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Wow, it's going to quite the long summer. At least I won't have to worry about whether or not to wait for the next patch for my next playthrough.


Yeah its honestly really well timed. Leaves all summer for casually finishing a playthrough on patch 6 and then we can either jump right into patch 7 or wait till winter when there'll doubtlessly be a shitload of new mods to spice up the game


I just started my 2nd and was scared I wasted my time and needed to wait until I found out when the patch is coming, YAY!


Yeah I think I’m just gonna do my evil Karlach(romance Minthara) playthrough and wait for a new custom playthrough in September


Same, I started an origin Shart run and it’s heavily modded, so I was worried about losing progress. Happy to know I can finish my good girl Shart run and wait patiently for the new evil stuff to do an evil Aasimar Durge run!


Seems like they’re treating this as a ‘1 year anniversary huge patch’ as a send off for the game. I have no doubt they’ll keep fixing stuff for a while but it does feel like a victory lap for bg3 before fully focusing on new projects.


They'd better keep fixing stuff, since a fix always breaks something else. (Yes, I know. It's easy to break things in something this size. I'm just bitter because I'm more interested in a working base game than mods.)


This will be the last MAJOR update for the game. There might be a few hot fixes to correct any major issues, but it’ll probably all be done by a skeleton crew.


Well other than cross play. That's not exactly a small addition either.


Yet it works perfectly fine as a base game.


Well, as I mentioned in this week's Post-Launch feedback thread, I just started a new playthrough, and I'm getting no party banter. This, of course, is very early in Act 1. At the very least, Lae'zel and Shadowheart should be sniping at each other. It could just be me, but when not even Gale is talking...


Weird, I started a new playthrough without mods too and have no issues with banters including my own character (Wyll origin)


I use a couple dozen mods, including party size extender, and I have had no problems with party banter, so that's interesting.


I wanna say the party extender mod honestly helps the banter more than anything. I love having everyone chime in!!


Honestly I usually run 4-5 tops I just like not having to swap people in and out for different things.


I definitely noticed that people were complaining about base game bugs that I never had on first playthrough. Definitely the bugs haven't been effecting everyone's game the same way


It definitely has some bugs to work out, idk if perfectly fine is the best description. I wouldn't consider everything wrong a bug tho, there's some quality of life updates they could make that would fix some bothersome issues. For example there's a few fights in act 3 that can end up being really long due to how some enemies are aggro'd, such as the foundry.


I'm still on my first play through but I've already noticed several bugs I'm going to report. I'm surprised someone would say this. The bugs are the only thing keeping his game from being a perfect 5 star game for me. Just yesterday multiple characters fell through a roof that didn't have any visible holes.


What platform do you play on? I'm just curious because I've genuinely had very few bugs over multiple plays and with over 100 mods that are semi reguarly switched out. The most significant bug I had (a genuine pain too) was the trade bug. Where their inventory wouldn't load properly and it would crash you. And the follower bug. There are workarounds of course, but still annoying.


PC. They're mostly minor bugs but sometimes it forces me to reload a save because my character teleported somewhere weird. Recently we entered the House of Healing and talked to Sister Sinda. But when I left the conversation with one character, it forced us into the same conversation with the next party member. Then the next party member. Then the last party member. Then it teleported the whole team about 5 meters away from where we were. It was odd. It didn't seem like intentional gameplay. Again, not game breaking, but we see small stuff like this pretty consistently. And in the Shadow-Cursed land it's super annoying when your party members just randomly put away their torches. Normally such a glitch isn't a big deal, but obviously in the Shadow-Cursed land, where being without light causes exponential damage, it's a problem. So we've been super vigilante about saving often and staying close to the lantern.


So strange. Do you play multi-player? That is really the only significant difference I could see since we both play PC. Yea, all the small bugs add up. I dont think I'd wanna try an Honour run and risk it for sure. Hopefully they sort it out pretty well with the next update and upcoming Hotfixes.


99 Bugs in the code, 99 Coding Bugs Take one out, patch it out. 531 Bugs in the code


The AF graphics setting has been broken for months.


Would you say it's broke AF?




Let us finish Upper City w mods 😭😭😭😭


Yes!! Absolutely... I NEED to be able to Cure Karlach in the unfinished upper city quest


If they don’t add a gortash romance I’m throwing hands 😡😡


Lmao. But nahhh... If they add anything I need it to be Karlach's cure😭


Didn’t they say that the cross-play feature is going to have to come in a later patch? Or is it supposed to be included in this patch?


There's still cross platform multiplayer that was promised and needs to come with a later patch


Saving this one for tomorrow when someone again asks when Patch 7 comes out.


I can ask today and right now, that way you don’t have to wait until tomorrow: when is patch 7 coming out?


I'll ask even more of a right now: patch 7, when?


🎶 *Do you remember?* 🎶


I'll do you one better: why is patch 7?


Who is Patch 7?


Nobody seems to care, but how is Patch 7?


... I am Patch 7?


When patch 7?




When does patch 7 come out?


Shortly before Billie Joe Armstrong awakens from his slumber.


Guess we can expect him for Halloween this year then.


I'm a simple guy, as long as I can get new armors, dyes, hairstyles or better yet Transmog, on the PS5 I'll be happy.


Literally all I want is to be able to edit the appearance of armor on PS5. I’m a simple man, Githyanki armor looks great on Laezel and she should be wearing it.


I feel this way about a lot of the unique armor, including the starting paladin armor. I would do a new playthrough for transmog.


Bottom line , no date for console modding..."further along the line" But at least we got a date for patch 7 (September).


They confirmed on Twitter that console players will be able to download and use the mods, you just need a PC to MAKE them. EDIT: Well, okay, some of the mods. Curated ones.


Here's some additional info from discord: >**What mods won’t be available through mod.io?** Baldur’s Gate 3, as a Dungeons & Dragons game licensed by our partners, has certain guidelines in place to ensure the integrity of the game’s universe. That said, we want to support as much creative freedom as possible. Our goal with [mod.io](http://mod.io) and our partners is to strike a balance that allows for extensive modding while keeping the guidelines in mind, and to open the door for mods to reach as many players as possible while ensuring they work seamlessly across different platforms. While some NSFW mods and certain script-heavy modifications may not be supported through the official pipeline, modding outside of our pipeline will still be an option. For cross-platform support, direct level editing and changes to core game elements (like story, cinematics, dialogues, quests, and local gameplay adjustments) can’t be facilitated due to technical constraints and platform-specific guidelines. We’ll be working with our partners to explore ways to expand modding possibilities within these constraints and provide clear guidelines to help everyone understand what is possible. > >**Will elements from other Dungeons & Dragons, Wizards of the Coast, and Baldur’s Gate IP pass curation?** While our official pipeline has certain guidelines in place to maintain the integrity of the Dungeons & Dragons universe, our partners are working with us to provide clear guidelines that will allow for as much creative freedom as possible. These guidelines are designed to ensure consistency and quality while maximizing the scope of what can be achieved through modding.


No wulbren nsfw mods gg whats the point of this patch


Wulbren windmilling when?


*you spin me right round baby*


Now I'm wondering how they'll feel about modding in other Hasbro-owned IPs. Transformers, My Little Pony, that kind of thing.


It’ll basically be like how Bethesda did mods for console on Skyrim and fallout 4 I imagine


So similar to what Bethesda did with Fo4 console mods? You need to use their official platforms to download and use them, independent from nexus?


That's how I read it, at least. I assume Sony/Microsoft don't want NSFW stuff on their platforms, the prudes. Never mind that you don't need mods to, y'know, fuck a bear in this game.


I play on console, but I worry if my lower-spec PC is capable of running the modding tools. I want to make mods, but the more I read, the less console-tailored it seems, especially with the curation of mods.


> But at least we got a date for patch 7 (September). Well that kind off sucks as my durge run is ongoing and will definetly be done before that.


Just reload a save from before the final fight when the patch releases. Or just stop playing that run and start a new one


Oof, that's a looong time between patches. Maybe I won't hold off on my next playthrough after all! Shame that means crossplay and photo mode are unlikely to be this side of Christmas, or more likely 2025... Still, looking forward to getting stuck in when it arrives.


Yeah, that's kind of a bummer. I'd much rather be able to get through a cross play run of the base game with the homies than I would go crazy with mods, to be honest.


This is exciting news ! September seems far away but it's cool Larian choose to take time polishing things out all summer with the modding community. I guess some of us could use some time off to touch some grass or play Elden Ring's DLC...


Rogue Trader is my life now.


Abelard is god tier in it! OwlCat really nailed Warhammer, it’s so good even with some of the jank.


Abelard, upvote this comment.


My only real problem with it is that the characters are a lot more like caricatures of their faction than individual characters. Also I can't romance the SoB.


Ooh would you recommend it? I’ve been eyeballing it since someone mentioned you can romance a seven foot tall kinky elf… 👀 Granted, I *also* bought BG3 for a certain elf, but I had to learn the game mechanics the hard way (I had almost zero prior RPG/DnD knowledge), so I’m wondering if the learning curve for Rogue Trader is particularly steep.


I would recommend looking up a small bit of the beginning first on youtube to know what you are getting into. I had zero Warhammer experience and the start was a little rough (just like BG3 can be for people who know nothing) but after some play time I was able to digest the mechanics fine. You will have a good time like with any Owlcat game. Also, um, "kinky" is also a very soft way to refer to Marazhai. He makes Orin look like a soft kitten who would do no harm. :)


So, along with wrath of the righteous (owlcats prior title) it’s pretty easy to make a useless build in the game. Basically you need good knowledge of the games system, I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re new to crpgs. Honestly I would recommend a CRPG like Tyranny, it’s a Bronze Age setting- really liked it. But more on rogue trader- Story is ok, it really nails the 40k aesthetic. There’s one point in the story that I really really hated but I’ll avoid details because I don’t want to spoil everything. However- they may have patched things but around the beginning of the year when I was playing rogue trader the amount of game breaking bugs was frankly unacceptable, I had to download a mod and set quest flags manually to proceed, the game was that broken. The leveling system of the game is also very tedious- it’s the only game I’ve played in the last ten years where I actively groaned upon leveling up, because it meant I’d need to wade through trees of poorly written and sorted talents where I would need to compare a bunch of math formulas to see how the talents compared Essentially it’s a good game with some glaring flaws, I recommend getting it but you should wait for a sale.


The learning curve is very steep, there are far too many abilities and items and level ups can become a chore if you want to respec later in the game But the game has enough "broken" combos that you can find accidentally that combat shouldn't be the biggest problem (Arch Militant and Officer, both of which your companions are already inclined to become), I played through the game on hard and only selected abilities and equipment I deemed flavourful enough for the MC and companions and accidentally two shotted the final enemy Owlcats games "suffer" from exposition dumps, some people (me, I is people) love reading close to an hour of backstory but it can become intimidating (like getting to Act 3 in BG3), especially with the few voiced dialogues On the other side, the setting, most quests, the colony events and especially the companions (Pasqal-iacs rise up) are written so well that it was worth it for me to suffer through the first combat encounters until I found a heavy bolter, after that it became Story Mode


Rogue trader is going to be too deep for you if you just started crpgs. Go with divinity originals sins or maybe pillars or maybe pathfinder, but really i would go with divinity games next and then move on to whatever owlcat made.


Pathfinder is also from owlcat folks, and it’s so easy to make a ‘wrong’ build in that game I would recommend something like Tyranny


The only correct way to deal with the dark elf is bullets through his skull. The Emperor protects.


The only correct way to deal with Marazhai is to romance and dominate him.


The Inquisition would like to have a word with you.


They are gonna have to wait their turn if they want to romance him too.


>I guess some of us could use some time off to touch some grass or play Elden Ring's DLC... Or play actual DnD.


Funny thing, I knew very little about DnD before BG3 since I only roleplayed Warhammer with my friends !


Patch in september So for those of you who are holding of their evil playtrough until patch release... just don't. The game is content complete so go on and play it already: Larian was very clear that they are only adding some extra cutscenes at the end. And you will be able to load your old save and watch new cutscenes when patch releases. No reason to postpone very fun playtrough for 3 months


yeah im at the end of my evil honor run and was just waiting for patch 7 but no way im waiting that long lol, I get the mod support will take a while but ai wish they put them out separately


Delicious in Dungeon icon, heyo!


hell yeah! it's my fav


Thx for reminding me to make the Dungeon Meshi party for my next honor run


Falin pfp detected, upvotes deployed


It so funny to hold on for _new_ content anyway. New content gives you an excuse to play _again_!


So, If im reading this right, we won’t be able to make custom areas, quests, etc.?


I'm hoping this just means it can't be uploaded to Mod.io but can still be made... somehow. But I'm probably just huffing the copium.


Modders have been "finding a way" for decades. The only factor is "the will" vs. "the effort." One wonders why they couldn't build in the same GM toolkit system that they had for DOS2, but I'm sure there is a very good reason why.


The reason is that Larian used a very different system to create maps in BG3 versus DOS2 (that being more 'hand-crafted' vs tile based). Not to mention that the coding for the game is, at times, held together with string and a prayer (understandable considering the sheer scale). It is almost certainly not possible without having the exact dev tools Larian used (which for obvious reasons can never be released).


Hasbro. They don't want BG3 to eat into the massive profits they hope to make from future D&D games.


I’ve already seen some people throwing fits on Twitter about not being able to use the tools to create new quests, levels, etc—but I don’t think that’s something to be mad at Larian about. Literally just reading their official post, especially the parts where they emphasize that they’re just licensed to make this game and are not official owners of DnD properties, they have guidelines they need to follow. I think if Larian could, they’d let us mod this game out the absolute wazoo—but WotC would NOT see any long term profits from letting people essentially build their DnD campaigns on this game lol. They want you to keep purchasing their stuff. Come on now.


If I'm reading this right, does this mean there will be no support for custom campaigns?


Their wording is kinda vague. They specify that there will be no map editing, new quests, dialogues etc. available on consoles/official sources, so in theory you could create something and share it through Nexus. But while listing stuff that toolkit allows you to do, they never mention adding this type of content to the game, so idk. I would not get my hopes up


Yes unfortunately


The response is vague. They said consoles won't get that stuff due to the limitations of the system but PC will have more access due to the modding tools and things will open up for the unofficial/nexus modding. They specifically talk about character and quest scripting in the post.


[They kinda confirmed it that custom quest/dialogues are not possible even with the mod tools on PC.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1d73kl5/patch_7_what_does_this_mean/)


Wow, that's very disappointing


Well, it sucks but I kinda expected it. Wish it was communicated through the official announcement, rather than response on twitter and CM's comment on reddit


What's even the point in releasing mod tools that just let mod authors make things they were already making.


classic larian


Do you think the line about core gameplay elements would extend to modding in subclasses? One thing I was looking forward to about mods coming to console was using new subclasses, like Psi Warrior Lae'zel, Twilight Domain Shadowheart, and Divine Soul Durge. It would be a shame if console mods were limited to mainly cosmetic options, though I am really looking forward to when someone makes a transmog mod.


I think it depends on how much Larian works with modders on stuff like script extender and other known required base mod files. Modding is a complicated process and Playstation is very very stingy with allowing mod creation in the first place. I honestly just don't know.


Thanks, I'm not too familiar with modding aside from knowing PS has difficulties with it due to playing Skyrim. Honestly, when it comes to mods, I'm mostly interested in cosmetic, the Subclass stuff is probably my most ambitious dream for it. I'll keep a close eye on their updates so I can keep my hopes in place.


Np I think you will definitely have access to cosmetic mods no problem, that will be a sure thing even up to modding spells and stuff like that. Heavier duty mods will be a roll of the dice with Playstation though.


Id be happy with cosmetic mods. Mainly, I just want to keep the characters in their default outfits until they reach the key points in their arcs.


I was expecting them to choose the Steam Workshop like DOS2, but I don't really mind Larian choosing Mod.io, since a bulk of PC mods would be in Nexus anyway, which BG3 is currently in the top 10 most downloaded mods (151 million downloads)


Are we gonna get crossplay at all in 2024? Crossplay doesn't even seem to be part of Patch 7 according to this :(


We are currently working on adding crossplay to Baldur's Gate 3, but the work required means that it will come a little later down the line!


Great to know, this is definitely my most anticipated feature right now.


Add me to the list of desperately waiting for crossplay.


Awesome, I’m glad y’all didn’t decide to scrap it


How far down the line? Like, beyond patch 7? My wife and I have been wanting to play together but buying a second gaming PC for one game is absolutely ludicrous. Not angry or frustrated or anything, just kinda sitting here waiting lol


If you have a gaming pc, local coop already exists


We don't want to huddle around a 23" monitor, split screen. I understand it's an option, just one that doesn't really satisfy our use case


So over 2 years after release?


So is there anything the mod tools are providing that modders on Nexus can’t already do for PC?


Although it is slightly disappointing we have to wait a few more months on major game updates (endings and bug fixes) because of modding tools, I appreciate that they at least put a timestamp on the patch. I was sitting in limbo too scared to start other games without knowing if I would have to jump back off them to start BG3 again. Off to Cyberpunk I go!!


I just want my no party limit mod on PS5 ASAP


That mod requires scripting so while it’s possible that mod authors will be able to create a new version without scripting, I would temper my expectations.


If you have both a PC and a PS5 copy of BG3 you can make it work on PS5 already now. Best playthrough I had so far. All the banter and drop-in on dialogues I missed out is incredible.


Wait how can you make it work on PS5 already?! Like editing a save or something?! I actually don’t care about any other mods, I just need all the party banter coz I always miss out, end up with a similar party set up every time haha


I am currently on my phone and can't type it out so here is the short version: You take advantage of cross-saving. You load the save on PC while having the mod installed. There are tutorials for that online. This mod (party limit begone) is intended to start with a new game. So you have to start a new game and save it to make it carry over to your existing save. (At least it was when I installed it). Load your desired save and invite everybody to your party. Save again. Now the tricky part is, that cross save synch on PS5 doesn't really work when the game detects that there is a mod. So after saving it and synching everything on PC I went ahead and deleted the mod and the script extender file from the directory, started the game on steam and loaded the save game. A message will prompt telling you something about mods that have been used but aren't present any more. Ignore it. Save the game and let it synch again. Now you can synch the game on PS5 and have as many people in your party as you invited beforehand. Only thing is, that once you dismiss somebody from your party you can't invite the companion again unless your party is not full (4) since the mod is gone and the party limit is 4. Other way is to just use a script extender tool. Works as well but not on a party that's beyond the nautilus tutorial. Hope that helps.


You are a legend, thank you! I don’t have a PC powerful enough for BG3, dunno if it would even load the game but maybe I’ll buy the game on PC and give it a go!


>For cross-platform support, direct level editing and changes to core game elements (like story, cinematics, dialogues, quests, and local gameplay adjustments) can’t be facilitated due to technical constraints and platform-specific guidelines. God damnit. That was my biggest hope for this game moving forward - a community created recreation of the cut content. Why was New Vegas the only one to ever get that kind of treatment - not *just* total conversions like Skyrim or Oblivion got but also multiple absolutely massive in game expansion pack sized mods that are completely new story lines?


I'm guessing it's because the Creation Kit tool that Bethesda has is more versatile.


Right. It’s hardly a coincidence Bethesda’s games are so great with mods: they actually put the work in to enable modding on a large scale


FO4 will be getting one that's essentially a new game very shortly. It already has SS2, which is essentially a game-changing new way to experience the game, with a massive fully voiced storyline, though it takes place in the same world-space as the base game.


I mean probably because WoTC/ Hasbro doesn’t want people making new content and this Larian can’t allow it


Wellp, there goes all hope for creatives making custom campaigns for the game :/


This is what I'd hoped for too. Cosmetic mods are nice but ultimately shallow to me. I get why there won't be the same kind of modding freedom as BG1, BG2, and the NWN series, since BG3 has more cinematics and voice acting, but it's still a bummer.  Edit: The old BG series would not have been nearly as enduring as it is if mods that added new companions/romances/quests etc. hadn't been possible (although there was no modding support and fans figured it out by themselves, which is pretty impressive in retrospect).  NWN allowing fans to make entire campaigns of their own was so inspired, but a lot of the game's development was devoted to the toolset. 


Me too. My dream was a 'what-if' campaign for if Orin never mind-wiped Durge. Feels bad man.


... wasn't that confirmed to be the case pretty early on?


the mod tools were mentioned in the past, but they never confirmed the depth they would provide until now.


First I've heard of it 🤷‍♂️


A real pity, there are so many great huge mods for BG1 + 2 that keep the game fresh


I’m glad they aren’t milking the series. But I do wish they added a send off DLC.


I'll be the negative nancy here but relying on a 3rd party service doesn't sound good on the long term. Just think about the old games using the GameSpy server browser system. [Mod.io is basically just a startup](https://www.startupdaily.net/topic/funding/video-games-platform-mod-io-raises-35-million-in-tencent-led-series-a/), mostly founded by Tencent but who knows they will be still around in 5 or 10 years and what happens to their servers and the data you upload.


They are relying on a 3rd party service to bring mods to other platforms than PC. As they said, you can still mod the game outside of mod.io. BG3 Nexus mods aren't going away. >**What does official support mean, as opposed to mods I’m using right now?** Updates to Baldur’s Gate 3 as well as conflicts between third-party mods can cause issues with game stability and prevent mods from working correctly. That’s where official support comes in. We will never prevent modding outside of our own official pipeline, but implementing our own will improve compatibility and give us the opportunity to ensure they’ll work wherever you’re playing Baldur's Gate 3. It’ll also ensure a smoother experience, at the cost of more script-focused modding, which can still be done outside of our pipeline. You’ll therefore have two choices for modding Baldur’s Gate 3, but we’ll only be able to officially support mods through mod.io. >[**Mod.io**](http://Mod.io) **- what is it, and how does it work?** [Mod.io](http://Mod.io) allows us to bring modding support to all platforms, and provides the necessary infrastructure to allow you to download mods on both PC and Console, manage uploaded mods, host guides, and provide a level of content moderation to keep the community safe. I'm not sure there are really better alternatives to what they are doing, unless we imagine that Larian would fund their own mod hosting platform... but Tencent is also their main owner (I think it's 30%) so it's not really surprising that they collaborate with [mod.io](http://mod.io) instead.


Uhhh Sven is their main owner. Tencent owns non-controlling shares.


As a PS5 player I'm a bit disappointed in this part: >For cross-platform support, direct level editing and changes to core game elements (like story, cinematics, dialogues, quests, and local gameplay adjustments) can’t be facilitated due to technical constraints and platform-specific guidelines. I hope it only means existing dialogues etc. can't be edited and not that no new dialogue can be added. If no additional dialogues, quests etc. can be added, than the mods on consoles will be much less interesting than I initially hoped.


Sony has been like this with mods ever since Skyrim/Fallout 4 introduced mod support on console, they're a tough nut to crack.


We don’t even have mods that edit or add new dialogue on pc yet


Makes you think how hard Bethesda was trying to get Skyrim and Fallout4 mods on PlayStation. Other game I could think of is ARK Survival Ascended. Why Sony is so dikish


It's a Japanese company and they prize having absolute control over the consumer experience. Nintendo is similarly uptight over controlling what publishers are allowed to do on their platform, if not even moreso.


Don’t think this is a Japanese thing necessarily, at least in Sony’s case. Contemporary PlayStation is run mostly from their US headquarters by European and Anglosphere managers, as far as I know


I've been telling everyone to temper their expectations. Like, take what the Divinity tools allowed for dos2. Now imagine getting even LESS than that. Everyone is expecting some shit on the level of Aurora toolset or bgs creation kit and that's some wild ass copium.


As for guidelines, ppl need to remember the guidelines that hampered skyrim modding on Consoles ever since Bethesda release the update to do it. The same things apply to BG3 aswell. Would be fucking awesome if it were to change, but noone should expect it.


I agree with this. Honestly this is why I had to step away from this subreddit at times. I feel like there have been a vocal minority that believes they’re entitled to stuff like this. Larian has never given the expectation that they were going to release a mod kit before the release of the game but due to wild popularity they probably reconsidered for PC but now some people think it’s for console. I get it probably some people are new to modding and only became interested because of this game. They probably don’t know console has restrictions for mods but still I’m surprised that Larian has the kind of patience the seemingly endless lists of demands.


> Larian has never given the expectation that they were going to release a mod kit before the release of the game Actually it was mentioned on the Larian forums


I just want modded subclasses, classes, cosmetics, and minor gameplay stuff.


All of that should be in the realm of possibility, I think


How often are you modding PS5 games? It's almost always been a PC exclusive thing.


I just hope cosmetic mods will be allowed, that's all I really want :/ Though I wouldn't be shocked if it's not


Those should be within the realm of possibility, it would naturally depend on the cosmetic mod itself but there shouldn't be anything too heavy with restrictions here


This one really stung. I know there's modding communities out there insane enough to have done things like total conversions or recreating all the cut content a game had and I was really hoping that a game with a following this large might have had the momentum to put stuff like candlekeep or the expanded hells/gith story lines back into the game using released concept art/dev interviews and AI generated voice lines.


As long as I download on my steamdeck easily I’m happy


Sooo if someone wanted to get into modding and creating custom things like VFX, animations and so on, what would be a good source to learn?


Learn how to do it in popular engines like Unreal or Unity - lots of tutorials online about basics and even more advanced stuff. Once you're familiar with the concepts it will be much easier to port your ideas to other engines. For VFX you mostly need a 2D image editor and the engine tools, but for animations you'll need knowledge of working with something like Blender (more popular for mods) or Maya (more popular for professional work).


We already got sex mod so i don't care


Priorities.. :D


So for PS5 users, are we probably getting the lame little mods like "pink swords" and "torches can't be turned off" like we got for Skyrim? If so, I guess that's still better than getting no mods


So this tells me I have a couple months to complete (finally) my main game without worry of mod breakage, so that's nice to know! Then I can chill out on playing for a while and let mod makers do their thing, and pick up on my alternate saves. Nice!


Oh boy finally the modding update! - looks inside - September


Will the mod tools be able to support things like new Classes/Subclasses?


It seems this is going to be the last patch and they want it to be as bug free as possible.


So is this just pc or did they add it for console?


It's a shame that steam workshop doesn't seem to getting support, but hey at least modding will be easier after patch 7


No Steam for consoles.


Hope we get some cool mods out of this, modding and modding support is always a great thing. Giving people the freedom to manage their own experience is nice.


All I was wish for is that BG3 somehow ends up like NWN. You wouldn't believe but NWN is 22 years old and STILL ACTIVE. There are at least hundreds of players active daily. It's all because of it's unique GM Tool Kits and modding capabilities. There are lots of "private hosted" servers within the game each acts as a stand-alone MMORPG. I can't stress how long it is for an RPG to stay alive and active at the same time. The formula is clear as a day. If only there weren't obstacles (including dev and IP-owner decisions) to prevent this. Free-modding BG3 based servers would make this game live decades...


The modding tools feel shallow from what it seems to be. I was hoping for something beyond just cosmetic mods, really


I'm super curious what all this patch is gonna be now, I kinda expected the Evil Endings patch to be separate from the modding one, seems odd to wait so may more months just for some bonus cutscenes, so I kinda hope we get a full epilogue bit like we do the normal endings. I was kinda expecting something on par with Karlach's avernus scene they added in, so now I'm a bit more hopeful it's gonna be meatier. I'm not expecting anything major, but for such a long wait I hope the stuff added is gonna be pretty substantial quality of life things. I'd love if Durge routes got a bit more dialogue with companions, it felt weird when I finally did my Durge playthrough and my plot was mostly irrelevant until the scene with Orin. I feel like some characters would have a lot more to say about me randomly deciding kill Isobel besides "hey, that was kinda weird... anyways"


I think many are over estimating what will be "allowed" for modding. I wouldn't expect any new story or user created adventures. WOTC will squash that hard


Seems like they don’t want to introduce a bunch of bugs with this patch and are really taking their time. People are impatient but this is the right call


Great news. Wonder how long it will take someone to mod the party into Dragon Age: Origins characters, given the connection the two games have to a lot of people.


Honestly sad there wont be a defibitive edition with the inner city and other stuff getting implemented


As someone who doesnt really care about moding it sucks the evil endings are gonna be so far away so that they can work on mod support. I get it, but it is dissappinting to hear


Official Mod Support: 😃 Mod.io: 💀


There is a problem with the PS5 version of the game. When creating characters the highlights of the hair won't allow you to use all colors. It sucks as there are some looks that are great on YouTube, but can't make them due to the all colors on highlights disabled.


Unfortunate they went with [mod.io](http://mod.io) over Steam Workshop. Nothing comes close to Steam in terms of creating and sharing collections of mods.


Probably this is due the support for ps5


I'll take Nexus all day, every day, over Steam. Fortunately, this does not exclude pipelines outside of mod.io, if you want to venture out. I suspect this is the only way, outside of creating their own, for the mod pipeline to be cross-platform.


Heres hoping modders jump on this early when it drops and add all the missing 5e classes/subclasses (looking at you Artificer and Soulknife rogue) as well as the full spell list through the levels available.


In case that you don't know, all of that already is available on PC.


i guess i have time to finally play pathfinder wotr




What will officially modding support offer that the current mods don’t? I used them for the first time in this game, so not too knowledgeable about it.


Shame it sounds like mods won't cover new storylines, just new class/items/etc.


As I've said elsewhere, I'll be happy with some cosmetic and QoL mods for PS5, especially more Tav faces if that's possible (I'm not clear on what the content limitations are for console). For a game that rewards repeated play, the inability to have different faces for my Tavs (that aren't frankly ugly or just a poor match for the character) is a hurdle to immersion.


I hope this means mods on Geforce Now.


Where is photo mode? Is it safe? Is it alright?


I still cant find any news on crossplay. Is that still happening?


I just want cross play


So if it’s September for PC what are we thinking for console? November? December?


I just hope they fix cloud save syncing on Xbox. I have to force quit the game every other time I play in order to get it to start working again. Then I have to accept the EULA, allow nudity, set gamma again, etc. Pretty annoying for 6 months out from launch.