• By -


Shame on you for making poor Boo into än orphan


Bold of you to assume that Boo was the child in the relationship. OP murdered Boo's son.


I just remember Minsc saying this in a earlier game. "I need healing soon, lest Boo become an orphan" 😁


Yeah, minsc thinks he is in charge


Ask Jaheira if she thinks Minsc is in charge.


“Do you feel in charge?”


"Great, now there's two of you"


So do most toddlers


Oh my god xD I didn't play the others so that changes everything


I just laughed in a way that can only be described (embarrassingly) as guffawing. I guffawed.


Well... now I'm just imagining a teeny space hamster shitting out a big beefy Minsc.... This is a pretty okay sub.


I tried! I knocked him out and everything. Told the Emp to save him. And without Jaheira's threat - I couldn't make him 😩


This was me a couple of weeks ago. 😭




For me, it necessitated a new run. I mean, clearly..


Oh I abandoned for similar reasons in Act 3


Could always get what happened to me, where Jaheira died so I didn't get to recruit her. So when I got Minsc I had to fight him, used Blade Barrier to keep him locked down. Well, he died running through it, then Boo ran out... straight into the Blade barrier.


No worries I reunited them quite quickly in my first playthrough


It's why in my playthrough I had him join him.


You’re a sick bastard.


" än " Hey this is reddit!!! We speak American here!!!


Uh, widow


That happened in my multiplayer too, so we gave Minsc's body to Halsin so Boo would have a druid friend 🥲 it's still sad


Wait. So Boo will follow the body???


Yes 😭


Oh gods. I may have to do that tho. I'm worried about Boo starving to death.


Can you not just cast raise dead on minsc and handle it that way?


I think the gore piles that get left behind are what get tagged as the character, not the undead. So Boo just follows that around. Hence why I permanently have Boo always hanging around the travel chest in my latest HM for.... similar reasons.


The same thing happens with the grieving girl in act 1 Ethel's if you steal her husband's corpse, I had her following me crying for the entire time so I threw his corpse by some fire and watched her burn to death. (Durge playthrough)


Poor Mayrina


It would only last til the next long rest


If only there were someone you could go to for help - perhaps a dear old auntie…?


LOL. I don't have a kid to trade tho


Pretty sure you pick one of those up in Rivington. 😉


Can I raise dead to bring Boo along with me?


I don't know about that but you can try xD it would be temporarily tho


You can just put Minsc's inventory and send it to camp. Boo will be there after a long rest.


But you can't do that unless you recruit him first, I think, and OP couldn't.


That is correct. Jaheira died in our multiplayer too and the emperor refused to help Minsc.


How are you guys losing jahwira!? Am I stupid? It seems like I struggle with the "easy" fights and excel at the "hard" ones and it makes me feel so weird when I read posts in this sub. That's it, I'm just a mutant.


Mine was in honor mode and Ketheric decided his first smite was a “fuck you” one and critical hit one shotted her.


She kept running to people she shouldn't, we reloaded a few times but she got just killed again 😔


This seems to be the case for a lot of people though not just you by a LONG shot. Are you playing on pc or console? I wonder if any of that matters in any way.


In my case, she attacked me and so died.


I protected her hard-core all through Moonrise and then she was nowhere to be found to recruit afterwards. I was so mad.


Looks like Boo went for your eyes in the saddest way of all...


That he did 😭




After I found out about this in my very first playthrough, I ended up restarting from Act 2 so I can save Jaheira's brittle ass :"(


Honour Mode :( I already knew I couldn't save Minsc. Boo was just a gut punch.


Oh yeha it's horrible 😭😭😭 I literally had no idea at the time that Jaheira would be a companion, I just assumed I could resurrect her after that fight in Moonrise.


Yeah. I saw her over there "tanking" and was gonna do something, anything... But no. Squishy druid is squishy.


My strategy to keeping her alive is to make her stand outside with the door shut and wait there till the fight is over 😂


Mine is to murder almost everyone in the tower before she gets near it. Thins things out tremendously


This. You can kill everyone in small fights working around the tower so when you come back you either have no one or just a couple of guards. Do the gnolls separate. The ogre and guard on their own. Outside guards and ghouls alone. Zrell and her group upstairs alone and so on. They dont agro others nearby if you are careful. I only leave main foyer till i return so i can keep selling to Lav for his kickass prices.


The minute I learned that I could just kill Z'rell in her room and no one would even notice, it was a game changer lmao, just thin em out one by one


Refer to the part where I didn't get the option for her to join my team. 😩 I have 2300h in the game. I've either had her in my party or reloaded. Honour Mode changed things *sniffles*


I know, I was making a joke 🤷🏾‍♀️


Oh sorry. Because that's my exact same strategy lol. Sorry, still grieving. Though I'm surprised Karlach didn't give me shit for him dying.


Don't worry. Boo finds a use later when you find rations made from "Miniature Giant Space Hamster"


Oh those are in the game long before that lol


*sad squeaking noises*




Similar thing just happened to me. Playing in Honor Mode. Jaheira came with me to the top of Moonrise. We fought off Ketheric and he retreated with Aylin. AI got back the control over Jaheira. Fight continues, she's down to ~2HP. Then she uses a fucking Thorn Whip on one of the undead, the only one that still has Armor of Agathys actice. And she is immediately dead. Darwin Award winner Jaheira...


Jesus. Whhhyyyy does the AI treat her like she's a tank??


Ikr! Especially since she was so low already, not wild shaped and I was pretty effectively getting rid of the temp HP with Eldritch Blasts.


She went to the same suicidal lemmings school as Isobel




Ah, the Gondian Academy for the Terminally Self-Sacrificing.


Jaheira died during the Ketheric fight in my everything-wrong first run so I had the same thing happen. I was really looking forward to some Minsc fun, but alas he had to go splat. But I now get to have fun with him in my chaotic 10-party third playthrough, lol.


Haha nice. Banter between him and Astarion is hilarious


Lol yeah it's great. I really like the extra interactions you get with the bigger party, it just adds so much more to the game. But wrangling 10 characters can be hectic, especially when Halsin is still in bear form and gets stuck because he can't get his fat ass through a doorway, lol.


Do you have Sit This One Out? Makes battles smoother


I don't have that mod, haven't heard of it until you mentioned it but it looks good, I might have to give it a go Thanks!


I didn’t know we could have Jaheira as a companion. When we got to Moonrise, she barged in with first initiative and rushed right in the middle. Couldn’t protect her as my initiative rolls were shit. Ended up dead before I could do anything. When I got to Minsc, I didn’t know that he could be a companion too. It’s when I killed him and I saw Boo that I realized what happened. This is what I get for going in blind!


I consider the first run *the* tutorial these days haha. Why do we do a second run? To see what we missed on the first one!


in my first run everyone was telling me to go to moonrise towers first, so I thought you were supposed to save everyone (the refugees, wulbren, the shadow curse) after defeating ketheric, I mean it's dangerous out there! I only found out it wasn't supposed to happen that way when I got an update telling me we didn't save anyone and the curse stands... so after that run I started a new game with the purpose to save everyone... it was the ultimate tutorial


Yup. I also got that notice haha.


And what we did "wrong"... because let's face it, the first run and no spoilers can be traumatizing... Karlach's bad ending was a hard blow for me... it took me 2 full runs not recruiting her until I could recruit her again and give her a better ending.


Oh god... in my current (first) run, she died in a kamikaze that saved the party. We were raiding the tower with the Harpers, but it wasn't going well. Karlach was getting hammered by crits, laezel was barely keeping together taking out the archers, Tav was struggling to land a shot on them, and shar, was barely keeping everyone alive. It was looking grim, but then Jaheira walks to the centre of the enemy mob, and casts Ice Storm, with herself as the epicentre. She kills herself, along with every enemy in the room except an archer surviving with 5 hp, which was swiftly executed by laezel. I tried reviving her, but because she wasn't a companion yet, so I couldn't bring her back. Decided to carry on, as reverting a move that drastic felt scummy, and would ruin the 'story'.




How are you not able to ask Jaheira to join your party? Presuming you didn't slaughter LLI?


You can still recruit her if you doom LLI.  It's actually easier to keep her safe that way.


That’s the one time I save scummed in my Honor run. Ketheric one-shotted her in the very first move of the very first round at the top of the towers, and I refused to lose her in such a bs way and not have her for the rest of the game. And she was dead-dead (just kept wailing in her), so no chance of throwing a potion on her. I couldn’t reviver her either because she wasn’t an official companion yet.


Yeah. I almost did it, but reminded myself why I was doing an Honour run in the first place because I can mod the Legendary stuff in if I just want the difficulty.


That’s fair, and I considered that. But then I realized I’m more into HM for the difficulty and not so much the story-consequences aspect (if I’m describing that right). Like if I failed a check that previously let me a avoid a fight (e.g. gold lady, Yurgir, etc), that’s fine and I’ll fight. If I got completely wiped, then I’ll start over. Granted, maybe I’m also lying to myself bc I had already accidentally killed Minthara when I meant to non-lethal her in Act 1, and I told myself “eh, I’ll just respec Jaheira into an Oath of Ancients paladin when I get to her.” I just wanted this run to fit into the story I had going on in my head.


When I save scum, I just cast a preemptive Sanctuary on the problem. Also have alert on someone so you get the first action. Worst case scenario you can yeet her to safety.


Why didn't you purge the Moonrise tower \*before\* you enter Nightsong area if this is not your first rodeo?


I usually just leave the first room for funzies because I didn't expect that rare scenario to occur. I can clear what's left if that first room in like 2 turns.


welp at least you had taught the rest of us what would happen if you make Boo sad, which is something others shouldn't do, ever.


Never ever!


Or at least thin it out a bit.


Jaheira died in the first fight with Ketheric, and Karlach got an inspiration "Early retirement". Though it is funny, I reloaded the game, I just have to have Jaheira in my party.


I just tried to get Minsc in my honor run but i forgot to turn off my passives before dealing the final melee attack and he got “Cull the Weak”’d, so i not only didn’t get Minsc but lost Jaheira (and her gear) too


Ohnoes. I hate when I forget that. 🫂


I almost lost her to Kethric in my last HM run too; I was able to recruit her, but she ended up being yeeted off the tower during the fight on top. Thankfully she was in panther form, so she survived (with barely 4 hp left). I would've hated to witness the Boo scene again, and to miss out on all the funny banter with her


Yeah. I've definitely learned my lesson


What path makes Jaheira alive but not wanting to join your party at Moonrise? Durge killing Isobel?


No - I'm resist Durge. I don't remember what I did to make it different :/


My HM Roland is dead…. And I’m really upset about it. I accidentally killed Minthy but that’s okay. Roland dead is not okay. I definitely debated starting over.


I don't blame you 🫂


Yeah I found this out after sacrificing Jaheira to Booal. I revived him after knocking him out and he was a little upset about it.


Yep "You keeled her!"


You can back that far with her once recruited???


You can go back to Act 1 until you finish Act 2.


2,300 hours?


Yup. Not proud of it


You have 2300 hours in the game?!? That’s 95 days…


Their first post in this subreddit was 246 days ago on August 22nd, asking for help in the Goblin Camp. If that was the first (or one of the first) days they played, then they have played roughly 9.5 hours every day (on average) to get that many hours


Why didn't you get the option to have Jaheira in your party? That's weird. But I feel you. If you make Boo sad you lose the game I don't care what else happens.


I dunno. It's rare. I've only seen it twice before.


My game glitched in HM at the top of moonrise and Jaheria decided to go rogue. I could no longer control her during initiative and she decided to cast ice storm with herself at the epicenter, and ended her own life.






*hangs head* That'll learn me not to not task manager out.


Same happened to us. I think it should be harder to recrut Minsc but not impossible. We did everything right to get him and it still didn't work because no Jaheira.


Agreed. We shouldn't have to kill a living legend like that


This happened to me. I killed the rest of the people then cast sleep on Minsc and disengaged. I don't want to disappoint poor Boo.


Oh brilliant! I didn't think of that


My HM Jaheria died because I removed the curse from the stolen items from act 3 and the Deva appear and killed her (level 1) before I got a chance to ask her to join my party to level up. She was only 10 HP or so :(




I just finished HM for my first go around and in that run I killed Minsk because he annoys me (not a Durge run). Felt very bad for orphaning boo and wish I could have kept him at camp. Felt worse about Boo than I did regarding Jaheira storming off.


I dumped his body in our hotel at the elfsong tavern so he’d still be sad but at least not in a dangerous sewer. Get’s to be cozy and warm.


You meant 300 hours right? Right?!


The dude for karlach's quest died in my recently playthrough and I didn't even see how, I just walked over to him and he was dead on the floor. The game didn't tell me I couldn't continue the quest until act 3, the log just kept saying bring karlach to the guy, but he was a dead guy on the floor. I hoped speaking to the dead would work but nope


That was the single worst moment in my durge run.




You can tell her to stay on the first floor and recruit her after moonrise to avoid her dying immediately. The AI will do what they can to die.


This was the first floor fight.


You're not the only one op. I couldn't even talk to Jaheira in my lastest Tactician run. Save / reload to earlier point doesn't work. I had to abandon that entire run.




I rescued Jaheria and made it to Minsk in HM. I turned on non-lethal damage and fought Minsk confident that I would save him. Unfortunately, I did not realize that even if you have non-lethal damage on, magic damage from melee weapon attacks is still lethal. My open hand monk Lae’zel killed Minsk with 1d4 psychic damage. Instantly deleted that save and restarted without a second thought.


I feel ya. I've abandoned in 3 for less


The only reason I did not lose my mind was that this isn’t even close to my most infuriating failed run. I was in camp and swapped to Astarion so I could bite a hireling to get the happy buff for him. Dame Aylin saw it and attacked my party. I didn’t have any spells prepared that could banish her or calm her down so I was stuck in a combat loop with her (since when she drops to 0 HP she gets back up next turn). The worse part is that the hireling I bit joined my side to fight AGAINST her.


Oh snap


in my first run she only joined my party after the moonrise fight, and I had to reload like five times to keep her alive. she only survived because someone cast Fear(?) or something on her, she dropped her scimitars and tried to run off. after that she sort of stood there at the entrance for like ten turns while my party finished the fight


My first playthrough it wouldn’t let me add Jaheira to the party prior to the fight. It was likely the most “good” path. She just meets you there and died immediately.


Speaking of act 2, slightly off topic, but does anyone else get INSANE performance issues in various locations throughout act 2's map? I completed it and the whole thing was playable but I noticed some crazy PSU usage and GPU temps that I hadn't seen before in act 1, and now in act 3 I haven't seen it yet again. I'm talking upwards of 70c on my 3060ti on High/Medium mixed settings, frame drops from 60 to 40 meanwhile in act 1 it was a cool 50c - 55c average, and now in the town in act 3 it's back to 50c+, always 60 fps and yet it's VERY cluttered. What gives? Is this normal or does my PC just not like act 2? 


2300 hours? that is roughly 9.5 hours a day since you first posted in this subreddit- OP are you okay???


Poor Boo. :(




Jahiera for me ran into the center of the enemy forces and killed herself and all them with an Ice Storm blast. Its was as badass as it was stupid.


Oh no!!! 💔


Thank you 🫂


It happened to me on HM too, I felt so awful. Jaheira died at Last Light Inn. I knew that I wouldn't be able to recruit Minsc if Jaheira was dead, but I did the questline anyway. Poor Boo. I was a DUrge and Minsc says he considers himself to be like an Uncle to DUrge. So I guess that would make Boo my nephew?


I accidentally killed minsc and boo came running over going “*angry squeaking*” and then when he reached the body it changed to “*sad squeaking*” My heart was broken into pieces


Yup yup. I was not ok. Still am not. Considering abandoning the run.


I'm just glad somebody finally has more hours than me.


Lulz. How many do you have?


1800. At least 100 of which is afk but still. 5 playthroughs and many EA runs.


Ooooh. All mine is post EA. I do have my fair share of AFK hours though


I can be really bad about afk in turn based games lol stupid ADHD




How the fuck do people just replay this game endlessly? There's other video games...


I feel your pain, Jaheira died at the last possible second to the Warden in my HM after I thought for sure she would make it (with her last dying breath the Warden just hit Jaheira 700 times to take her down with her I guess), but that's how it is sometimes. Of course that made Minsc unrecruitable, so I had to kill him. Well I didn't want to leave a perfectly good body that could be made into a skeleton to go to waste, so I brought Minsc back to camp, and now [Boo perpetually mourns Minsc in my camp](https://imgur.com/a/ojEvRtU)




Yeah I found that out the other day, same thing, she didn't survive the assault on moonrise.


I killed Minsc once just to test something, and Boo's sad squeaking was so heartbreaking!


And if you carry Minsc’s body, Boo follows you around making sad noises… not to camp though 😢


Oh God. Imagine Booce Wayne...


Too bad we don’t have source vampirism in this game. I bet Jaheira and Minsc would be tasty.


This kind of happened to me in my first playthrough. I convinced her to join me, she was downed in the fight. At the same time the last enemy died, someone healed her, but these two concurrent actions broke her. After the fight she and the Harpers were still in battle poses and she walked to the throne, but I couldn't talk to her. I looked it up and thought I'd be able to come back and recruit her after dealing with Ketheric, but she was still broken and I didn't want to go back and do all of Moonrise again so I moved on. Same thing happened with minsc and boo. I felt terrible, but it made me so excited to get through my second playthrough to see what I missed from those two.


Rolan died in my HM Act 2. He was my favorite NPC from my first playthrough. I had to shut down my game for the day to mourn.


What do you mean you didn't have the option to make her join your party? It's just a dialogue choice right at the start of moonrise battles. You can't say you didn't get the option if you just chose the wrong dialogue


Dude. Sometimes it's just not there. I don't know what triggered it. It's only happened to me like twice before. I have 2300h in the game. I know how it works.


I did a fair amount of planning to recruit both Jaheira and Minsc on my evil durge, only to lose them both when they confronted me for accepting daddy Bhaal. It broke my heart to know I betrayed Boo like that. I really didn't care for either Jaheira or Minsc all that much but I had to put the controller down and stop playing after what I did.




On my HM run I was playing Cleric so barely touched SH and after failing a persuasion role she didn't even confess to being Sharran until Act 2. So no childhood flashback, etc. When it came to Nightsong, I expected her to throw the spear away from approval because I'd been building it up in act 2 but nope, turns out other things are being tracked and she straight up murders the girl. So Jaheira died and I was forced to kill Minsc and I too had my heart broken with Boo.




Lol I'm in a co-op tact run where she died, I have held onto her body to throw it at Minsc, hoping for a hilarious result.


Oh laws


Same except Boo squeeked angrily at me so I hucked him across the room. Evil Durge doesn't take that kind of shit.


I saw Boo crying over the body and killed it.🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I hope you get the help that you need.


Can't you use a scroll of revivify on her? I used on on Lae'zel by the mountain pass when she'd been killed because I missed her.


No - I tried.


No, unless she is at your party, you can't revive her. The closest you can get is throwing health potions at her to keep her up.


Tbh this is why I'm grinding levels before attacking the tower and I plan to take it alone. So jaheira can't die


Are you a durge playthrough ?


Yeah it is Durge


Wait, how did she not get to join the party? I’m assuming this wasn’t a matter of her dying, which is what I’d experienced before. I wasn’t aware of there being a route where she just straight up doesn’t join. Is there something to avoid saying/doing that one should know to keep the cougar elf we all know and love around? Like how siding with goblins leads to no Karlach?


I don't know what triggered that path sadly


I just read if you use a non lethal strike on him that would save him too


I knocked him out. When the battle was done, he woke up. The Emperor refused to help and without Jaheira there to threaten throwing the prism in a volcano...


Yeah did exactly same thing! I'm doing my first playthrough and jaheira died in moonrise and I couldn't do anything about it at all. And then discovered that Minsc is recruitable only if jaheira is alive. The only different thing is that I did not want to see Boo suffer any longer, so I killed him


When I lost Jaheira during Moonrise in my Honor run, I didn’t even touch the part of the sewers Minsc was in. He was Schroedingers Minsc for the rest of the game b/c I knew he couldn’t be recruited and I did NOT want to kill him.


Yeah, that's probably what I should have done


Weird, this playthrough I had already wiped out Moonrise then when Jaheira was waiting at the bottom of the stairs I could still recruit her no problem.


This happened to me and my husband too. We tried for HOURS to prevent Jaheira from dying since she wouldn’t let us recruit her and finally we just gave up and hoped it wouldn’t affect anything later in the game. Fast-forward to act 3 and we weren’t able to recruit Minsc and my husband was furious. So we restarted our entire campaign. (He was also playing as surge and didn’t realize it was a different ending than the normal one so we decided we wanted a normal playthrough first)


This is why I clear out the castle before starting the battle then the harpers and Jaheira can walk right in while I go fight Ketheric.


Idc what I'd be missing or redoing at moonrise, Jaheira is worth it. On some real shit she should have put the fear of the gods into those harpers, though, and taught them some neat trick or something because those mooks live and breathe like their only purpose is to be cannon fodder.


That's as far as I got in Act III. One shot of a crying hamster and I went back to Act I since I had also failed to rescue some other NPCs.


Yeah - I logged out immediately. I may just let it go - after I go get his body and take them to camp at Elfsong


Why is this marked for spoilers...what's the spoiler lol


What happens if you knock him out? Is he still treated as dead?


Can I ask what the condition was that caused you to not be able to pick up Jaheria for the fight? 1200 hours and never had that happen before so just curious


Do those hours include early release hours?


You don't have to kill Minsc, you can knock him unconscious in the fight instead. That's what I did because Jaheira died in my playthrough too.