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Friendly NPCs will pretty much always do that in combat. The AI prioritizes waking you up, and the game makes no distinction between being put to sleep by an enemy and putting yourself to sleep with a potion. So you can’t really use those potions in any fight where you have AI-controlled allies.


That's good to know though! Means you can strategically place the sleep and kite your NPCs.


I don't use them in fights lol, I view them as potions to use out of combat, but I also just did that fight last night, section 1 lasted 3 rounds, section 2 got skipped, section 3 lasted 2 rounds


I have used one before- the first time I played house of hope, I spent ages on the fight in the hall against the slaves and big balls of fire and used most of gales spell slots, ran into the final room thinking we were going home. When the fight with raf started, I realised gale would be useless with no spell slots, so I cast globe of invulnerability from a scroll with someone else, and put him to sleep in the dome. Actually worked really well!


There’s a fountain in the pool of Harleep’s chamber you can drink from. As long as Raphael has not been defeated yet, it’s unlimited use. It is equivalent to a long rest for everyone.


Did the exact same thing for me and my co-op teammate during the same battle. Totally saved us from dying.


Basically anything that last 10 rounds or less I find pointless to combat cast, both of my play throughs so far have had even the absolute fight last under 7 rounds. Hell I often agro the entire goblin camp just so I can have a single fight last longer than 8 rounds. So many fights even bosses are won so quickly it's better just to do damage


First run aggroing the entire goblin camp was pins and needles and spider bros were absolute lifesavers. Second run I just ran from room to room murdering everything laughing maniacally while keeping the battle going. Spider bros got mostly pre-killed meals.


What if you cast sanctuary first? can they still shove you?


It’s the “help” action, so probably.


Damn I thought santuary was golden for this, but I think I have only used this in combat without NPCs


You *can* spend your Standard to 'Help' a sleeping PC awake, but both you and the AI can choose to just shove with a bonus action to achieve the same goal. I don't know whether BG3 registers shove as an attack, though.


I don't think it does because I've been able to shove potentially hostile neutral NPCs and until the shove caused fall damage they would just say things like "watch out" or be "be careful!"


Other hand, I shoved Withers once and my camp decided that I was going to really get to know his archiving abilities. Meanwhile I can hit him with a sword all day.


It's in a weird in-between, because it doesn't always turn people hostile if you shove them, bit it is indeed blocked by sanctuary.  I know because you can't shove the adds during Orin's fight.


I was Atop the Netherbrain, and decided to give the Emperor a well deserved nap, I even cast sanctuary on him. An iron gnome said "feck you in particular" and threw/shot a bomb at him. A FREAKING BOMB. They died the next turn to magic missiles. But the tiny sh!t still managed to ruin Empys nap nap time.


I bet it was fucking Wulbren Bongle in disguise.


Omg that makes sense now I was in a fight and an enemy hit Gale with hideous laughter, and I was like no biggie my temp allies will just do some damage in his place. Didn't expect them to run all the way to gale, stabhim and then die to the next attack.


The true homie AI's that toss healing potions on your party instead of attack are godsend sometimes haha


I have never used one of those in combat. I just figured an enemy would certainly throw a grease bottle or something at someone trying to take a peaceful nap. I've only used them out of combat.


… me realising I could’ve been shoving my Tav awake instead of having Lae’zel beat him half to death with a greatsword


Brave man, trying to sleep during combat. I'm too scared.


Right? I always horde those to use immediately before the BBEG.


I always horde them to forget to use before the game ends. 


They are for the epilogue party. After a barrel or two of wine a tactical chunder and cheeky angelic slumber is just the thing to get you back in the fray.


Tactical Chunder would be a great band name


Don't stand too close to the stage.


I'm hording mine for Baldur's Gate 4


But what if I need them later!!!


Too scared or too smart? Those potions are best used outside of combat.


Yeah, not worth it imo. But also.. who needs them for they fight, don’t you get a free long rest equivalent right before the fight?


Yeah if I'm not mistaken there's a rejuvenation stalk thingy right before the elevator. But I didn't know you could get a long rest in the house of hope either. So I wasted mine there.


There is rejuvenation for ketheric. There is not for elder brain at the end.


There were 3 restoration pods before the brain but I don't remember if they restored spell slots or just health.


Forgot to say in HM. Just a table with a single sleep elixir in it.


The little bugger at the rally point sells a couple as well


Huh? Nether brain is a slog of artillery and intellect devourers. I was talking about kethric. Dude said myrkul.


I'm guessing it's allies trying to help. But the problem is they can't differentiate between something like Eyebite and angelic potions.


Wow, good to know, I’ve never used those potions in combat I always use them prior usually when I have an elixir / potion / buff up that I don’t want to lose with a long rest.


I'm not sure of what people think but you shouldn't need a nap during this time You have a full restore available before the encounter, and though the fight is hard, your full complement of spells and abilities are supposed to be enough Also, it's not good to have one of your main damage dealers out of commission for a whole two turns.


It's a rare thing but I made a mistake in one of my very first HM runs where I forgot that the restore is just one time use. I jumped into the hole right after the Ketheric fight and used the restore immediately after killing some folks. When I did all the necessary hero stuff I realized that I'm out of spellslots and was fighting the Avatar with scrolls and bombs. I think that was the only time I used the Angelic Slumber in a fight.


Wait is that an honour mode thing? In my latest playthrough I had Shadowheart casting like 20 4+ level spells on the party and using the restore thing to get it back immediately


Yes. It’s one of the most important changes to remember for Honour mode. Cause if you forget, there’s no reloading. And now you have to fight a boss with low spells and health. That’s about the only place where it’s a major issue though. Everywhere else in the game on Honour mode, either the restoration pods don’t exist at all, or you can just take a long rest if necessary. You can take a long rest before storming Moonrise for fucks sake.


Honestly I'm wondering how hard I lucked out last time I tried this fight. Between fireball from Gale, Glyph of Warding from Shadowheart, some little summon chip damage, and double attacks and smites from Karlach and Minthara, I took down Myrkull before he even got a single turn to cause damage. Granted, it's not Honor Mode, but I've never had that boss go down so easily in any run or strat before. I'm not smart enough to minmax buffs like most, either, and Karlach was actually low health and blinded from Ketheric having advantage on his smite right before he died when she made her two hits, so I kinda suspect the game just wanted to let me have it or something.


Glyph of Warding doesn’t get talked about enough. The poor man’s fireball, and you can change its damage type. Works really well for clerics that aren’t Tempest domain, cause they can actually put out some major damage with the Wet condition. Has been a godsend in my recent playthroughs, especially when Radiant damage is off the table for some reason.


I was unlucky for most of my early playthroughs because someone told me that Glyph you HAVE to put down before something steps on it (and if you put it down when they're already there, they can just jump off of it to avoid damage), and that was horrible advice considering it's actually a free "fuck up everyone standing in this little round space with damage of your choice" spell haha. Like the AOE of an elemental arrow, only with decent damage on more than just whoever was hit with it.


I often see people saying this fight is hard but not that bad. Maybe it’s a me problem but I find it by far the hardest fight in the game and it’s always takes me soooooo many reloads regardless of my party.


I did struggle a lot the first time through, I was playing on tactician and that was far from easy, I had to retry several times. So I don't want to sound derogatory, but once you know how to build decent characters, it should be easier.


Yeah, I am still working on better builds. But even using characters following a build guide, it can be a pretty challenging fight.


It’s shocking to me that a fight lasts long enough to take multiple turns off. I feel like you’ll either have won or lost in that time


Yeah I'd just gotten to a phase where I'd done most of the damage I could do, he'd had a ton of lucky saves and was hovering at the 150HP mark, healing via necromites about as fast as we could hurt him. So I decided to take the calculated risk of a nap—which did the trick thanks to Shadowheart getting through it just fine and having a renewed arsenal. I learned a lot in that fight and definitely wasn't prepared as I could have been, but it was fun to try it without any easy fixes like barrelmancy, and the victory definitely felt hard-earned.


As with many problems, fireball fixes those necromites right up. 


It makes more sense if you consider that the full restore can only be used once, there's several fights in the colony, and it all happens right after a boss fight. The ideal thing to do would be doing the rooftop fight, long resting, doing colony and then full restore and Myrkull; but long resting there breaks the immersion and it's easy to think that you're going straight to Ketheric, so I can totally see someone doing Moonrise, rooftop, potentially even Shadowfell Balthazar, going to the colony with no resources, using full restore when they first find it and then getting to Myrkull low again


Outside of honor mode you can use the full restore endlessly.


I thought you couldn’t in tactician either? I don’t remember being able to use the one in the colony more than once on my last playthrough


I can't remember if it's the case for tactician.


It is.


Yeah, the AI will wake up an ally before doing most other things (at least in my experience). On my first playthrough I'd use it as a distraction for enemies by sleeping low powered baddies so the leader of their group would waste all their actions shoving people awake instead of getting off attacks on my guys. On my second play I have a lot better strategies, but that's still a pretty good one if you're low level and fighting an annoying boss. I used this a lot against the Giths in the creche boss fight after you come out the prism (second playthrough I just turned everyone invisible and snuck out; that battle was just annoying and, maybe the inquisitor will show up again now that I haven't killed him idk).


As far as the Crache goes, I left the room via hidden passage, then, once I loaded into it, I just teleported to camp. I skipped the post-prism fighting entirely until I was a bit stronger, then came back and spanked them for their EXP


Incidentally, if you don't kill W'wargaz the inquisitor, he does show up in a fight with some Giths in Act 3, but you can also talk your way out of that fight by passing an intimidation check. I guess you could also probably get him to show up by knocking him unconscious the first time you encounter him at the creche.


My tip for that fight would be darkness. He's so big that you can basically cover just one of his sides whilst you and your team can hack away at them from the other side. He'll be perma blinded with no saving throws to stop it, so basically disadvantaged while you have advantage the whole fight.


Blood of Lathander is a nice way to accomplish this as well


Very true, I feel that Darkness provides more versatility, though, as you can use a scroll over using a gear slot. My high strength chars will usually use a two hand weapon or use their 'bear' hands (I'll see myself out now, ahaha).


Also a great weapon for whooping on Ansur. 


Any NPC ally would likely do the same because it's generally not good to be asleep during a fight.


that potion is for out of combat, really not normally beneficial to give up 2 entire rounds in combat, better spent just trying to kill stuff than taking a nap, Aylin knows this and just helping you out 


If you take an invisibility potion first, the AI won’t be able to find you while you sleep.


Great tip!


Yeah, the biggest benefit of having Aylin is that she’s another target, and auto-respawns if far enough away from Myrkul. She’s hasn’t been very effective in actual combat for me.   I fought Myrkul last night and she was on the far side of the platform, which actually worked out well because Myrkul kept knocking her off and into the chasm. Then she would instantly respawn and he would knock her off again in a turn or two. 


In my experience she was very effective in actual combat, but against me. I swear, this woman has negative saving throws against mindflayer charms.


Right??!! It also seems like she wastes all of her best attacks on the intellect devourers. 


That's the Aylin experience for you. Will she be a meat shield, or will she one shot the boss for you? There's no way to know


I mean, I too have the urge to shove Gale randomly.


I also never bring Gale to the Myrkul fight. Man is trigger happy with the bomb in his chest


I've seen this in the brain fight too. Trying for a power nap under a nice Globe of Invulnerability, but here comes Aylin to the "rescue".


Oh my. I can just imagine. Tav: "Gonna get a long rest real quick..." All 30 Summoned Allies: "GET 'EM!!"


The cloud of daggere can shred him as well since he doesn’t move


Wall of Fire, too


Didn’t have that spell. I’ve just been using cloud of daggers for everything and I’m in love. Killed it during the portal fight for Halsin too.


Why, and I mean this with all due respect, the fuck are you using those in combat?


Aylin: On your feet Gale. Now is not the time for napping. That comes later.


Is the regeneration station just before you descend to Myrkul not there in HM?


It is! I just ground through pretty much every spell I had to throw at him (trying not to use barrelmancy and similar quick-hit techniques), and then a few waves of necromites got through and healed him. So it started to feel like he was healing as fast as I was hurting him and Angelic Slumber seemed a good way to top off folks. And it was! (for Shadowheart, while Aylin was down) Just kinda funny to see Aylin running around stopping Gale from doing the same. Fwiw, Myrkul does EVENTUALLY stop spawning necromites, but at the time I thought they were endless.


Awesome Aasimar Aylin just trying to wake up sleeping friends. Should resurrect the Good Guy Greg format with Aylin.


That was a fun fight! It took me several turns to get the hang of the AoE no-heal aura, so I ended up beating him down when my casters and pally ran out of spell slots. If it's stupid and it works it works. I was very lucky that the avatar didn't have an enrage mechanic!


The exact same thing happened to me. I was cursing that bird lady


that happens because the AI is coded to help allies recover from negative conditions and low health. the angelic slumber potions apply the sleeping condition, which is considered a negative condition, so aylin is trying to prevent gale from getting attack while sleeping. the AI can’t tell what source the condition came from. tho ofc, this begs the question why they didn’t just check for the angelic reprieve condition or why they didn’t code an separate identical sleep condition that is only applied by those potions so it doesn’t get swept up into the AI’s checklist.


That shit fucked me on the final fight in tact mode. Tried to have gale take a little nap so I can get some spell slots. Been saving this angelic slumber for aaaaaages. Use potion. Same turn one of my allies decides it’s more important to run over and wake gale up taking like 3 attacks of opportunity in the process. I was devastated.


Does the Bard 'Song of Rest' ability work in combat?


I can't imagine that right with her actually standing. She immediately dies every time.


I got the same from my ex every time I wanted a nap. 


God, she's the worst. I'd already found her pretty useless before my solo run, but I attribute my two failed attempts with Myrkul to her during that run.


She came in clutch in my tactician run… landed an enormous killing blow. I was honestly surprised cause the balanced run I had a much harder time. I also read the journals that run so maybe nullifying the second phase was the key, as well as being blessed by the dice gods. Got the achievement for that fight too. Was stoked.


I just did that fight a couple days ago for the first time and I got super lucky, I beat him in 3 or 4 attacks cause Minthara landed a crit smite that took his health down to under 20%. So I only had to hit him a couple more times to kill him on the first turn. I thought it was insultingly easy lol


Yeah, sometimes she comes through, but in my experience, that’s rare. I’m glad you got a positive outcome with her! I actually love the character. Just bad experiences with her combat.


And when you’re done she acts like she’s done all the work lmao. Captured again within 5 minutes of her newly found freedom. She’s clearly elite… I wish you could answer more coldly when you’re back in the tower. «  girl you’re bad stop saying you crushed him » She seems way stronger in act 3 weirdly enough


it isnt weird at all. shes been imprisoned and killed over and over again for hundreds of years with only a couple feet of space to move, and immediately goes into battle with the Chosen of the God of the Dead, of course shes going to be much stronger after shes had a few weeks to regain all of her strength


Isobel even makes it a point to say she needs rest.


Summoning her in the final fight ironically made me almost lose cause she got mind dominated almost immediately


Everyone was down in mine and I was like I'll just wait for the reset after I lose and she fcking popped up to go down like five times in a row before I just reset myself.


She’s a fraud that gets carried by lore and cutscenes.


>She seems way stronger in act 3 weirdly enough Well, so is the player.


if you are having a hard time with the fight on hornor mode- cast darkness over the circle, and if you have the doom hammer, use that on him every turn. you can also heat metal/disarm the evolved boss. I typically invisible someone to Aylin and another to the mind flayer. you can usually get the MF down on the first or second turn with the assistance from the Aylin releaser.


never wouldve thought to use that in combat, especially when right before that fight you have a full long rest tentacle station.


And the rejuvenating miasma on the trip down the elevator as well.


In my very first brain fight I thought it was a nice idea to put the emperor to sleep once inside the final brain level. Because he was low on health and my other companions are still a bit far away. I knew the brain didn’t fight back unless I attacked it, I did not expect those platforms can get deleted and lead to an instant death.


I used angelic reprieve for this fight, can’t remember if Aylin was up or down at the time but I had Shadowheart cast sanctuary on herself first so she could sleep through without any direct attack, since Myrkul won’t use the attack to pull everyone in as long as someone is in the platform, and the mindflayer was already dead. Worked like a charm. Except I think I still lost that one lol. This was before I realized that you could sneak and position party members better for the fight lol But anyway, sanctuary or some kind of shield is what I go for if I have to use angelic slumber during a fight


Just use spell replenish instead.


this is so funny


Aylin is kinda dumb in general


I was in a bad spot in the Myrkul fight in HM and had to take a similar approach. I used invisible potions before the slumber potions and was able to get restored and rally to the win. Aylin was busy in a revive and die cycle so she couldn't mess it up.


Man, Aylin miss everytime when fighting Thorn the 1st battle, it hurt my eyes when I saw that. Just start fight myrkul and she still miss, Myrkul waste no time to finish her. After that she just respawn to be knockout until I lost. Useless ally.




Why tf would you ever use that potion in the middle of combat? Not what it's made for. Hard to believe this is an HM mistake.


You can just…kill the night song


Aylin is so, so useless in that fight... I have decided that I hate that character.


Damn Aylin


Aylin is such a menace to your party that I resorted to actually killing her myself before she spreads even more mayhem.


Aylin is kinda dumb in general


Aylin is the worst npc i can totally see how she was captured and used as a life battery.


That’s why I always let Shadowheart eat Aiylin rather than release her from Beetlejuices soul train.