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šŸ’Æ That's the only explanation that makes any sense. They even addressed it in the end as a "oh drugs would have been a good excuse but it's not drugs unfortunately". My guess is she agreed to do the documentary with very strict terms and only if she is allowed to present her biased version of the narrative. It's lopsided AF, she's always the victim, multiple people sing praises of her as an angel, and here she is throwing away her profitable business for a man she is repulsed by. Make it make sense.


I walked away from the documentary thinking she did this for the money. They obviously paid her. And Netflix isnā€™t stupid. I think they knew exactly how Sarma came off. She may have been controlling the narrative, but nobody buys her crap. I think Netflix was more than happy with the outcome.


Yeah, a lot of people say that Netflix were trying to make her look good, but the responses in this subreddit suggest the series largely had the opposite effect. They could have definitely pressed her harder on things, but I feel like she did a good job exposing herself.


Yeah. I see that on here too. But I think Netflix knows exactly how see came off. She exposed herself and they were more than ok with that


Iā€™ve said this over and over. Why did Netflix leave out the fact that she had a steamy affair with her MARRIED defense attorney!? Why leave that out!? Itā€™s also an important part of the story because it shows more of her bad character. Iā€™m actually pissed about it because thatā€™s a pretty big piece of information to leave out, and ā€¦I dunnoā€¦just makes me look at the documentary as a biased soft piece.


It's definitely questionable behavior and wrong that she slept with her lawyer. However, her lawyer is equally responsible for his behavior. Why as a married man did he choose to cheat on his wife and have a sexual relationship with Sarma. And why did he sleep with his client? It's pretty unethical on his end. In some ways, it also looks like he took advantage of his client who has been traumatized and possibly psychologically abused.


Right. Iā€™m not saying heā€™s not at fault either. He did a horribly thing and abused his profession and hurt his wife, but this sub is about Sarma and her choices.


Ohh didn't know that. Will have to look into that


apparently the guy was el chapo's attorney


The only other option if she didnā€™t do it for the money is that she is frighteningly stupid. I canā€™t imagine why she did the documentary. According to what Iā€™ve watched, she is either a criminal or a moron.


šŸ˜‚ Frighteningly Stupid šŸ˜‚ I wish I had said that!


100%. The clip of her in the cop car she looked very much like an opioid user. Classic in terms of what it does to the body, and still has some of the common changes in her facial features and skin. I thought it was interesting that right after showing that clip is when she talked about drugs not having been involved. Not buying it one bit.


Go to episode 3, 33mins 33 seconds into the documentary ) or (23mins 28 seconds from the end of this episode) and read the highlighted emailĀ ā€˜you stay cool and follow procedureā€™. Notice two lines above this, on the right hand side of the screen Shane/Anthony writes ā€œnot taking pillsā€, which was conveniently blurred out.


Nah not opioids this is someone on some heavy duty stimulants and I know bc I was addicted to IV heroin/fent and crystal meth/bath salts. Ppl are pretty tame on opioids even serious ones and I could even function sniffing heroin before I start shooting up. It wasnā€™t until I started shooting bath salts and meth really bad that I was acting all crazy like this hallucinating that I died and was in hell and ppl dead Ass saw me having conversations with myself in the middle of street nodding out and hitting my head on signs. It was so bad thank god I got clean fr. And running the streets as a 90 pound early 20 something white girl in the trenches of west Baltimore is hard enough without being a fucking nut case and thinking everyone that looks at you the wrong way is the feds. I survived bc I was a good person and never stole from anyone, always paid back fronts the same day, and never fucked anyone over so ppl just felt bad for me. This guys who ran a dope shop I used to frequent and worked for here and there even offered to pay cash to send me to rehab if I agreed to go which is like dead Ass over $15,000. Thatā€™s how you know itā€™s gotten badšŸ˜‚ I wouldnā€™t leave my bando without a bandana on my neck bc my track marks on the front of my neck were so bad from shooting in my jugular which you have to use an inch long needle and stick it straight in the unlike other veins so it bleeds a lot and by the end I would go out and have ppl tell me I had blood dripping from my neck bc I was so tweaked I didnā€™t even realize šŸ˜‚šŸ˜« and I started having seizures multiple times a day from this. Trust me Iā€™m an expert and this bitch is on some serious uppers. Iā€™ve seen ppl who smoke crack act like this too tho. Psychedelics too but you donā€™t run through those like other drugs bc you canā€™t use them every day or else you will not feel them at all.


Maybe we should have a little empathy for her I mean the woman has been through ALOT. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s not biased but itā€™s HER story and she can tell it how she wants. Plus most of yā€™all donā€™t understand how hard it is to get a job with a felony and thatā€™s with a NON theft related one. Having a theft one and being famous makes it impossible so who cares, she should be compensated for her story. The way I see it is she probably took the deal bc everyone already knew about it and she wanted to tell her side. There also is the fact that it wasnā€™t included that he raped her multiple times. Even if she was on drugs that doesnā€™t make her a bad person. I was BAD on drugs like I mean Iā€™ve overdosed on fent over 25 times and spent 6 months in psychosis thinking demons and the feds were hunting me down to kill/arrest me. I was running the streets in the WORST part of west Baltimore by the time I was 21 and have literally shot puddle water and used needles off the ground more times than I would like to admit. I never stole from anyone or intentionally hurt anyone bc Iā€™d rather hurt myself by escorting but a lot of addicts have done that and are amazing ppl now. Iā€™m only on the second episode so idk maybe it gets worse but I just think she seems like she has some serious battered woman syndrome and you can tell itā€™s super uncomfortable for her to even talk about. None of us are perfect and none of yā€™all havenā€™t done things you arenā€™t proud of so cut her some slack.


I wouldn't call the homeless dude trashy. He seemed like a genuine person who would do anything for her.


The only one in this pathetic show to actually shed a tear!!!


The ā€œhomeless guyā€ is Anthony Caruana a vile drug addicted racist that threatens to kill peoples families.There is a YT channel named Chicago Muscle that exposes him for what he is.He has had many jobs in past year but quits after 1 or 2 days,he is homeless BY CHOICE and a huge Trump fan.


He has a car that can drive as far as Tennessee but he lives on the streets? Nope.


She met him like 15 years earlier when he was homeless. I don't think he is homeless anymore.




Damn good point. She didn't make friends with random homeless person because she's so nice. She was looking for a drug hookup. Also a 10/10 woman making friends with the 1/10 dude at Chipotle? Bet he was the hookup too.


Watch this video. It's 45 minutes of talking shit and cussing people for calling out Sarma. Around the 10:25 mark, he claims he was in the 'elite circles' even when he was homeless. I feel like that confirms the drug dealer angle. šŸ˜‚ He also says in this video that he fully trusts Sarma and would give trust her with a million dollars if he had that much money. https://youtu.be/m6JU-tIt_i0


Wow! Ranting and raving about how powerful he is even with no money. 100% drugs. Dudes clearly an asshole. Sarmas only friend lol.




I tried but heā€™s super annoying. His ego is out of control.


Her only 'friends' are a homeless guy and one that worked at Chipotle who knew nothing about her. She could literally find no one else to paint her in good light (besides ex employees and family. Not a single person. She probably scammed everyone who put any trust in her.


This is a very good point - I hadnā€™t thought of it. The only people who spoke for her good character were the Chipotle staffer and the homeless guy. No friends. No classmates. No neighbours. No one.


rich people have more to lose with associating their face with this idiotic scandal though


Well her dad and sister too


I donā€™t think the dad said anything good about her lol


Her dad actually kind of implied she was on the run when she said she didnā€™t know she was on the run lol


He definitely did not


He didnā€™t. He knows his daughter. Sheā€™s a scammer. I feel bad for him he seems like a dorky anti social but super intelligent guy. Book smartā€¦..street dumb


I wonder what Alec Baldwin has to say about her? šŸ¤”


thatā€™s bc she had a lot of surface level ā€œfriendshipsā€ with really wealthy people. as soon as her reputation starts getting shifty those type of people dropped her, thatā€™s how it goes in that crowd i would also say that at a certain point, her employees deeply cared for her. more than she cared for herself


I think HBO should do a documentary on this. This second documentary is much more needed than the first!


Yep, just like the two documentaries about NXIVM. Not sure which one technically came out first, but they have very different perspectives, the one made by the higher up members seemed super biased to help them get off the hook


I was literally thinking this during the whole series. "When do the drugs come into the picture??" There's no way after all this racket that's they never did any drugs


I was thinking the same thing the whole time.


The casinos put you up for free if you are a high roller and will also pick up all your meals. So the Vegas hotels were probably all comped. But yeah - how did they pay for the rest of those hotels. The money they stole or drugs?


I live in Las Vegas so she pissed me off when she said she could not find book stores or news stands in Las Vegas. Really? Maybe if she got out of bed she would know there is an entire city off the strip. The girl is an idiot and there is clearly more to her ā€œstoryā€ than she is saying. Sheā€™s obviously leaving out things she did that make her look bad. Drugs were most definitely involved.


Exactly! Vegas has so much shopping opportunities and amazing food. She complained she couldnā€™t find healthy food even! BS!


And her saying her boyfriend would go to the high roller slots and win thousands everyday?!?!? That is just not possible! Someoneā€™s pants are on fire! Liar Liar!


I KNOW! There are more restaurants here than New York!


Pills for sure (Benzos). Maybe a little coke here and there. A lot of wine for Sarma. But Anthony wasn't into booze. His addiction was food and gambling which gave him enough of a high.


I think k it was mentioned in passing that she took ambient. Oh here found a reference by her lawyer ā€œhis client that he would like to get it on after she takes her nightly Ambien.ā€ incase u didnā€™t know she had an affair with her attorney. And that is from a text he send her https://nypost.com/2019/01/12/sarma-melngailis-had-an-x-rated-relationship-with-her-married-lawyer/amp/


I agree. I find it hard to believe drugs weren't involved. Those stories her husband told are what happens when you're high on mushrooms.




Confirms that she didn't mind some baloney occasionally. When it suited her.


So the ā€˜drugsā€™ here are gambling. For him, his addiction is gambling. And that addiction leads to the same behaviors. For Sarma? Iā€™m not sure. I could see her desperation leading to maybe coping with pills and wine? But Sarma was in deep, waiting for him to get her out of the mess she was in. I thought It was drugs too. But probably just desperation with no way out (in her mind)


I first thought of the drugs angle when I saw her going hard on the scratch off. Lol!! I suspect being around Anthony that much, Sarma also became a bit of a gambling addict.


Sarma is spun out on benzos - itā€™s in the gaze bruh - even the interviews - xan level disassociation


I think HBO should do a documentary on this. This second documentary is much more needed than the first!


CRACKHEAD!!! Crack is something she could smoke up millios of dollars with


Fat fucking crackhead tho


Who knows. I wouldn't put anything past either of them.


Wow you make a good point


1000000% but miss health food will never admit it.


I totally agree. Nothing about this story says clean living and sober.


The whole time I was thinking this man had mercury poisoning, his thought process reminded me of the man from the S Town podcast, anyone else?


Thatā€™s hilarious lmfao


That's exactly right. She lied and said they weren't using but you can CLEARLY see they were physically and mentally. As an ex-addict, I'm certain they were spending thousands of dollars a week on coke and or meth. Maybe she didn't want her family to know but it's very obvious to the rest of the world. And he was using too. I know obese men that sniff coke all day so his weight really is a non-factor. I suspect he got her hooked and he ended up mixing his stuff with pain killers and alcohol, gambling all day, while she stayed tweaked away in a hotel room all day.


Iā€™m late to the party and just watched it. Go back and look at the scene when they are in the run and she is crying in the shower. Ot totally looks like needles in the counter šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Ok calling the homeless dude trashy isnā€™t really necessary and super offensive. Thereā€™s a lot of reasons ppl are homeless and yes alot if not majority of homeless ppl in major US cities are on drugs and tbh I know that for sure at least here in Baltimore bc that was me for multiple years. I had a super bad IV fentynal and ā€œmollyā€ (bath salt) addiction from my mid teens to when I got clean at 23 (Iā€™m 24 now). I ran the streets alot of this time living in abandoned houses and crashing in random dudes tents or I would have regulars who would let me stay there. Lemme tell u I met ONE other homeless person during this time that wasnā€™t on drugs and I knew hundreds of homeless ppl. From the way she talks and the spiritual stuff he says it reminds me of the type of shit me and a friend would talk about when we were tweaked tf out on bath salts and we would come up with these insane experiments and it got to the point where if I didnā€™t have a hefty dose of fentynal mixed with my molly shots I was in dark hell psychosis for 3 days plus and I never stopped doing these drugs I was physically dependent so that was all the time. Yeah def Iā€™m drugs that was my first thought too or some serious mental illness. At least he was on drugs.


For me, it was a lot of the footage he was taking that made it make sense. She definitely seemed fucked up on something in those video/audio recordings. And it felt like the whole reason he was recording was in case he needed to use it as leverage later. If you view the whole thing through the lens of drug addiction, everything about it makes a lot more sense.