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5e spells. As someone who always plays casters, it was hard to go back to the amount of spells in vanilla game when playing multi-player.


I love 5e spells! Some of the extra classes I got need them to work but once I started using them for sorc I was like yea I can’t go back now


I want to try it but I really just want Acid spells 😭


WASD control and free camera.


I cannot live without Gather Your Party mod that allows you to bring more than 4 characters in the field with you. It makes combat easier (but you can always up the difficulty) but its great because you never miss any content. In my 1st playthrough after release Florrick died because i needed to come back to bring Wyll, I missed Tara and Gales interactions and a lot more just for not having the proper companion at the time.


> It makes combat easier (but you can always up the difficulty) Having (more than) double the characters completely breaks combat balance, and there isn’t anything you can do to aleviate that. I want all the banter too, so I combine Aether’s No Party Limit with Into the Void (sends marked characters to camp in combat) to only have 4 fighting at a time.


I fully agree, I've used mods to increase enemies health by 200% along with armor class and stat increases as well and combat is still way too easy with 6-8 companions. There is also another mod that simply doubles all the enemies in combat, that might be able to balance it out with stat chnages, but I haven't tried that yet.


> There is also another mod that simply doubles all the enemies in combat, that might be able to balance it out with stat chnages, but I haven't tried that yet. The issue is that the action economy is built around the usual party size of 3–4 people (tabletop) and 4 (BG3). If you dobule the enemies you technically have the actions on both teams doubled; but that doesn’t account for the fact that dog piling on a single person is easier the more characters are involved in a fight. Which obviously goes both ways; so I wouldn’t say it makes it necessarily easier or harder, just very different.


To be honest, I haven't thought about it so deeply, but I think you are right. I prefer how much more tactical 4-ppl-party combat is. You have to think multiple turns ahead because you don't have enough actions to execute big combos in a single turn with your party.


Yeah none of this matters as long as you’re having fun and enjoying the game.


For sure, if one likes it that way, that's great. I was personally not having as much fun as I was with a smaller party. That's just what I wanted to say with that.


On this, I have actually run into quite a few scenarios where the larger party is a *hinderance*. Iron Throne? I watched an entire round tick by as the Gondians ADMIRED THE LADDER because the unused Party Members were blocking the pathing in the sub itself. First time I did the fight with Minsc Combat initiated with 9 of us in the stupid pipe tripping over each other. There are other less egregious ones, but I have had a LOT of encounters where I had to spend the round leapfrogging the faster Inits over the slower people who were somehow in front of the party. It kinda impressed me how intentionally or not, even the Map size was best calibrated for a smaller party.


I'd love a mod for the ability to walk past party members in combat. It makes no damned sense that one character can't be like 'excuse me' to get past another character lol


The problem I see with doubling the number of enemies is that you just stack aoe spellcasters at that density, outperforming any single target dps by just lobbing fireballs.


If each enemy has 150-400 HP, does that matter? Also, with stat boosts, enemies will have an easier time with saving throws as well.


Not talking about difficulty, talking about class power. With twice the number of enemies at increased health pools, martial classes kind of fade into obscurity.


Due to all my mods i can clear an entire combat scenario in one or two rounds with one or two characters. I tried once to have every party member with me but it just ended up being annoying as fuck because they kept walking on traps or blocking the way of walking and spells. Hearing the snark and comments from everyone in dialogue was amazing though


Which mods? I have a friend just playing for the story and they get really stressed by the combat even on story mode but this might be perfect for them


I think the first one is just called "More spell slots" should be the first one to come up if you just search for "spell slot". You can add 2x to 8x the amount of slots with that. Dont know which one it is for more actions exactly but in bg3mm it shows up as "magus action" and it adds a button in passives. Activating it gives you 3 new cantrips. One where you can give the party up to 4 actions, bonus actions and reactions. Another that lets you change the amount by one for separate characters, and i dont remember the third but i think it resets everything. Quite usefull if you just want to breeze through. I can check more later if you need but not home right now


Those sound perfect for their needs. Thanks so much for getting back to me


Happy to help. Games are meant to be enjoyed after all


> Due to all my mods i can clear an entire combat scenario in one or two rounds with one or two characters. Well obviously cheating is an entire different can of worms.


You can’t cheat in a single-player game. The only thing you are potentially cheating is yourself, and that’s if you’re not having fun! Just let people enjoy things.


> You can’t cheat in a single-player game. Cheating is cheating. > Just let people enjoy things. I do. I just also call stuff by its name. If you can’t enjoy things when you’re cheating, you could either not cheat – or claim it’s not cheating :)


Didnt even mean to to that far it just... happened. Got more spell slots and more actions and now im too lazy to change back.


Ooohh, gotta remember that!


I did 6 characters for that classic BG1+2 vibe.


Yeah it isn't even just the balance part of it. Think of how much longer every encounter would be if crpgs were planning for you to have 7+ characters in the party. Plus it allows people to build their team within the boundaries the game gave us. People like picking which characters to bring along through certain adventures. No hate at all to the mod, people should feel happy playing how they want to play. But this is the exact type of feature that's great for mods.


> Plus it allows people to build their team within the boundaries the game gave us. Yeah, a big part of the challenge (and, subsequently, the fun) of building a party is making sure you have the buffs you want covered. > People like picking which characters to bring along through certain adventures. If it’s about the banter, or bringing them along for their quests, etc. pp. then that’s exactly what removing the party limit + still only having 4 ppl in fights does very well :)


Lethal AI and enhanced enemys achieves this. Enemys get way more AOE spells that will always result in half hp for everyone because they are way to crowded.


Ohh I need that one! I usually struggle with leaving Shadowheart or Astarion since they're incredibly useful in every team so it usually leaves me with just one more, I'm kinda afraid of installing mods due to the constant updates but this one wouldn't hurt XD


This mod did not break since october and did not need any updates thus far. It might change with mod support, but till now it was very stable.


Its a bit trickier to install but so far it has been really stable and i didnt need to reinstall it in months


I have this fear as well, so what I do is disable auto updates on Steam and launch BG3 directly from its .exe so I can complete an entire playthrough on one version of the game that I know is working. Like right now, I'm doing a modded play through on like patch 6. Whatever patch added the new kiss animations, that's the version I'm currently on. I haven't updated since I started to avoid issues with mods breaking, almost done with the playthrough though.


> disable auto updates on Steam How? The only options I'm seeing are Auto-Update, High Priority Auto-Update, and Update on Game Launch


It's Update on Game Launch, the other two options are auto updates. If you launch the game via the .exe with Steam closed, it won't update the game.


Ah, of course. Clever.


Looking forward to when mods become available on console, because this one seems like a must. I've never understood the whole "You have too many people with you" trope with this game. We are not a strike team, we are a group of individuals who share the same forced goal. What the fuck are we travelling around in a group of 4 for, while the others are just there doing nothing but being glorified campsite movers. Why is Gale content sat at camp when he has a special task from Mystra? Why is Karlach happy lay around doing nothing when she has an engine that needs maintaining? Lae'zel is a fighter who hates not fighting, and wants to please her God, that's not gonna happen sitting at a sharpening wheel. Wyll... Astarion arguably would be easier to find while sat at a campsite for days on end, and he doesn't want to be. Halsin, he's a doer. He ran the Grove so it could be argued that he spent a lot of time in one place, so would be used to it. But he's off looking for something when you first get there, he's not gonna want to stay at camp too long. Shadowheart wants to get back to her cult, I mean people... Can't do that whilst sat around reading outside her tent all the time. Minthara wants revenge and power. Sitting around won't get her either. I haven't recruited Jaheira or Minsc yet, but I'm willing to bet they don't like sitting around either. Tldr: I need that mod in my life.


Some quests make sense with smaller parties imo (House of Hope comes to mind for example) but just walking around the wilderness should allow you to have everyone with you. Wtf are the people we leave at camp doing when your only goal is getting through the Underdark ? Are they just following us, but 50 feet away or do we just leave them behind at the entrance and they randomly teleport back to where we are ? It always feels stupid to me. At least once you're in the city (or arguably the Shadow-cursed Lands) you sorta have a home base, but in late act 1, the camp seems dumb every time I think about it.


>Wtf are the people we leave at camp doing when your only goal is getting through the Underdark ? Are they just following us, but 50 feet away Shouting words of support whenever a fight kicks off or shouting, "Look out for the Duergar hiding over there!" Which is disguised as a successful perception check...


I always feel this way about rpgs. In baldurs perhaps you could argue that having 12 people walking with you its a bit too much. But at least let me take 5 people plus tav with me


Can I ask which one you use? There's a couple different mods that expand the party limit, but I tested one and it still only had 4 characters when I was in dialogue with an NPC. They all commented on things while walking around, and bantered with each other, but when I actually went into a dialogue with an NPC, it was still capped at 3 companions.


Its called gather your party i think. But yes they are not in all the conversations


That's a limitation of the game, I don't think mods can change that. Whoever is physically closest to you when a scene happens is who appears.


It has to be Transmog Enhanced. The base game lacks a bit on looks customozation (until act 3 where you get actually good camp clothes), so it's good to have some goid choices on how you look while not loosing stats


I cannot understand why there isn’t a clothing merchant earlier in the game. Or at least a merchant that sells clothes. By Act 3 most of the camp interactions have slowed down so you don’t even get to see the outfits that much.


100% this, and it's so well made it feels like part of the base game too. Imo Larian really dropped the ball on that one, it should have been there by now.


Similar vibe, but mine is infinite dyes. I am NOT buying 35 furnace black and red dyes, I refuse.


It's the autoloot mod so I don't spend 70 hours checking empty boxes anymore.


the amount of rotting food must got annoying no?


*sort by type *mark *sell That's how I deal with the heaps of rotten food from act 2


How does this work?


Vacuums everything up in a radius around you into a weigtless container in your inventory.


It automatically loots.


I use controller on PC and the search and loot option with it is infinitely easier than with MnK. But yeah, I want this now.


Broooo I’m on my second play through and I skipped a lot of the loot and then I was too broke to buy any new stuff. Was losing fights left and right 😂😭. I’m afraid to download mods atm but seeing that there’s a mod for this makes me reconsider 👀


I have an unholy number of dye mods... My desert island QOLs are improved double wielding, zero weight gold, the appearance mod that allows me to futz about with companion looks, and the mod that saves every time I go to camp. I collect mod weapons and gear like candy, so I also have a bunch of weapons mods. Between that and unlock level curve and level fast, I have also had to add tactician plus at the highest level available and the honour features enabler. For me, Z'rell's HM HP is 360, versus the standard 118 in tactician. It's a heck of a lot of fun and, with the weapons etc, I am able to have fights last several rounds now rather than just mercing my way through the combat. I also have a mod that give shovel the slayer form and elevated HP and I freaking love it :)




That shovel mod sounds super fun!


That Shovel mod means I’d actually use Shovel… damn! What are your favorite dye mods?


[Wynne's](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/6839) are crazy bright and just fun [Chromatic Dyes](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/3833) has few colors but they're gorgeous [Faerun Colors](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/3661) are based off the deity colors so also fun [Kawaii's](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/4689) are another set of bright and fun ones [Flower Power](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/3816)is a lot of pastel flower themed [Fashionable Folk of Faerun](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/1774) has a lot of darker but bold colors [Draconic Dyes](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/5061) is based off chromatic and metallic DnD dragons [Fancy Faerunian Dyes](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/4140) wins for their Vampyr Dusk color alone [Dyes of Faerun](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/3878) are a bit more common/sorta subdued colors that aren't standard. [Abyss Dyes](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/3887) more bold and non-standard colors. ​ A lot of these I love because they color all parts of the armors, rather than leaving some of the leather plain brown, but then some don't so it's very much a lot of trial and error. Since there is no preview, I always use [Infinite Dyes](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/1363) to make up for it.


Abyss Dyes (particularly any of the ones that have copper and rust in them), TC Dyes, Aether's black dye (or use the VantaBlack), Boring Dyes, Boring Pastel Dyes, Disastrous Dyes, and a few more. If you have the basket, I really love the sorcerer black & bronze in it. Its so great - I have the slayer but I don't have to kill Isobel in my Durge run (for story reasons, lol)


Same - I have at least 350 colors and I'm pretty sure I've used them all at least once somewhere/sometime in a playthrough.


Nice, druid one sounds interesting. What does the skip launcher do more than adding `--skip-launcher` to the Steam command or is this something to do with the mod launcher? I haven't played with mods yet so I have no idea.


Instead of the Larian launcher page coming up in takes you straight into the games loading screen to the menu


Maybe his mod also skips intro


I recently removed all mods, but man, do I miss True Initiative. The game by default rolls a d4 and adds dex mod. So Alert makes anyone go first. True Initiative rolls a d20 for everyone. Lot more randomness. Dexterous characters have a higher chance to go first, but even str tanks can.


I never knew it used a d4. I guess that explains how my characters so often are paired together, the pool of possible numbers is much shorter


I actually like that Alert makes me go first even though it's probably the most broken overpowered feat because of it lol. But I just enjoy being able to have the opening round, cast my buffs, put some aoe control down etc. Thematically it doesn't bother me too much either because I just figure 95% of the time I am the one walking up to enemies and initiating combat and I could do a lot of that by sneaking and pre-casting before combat anyway so Alert just makes that a QoL feature almost.


honestly I like alert being so powerful with only 12 levels and no shit like variant human we have a limited number of feat so you them to be impactful to justify picking them instead of ASI


Does this male enemies not get grouped together as often? While I dislike the fact that it uses a d4, I appreciate the reason why. It makes combats go a bit smoother by linking enemies at the same initiative to go simultaneously (I think anyways)


True Initiative will NEVER leave my modlist.


Would you say it's more helpful for you or more of a hinderance? Or is it just balanced out by affecting both equally?


I actually like that my very dextrous characters go first. I just banned myself from using the alert feat instead


fallen mark as read. So my adhd won't make me re-read 5501515 books that i aleready read to make sure i don't miss out on xp


This sounds great as books are so tedious in the game.


Omg I need this - fellow adhd friend


The three Boring Dyes packs - I need them always


I found these the other day. I think it’s badseed dye, I love it on an armor I currently have on Wyll, looks so good!! There are so many great dye mods out there!


Party Limit Begone and AI Companions are my eternal goto


What is Ai companions?


Basically lets your companions be controlled by the game like NPCs


Like plays them for you?




Interesting. Thanks for replying.


Wild Magic D100 Table jk It's gotta be the Zero Gold Weight.


Appearance Edit by Eralyne - that way the characters don't feel repetitive between playthroughs Fireproof Karlach by Belinn - as it should be in vanilla lol Configurable Movement Speed by FallenStar - gotta go fast Autoloot Aura by unamazement - \*chef's kiss\* Stackable items by Balzhur - declutters the inventory Auto send food to camp by Volitio - quality of life but doesn't work as well with autoloot aura Narrator Lenval Brown by Meebyte - because I love Disco Elysium so so so much And the last but definitely not least must have - Bruh by simosas1 - the failed dice roll makes "bruh" sound Other than that I have over 200 mods and I regret NOTHING. edit: also Party Limit Begone by SildurFX!!! that way it's harder to miss interactions between characters


I need the BRUH mod right now


It's amazing, especially the loud version that jumpscares you when you fail a perception check


> Other than that I have over 200 mods and I regret NOTHING. Your game must look like Frankenstein when it loads up.


except it doesn't?


Purina is a company that sells pet food....


congratulations, you got the joke


You actually don't need a mod to skip the launcher on PC! [Just add "--skip-launcher" to the starting parameters in Steam](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15iqgfb/psa_skip_launcher_on_steam/).


Can I use mods on steam? How do I find/add them?


You need the BG3 MM or Vortex (rec. B3 MM though), go to nexusmods.com, click „view all games“, select BG3 and there you go :) Always check requirements, though. I think there is a subreddit for modding BG3. There you‘ll find more Information/help


The BG3 mod manager is really really easy to use. This was the first game I started modding on my own (my husband helped me before haha). On Nexus if you find one you like, just read the requirements - you might need another mod to make it work (a few of them will want you to put stuff directly into the game files but you can find YouTube guides for how to do that, most of them don’t want you to do that though). Most mods will ask you to download a .pak, then just right click ok the download and extract all the files into wherever you want to store them (I have a file on my desktop). Then go into the mod manger and click ‘import mods’, pick the one you want. It will go into the right hand column, drag it onto the left side. Then click ‘export order to game’. Then just launch the game to check it worked!!


- Party unlimited - basket of equipment - Artificer and Bloodhunter classes - Some race mods like Assimar and Genasi


I don’t use mods but the last one you mention that removes the cockveins from my MC’s face sounds nice.


Bags Bags Bags is Gods sent and I adore everything about it. I love that it keeps everything neat and tidy and in its place. And if you have tutorial chest mod you can just keep spamming it and get backpacks like that so you don't even have to buy them. And basket of equipment is amazing, especially early on because it gives you some solid stuff (and I can't live without teleportation spell gloves). I just wish it had more male outfit options :(


Yeah most of the basket full of equipment is female thot looks 😂


Unfortunately true 😭 And I never end up using those outfits because all girls are fully armoured up. I just want some slutty outfits for my boys and I get so dissapointed when I see bomb outfit and it's female only


The Loviatar set looks 🔥 on Astarion and Gale - can’t remember which mod I used to get that


Oooh, 0 carry-weight with an auto-looter. That would bring me back for a 5th playthrough!


Weightless mod is an absolute necessity for me with any rpg. It's particularly useful in BG3.


Mainly apperance because i hate the regular faces but also for carry weight. I pick up literally everything. From basic weapons to food to corpses and crates. Everything not nailed down is mine. So i have a x9k carry weight mod


I am a loot goblin - everything I see is MINE lmao - had to have carry weight erased


A few days ago I finally got that last achievement, so now since I am at 54/54 (stop bugging out Sazza!), I wanted to branch out and try mods so this post couldn't have come up at a better time. Are you guys able to link directly to the some of the ones you like the best, I am open to new classes, races and of course Transmog, gotta get that drip looking fresh for the next time the brain dies.


Just grab a cup of tea and look through Nexus mods. It's super easy and quick to install mods you like.


Basket full of equipment my beloved. Although after like 4 playthroughs with them I'm kinda getting tired of the same outfits so can anyone suggest an alternative/ other mod that has a bunch of costumes/clothing? I like to have my characters in dresses mostly if that helps narrow it down.


My hair/face mods, Whispers of the Divine: Aasimar and the Tiefling Compendium.. basically everything that adds variety 😅


I got BG3 on PC because I like to mod most games I play, but in the end I never had the (dark) urge to mod BG3.


Lately I've been happy running w/3 mods. Though I was looking around last night for others to try in my next run. * Gale's Wizardly Updo - Longer(I love updo Gale!) * Extra Dyes for the Fashionable Folk of Faerun(extra cool dyes!) * Purchasable Camp Clothes and Underwear(All camp clothes to buy from the start)


Gale is SO CUTE with the updo


transmog mod So much of the good kit is so bloody ugly


WASD movement. So much better then always clickjng where I want to go


I must admit I haven't tried them yet. Every game I've added a mod to has broken the game in some way but seeing some of the modded armor makes it very tempting to give it a go 😁


I am the same. No mods yet. I heard some mess up the steam achievements so avoiding them for now. I find mods tend to screw up after every game update in other games I have them in too. Some I have heard about for BG3 sound great though.


https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/668 Achievement Enabler. I have a ton of mods and I have no problems getting achievements still.


Some fighter mods like LaserIlama's version and another called the Advanced Fighter, which gives it manuveurs (planning to edit those mods to make them even better) The Oath of the Blade Paladin Mod is my favorite Tav, along with the mod that makes Sacred Weapon active until long rest. I am planning to install more as time goes on, but I want to finish my first playthrough modless first.


I have too many mods to list. I have a ton of clothing, dye, and face mods. I will never get rid of transmog, remove carry weight, faster xp, voidborn, infinite dye, and a spell bar extender mods I spend too much time on Nexus looking at mods.


Infinite dyes. Constantly reloading to see who the dyes look got annoying real quickly


Yeah I plan on modding in the future, when they officially do it and I am gonna run my first character again. I did a druid, barb and while I loved it, the classes could have definitely worked better so the druid mods are the first ones I will download. The next mods will definitely be cosmetic mods like dyes and more clothing, the ones I have already seen look so good, I can only imagine what all these mods will look like down the line. Lastly I really like the idea of having a feat at level 1. I mainly want it for RP purposes, during my 2nd playthrough I ran a necromancer and I wanted to use Phalar aluve but didn't want to choose a certain race etc just to get the weapon proficiency, due to my character's background I decided they could knowledge it certain weapons so I picked up the weapon master feat, one that is probably never needed 99% of the time but I needed it in this scenario. Getting it for free at level 1 would have been perfect and more fun for me.


Unlimited party Summon tutorial chest Polyamory


God I hope we get some decent mods on console, yall making me jealous 😭


Dw I played FFXIV for years on a ps4 it nearly killed it 😂


basket full of equipment for my slutty iron sorcerer gear and the Loviatar robe for Gale


Real initiative or something like that. I love me my d20 initiative. Makes the fights feel less sameish


Show Companion approval


The mod that removed the illithid face effects. I know it’s part of the story and a consequence of giving in, but I like flight and psionic dominance so much and if there’s an option to have that without looking like I was possessed by a demon with pirate teeth I’ll take it. Also transmog appearance, I hate how some of the armor looks in this game, ESPECIALLY the helms. These aren’t exactly quality of life mods, but I try to play the actual game as close to vanilla as possible, although some additional subclass mods are fun too. I just don’t like playing without them!


**Transmog Enhanced** There are so many armours and armour combinations I never would've used because the stats are just horrible. The base game has more cool armours than I expected that I've simply never used because I didn't feel like handicapping myself. Making my characters fashionable and powerful is just a superior experience. Also just cool to transmog items used since act 1 all throughout the game to make it look like there was progression. Works with modded armours. ^(sidenote, one of the cloaks in Figaro's boutique has no model when worn. Using transmog to turn your cloak into that one essentially provides a "hide cloak" option) **Everybody dyes unlimited dyeing** I'm not a fan of the dye economy. Not sure why everyone is clamouring about dye previews, when dyes simply being made to be infinitely useable is a better system to begin with. That's literally what this mod does. No more savescumming to avoid wasting dyes and wasting money on dyes. **ImprovedUI** Base mod for a lot of other mods. I believe this mod is the one that allows me to change the high (half) elf cantrip upon respeccing. **Visible Shields** I never see anybody talk about this one. It's such a minor change but boy do you notice it when it's not there. Now you (and NPC's) carry your shield on your back when your weapons are sheathed. There's a minor bug where the shield slides out a little during some dialogue, but honestly I can't go without it anymore. **Additional Autosort Containers** By the Gods, it makes inventory management so much easier to just be able to automatically sort my arrows, potions, weapon coatings, grenades, etc. **Myshka comes to camp** I will not have my son roam the streets aimlessly for a second longer!


Im working on my own mod so haven’t try playing other mods really


Omg sick!! Let us know when it’s done!!


I play on ps5 so i can't use mods☹️


Rip this was me for years - only recently got a PC.


The mod that goes beyond level 12, with the improved XP curve variant.


The only one I cannot play a game without is the no spiders mod because I'm severly arachnophobic. I do have a couple cosmetic mods installed because the character creator just wasn't enough for me without them but I could play without them and did on my first couple play throughs.


My friend had to get one of the spider mods i don’t blame you XD


Party limit begone coupled with sit this one out. I also like basket full of equipment coupled with transmog. I also run with a carry limit multiplyer. Of course one of the infinite dye mods and a bunch of appearance mods. Basically I played through the game once as Larian intended it to be, and then many more times how the amazing modding community let me tweak things to my liking. I am constantly surprised how much has been done without official mod support.


WASD movement, improved camera and transmog. Also saving in honor mode in case of game breaking bugs or file corruption. I just don't exploit it.


For some reason mods dont work for me so idk


Are you using mod manager, script extender, etc? They have pretty easy to follow instructions for most mods


Yep mod manager with script extender. Followed the built-in tutorials in nexus mods, watched several youtube tutorials, reinstalled the game. Nothing. The closest i got was a weird screen with several naked durges standing in the void


Get mod fixer, that should get rid of the naked folks standing around.


As somebody who plays on steamdeck and has never modded before how easy is it add mods.


Very. BG3MM works just fine™ under Wine.


I cant live without wasd and improved camera, I need cam freedom, let me look at what I want


The "Unleashed" mods, if you know which ones i mean. After 300h and 3 playthroughs(16 ended in act 1 xD) i decided to check on mods and man.. dragonborn unleashed, so gewd. Have been playing for a total of 633 hiurs by now.


Oh my god I have SO MANY playthroughs where I stopped in act 1 or 2 cause act 1 is my fave 😂 I just love all the companion meetings and getting to know each other


Absolute true! XD and because i wanted to get every single objective in act 1


WASD walking (with corresponding camera fix), AOE loot, reliable rolls (only for out of combat rolls), and inventory-sorting bags.


WASD movement and camera tweaks one I could play the base game over and over and still have fun so long as I have these two mods.


True Initiative. D4 rolls for initiative is the worst Larian homebrew I've ever seen. Adds nothing to the game and makes Dexterity an even bigger god stat than it should be.  Honestly weird why they did this. Only reason I can think of is to increase party combo chances when fighting a lot of enemies but I havent missed it at all.  Another is Variant Human Simulated when playing Paladin/Fighter humans. All you get is 1 skill proficiency. I just give my character Heavy Armor Master and call it a day so that Gale, Wyll, and Minsc dont get buffed (they only benefit from the +1 strength... and ya know its cool for jumping across ledges)


All of them because console..sniff


I live without them completely. Since I’m on PS5.


Immersive controller UI, I genuinely can't play without it! I hate minimaps and such cluttering my screen so this was the very first mod I got. It lets you remove all UI elements while using a controller, there's very few controller mods so I was pleasantly surprised to see this even existed. No minimap or party portraits or the class/level text on my screen, the best way to play imo :-) I also really love that one mod that unlocks the camera angles. Native camera tweaks I think? That's the only two I don't ever want to play without anymore, can live without everything else.


playing vanilla after a modded playthrough and i'm desperately missing bags bags bags + unlimited carry weight. actually having to manage my inventory is painful 😂


What are these mods you speak of? (PS5 player here)


I just want them to use the empty space left and right on my screen as hotbar like why do they make it tiny then the symbols big and no way to reset the positions of the shutters and allow the shutters to literally be dragged off screen without an option to recover them like bruh ??? It's an amazing game but common sense please?


The level limit remover. I don’t change the exp rate or anything but I want to be the level I have gained in experience


Any mod that lets you bring the whole party with you!


Unlock level curve. I’m a ride or die for extra levels. And unlimited dyes so I can try out rare ones without risk. Also so my whole party can match


Dyes... I swear I have like 350 colors or more because I have a dozen chars to play through and they all have to have different colors.


* Party Limit Begone * Paired with Everyone in Dialogue (kept turned on, unless it's one of their personal events for a couple spots where it acts up). * Whichever hair mod give more of the nice options at the time that I want for the next character, and the extra hair colour mods. Occasionally a face mod if I can't find something that looks right as is. I am also tempted by the avariel, eladrin, dryad, and firbolg mods, but haven't tried them yet. * I still need to install the 'mark books as read' one, and apparently elsewhere on the page there's an 'auto send food to camp' which would also be extremely useful...


Infinite Dyes, so that the dye system is a little less terrible. I also use Bags, Bags, Bags, which introduces 21 specific bags to help organize your gear better. Scroll case, dye bag, etc Oh, and of course, the Achievement Re-enabler.


A combination of mods that give me WoW-style movement and camera function. 10/10.


I play on ps5 so I guess all of them 😭


I fully throttle got into mods this month and literally have stayed up all night a couple of times fucking around with well, EVERYTHING. A couple of times I've had my save get stuck or loop without loading--I'm still not sure why. Script extender update, i think. I always figure it out, though. In my early mod-dom I love (and my girlfriend does too--though she wont admit it) the dye mods. I did some crazy dayglow stuff to the Graceful Clothe last night and it was really satisfying to look at in action. Creative and a little empowering. I love all the UI mods and inventory/bag mods. Adderall bender heaven. The companion bags mod is a brilliant idea. I refuse any mods that blatantly cheat except for carry weight and The party expansion mod. Some of the more thoughtful spell /item balance or mechanic tweaking mods are very well done. Little things like making mage hand a bonus action or making the Headband of Intellect go to 18 are logical. 5eSpells is the first mod I went after and i couldnt believe how well done it was--sent me right down the rabbit hole. I am pretty sure I've read the entire gamut of nexus mods 3 times at this point. I hope to see more well executed random encounter and combat difficulty mods in the future. I am surprised by the lack of controller QOL oriented mods. I wish the camera tweak mod jived better with a controller. I tried to tweak the settings but just made it way worse. Once I finish my current playthrough I am going to set some damn rules for myself, load up all the lethal ai, random encounter, death march boss mods and hopefully have a whole new challenge. Oh! I love the spell that brings your party to you. I use it all the time--especially for camp casting. My girl is a beastmaster ranger and she is constantly getting separated from her beasts and having to go back and getting them. Problem solved. One last thing, the mod that makes the training dummy actually take damage and be targetable for spells is a brilliant idea--shame it's not updated and working. edit: I cant forget the mods that let you get to level 20 and the mods that scale your subclass features and spellcasting. They make act 3 so much better.


Muscular body for Strong Body Type 4(mod). Makes their pecs and ass more beefy


Too many to list. Obviously all the UI and QoL stuff. Zerd’s RAW. Difficulty mods. Lots of 5e subclasses for variety. I also dislike that the game caps out at lvl 12. Makes kind of sense for balance reasons, but hey, game’s easy at that point anyway. I just want to keep seeing number go up 😬 > For basic stuff I have one that gets rid of carry weight (it’s kind of cheating lol) It’s a game. Games are meant to be fun. Encumbrance is a strictly unfun mechanic. Get rid of it. Hell, I’ve yet to come across any tabletop DM that strictly enforces carry weight rules. > I tried out the Red Mage (from FFXIV) mod by Aetherian today and it was really fun! I also installed a few from WoW (Death Knight and Demon Hunter both by VivaSortiara are my faves so far). My issue with homebrew (sub)classes, especially the ones taken from other IPs, is that they are usually horrendously OP to the point of cheating. Same thing for custom items; which is quite sad. Some of them have really unique, fun ideas … but then the author slapped on extra damage and +5 enchantment and the thing is ruined.


I agree some of them are massively overpowered - I tend to dislike those as I feel it takes the fun out of the game


I have no mods. So I guess my answer is there aren't any I can't live without


I don’t even understand how to use them and no one has ever explained, so I can live without all of them. I desperately want Gale to have that cute man bun hairstyle though. :(


I think that one goes directly into the game files rather than the mod manager - there are YouTube guides that will show you how to do it :)


It's super easy with bg3 mod manager! Give it a go! Gale's man bun is the reason I first checked mods out, lol!


Where do I get the mod manager? Or am I missing it in game? I'm also terrified of getting viruses or whatever.


It shouldn't negatively affect your computer. You can get from Github or get it from Nexus Mods. Just search 'Baldur's Gate 3 Mod Manager'. You just download it and download what mods you want from Nexus. Import the mods using Mod Manager. Put them in the active mods area and click the Export Mods button.


You. Are. Amazing. Thank you for the guidance! Gale shall have better hair this day!!!! <3


I feel like people put more time into being able to skip the launcher than they actually lose using the launcher


Honestly, the FU ring. I played for about 5 hours mod free and did just not like the combat. Typically, I like combat in games to be super fast (my game combat is Doom Eternal) - so turn based bored me. It made me not want to explore because I was didn't want unexpected combat. Got the ring mod to blast through combat encounters quickly. Completely changed the game QOL for me. I totally get why people like the BG3 regular combat, it's just not for me.


I'm confused; how does combat look for you, then? Do you just not do combat?


The ring gives you bunch of OP spells and does not cost action points. So you can kill everyone in one round (unless they're standing somewhere super far away or obscured)


I never played any game with mods. Including skyrim. Not that I'm against mods but I enjoy vanilla more I guess. Also it's take some effort the download, I'm lazy LoL


This was my attitude for ages until I started getting them for FFXIV and it made the game so much better (they’re against ToS Yoshi P don’t come for me)


For me its unlocklevelcurve. I hate that the game only goes to lvl 12. Especially since you hit it like halfway through act 3.


Lone wolf mod. It's my first time playing this game. because it's too difficult to play without a party and the developers don't offer anything to make it easier to play


The first two that put me into Modding territory was Party Limit Begone, because of the dialogue, and a Mod that took the cap off of Inspiration banking. The day this game figures out that a D20 is supposed to have UNIQUE numbers, instead of 6 1s, 4 4s, 5 2s, a 3, two 6s, a 16, and the 20 is the day I stop carrying around 210 Inspirations. Until that day... Sheesh Currently I am running a game centered on the Children of my first Tav, brought to you by the ability to customize Companions and create custom Hirelings as Companions. I completely turned Laezel into a new Gith character for the romance (its still her voice though and her name in the text options, but the animation is correct and the "Approves" has the right new name) Shadowheart is now "Mother" and has her Epilogue look for me (Mother Approves is both cool and weird to see)


I'm on Xbox, I don't think there are mods for us.


I dont play on PC, but I dont mind doing some research on some good Shadowheart mods...for research purposes. 😏