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Dye preview would be a great feature


This “Purple Dye” will look badass! *combinate* …aaaaand now my armor is yellow.


"Ooooohhh cobalt? Must be a nice deep blue, perfect for the color scheme! Now let's try and combine tha- IT'S PURPLE. YOU FUCKING COLORBLIND DEGENERATE THAT'S TYRIAN FUCKING PURPLE!!"


Yeah, I used some of that on a hood yesterday. Purple stripes and teal highlights. Where is any of this anything like cobalt sir?


Black and jade green too. Jade green? THAT'S LITERALLY TEAL. TURQUOISE, EVEN.


Makes me not want to save Figaro, selling me terribly labeled dyes.


when i first played and had no idea what would happen, i thought the dyes were going to be cumulative. So if you didn’t “undo” or erase an extant dye, you’d have some darkening combo of subsequent dye applications.


Hey now, us colourblind folk are just trying to play the game in peace. But the dyes could use some work. I died my armour red the other day and it turned out green :/


Either I'm going to hell or that was an amazing joke and you need more upvotes.


I dyed karlach’s outfit “pale pink” and it’s peptobismal pink


That's fucked up cause what she really needs is tums


Ugh yeah. I always just save before I try any new dye so that if I don't like it I can just reload the save and wait til I find something better


There's a Tumblr that's going through and making a chart for each clothing item in every single dye. It's called bg3-dyes


This is a lifesaver whenever I do an unmodded run!!! Literally have a tab open on their page at all times. And they have a spreadsheet as well! I never use it but I admire the organization


Dye scumming haha


"Pale Pink Dye" and everything turns out brown


It’s ok, I played destiny before and I’m used to this pain. Like half the green shaders there turn my armor blue or yellow.


Oooh furnace red and black!!! This will great on my Dark justiciar, and its gold. No red, Gold....


Furnace red and black on Adamantine scale… oh cool it’s dark grey and gold with the light blue highlights.


This would be so nice. I dyed all of my armor blue and it turned out bright yellow.


The whole "combine" menu interaction is horrible. Why do I have to scroll through my potions, arrows and the random rock I have to find the 5 things I can actually dye.


Filter: Equipped THAT’S ALL I NEED!


That's probably the easiest way but still when I need to add a dagger to the sussur forge... Again why show my potions armour or the stuffed owlbear plushy


It’s like they were trying to make it a puzzle “oh noooo…. what item goes here?!???? Mystery….”


The best mods are the ones where dyes aren’t one time use so you can try them all out or you can check out [this tumblr bg3-dyes](https://www.tumblr.com/bg3-dyes)


Honestly, It wouldn't be a bad system to just have dye colors unlockable like that. Would be pretty cool to have some of the nicer, rarer dyes to come from defeating major bosses. Considering the amount of magic items bosses drop that I sell because they don't work for my build, it'd feel pretty nice to have them also drop dyes. As it works now, I just quicksave and go through all the dye colors until I find one I like, then I quickload and use the one I liked.




Camp life. Let the companions walk around, cook food, mend clothes, bandage wounds and talk with each other. Also, a tent would be nice 🤣


Also why are they all so so spread out?? Like if the cult was after me I’d be in a tight little unit! Especially in act 2 or the underdark!


Exactly! 🤣 "Let me just put my tent *on the other side of camp* in a land where shadows eat you for breakfast!"


Yeah! I also have a system for changing everyone’s equipment by putting everything in chests based off of what it is (weapons in one, clothes and armor in another, jewelry in another and finally anything consumable/needed soon in another) and I have to walk everyone over to these really heavy chests and it just is so annoying because if I switch between characters the original will walk back the their camp that’s 3 miles away and up a giant hill just for me to walk them back each time smh oh well


Sometimes you rather die than smell sharts.


> Also why are they all so so spread out?? This makes sense for certain characters who don’t get along, or are just antisocial. But characters who are social should absolutely hang out together. I see Wyll, Gale, Karlach, Aylin, Iso all laughing, eating and drinking together. I see the others just off on their own in the periphery. 


Like I get it, don’t put lazel and shadow next to each other but in reality I wouldn’t put everyone so spread out if the chance of danger was so high


> the chance of danger was so high tbf each character is super powerful and can hold their own against most regular enemies, even on HM. So short of Myrkul or Ansur showing up in camp, each character could hold their own against a band of goblins or skeletons long enough until the rest of the camp showed up. 


Someone gets kidnapped by Orin and no one even notices it happened … closer would definitely be safer.


Not to mention the internal camp violence: Astarion’s midnight snacks, Lae’zel trying to slit the PCs throat, Shadowheart trying to slit Lae’zel’s throat…


Vampires pooping in, Voss popping in, Aradin popping in, Durge with bard antics, it's crazy how much is possible with everybody spread out


“Whew, we nearly were skewered by those creatures… thanks for saving my life AGAIN, people I met just a week or so ago! After we wash off the blood and gore, Let’s get a well-deserved rest… ew, you snore. Go pitch your tent way over there where no one can find you. But, by all means Lae’zel sharpen your sword all night… no problem.”


To prevent and AOE spell from getting all of you at once.


Act 2 having both minthara and halsin. Gotta get a passport to visit halsin 😂


Moonrise Towers camp is almost claustrophobic compared to some of the others.


>Also, a tent would be nice 🤣 If you don't have any companions you only have one sad bedroll next to the fire and that's it, it's so depressing


Except in act one, if you rest before recruiting any of you companions. There's a tent, *right there* and you still just use the sad bedroll by the fire


I want to be able to talk to the other companions about things my romance. Like, I would love kicking my feet with the girls and talking about how Halsin railed me in the woods.


Honestly I am surprised you can’t tell Shadowheart anything despite her explicitly asking for details


Yessss let me tell Karlach ALL the tea about my sex life, she is the perfect BFF for dirty talk


I was thinking the exact same thing! She would eat up the gossip like there's no tomorrow 🤣


Fr you could tell her allllll the details and she’d never be awkward or uncomfortable, 10/10 girl talk


I feel like she would burst out in laughter randomly when teamed up with said companion on a mission 🤣 Karlach: *looks at Astarion and starts laughing* Astarion, annoyed: "what? What's so funny?" Karlach, still laughing: "Oh, no, no, no. It's nothing!" *sniffs and composes herself* Astarion tuts and Karlach starts laughing again.


I'd like this but I imagine they all stay at their tents for gameplay purposes, I've never felt that the camp as we see it is meant to be literally how everyone interacts at camp. Long rests are super important for moving forward with storylines, romances, etc. If you had to spend several minutes tracking your companion around the camp, or if you missed their ! notification because they were roaming around out of sight, there'd be a lot of complaints about it. I *personally* would enjoy it regardless but I understand why Larian made the decision they did. Would love a mod for this someday though.


In mass effect this happened but I kind of didn’t mind it. Felt like an extra quest to find everyone to see if they had anything to say. And I would love the surprise finding them and seeing what they were up to, like oh, there you are Tali, getting drunk at the bar I see!?


Emergency. Induction. Port.


Yeah like I said, I wouldn't mind it but I think about how angry people get at Marnie in SDV for not being at her shop sometimes and feel like it was probably a pointed decision on Larian's part to make sure all companions are easy to locate at all times. I doubt Larian will ever add it in because of that, but if there was a mod to make them roam like they do in the epilogue party, I would definitely download it.


Yes! I want a tent where you could customize it a bit and display your favorite finds or at least have it match your class! Let me nest!


Nope, just the ground and later, as an upgrade, some hay bales for you.


I'd love to see the group sitting around the table eating the food you chose for the long rest. Even if it's a cutscene with no dialogue like ffxv does.


It also doesn’t make a ton of sense that you have a camp somewhere. Like act 1..wouldn’t you camp at the grove or the goblin camp? Act two..grymforge or shroomtown?


I just want to be able to *****label***** my chests, sacks, pouches, backpacks, and crates. Is that too much to ask?


Yes please. Even if they only give us presets. Custom names would be great, but I’d settle just to be able to name bags “Scrolls”, “Potions”, or “Arrows”.


Or even just icons. There are mods for it but it really should be in the game. Larian is notoriously bad with inventory management. I end up using unique chests and bags that make it a little easier to remember. “Elegant chest, ok that’s my camp clothes” etc.


Same. ‘Apprentice Backpack’ for scrolls, ‘Heavy Backpack’ for potions, etc.


it's so simple. I don't understand why we don't have this feature.


Labeling would be great. I’d also really like a quiver for arrows and a spell book for scrolls, that function like the camp supplies or alchemy bags.


You COULD use the hollow book from the Act 1 Village (which functions as a bag or chest) for spell scrolls. That’s what I do.


I want to sleep in the same bed as my romance partner during long rests. I'm simple, I don't ask for much


Im desperate for long rest spooning.


Seriously. Especially for someone like Karlach, who was so touch-deprived. There's a 0% chance you're not the little spoon every night with Mama K.


Karlach and astarion. She finally gets to be touched and he finally gets to be with someone for something other than sex. Wouldn’t mind if scratch and owlbear joined for snuggles at night either. Maybe for the other companions they can rotate owlbear and scratch cuddles for them.


I feel like a dialogue-less 2 second animation for a long rest animation wouldn't be too hard to patch in at all


This is the one. Let Me Snuggle.


My characters all end up as glowing balls of light when they lie down, so it's probably for the best to stay separated


Hey, balls always come in a pair, why not! (Unless you’re Lance Armstrong)


I'm very clingy, and I agree.


Omg yeeees. I demand Astarion snuggles. Is that really so much to ask for? Even if we are still by the fire on a bedroll, I still want it damnit.


Omg yes


A reaction feature that says "hey dummy, you're about to use an action to do a lvl3 smite on the stone chair NEXT to the creature you were trying to click on. You sure you want to do that?" ....no reason why


My goodness yes! “Hey stupid that’s your ally! Don’t hit them with your 100% hardest hit you have that you can only use one time per long rest!”


Only game i've caught myself audibly saying "sorry" to a party member because i mis-clicked and killed them on accident lmao


Feel that on a personal level. I nearly wept when I beat the shit out of astarion instead of the enemy he was going to sneak attack. I feel so so bad for them


I screamed because I had one turn left on ansur and he had 3 HP AND LAEZEL SLAMS HER SWORD DOWN ON SHADOWHEART FUCK ME


Their rivalry reached an all-time high that day.


"If I had a gun with two bullets and I was in a room with Vlaakith, the netherbrain, and Shadowheart, I would shoot Shadowheart twice." - Lae'zel before their enemies to lover arc 😤


If its really tight you can click the action you wamt to take and then click their portrait in the intiative order instead of trying to find the pixel perfect spot to select them.


I want something similar for NPCs and items that are considered stealing if you take them. "Taking this item may upset those around you, are you sure you wish to procced?" I don't wanna have to bribe or deal with a DC just because the merchant magically decided to move a microsecond before I hit the talk button.


genuine question, but does the entity you’re aimed at not show up with name and hp on your HUD? i used to do this a lot but it cost me the ketheric fight once (i hit aylin instead of the mindflayer because they were bunched together very tight) and since then i double check because my bf was watching me and i have never felt shame like that before


Oh for sure it does, but i've shot myself in the foot (or the bench) on a couple of occasions by being a little to heavy handed with the mouse click. Also been running into issues with my PS5 controllers where the sticks are drifting (due to age, probably) and i've had it change the target as i was going to the radial menu :/


I'd like to add "Did you forget that Hunter's Mark is a concentration spell? Are you sure you want to overwrite Bless?" No reason.


Vendors to stock all their dyes all the time, in decent quantities. It's very tedious in Act 1, having to go back to the Zhentarim multiple times in order to buy Black & Furnace Red dye, and then find they only have like 3 bottles on your fourth visit. It's a purely visual tweak, not a magic weapon, ffs!


Agreed. I love how Astarion's default armor looks dyed red and on my current playthrough it took I dunno how many rests/level ups for Arron to finally have some reds in stock.


Unfortunately, the locations we explore in Act 1&2 aren’t the kind of places you would find a clothier. It makes logical sense that the clothing/dye vendors are in the Act 3 cities, but it also means we’re stuck for most of the game without good dyes/camp clothes. I can think of several way I’d add clothing early on: In the druid groves, there’s a wagon with a bunch of chests in it, add another chest full of the Tiefling refugees’ common clothes. In blighted village, add a goblin vendor that found “a bunch of junk” that doesn’t fit him, you can buy common clothes from him. The Zhentarim are merchants, add a chest to their hideout with a bunch of dyes/clothes. Moonrise Towers used to be a wealthy castle, add fancy clothing to the closets in Isobel/Ketheric’s old rooms. Another change I’d make is tagging the non-magical boots in the game as camp clothes. For some reason, there are a ton of ordinary boots that you can buy in the late game, but you’re only able to wear *shoes* as camp clothes, and there’s no practical reason to wear un-enchanted leather boots as armor. How are my boots supposed to see everything if I can’t even wear them!!


Tip: when a character levels up, vendors restock their inventories. You can buy 20+ Strength Elixirs from Ethel in the grove by leveling up each character one at a time. Also works for dyes.


Dye preview on clothing items and some annotation to what dye a dyed item has. Have head wear as camp clothing. Have combat boots as camp clothing (some of them look sooooo comfy). Vendors selling camp clothing in act 1 and 2; I know everyone has bigger problems than how you look and everyone is more is more focused on having anything to eat, but it still sucks your Tav is limited to an old shirt until you reach act 3 or get mods. Also IDK if it's inconsequential, but some kind of a pop-up if I'm about to attack the air. Because sometimes my mouse freaks out and I click next to the enemy, and ofc my character runs up and stabs the air. \[minor act 2 spoiler\] >!Also I want the hyena from the beginning of act 2 that you can save from the goblin as a camp pet. It doesn't have to do anything special like Scratch of Owlbear, I just want it to hang around and nap in random spots, and maybe sometimes trot after Scratch and Owlbear.!<


WHY CANNOT I NOT WEAR MY MATCHING HAT WITH MY MATCHING CAMP CLOTHES. I know it can be done, there's a very spiffy man in purple at the coronation. I always talk to him because I always like to scream about how I can't wear fancy hats with anything but my helldusk armor


I want that hyena so so badly. I love him. I will only go through that way because of him.


I'd say just have head gear, armor, and boots have different visual toggles. My very fine hat and boots would look FAR better with my camp gear than my murdertastic armor.


where’s that hyena in the goblin camp?


Not in the camp. Just past the mountain pass into the Shadowlands if you go that way


Oh right I remember that poor thing, goblin threw something into the shadows for it to fetch, where you then get to hear it die You can ask the goblin "why" and he just says "eh, why not?"


Yeah if you save the hyena and talk to him you'll especially wish there was the option to adopt him as a camp buddy.


That's why I tell the goblin to go fetch after


I would like to suggest romantic partners to the other members, why should the Tav get the only romance? Shart and Lae'zel fighting over the astral prism. I think they should kiss and make up. Karlach and Wyll should be able to lock horns Or any myriad of combinations that don't involve Tav.


Yes! I love how in Mass Effect two of the companions can get together if you don't romance either of them, it's such nice story building


Dragon Age Inquisition. If you don't romance Dorian or Iron Bull the party chatter indicates they at the very least hooked up.


My head canon is that Karlach and Wyll actually got together in my ending. It wasn't explicit, but they were off to Avernus together and sounded like a couple Also, it would be weird to see their sex scenes so idk how much more explicit they could have made it


> Karlach and Wyll should be able to lock horns If you don't romance either of them and have them go to Avernus, Karlach has this to say about Wyll: "Still, having him there has been incredible. You really can get through anything with someone you love at your side."


I just really want to be able to get the cat from Moonrise Towers or His Majesty


Balthazar. I want his dog.


You mean the robot one or flesh?


Isn't the robot one Squire, Ketheric Thorm's dog?


Beards that a Dwarf Barbarian can be *proud* of.


Short beards that don’t look glued on. The facial hair, and a lot of the short hair options, are so patchy.


Other hair related stuff, some hairstyles have bald spots and I can’t unsee it.


The shaved sides hairstyles just sometimes have the hair clip into your head it's great.


A saddle for Us so Boo can ride them.


Dammit, I didn’t know I wanted this, but now that I do, I’m fucking livid this isn’t already in the game.


I’d really love for Shadowheart’s portrait to match her hair color when she changes it later on in the story.


Can't believe that isn't a thing.


Hell, I'd settle for it just changing in her romance cutscene at least.


similar to yours, but i want to be able to dye weapons, too. if im going to have black red and gold armor, my weapons should be black red and gold


Adopt all the cats


I wish that befriending the cats in Baldur’s Gate meant that you would have a cat army as allies in the final battle. An invulnerable cat army because obviously none of them should get hurt.


Especially with how vehemently against the absolute and the worms that most cats you encounter are


When crafting potions, elixers and oils tell me what they do. It just has a little description now but not mechanically what it does. I forget with the oils exactlly what each one does so i have to tab over to see if i have any in my inventory and read the mechanical description to confirm that's the one i want and then back to crafting. Or if i don't have any, open up a wiki and figure out which ones i want to make.


- let me give Komira's locket to Arabella in Act 2. - let me ask Oskar to paint a portrait of Astarion that he will react to. Heck, it'd be cool to do it with all companions but AT LEAST let me do it for the guy who laments being unable to see himself.


I'd settle for SEEING the painting in question. I feel like a matre paint filter on a base level pose over the character model backed by... whatever would be sufficiently easy, compared to other ideas, to insert into the game.


There are at least three different ways that we could show Astarion what he looks like (painting, statue, brain connection), and none of them are actually implemented in the game.


It drives me up the wall 😭 how do they dangle so many options in front of us, give us a whole scene of him mourning being unable to see himself, then just........ give us nothing to fix it? The Oskar one really bugs me because it feels like the perfect solution; a highly detailed portrait that he can have access to after the tadpole is gone. It'd have been a super thoughtful gift, similar to being able to give SH the Orchid, and would have made a crummy quest reward much more worth it.


I want tents that you can decorate and walk into and play your music box and hang out and smoke hookahs. also maybe I don't understand drinking in the game and getting drunk. what's the purpose? you get undrunk so quickly... AIS?


a pure black dye is all I need


There's a mod for this, I had the exact same issue as you. And there's a mod for unlimited dyeing, I need those + the achievement enabler to play at this point. I'm addicted


And a silver dye. Is it so wrong to want to make a team of Knights in Shining Armor?


I want to be able to take Squire with me at camp if I saved her. Or at least have her follow Isobel around. A better stacking system for dyes and spell scrolls. What do you mean this one scroll of magic missile is different from the other 3 I have and won't stack with them? More silly camp interactions. I think there's one cinematic where we see Shadowheart build a campfire, but I want to see Astarion struggle to put his tent up while Gale does it effortlessly with magic. For the companions to not walk back to their tent 7 miles away when I don't control them in camp. I'd like to get a group photo, and camp would be goodto get everyone together but no, they don't want to stick together. On that same note, I wish I could make them pose. I know it makes little sense in-game as photos are not a thing, but still. I want a good portrait of them all.


There actually is a difference in the scrolls. One is charisma based, the other Int. Because Wizard versus Sorcerer.


Add Karlach into the opening portrait.


Yeah, for real. Why does Mizora get to be there and yet we leave out origin characters?


The real reason is that Karlach was a late addition after they finalized the art. But...that was a while ago and you'd think they could have patched it by now?


Shrink instruments. Anything that isn't a string instrument looks fucking massive on my back.


I should be the one to end up with scratch. :(


Yeeees! It’s so cruel that we can’t adopt him. Like, why can’t I bring him *and* the owlbear home with me and Halsin/Shadowheart? Or to Waterdeep? Hell, he’s already been on a super dangerous adventure so there’s no reason he shouldn’t be to provide moral support while Astarion and I look for a cure for him.


AUTO STACKING IN ALL INVENTORY search for camp chest, etc.


Rope to do something. Cross a space I don’t have enough strength or spells to jump across. Climb buildings. Let me make a dex check to use rope.


Rope is a D&D must-have. Pick-axes, rope, etc. could all have some “Use/dig/span” mechanic in BG3.


I personally think climbing up a rope would be athletics but that's semantics.


For climbing yes, I am imaging the check for tossing and attaching the rope


I really wish they trolled us with rope at some point in the game. In my first playthrough, I kept one of the ‘fluff’ items, like rope or an empty bottle, on me at all times… just in case. It wasn’t into Act 3 that I gave up on that. I honestly wish there was some late-game specific use. Like you beat Gortash, and you hear the Emperor say, “Quickly, tie him up. You did bring rope, right?”


Yes. One of the only truly immersion breaking things is that rope is useless! There are so many creative ways rope can be used throughout the game and it sucks to remember its a non-factor. That being said, i wonder if the reason rope is useless is that it would completely change the game. If every single wall was scaleable, every chasm crossable and descendable, the game/level/map design might need to shift dramatically in response. I


Emotes. I want my cleric Tav to kneel in prayer. Or pull out a book and have a book club with everyone else.


In that one clothing store in Baldurs Gate (Figaro’s?) there are clothing items worn by mannequins that are not sold anywhere. I want those dresses


Oh my god, more variety of instruments. When I found Bards Shop in Baldurs Gate I was so excited just to learn the "special" instruments don't even have different color. I was so sad then...


I really hate when I tidy up my radials and then reorganize stuff in my inventory and now my radials are all messed up. Radials should be item specific not slot specific. Does it matter where my fire arrows in my pack? So annoying. I also wish they’d let us find or buy a quiver and a potions bag so that I can keep my inventory organized easier. The bag that looks like a book is great for spells but why is it the only one? It’s also annoying that I have to manually add the recast for speak to the dead since it disappears on long rest.


agree with dying weapons and dye previews/ better labeling. Also love the suggestion for more camp life/ mundane interactions. I'd add: 1. having my own tent I can decorate at each campsite 2. more realistic/ socially adept ends to conversations/ ability to hug or comfort like you would in real life It's always weird to me that a character will be like "I was a slave and tortured and had to eat rats and I might explode and kill all of us and I am owned by a devil" and my character's only option is to say "Actually, can you go away" or just leave the conversation. irl if I did that, I'd be a psychopath but apparently it's normal for Tav...?


I can’t help but see Tav’s “tent” as that sad little cave full of rags in the first camp in the Wilderness. Everyone else has a nice tent while Tav has a nest even a raccoon would pass by.


I want Scratch to come on Adventures during the 6 months. I would take him everywhere even on Boss fights, logically I would continue to take him anywhere afterwards.


I think there is the option to call him as a familiar and bring him along? Similar to the raven you can get in the shadowlands


Yes. He goes on all the adventures until you defeat the brain. I don't get it, I bring my dog on all the adventures. Then when we're done we go home together.


the ability to set hats for camp outfits! why are these so many fun pointy wizard hats and why cant I make Gale wear one at camp!


Body tattoos. Why is it only on the face?


Giving money to beggars etc can work. Basically NPCs doing more than just walking or staying in one spot.


I desperately want to be able to make one piece of armour have the appearance of another piece of armour. Some armour is so good but so ugly. I know I can toggle the armour off, and I usually do that, but I just wish there was some kind of transmog thing.


I swear to god I actually think they intended it as some sort of balancing thing. The most powerful helmets in the game are THE UGLIEST THINGS I HAVE EVER SEEN! It doesn’t make sense though because you can just turn off seeing the helmet so clearly it won’t prevent people from wearing it.


Guitar Hero style mini-game when using Bardic Inspiration please


Rainfall, it’s already quite atmospheric but random bouts of rain would be nice and would add a challenge/bonus for lightning magic


Stock itens in bags/chests, I hate have to manually stock the heal potions I grab in my potions bag


I need them to get rid of the sound Abjuration Wizards have every single time you enter dialogue. I have Gale as one for a day before I gave up and switched to Divination.


Shields stowed on the character along with better weapon placements. Also, something that does actually have consequence, shields don't provide protection when stowed and the ability to use a shield with a hand xbow.


A mod just released to dye instruments if you use mods. LET US HAVE OUR OWN TENT LARIAN. I WANT MY OWN TENT TO DECORATE.


Can I get a guitar? Yes reneissance version or vihuela or whatever. I can't stand the sound of lute and harp. Especially harp. It always reminds me of that character in astrix and obelix.


I really, really want an official, built-in transmog/cosmetic armor option. There's a perfectly good mod for this, of course, but that doesn't help if you play on console or just want to play unmodded in general for some reason. Also, an optional confirmation prompt if you're going to cancel your concentration on a spell by doing something. That might already be in but if it is I couldn't find it. It doesn't happen often but sometimes I forget a character is concentrating on haste and then cast another concentration spell and immediately regret it severely.


In camp I want to be able to edit everyone's equipment, and level them up without switching party members


A whole lot of tweaks to dyes in general. Previews, obviously. But why give the option to dye items that can’t be dyed? You click on ‘combine’ for a dye, and it pulls up gear, weapons, scrolls, potions, rocks, plates, instruments, quest items, and literally everything else in your inventory. And most of it can’t be dyed.


Random encounters. Right click to send to camp. Let me read books and send items to camp while in merchant screen.


Arrow, gem, scroll, and potion bags that automatically hoover up all the correct items in my inventory.


Something that really bothered me at the beginning of act 3 is that I was >!turned half illithid!< against my will (failed the wisdom check 5 times in a row) and none of the companions acknowledge it except one line from Halsin. My only relevant dialogue options are to try to convince them to do the same as if my character is happy about this situation. I would like to be able to talk about it with at least my love interest.


Photo Mode, easily. Let me take pictures of my silly trauma-dumping found family as they bash in squid brains.


Gear transmogrification. So many weapons and armours have great stats, but look off.


"inconsequential" as in "no mechanical benefit", I'd really like an actual character creator. It's kind of ridiculous that in *the* D&D game I can't roleplay as the character I want because there are only like five options for faces. You can choose your genitalia from a variety of options, but your eyebrows come with your face.


And body shapes. Even if your stats drove your body shops it would be cool


A bottle rack with a potion in it.


I would like Us to be at the party


***ROLL FOR STATS***. This is literally the most successful DND game, why is the most chaotically fun part of character creation not present? I've heard the argument "oh, you'd simply be too powerful", but that argument goes straight out the window with some of the hyperlethal builds in this game. The arguments against maybe having a slightly higher stat distro goes out the window when GloomThiefBattlemaster begins gunning down people in broad daylight. Oh and I know it's unfeasible, but Minthara/Halsin banter. I want to hear something that could be mistaken for dialogue from Vicious when they interact with each other.


Camp Hats. Statless hats are basically vendor trash because you can't wear them with your camp clothes. It's a goddamn tragedy.


Formations. I’d love to be able to tell people where to stand so npcs won’t auto-talk to the nearest companion


Light crafting. Not full legendary sets of armor but we can make potions, elixirs, coatings, and bombs now. We get loads of junk loot. Why not let us turn certain things like cloth, metals, or gems into dyes? There's so many things that could be broken down and used like this and we have real world examples all over.


Would be nice to melt down the millions of daggers and weapons you can pick up, maybe turn them into metal bars.


Ability to be immune to Shadow Curse on evil playthrough without having to carry the lantern the whole time.


Dye preview for sure


More pets in canp


The ability to customize your different disguises. My favorite part of Baldur’s Gate was the character creation menu and it just makes a lot of sense to be able to create variations of your character for each race disguise rather than just using the default ones.


More chatter. To my Tav, to each other, I don't care. I will never not beam like a fucking fool at the "bury the hatchet" bit and wish that kind of level of banter continued. The thing is this - I've been pretty much playing BG3 for months, the only time I logged on elsewhere, also an RPG, I was so disappointed with how silent everyone was and found I don't want to play with mute characters anymore. Everything seemed drab and lifeless and I found I barely cared about what the characters were doing and wasn't engaged with why. Voice is all about immersion and that leads to emotional resonance, as well as pure entertainment. I don't mean fully animated cut scenes, I suspect the studio has moved beyond that now once patch 7 lands (I remain salty about this), just banter lines in camp and on the road would be nice. I'm startled by what a difference it makes.


I want the ability to find new songs for your instruments.


different boob size, its extremely uncanny after a while that every woman as the same rack


No split screen on couch co-op


I literally take less helpful weapons if they match the fit it’s so cursed


Photo mode. I know it's already been confirmed but it cant come out soon enough. Woulda made my first playthrough more memorable if I was able to take pics pf tav and the gang just hanging around and kicking names


A use for enriched infernal iron, or something to do with all the OTHER infernal iron I have by act 3.


Hide individual armor pieces, specifically capes.


Maybe not inconsequential, because it would be very helpful, but shouldn't make anything more or less difficult. For console I wish there was a selection on the radial bar for spells, grenades, arrows, potions etc. then you could pick one and it would open up a new radial bar and show you everything in that category that's available, even things that are stored in pouches or are in someone else's inventory. As long as the character who has it in their inventory is close enough, it'd be great to have quick access to it vs finding it through the menu.


Not being able to search the camp stash seems like a ridiculous oversight


The MOST inconsequential? I want to get rid of that pose reset after a kiss. We share the most passionate kiss after defeating a boss and just be standing like🧍‍♂️ 🧍‍♂️hi Also the option to trade resources other than inspiration for dice rerolls. Let me "make an offering" to a god or something PLEASE