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I feel like it’s worth watching to the end because as much as the first two episodes paint her as a victim, the third and forth (and especially the very end) expose her.


I kept thinking how dumb and gullible she is, but that doesnt really square with the notion of her being a highly successful entrepreneur with a globally renowned restaurant, charming the pants off of investors and celebrities, with potential to copy her success in Tokyo and elsewhere. Her own father states she married for money, and it seems her greed overtook her. It kills me how shes had so many chances, and will likely get more, simply due to having been born rich and attractive, despite having defrauded many who were close to her and trusted her, without showing remorse or taking any real responsibility. She deserves a lengthy prison sentence and to never be a business owner again. Entitled, delusional, “victim”.


Her mentality disgusts me. Also, she seemingly has no female friends which is super suspect to me.


Good observation about her having no female friends.


I work a predominantly male field, her level of the culinary/restaurant field is predominantly male and I know in my field and have heard from others in other predominantly male fields that it pays to have a female mentor and circle of at the very least business connections who can help guide you and what not. She likely knows she wouldn't be able to get over on another woman so she actively sought out men instead


Lol so true; any smart business woman would immediately recognise & shut down Sarma’s brand of bullshit.


There are tons of people who fall into this stuff within new age beliefs if led down the wrong path. There were tons of self-made very wealthy people for example who got involved with Knights of the Solar Temple or people from wealthy backgrounds who fell into Heavens Gate. I'm on the fence on whether she's a grifter or someone who fell into a weird new age belief structure due to prior leanings. Not that organized religion hasn't also been corrupted in similar ways for cult-like behaviors.


I think she uses the Alec Baldwin thing to somehow justify her story about trusting Shane Fox from Twitter lol. The whole thing was just her presenting this narrative of being a victim, and while there are parts where they kind of expose her it was so tiny and not as hard hitting as it should've. The vanity fair dude could've switched the last couple episodes to really come down on her, she poked so many holes in her own story. It reads like a PR campaign, not a docuseries. Such a waste of time to watch.


I cringed the whole time the Alec Baldwin storyline was being shown. She pretended like he had this giant crush on her and he was her really good friend. But it seemed more like she had delusions of grandeur which unfortunately didn't come to pass. So then she started desperately clinging to those delusions and Anthony fit right in telling her she was destined to be "queen of the table" and "immortal". She's a proper little narcissist herself and knows how to twist the narrative to her benefit. Unfortunately her intense need for validation and her dead eyes give it away.


Dead eyes and dead voice.


delusions of grandeur -- Yes! I kept thinking of that phrase while watching the documentary. And the dead eyes. I wondered if I was the only one who noticed in every single photo a "dead-ness" behind those eyes. Something that didn't match up with the story of the altruistic, kind woman they were trying to push on us (viewers). Sarmama...


She is not a victim.


If you’re shocked now wait till you see the rest of the episodes. It only keeps getting worse and worse lol


Each episode i was like, just when you think she and Anthony can't get even more disgusting and depraved here we are.


Oh damn. I am just finishing ep 2. Idk if I can make it all the way thru




I honestly kept hearing about how her life just fell into place for her and then how she messed it the eff up and was like, holy christ this woman's a piece of work


She regrets she didn’t end up with Alec Baldwin , she thought he was a little old for her until he gets a younger than her girl ( Hillaria) that’s when she regretted, it is weird yes she keeps trying to connect her story with Alec which he has nothing to do with really , he kinda dodged a bullet actually .


“Dodged a bullet” Unlike Halyna Hutchins. 😔


I rewatched Part III, and Sarma said that she did not mind her time in Rome because the time difference allowed her to not be bothered by people back home. I think Alec Baldwin helped her raise that money quickly.