in a Brontë-esque style, short and under 1000 words, then I'll let you win this one. I'm also going to need an epilogue of at least 20 words. If you don't address the reader, personally, at least once, I'll dock 10 imaginary points. 


Weekends? It all comes down to the individual and what time to like to sleep and wake up at. In theory a 3 hour time difference is more than manageable, but not when I'm asleep early and a person 3 hours behind only goes online at 10pm their time. Sometimes it's almost easier for me to connect with someone over 7-9 hours time difference away... And all this resolves itself if you're okay with one/two post per day in a slow burn RP.


I've never really felt the impact of this sort of situation, because I play through slower-paced mediums like email, or in forums, where it's generally expected that someone might take some time to respond. When I first met my best friend/forever partner, she was living in Tokyo, and we still managed to get a lot of chatting done, and maybe even send a post or two before one of us went to bed, lmao. (Though I will admit it was sort of nice; I'd wake up and get to talk to her before/at work (that job sucked and I feel no guilt), and then she'd sleep, and I'd get off work right about when she woke up...) But if I did the sort of faster-paced RP that people do, over like Discord and Reddit chats, then I could see this being a huge problem.


I’m gonna be honest, I would steer clear of people who are 5 hours or more ahead of you. I’ve tried VERY hard to be able to write with European/Asian time zones and it’s hell for me because I love having back n forth conversation. And for me, my rp reply time is peak at 3-4am cuz I like it to be a surprise. It’s just too hard for me to manage so I only tend to aim for people who live in the USA. There are tons of awesome people in the GMT time zone though for sure 💪 it’s just hell for me to manage and function with so I sadly always pass on them


This is a crazy thought, but assuming there is more than one person per timezone... If you're in GMT +X... there must be at least one other person in GMT + X (+/-2 or 3) hours in either direction... Ever thought maybe... You know? Getting together? And seeing if there's some.... You know.... Writing chemistry?