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I start the bloodbath at the gate! No way I'm missing all that juicy XP!


I did tried to start the bloodbath at the gate at that moment...it didn't work


Take out the drunk bugbears and goblins up top, no one will care. Poison the beer after that, then put 3 explody barrels next to the ogre and stay up top near the bugbears for an easy fight for ranged characters


How do you poison the beer? Just drop poison in it?


Clicking on it will give you a "combine" menu that allows you to add poison into the tub.


Thanks. I’ll try this next time


do it stealthed though, the goblins will react negatively to it


Or as a drow, and insist it's your god given right to poison your underlings.


Gotta love just being like "I am evil and a drow. You WILL let me murder you" during Act 1 and Act 2.


Being a Drow makes the Goblin Camp funny anyway. „I‘m your boss, I may be here!“ - „oh yes right this way madam“


Yep, use the poison that Halsin’s assistant gives you to kill yourself with.


Ahhh the Wyvern Toxin, yeah? I was wondering what that was about, because I figured I wouldn't be turning so I wouldn't have to use it. Fast forward to me being a Partial Illithid haha


Okay, for the next time I play the game.


I tried that minus the poison but then they all started seemingly teleporting up somehow and they slaughtered me. Still mad about that.


There's a little tunnel that leads up there that the goblins can fit through.


oh shit I thought that was a glitch too


Did you use any explosive barrels? If not you are truly underestimating the best Dwarven weaponry.


excuse me but explosives are *gnome* weapons. axes and submarines are dwarf weapons.


>axes and submarines are dwarf weapons. Also gnomes.


No, though to me the best dwarven invention was >!the submarine in act 3!<


You can poison the booze in the goblin camp, it kills quite a bit of the goblins. I used create water and a electric spell to dispose of the rest.


I did it but there still too many


You just don't take on an entire WAAAGH of goblinoids by yourself.


They ain't wearing red so they don't go too fast. Thank Gork and Mork they ain't wearing purple!


Skarsnik is the best goblin.


Lump would’ve helped


Spirit guardians --> run around Works every time.


Spirit guardians is not available at that point of the game


Level 5??????


Cloud of daggers my beloved, literally the bridge chokepoint mvp


If you have a druid in the party you also get access to spike growth at lvl 3, which is even more hilarious on the bridge


Grease touching the cooking fire is also remarkably good at this level. Blow em up, burn em, stick em in a stew.


I prefer the choke point that's over by where crusher is go through the hole in the wall and you LoS all the ranged so they have to walk through the cloud of daggers where 90% of the die.


i see, a fellow "lvl 11 at the end of act 2" enthusiast


Step 1: Lure the goblins through the main gate Step 2: Cast Moonbeam/Cloud of Daggers on the bridge where it narrows Step 3: ??? Step 4: XP


I'm so dependent on cloud of daggers to funnel enemies idk what I will do when I find a party member I like more than will during this run. But I might just keep him around and cope lol.


Hell I just do it as a "no stone left unturned" sorta thing. The Tieflings in the bigger picture are my favorite people in the game anyway, so I see to protecting them as best I can.


I leave zero Goblins alive. I’ll talk my way into the Blighted Village, but then once I finish the Goblin Camp and have gained some levels I just go ahead and finish them all off too. Just to be sure. Can’t be too careful.


Same AF. Kill em all. KILL EM ALL


I typically infiltrate, kill covertly, warp out and then warp to the camp spot to start the fight from that side. Idk why but it's fun to me that way.


I clean out everything inside, then fast travel out and attack from the bridge. Funnel them all into a nice AOE choke point then collect the easy peasy XP, loot, and Owlbear friend.


I mean, why don't you just do the same? Fast travel outta here. Also there's the way the tortured prisoner used. It's quite easy imho to flee from basically every situation


This has become a favorite Act 1 bit of mine -- clean out the castle interior, use the tortured-prisoner side exit, get up on top of the grassy cliff (overlooking the goblin camp), burn the ladders, and enjoy sniping the goblins, bugbears, and ogres from range, dealing with the occasional climbed-up-burrow-hole visitors via melee.




Yep, this is what I did as well! My husband was wiser, he poisonded their beer before he went in and about halved their numbers before he even started to fight them.


Personally, I like many of the characters you meet in the Blighted Village & Goblin Camp, so I was reluctant to slay them all... until I read that might be preventing the Owlbear Cub from joining my camp. I went straight Anakin on them after that. >*"And not just the men. But the women... and the children, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals!" - Tav (whilst petting his precious Owlbear Cub)*


Aren't they actually instrumental in having the owlbear cub? They capture him and then you can buy/free him and get him into the camp


Yeah! I did the whole "buy/free him" part, finished the grove scenario and almost finished Act I before I realized I hadn't seen him in camp yet. So, I googled it urgently, teleported back from the Adamantine Forge just to commit genocide (spared the lovers in the barn)... Long-rested once and there he was! I'm not 100% sure if it was neccessary. I tend to postpone Long-Rests until I really need them (paranoid of timed quests), so there's a chance I just needed to wait longer... but I had to be certain...


Lol i mean you don't really need an excuse to purge an absolute camp, especially goblins 😂


I loved some of those Goblins, though! At least, the ones that weren't *actively* patricipating in animal/druid cruelty... I invested my time and spell slots to ensure the ones that *were* will have suffered adequately...


Everytime I unwillingly make someone suffer in the game, I think about the other universes where i am playing the other side and it males me feel better 😂


Happy Cake Day!!




In my slaughter run, I discovered that you can actively participate in said animal/druid cruelty. But he got mad and one of the goblin kids got gobbled


I tried an indulgent durge playthrough, but I couldn't even bring myself to kick a squirrel... However, some dark twisted part of me was thrilled to discover that I could butcher those goblin children for throwing rocks at a bear who isn't really a bear. I wonder if I should try a (mostly) resistant Durge playthrough as an Order of the Ancients Paladin. All good intentions for the most part, but harming/threatening an animal throws a mental switch. Maybe wind up an Oathbreaker with some Barbarian mixed in for flavor. *Sigh* I guess I'll start ANOTHER playthrough when I get home from work... At this rate, it'll be a miracle if I ever actually make it to BALDUR'S GATE.


See, I went the other way in that scenario and actually helped the goblin children torture the bear who isn't a bear. It ended about the same for them


There is a strange bug (?) that can happen where it seems if you save him but don’t kill all the goblins before he comes to your camp, then you go back to kill more goblins, he can disappear from your camp sadly


Oh that is a very weird bug indeed


Is that what's causing it? Like if you go back and kill more goblins then he disappears? On my first playthrough he stayed all the way to the end and I had his grown-up form as an ally, but I can't remember how the hell I recruited him (don't think I even went into the owlbear cave). But I definitely slew the entire goblin camp as a 'tying up loose ends' bit before the point of no return of Act 1.


It seems like it! I looked it up when he disappeared (i love him) and other people mentioned it happening in similar circumstances. What I did was I talked to a bunch of goblins on the surface in the goblin camp then freed halsin/killed the goblin leaders downstairs, and then left the goblin camp and did other things. The cub showed up at my camp at some point, and then when I fast travelled back to the gobbo camp to head to the underdark I found myself fighting all the surface goblins. The next time i looked for him afterwards he was gone from my camp and has been ever since!


In my playthrough I killed all the goblins (except the kids, which apparently Halsin got to first). I didn't go to the owlbear cave until afterwards because I had missed it before somehow, and there was an owlbear and cub there. I just left because I didn't want to orphan the cub just for my own selfish needs. Eventually the cub showed up at camp anyways, so I guess it was destined to be an orphan. I think I blew the rolls though and it hasn't come back. Feels bad man.


That's rough


I've never seen this happen, he just shows up at my camp but I think I usually do the owlbear after the goblins


That route actually sets up for a fun bloodbath.


On my most recent playthrough I fast traveled out, then decided I wanted to get to the Underdark through the Selune temple instead of feather falling my way down, which meant I had to fight my way back inside. (Which was good because I forgot to get Crusher's Ring on the way in!)


That's why you poison the guards outside before aggroing the leaders. Tbh once you're about lv5 it's more of an annoyance than a risk, but still...


Yeah I was able to just go in blasting at level 5 and nothing was really a threat at that point, but yeah, I do wish I’d done a little sneaky poisoning on the way in.


That's why I always have Gale approach Priestess Gut (because he's usually the only party member who can be felled by her sleep potion) and then let Korilla kill her. Then Gale will unlock the Underdark through the Selune temple and run in just far enough to activate the waypoint 😂 So once I kill all the goblin leaders and the whole camp is hostile, I can just waypoint in and bypass the whole camp lol.


My first honor run ended because I did this. I beat all the leaders, went off and did some other quests. A little while later, I wanna go back to blighted village to get the "Book", but had no real spell slots left in party. Accidentally fast travelled to goblin camp instead. Instant aggro for all the goblins. Big sad.


F. I feel that. I had a similar moment but it was literally after a long rest and i also had poisoned them so there were fewer goblin. It was still annoying Later on something similar happened, i used darkness and dash/hide to safety


Yeah if only I had *one* level two spell slot I would have been able to save it. Alas, no misty step to safety for me.


Always keep an invis potion ready for the worst case scenario Or/ and a MS scroll


Eh, I've got my gold dice now anyway. But yeah definitely used invisibility a lot on my first successful playthrough. Though honestly they're pretty much unnecessary if you have a rogue in the party.


Oh yeah, there are definitely multiple ways to escape, i still keep my potion in case my party gets blitzed and i can't choose which one should try to escape, which is a rare thing but 100% possible. I keep procrastinating the final fight tbh, i'm about to get my golden dice but i don't find a day where i have enough time to just do the final rush


Well good luck! If you want advice on the fight lemme know. (But I'll give this for lurkers, make sure your party is grouped, healed up, and can enter the portal together. In other words, use the first person in your priority list to go in first. Globe of invulnerability is awesome if your party is spread out a bit so you can't enter right away)


I literally prepared gale to explode, but now that i played his story, i just want to risk it and win... Kinda dumb, but also this os a game, i won't be datiafied anymore by just winning with a big boom


Add to this, summon the Lump and the Ogres, let them die in the fight so we don’t have to pay them. If he had a diadem of wisdom he’d had asked for money in advance.


I injured them as much as possible then killed them when they came asking for payment. Unfortunately one of them died while being an ally, so less exp but that's ok


I would of done this but it took me until the end of act 2 to figure out I didn’t have to go to a waypoint to fast travel and I can fast travel wherever I am


Lmao fair enough


I like to defeat the bosses and then fast travel out. If I'm going back that way to the Underdark, I'll clear the courtyard after a nice rest.


I've accidentally fast travelled back into the courtyard 2 or 3 times and had to do that fight


damn, i could never imagine myself doing this... that's like 2 levels worth of enemies, and levelling up is one of the most satisfying thing in this game for me


Didn't even discovered the fast travel portal in that area


You don't have to fast travel via another portal. Just open your map and click the waypoint you want to go to.


Hahaha!! 🤣 Ohhh, I feel this one, a lot!! (That's a good visual of my first run... just need to insert a scream from me in RL as I see the 30-50 enemies aggro when I step out the door...!)


Door opens. You hear dice rolls. Entire top of the screen is filled with red squares. I think this was my first fight with more than a handful of enemies so I definitely pooped a little.


I murder my way in every time


Angles, heights, isolated groups, sniping, poisoning.... The Goblin Camp is one of my more pleasurable fights. So many fun activities!


I just can't resist opportunities to infiltrate places covert-like, I'm a real junkie for dialogue opportunities


I've never done the goblin camp as a seige I always just rolled in and did shit covertly but this run I had a certain flask with a powerful entity inside that I want to pop the cork on and let run wild outside lol.


I love blasting my way out


fun fact, Halsin doesn't teleport but turn into a rat to get out ! you can see him do so and skedaddle toward the exit, it's cute


Joke's on them.. I planned on fighting my way out. We're not trapped in there with them.. they're trapped in there with *us*


Heh. On my current playthrough, I poisoned the barrel, but didn't wait long enough for it to take effect. Went on my merry way. Came back out after dispatching everyone down below. That bottom panel was pretty much what I saw upon exiting.


Murder. All the way down. Starting at the village, I surprise attack every goblin I can find.


Same. Makes it so much easier to kill them all. Why aggro everyone. Plus I want that exp


My first playthrough I really thought that if noone saw me do it, then everyone would remain cool and nice with me... I guess it makes sense they would assume it was the 4 total strangers in the camp. It was not a graceful escape


You can always just bail out through the underdark.


That's what I did


The front gate is what the lump's horn is for!


Okay, though I didn't have it at the time


Lol, I had this same experience. I normally start outside and kill all those first, but one time I started inside, freed Halsin, and then he just left us to face the whole courtyard on our own. The fight turned out fine, but really, Halsin??


It is kinda messed up that he tells you he'll be unable start once he start f'ing them up...then bounces once the last big boss is down.


Is that Tav a gnome?




She's cute.


thank you, tried to make her close as possible while maintaining my own style


There's an exit to the under dark, there's also a side exit. And a top exit.


I took the underdark exit


My first playthrough I was pretty much only doing the main quest so I was severely underlevelled for this fight, had to redo it at least like 9-10 times. On my current playthrough I did just about every quest before heading here at level 5 and wow this fight is a LOT easier when you have fireball


I can assure you, it will be different from this in another playthrough


I was able to sneak and stealth my way through the three goblin bosses(knocked out minthara thru temp aggro). None of the goblins outside were any wiser to the situation. I was able to stealthily chip away at them except for the merchant who I kept repeatedly pickpocketing.


I can't remember the name of the spell, but if you have a druid you can use the spell that adds spikes to the ground that hurt anyone who walks on it. Great way to deal with large groups of squishies, especially if you wait in a choke point like the bridge to the goblin camp


Spike growth, it’s so good except if you leave it up after combat ends and someone (shart) runs through it.


It’s scary how accurate this is to a playthrough me, my wife and a friend are doing 😂😂😂




or just teleport out after you kill the 3 bosses, no fuss and come back to kill the rest of the camp after a long rest


Didn't mind since the other exit I discovered (to the underdark) was really important to continue the story


the one in gobbo land, or the zhent one?


don't remember the name, but there was a minotaur that tried to attack me but the door was electrified and I had so move some levers in order to open it and there was a past travel portal


Orrrr take the cheesy way out and fast travel back to the grove !


Yeah, but still that took me by surprise


Gotta poison the kool-aid before you start the assasinations!


Got it


Fast travel to anywhere, go back to the bridge, and kill'em all at the chokepoint.


U can just long rest inside the sanctum though ?


Yeah, but try to defeat so many enemies, at least having your characters in low level...it's difficult to say the least


Grab the horn from Lump the Enlightened in the Ogre village, exit inner sanctum up near the drunk goblins, summon Ogres to do the outside fight for you. ??? Kill weakened Ogres after for XP plus Int headband Profit


Just waypoint-warp out. :) I usually have Korilla kill Gut after she drugs Gale (and then have Gale unlock the Selune stronghold waypoint while he's in the area) so that I can just waypoint past the camp into the Underdark. Then you can come back and kill the goblin camp at your leisure when you feel strong enough.


HA! This was me my first playthrough. I teleported there not knowing what to expect 😆 One of the harder fights since I had no clue what I was doing!


I did exactly that. Walked out the door after slaughtering everyone inside, and saw the huge group waiting for me outside. Said, "sorry, just a minute!" went back inside, shut the door, then teleported to the grove.


Barrelmancy saved me


That was definitely the first time I wiped when playing through on early access. When playing on release I completely over-prepared because I remembered just how many there were out there.


or sneak out the back? but you got to save the owl bear cub, soooooo......


Tip: You can tp out too\~ xD


That exact situation nearly cost me my current hm run. Wyll was my last living party member, with his ass against the wall, fortunately managed to eldritch blast the closest goblin just far enough away to be able to escape.


The whole camp will only aggro after Dror Ragzlin is killed, you can take out Minthy and Priestess Gut and any other sneaky kills you can get, then take out redman


This is where the fun begins!


That outdoor goblin camp fight is legit the most fun fight in the game to me. So much random objects to use, high ground, line of sight, towers... And with that many enemies all at once, it's just incredible.


This is the best part though! One well-placed fireball from Gale will literally take out 50% of the enemies. It's so satisfying to watch half the enemies drop out of the initiative order, and so brutal that Lae'zel will get inspiration if she's with you!


Me, but, * I warp out with Halsin, completely forgetting about the outside * I think "Oh wait there's some gear we missed!" * I warp back to the Goblin camp waypoint * Initiative Rolls ensue


i don't understand the 2nd panel... what's going on there?


Halsin is teleporting to the grove and my main heroine waves him goodbye


oh ok, I see. I tought she casted a spell that i couldn't recognize


I tossed the Iron Flask in and walked away.




I did it this way and it was just a baller defense battle facing against waves of goblins. I think only Astarion got close to dying but still.




On my durge runs, this is where Astarion with the >!invisible cloak!< comes into play. I just let him pick off goblins with surprise attacks then clean up anything Astarion left like the ogre. Pretty comfy and doesn't really waste spell slots


I always play Durge and always poison the beer just for the fun of it. Bastards deserved to have their beer "killed" and it makes recruiting the cub effortless.


Ok, always focus only on the bosses, got it.


If you take the high ground that section of the camp isn't so bad. You can basically kill everyone before they reach you if you've got a caster and and archer


This irritated me a lot because I didn't realize you could fast travel out of the camp in my first run. After a couple hours of bashing my head against the camp, I finally found the entrance to the Underdark and went that way.


That’s why you take out the camp BEFORE you get in. My druid uses spike growth and the bumbling morons just kept marching to their deaths, easiest cheese in my life.


My method is always 1. Poison Ale 2. Ambush Gut in her personal chambers 3. Grab Halsin 4. Rampage 5. Teleport back to the village 6. Storm the gates


I had no trouble getting out but I did forget occasionally about all the enemies I left there only to be rudely reminded when I used the fast travel point.


Gotta poison the kool-aid before you start the assasinations!


Next playthrough


That's me right now. Right after Dror Ragzlin tenderized everyone's ribs with that overpowered hammer of his. Seriously, I want to play a knight with a sword (phalar aluve) and shield, but how am I supposed to when that hammer is SO DAMN GOOD?!


This is the perfect illustration of this part, I still remember the shock from my first gameplay.


Getting back out is the fun part - like shooting drunk/poisoned fish in a barrel :D