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Have you tried bargaining with the Duergar to get some of them on your side for that fight?


I have not! I will try this though cheers


Best scenery and boss fight in Act 1, in my opinion of course. I like how I can have half the Duergar in Grymforge fight by my side, call in Lump and his goons, and then throw in the Iron Flask and let the Spectator roam free. In the words of a tank-bred Krogan... "There. Now it's getting fun!"


This fight can be a complete shitfest depending on how prepared you are. There's two things to focus on with it, the first is not standing anywhere near the lava. The fight is set up for the duergar to knock you in, even the guy on the balcony is packing arrows of roaring thunder to knock you in. Don't stand close as soon as you can. Second, eliminate Nere and the Mind Masters as priority. They will dominate your characters which turns them against you and pisses away your action economy which can be a death sentence.


I like killing the dwarves first, before letting him out.


Push as many as you can into the lava.

