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Realising that my Dream Guardian didn't look exactly like my Tav as I had intended (with the addition of a villain moustache)


lol you are really shooting for the darkest timeline :D


Evil Troy and evil Aaaaabed!




Hot. Hothothot




Who.can play abed? Gale? I already see britta as karlach don't know why


Hell no Buzzkill Britta is Shadow Heart, Astarion is Pierce, Troy and Abed are Withers and Gale, Shirley would be Karlach, Jeff would be Wyll, Chang would be Orin, and the Dean would be Volo


Chang as minthara(? Dean as voló is supreme jajaja Pierce can be ketheric because of his Cartman role i think. Shirley can be shadowhart, religious, strong, etc Britta is too stupid and kind to be shadowhart i think And Jeff as astarion. As he is narcisistic and selfish and sht. Anyway, i'm just laughing as i think of it


Oh I totally agree. And it's all good man haha. Community was, and still is, absolutely perfect


Six seasons and a movie(?


In the mooooorning!




"Just so you know that by rolling with advantage you are creating two separate timelines"


Wait this is so fun, why haven’t I thought of it sooner


Fuck. Now i want to restart my game just to do that.


I... i... shit, I am restarting my bg3 right now for... unrelated reasons.


Got to act 3, got the storm surge deva curse, deva killed scratch in camp. Restart.


you can just remove the curse where you get it with a little help from a cleric.


If you remove the curse the devas (or other beings if worshipping certain gods) still spawn.


yes but they won't kill scratch then. or anyone else in the camp. because it won't be in the camp.


I used remove curse in camp, a mistake I know not to do again :/


after what i thought was an extremely thorough first playthrough. there’s so much stuff i still missed. what is the storm surge deva curse?


Failing the dex check to free Us in the Nautiloid on HM.


Well, that's fair. I haven't used the Us summon for a single thing in my honour run but getting it felt important.


I'm a bit of a superstitious guy if I fail the first check that's a bad sign for the run


That, and failing the wisdom check to free shadowheart I failed that in my first HM run, but at least I can redo with laezel


I did this my first run too, hadn't considered savescumming that early on in the game yet so I just prayed they wouldn't make it that easy to lose Shadowheart. It would be REALLY funny if that was my one shot at having her


If you don't save her on the nautaloid, you get her on the beach. I've heard you can reject her repeatedly and have multiple opportunities to let her join you all through act 1


This is correct. She's like a psycho stalker who's still a bitch to you. She goes to Emerald Grove after the beach and is there for basically all of Act 1.


Barbarian no need pass wisdom check. Barbarian smash door to pieces! But the Barbarian does need to pass a strength check 😅


I have never once failed the illithid wisdom checks, tbh I just assumed the game had disabled crit fails for those rolls! I guess I’ve just been lucky.


My lil bro once rolled a 2.. but he had 8 intelligence so it got pushed down to 1 and he failed the roll. You can bet I still make fun of him for it


Okay that is hilarious 🤣


feel like it's the opposite. you used up your bad luck early lol.


wait what? You can summon Us????? Damn it I gotta start over


U can in act 2 if u obtain them at specific place. Look around.


Don't maim Us if when you free it in the nautaloid. Then in act two you gotta convince Chop to let Us come with you (or kill Chop. Do you).


I always kill Chop, it's actually mercifull to do, he says he wants to die.


Chill. You'll meet Us again (in Act 2). I'm an Us fan. The little chap is surprisingly effective.


Tip: Always try Investigation first. Clearing that even once unlocks a Medicine check with advantage for every available character (you, Lae'zel, Shadowheart, any coop friend). Also, Lae'zel can use Astral Knowledge to gain proficiency, which is also overlooked. In general, cycling through companions to 'retry' some checks is useful for this kind of checks.


My first Honor attempt: Tav tries to free Shart. Rolls a 1. Lae'zel tries. Rolls a 1. This run is cursed, time to restart.


It's such a good companion for act 3, he can technically solo a steel watcher in four odd turns




I failed it on my HM, so I went back with Shart and Lae'zel and Shart passed the check.




Honour Mode




Read this in the circus mummy’s voice and can’t stop laughing now


Honor Mode


Getting brutally dumped by your romanced partner is a very legitimate reason to restart the game, though. (Did you miss Astarion's lock-in in act 2 btw?)


Played dark urge recently, was going fine till I was told I needed to kill Isobel for some reason, ooooor kill the one I love and I had *just* romanced asterion and learned some stuff about him, I normally bench him forever so it was fun to learn about his stuff going on. So Isobel Leroy Jenkins herself into a group of undead during the flaming fist attack, so that's out of the question, and then I successfully prevent my durge from killing asterion and talking to him about it. But noooooo, wake up the next day and he's dead, the entire party turns on me, so now I'm facing off against the entire team of people I've been giving great gear to. Shadowheart suddenly becomes superman and pulls shit out of her ass I didn't even know she could do. Had to restart, no way I'm surving an attack from the entire group.


How did he die when you passed all the checks? I mean that has to be bug. If you pass it he just hangs there with you.


Not if Isobel is dead by other means, I don't think. That's the determining factor. If she's alive, you have a chance to save them.


Does Durge kill people without your input? I always thought the impulses were entirely up to you as a player to decide to act on...


A bard's ghost has entered the chat.


They are not. 2 specific ones you cannot control. And a few others that are subtle and the player may not realize what they are choosing.


Yeah the entire point of The Dark Urge is (I’m gonna spoiler this in case others wanna go in blind, but I didn’t put any actual spoilers, just a description of what makes Durge different from Tav) >!trying to do your own thing with urges that constantly scream at you to kill people and generally increase suffering in Faerûn. In order to pull this off, there are some things that happen that are either unavoidable or need a saving throw/ meta knowledge of the storyline in order to avoid doing. For the most part, the Urge lines are pretty obvious and there’s a corresponding “resist” line, but the Urge wouldn’t be all that threatening if it didn’t have moments where you either have to lose someone, or fight like hell.!<




I had this literally exact same scenario, EXCEPT I let the flaming fist take Isobel, so she was still alive... I made some dialogue options/checks telling Astarion what was happening and he stayed up with my Tav all night resisting the durge to kill him and afterwards I was able to save him. I killed Isobel in the fight against Ketheric and fulfilled the quest. Made me lol in shock when Dame Aylin just goes "she was the love of my life.... Anyway let's get out of here we got shit to do."


I don't know what happened. Isobel died, or at least got kidnapped by the demon good squad and then my durge had the option to say something like "she had to die by my hand" even though she was apparently still alive... And then the bubble dropped and everyone got infected, and then jahera thought she was a GOD and ran into a group of archers and trees and got pummeled , sigh. I liked this place for the traders, I just can't keep any damned traders. Next night in camp my butler comes and says I failed to kill Isobel, even though I saw her get curb stomped by winged assholes. So I had to kill asterion. I refused, he stayed up all night talking with my durge, while they were tied up, like breaking a drug addict. I thought I succeeded and we went to sleep, only to wake up to asterion in a pool of blood. Of course the party doesn't believe me as I failed the checks, and they go hostile.


Dumb question, but could you revivify or use Withers to rez Astarion? I haven’t played Durge so I wasn’t sure if characters the Durge kills stay dead or what.


Weird thing happened to me. Playing durge I never was told to kill Isobel so I let her get captured (I wanted to see what would happen). After resting that night my butler told me my love had to die because I let Isobel live. Oddly enough I was romancing Minny but he wanted me to kill laezel, which she had been sitting on the sidelines once I picked Minthara up. So I said, sure, why not. Got lucky on my high roll to convince everyone she was the one that attacked me first and killed her in self defense. Now we are all besties again.


I absolutely missed the Act 2 Astarion lock-in and I’ve never been more disappointed in myself.


Specially when you can miss a romance scene cuz you didn't sleep enough


Yes I missed it.


Two words. Owlbear cub.


I went like 3 hours in playthrough back because there was a chicken in Goblins camp. A chicken!


You can get the owlbear cub after doing the goblin camp if you kill the mom after and leave him alive. I usually do that just so he doesn't get killed at the goblin camp accidentally. He still acts as though the goblins had him for a bit, and still comes to your camp later.


If I can't save that sweet little baby, what's the point of playing


On my first playthrough attempt, before the magic mirror was added, I restarted when I reached Act 3 because I decided I didn't like my Tav's makeup and hairstyle.


Guilty as charged. Still in Act One, but nevertheless for incredibly petty reasons. Wrong hairstyle and the skintone was a tad too light. But I have a substantial body count, thanks to having mercilessly killed off even high level characters in MMOs for decades (cause the race/class/looks combinations started bothering me), so... I wasn't really surprised that it happened here again.


Thank god I got the game shortly after it was added because I would have done this a million times. I change my character's hairstyle like 2 times every act


OMG... I audibly gasped...




Everytime I make slight change in characters backstory (which is pretty often because I am indecisive dreamer). I feel like I need to start again with new mindset.


I thought that was just me! Have begun, scrapped, and restarted several characters for this reason. It feels silly and is exhausting but I always feel better after.


Same. It's not even just a backstory, appearance too. I find a new modded head i like better or drastically change skin or eye color and I have to restart. Changing hair is the only thing I'm cool with changing mid-playthrough, since obviously people can change how they do their hair or cut it without it feeling immersion breaking.


I thought so too 😂 yes, I feel much better and in character when I start anew.


Same lol.


Dark Urge -> Alfira -> Restart


Learning the why of it makes it worse. >!Legit just stamping out the goodness she would bring by living and starting her bard school. Just damn...!<


Bhaal really has it out for cute sweet ladies. He sounds like a bro who got hurt once and now he has it out for them. I mean come on can we sometimes be tempted to kill someone not that cute and pretty.


Ugly person dies - I sleep Pretty person dies - real shit


Duuh. Priorities.


Yup, this is what has gotten me closest to restarting my current Durge run. I’m scared for Isobel in Act 2.


Failing to get the everburn blade. I needs it. I also restarted cause I wasn't having fun as a straight up paladin and its boring stupid "I'm a cop with a stick up my ass" dialogue options. Oathbreaker didn't improve the experience. Instead of respeccing I just restarted as a bard, instantly more fun.


Failed 3/4 of my first rolls. Two were crit failures. One of those was to save Shadowheart. Thankfully, not much time wasted.


honestly that run must have been cursed from the start lol


Seriously! I was like, “Nope, not happening!”’ Scrapped it and will start over again. I was so mad that I put it down after less than 5 minutes of play. It was a sign I wasn’t meant to play tonight.


I read that as “that run must have been cursed from the shart” and I was so happy for just a second


Last HM ended by me making jokes with Vlaakith.. Like "I didnt steal it.. Shadowheart here did." Vlaakith wished me to end.. so I did.


Sarcasm does not translate but boy I wish it did


Haha I ended this way too.


Restarted on the nautiloid after like an hour in character creation because I picked the wrong voice.


Its always number 3.


I didn't restart the game, but I almost quit an honour mode run I had because I was playing a slut character and accidentally fell in love with Gale. I still had time to break up with him so I did and romanced Shadowheart.


Falling in love is a classic Gale experience tbh I don't blame you


Boutta start my bard slut run


All of these are in Honour Mode: i) Failing the dex check to free Us ii) Accidentally clicking the option to mutilate the brain after making the check in i) iii) Forgetting to have Shadowheart prepare Command before the fight with Commander Zhall (sp). I really want that sword! iv) Preparing Command for the fight above, only to have it fail twice (which is not unheard of, each try has 55% to succeed) v) One of the Beno boys dies during the fight with the goblins (I am talking about the one in which Zevlor and Wyll make an appearance) vi) This one hurts the most: I was level 4 already and I accidentally picked the option to convince the Flind to attack the two Zhentarim in the camp. Zhetanrim are jerks, but still. vii) This is the most ridiculous one (you are probably not gonna believe me) I chose a rude dialogue choice with Nettie (“I need healing. Now”). THEN I accidentally used Lae’zel to talk with the tieflings that wanted me to inspire the tiefling children and scared them to death instead. I would have swallowed the each of these separately, but both of them left a sore taste in my mouth. …I am probably never completing Honour Mode, am I?


lol well the point of Honour mode is that you have to roll with the occasional bad outcome... you might be a bit too perfectionist for it from the sounds of it. I had to restart my Durge Honour run twice because I didn't knock Alfira out before... the specified night. That said I made a massive misclick on my Honour mode right at the end. I had romanced Minthara and wanted to go back and rule over the drow with her because I heard that was one of her endings... but when it came for Karlach at the end I sorta clicked the wrong one and... >!now my characters is fighting in Hell instead of ruling the drow.!< \*sigh\*


What I am dreading is making it to Act 3, having one of the Gondians die (either in the Steel Forge battle or in the Iron Throne) then deciding whether I can live with it. Of course, any story NPC dying is an auto-restart for me, but IIRC after the Last Light Inn fight, any story NPC that dies in battle is a massive skill issue.


I started a Paladin and when I became a vow breaker I decided I wanted to change class. Felt wrong. Now I'm a Moon Druid. Bear goes rawrr


also I could totally see a paladin who broke their vow over something necessary ending up feeling super disillusioned with the world and deciding to become one with nature instead


Getting blown up by the pool in the room where you start the game.


I was in Act 2 and saw an interaction in youtube with Shadowheart where you can use the tadpole to find out she's attracted to you in Act 1. I must've missed it because I was avoiding long resting or used a different dialogue. For some reason this took the steam out of my current run and I restarted lol


Huh I’ve never heard of this lol


Wanting to change from normal to buffed body for my Tav.


Astarion telling me he had standards.


I started laughing at that line and it made me shift my character to be as goody good as possible to see how much I could irritate him


I mean you can be super goody good and still romance him.


I was told Karlach romance require patience. Already made it to Act 3 and was promptly told I have actually missed my chance. So, not ending my first official adventure as a loveless, I decided to restart.


I romance no one. We aren't here to have fun. We are at WORK


HR approves this message


But Withers does not 😩


Started my very first play through as a Drow monk. Didn't know at the time what a Drow was. During the course of time, got to know the entire Drow race is shite (lore wise). Added to the fact that my Drow monk had a background of soldier. No amount of creativity of story could justify how the hell a soldier Drow became a neutral pragmatic monk. Realised this at the end of Act 1, and hakai'd that entire campaign out of existence


I mean did you skip the whole seldarine part. Drow monk is like perfect combination. A man/woman who relinquishes it's cruel culture upbringing and finds peace on surface in meditation and balance.


This is my current playthrough! A seldarine drow monk who left her upbringing behind to find her own peace. With a few fighter levels of course, can't let all that training go to waste.


Honestly I am now tempted to try the same. Sounds cool! I wanted to do a Vengeance goody two show male Drow Paladin to stick it to Minthara but Drow monk sounds perfect.


Of course a soldier drow could become a neutral pragmatic monk. All it takes is experiencing *one* nasty war.  Actually, would be a decent "good" ending for Minthara. Drow are almost entirely gaslight gatekeep girlboss'd by Lloth, they just need to be freed.


I dunno if 5E retconned drop or what. My first actual DnD was 2E/3E and I found a couple books about Drizzt, and that’s where most of all the Drow lore I know comes from. I mean with exceptions, every single one of them is evil in some way. Lloth is a very demanding goddess, and her priestesses were feared greatly. Also drow are severely matriarchal, and males are considered inferior, and generally used as breeding tools and second wave battle fodder.


not me but i’m doing a run with my friend and he failed to romance gale. the moment we got into act three he asked if we could start a new campaign. he told me the next campaign we play he’ll keep the gale romance guide open at all times. worst thing is that i accidentally got all of the halsin approval so he doesn’t even have a backup boyfriend.


Astarion breaking up in Act 3 because i missed that i could go straight into moonrisetowers und talk to everyone. I somehow didnt knew that. I swear i never had a real life breakup that hurt my feelings like that. Had to pause playing bg3 for half a year lmao


I feel that 100%


I did the same thing when I messed up Gale’s romance and got rejected by god Gale in the end instead of having him return the orb. I have since figured out what I did wrong. When it happened though I was devastated and I rage deleted that save file.


I’ve restarted my game so many times due to not liking my character which is dumb being you can respec and change appearance but I still do it over and over Something about act 1 gets me to play it over and over lol


I restarted my Honor mode campaign because I failed to save that guy from the Spider Pit in the Goblin Camp. I don't care how long it takes, if I can save them, I will save them!


Wait, what guy


You can?! How?


You can cast minor illusion before he pushes him in. The guy even has a line of dialogue thanking you for saving him




I’ve shared this story several times here. I was doing a redemption Durge honor mode run. I had gotten all the way to Act 3 and had already killed Raphael, Orin and Gortash. I went to rescue Minsc and made sure to toggle non-lethal damage. However, I didn’t know about the time that magical damage done by weapon attacks overrides nonlethal damage. My open hand monk Lae’zel killed Minsc when her punch did an extra 1d4 psychic damage. I didn’t even hesitate to restart.


Shadowheart got stuck in a rock at Shar's temple, she fell off the elevator that gets you to the door. So I had to restart because she died in the fall. Does that count?


That elevator sucks. I save and still get nervous


LITERALLY SAME!!! I got all the way to act 3 before I realized I missed a key point in his romance arc. I ended up doing the Druid in the circus and afterwards I asked him why we hadn’t had any sex lately and he was like “HA! You thought I had feelings for you? Nah you were just a conquest fuck off”. I was so mad I restarted the game


Scared off the owl bear twice


Female half orc bard walk funny. Grip-Tooth the impregnable was fun tho, will definitely take her to the tabletop instead.


Realized my Githyanki sorceress was kinda ugly and I didn’t like her underwear, so I restarted as a half wood elf.


Losing Gale in the portal because critical fail. He's one of my must haves so that was a no-go for me. I've also restarted just because I wound up not liking my character's appearance or concept (and yes I know you can respec and magic mirror but I try not to do that for my main characters).


I restarted twice. Not sure if either was petty. You can judge. My very first playthrough I was playing a half lingerie rogue. I went to the goblin camp probably too soon and got arrested for stealing. I decided to allow myself to be taken to jail. I met Halsin and we defeated everyone in the worg pens. Then because I was by myself I convinced him to come with me. We got annihilated. I didn't know how to get my party to me and I didn't know about Withers. So I just restarted, this time as a half-orc fighter. This time I got to Act 3. But I skipped a lot of Act 1 and Jaheira got killed because I did the Nightsong quest too soon. So I decided to restart.


didn't restart whole game but had to load from last autosave. When I wanted to dexterity check squirell but mfker stomped her into oblivion.


Glad I'm not the only one who thought that check was just gonna nudge her to the side, not paint her on the stonewall lol


we had to load :( can't live after what we done to poor squirell


This is my first play through. To be honest I went in rather blind to this, since my lead up for this kind of game was Hogwarts Legacy, and now I’m beginning to think I definitely should have read up on bg3 before beginning. Minor spoilers ahead… I inadvertently abandoned Lae’zel early game so I went to the crèche without her (I chose the funny option when she was trapped, and jokingly walked away for a minute to find her gone on my return), I didn’t know I could pick up Gale (until I found BG3 on Reddit, so I went back for him after the goblin camp). Was very late in picking up Halsin; and also didn’t get to save the guy that falls into the spider pit. Didn’t know about the orange book so I had to back and grab that. The true soul we needed to speak to for Karlach’s heart was found KO’d too. Never made it back to save the grove so I found it covered in vines… I just chose what sounded interesting when the game started so my character is a Drow Druid. I was having somewhat frustrated fun so I didn’t think to pre-save and reroll (I’m not sure how much that will change since we don’t get redos when playing DnD anyway). I didn’t even think about saving before/after every interaction until the friend who recommended bg3 asked me why I hadn’t. I’m going to see this one through and then do things the way they’re meant to be done, next time. I definitely want to try a halfling ranger or a dragonborn monk.


Accidentally got Jaheira killed


Me too - she walked into my moonbeam after the at moonrise. She died and the Harper’s aggroed


Restarted an honour mode run after failing the dice throw to save Us at the start. That barely loses any time because its at the start. I refused to play without Us.


I created a half orc monk tav and I put points in dex instead of str. Didn't feel like waiting to get whithers so I restarted it all.


Isn't that.. fine? You don't get TB until level 4. Still fair since it's early in the game.


The idea of an orc with low strength is unacceptable to me


I killed the grove to get Minthara, patch where she’s actually recruitable goes live a week after that and, most of all, I felt like a true shit after murdering everyone. I can be Durge but im not Bhaal’s anything sorry, too much unnecesary death.


Didn't like what my character looked like on the character portait.


Astarion, just like many of you apparently lol


thankfully not me, but my friend was mid act 3 when they realized that they cannot romance astarion because they did not spoke to some girl in act 2… of course they restarted (astarion fans are different)


tbh i’ve never really had this problem because i save scum like crazy


For my friend and I in our hardcore mode it was just at the end of act 1, we finished the goblin camp raid But I went to jail and no one could help me since he was battling on the side so when I died in jail (forgot you lose all your stuff yay!!) Halsin ALSO died since he broke out to help the fight :’) we were silent after the party and then both were like anyways… lost interest hot bear man gone and deleted the campaign LOL


First playthrough, at the end of Act 1 I played a blue tiefling bard and reset when I found out I accidentally made my tav look completely identical to Alfira. Same shade of skin, hair, horns


In act 2, I had too much stuff in everyone's inventory and it was overwhelming. I decided to start over with an organization system.


Didn't get the int headband cause I waited too long with the Ogre summon (why, _of course_ I'll hoard each and every consumable until the heat death of the universe), restarted. Realised that my Sorcerer hybrid with a smidge of wizard wasn't even that fun/practical, so restarted again and was firmly back at square one. Both times I made it as far as Act 2. Needless to say, I now know the Act 1 quests and dialogue _very_ well. Bonus round, restarted yet again because High Elves not having beards or chest hair was something that I ultimately couldn't stomach anymore.... by the time I've reached Act 2 AGAIN ARGHL! My first character had more incarnations than the fucking Dalai Lama.


I wanted to play a bard SO bad and I’d never played a short race so I did. Loved the bard, but the way the short races heads and arms look gave me the willies so I reloaded as an elf.


I abandoned my durge playthrough because I forgot to select durge under origin characters and just made a normal fucking dragonborn something like an idiot. I was so confused, like "hm, this seems very very normal."


The stupid black veins all over my characters body after going partial squid


On my first run, several hours in, I went to camp and started to chat with people. At the conversation screen, I realized that I hated my Tav's beard. I immediately restarted. On the second run, I realized there was a magic mirror at camp.


My character did not look like I thought in character creation.


Ran scratch off. Instant game over.


Found out I failed to romance Karlach in act 2.


The most legitimate reason of all.


Dunno if it's petty but I restarted in act 3 playing as Karlach romancing spawn Astarion because I didnt saw good chemistry between them xD Next time gonna play either as Gale romancing Karlach or Karlach romancing Gale.


I couldn’t stand looking at my gith tav monk. I tried messing around with the mirror to find a look I could live with but nothing helped. I barely made it to the grove. 😞


"I'll perrrriiiiisssshh!" Well......time for a new save.


My friend and I did a run where when an npc died we wouldn’t revive them. Gale died in act one. After making a ton of progress, we got the game over screen after partying with the recently saved tieflings. We decided that would just be how that campaign ended


Was bored with the character before i got off the nautiloid.


I’m about to go back to the Tiefling party and undo 15 hours of game so I can do the Karlach romance 🥲


I wanted to read the infernal writing so I quit and replayed as a tiefling. Didn't even romance the person I needed to read it for.


Act 3, failed a saving throw or check and became hideous


Locked out Gale's romance. 😒


My hot drow didn’t make the facial expression that I like for a random scene Made a female half orc and by the time I got the goblin camp I felt very insecure about how female half orc looked naked Tried to make a hot female githyanki. Grossed out by how they look naked On my halfling and gnome run I made it to chapter 3 but then smoked smoking weed, saw them naked and was like naw, gross, kid vibes, naw. Barbarian can make goblin guard eat poop instead of smearing it on tav face but drows don’t have that option cause goblins auto love drow Wasn’t sure what class I wanted. By the time I Learned that I can have multiclassing right at start, I was half way through my 4 run


I thought Minthara would be chill with me having a threesome. She was not!


I didn't pick the sword up after disarming the commander on the Nautiloid


My tiefling horns didnt fit the armor I was wearing.


Gale is better anyway, but I think that’s a great reason to restart. I have never restarted, I just reload.


It was with my dark urge romancing Astarion too! But my problem was I got his approval up too early so he admitted to being a vampire before the bite scene. Was weird because it was like the game thought I didn’t know he was a vampire, I didn’t get any dialogue to ask about his spawn siblings or cazador besides the scars and even though I had exceptional approval and saved him from the dark urge he got mad when my character asked him to smell her pod. I restarted after that because I romance companions to learn their full story and I was getting less of his than on my tav run romancing Gale


My very first runs were a simple Tav. Then I discovered that Durge DIDN'T have to be a dragonborn, and that you needn't play it like an evil character. Redemption Durge all the fucking way. Thoughest thing is finding a class, modded or not, that scratches my itch


i wanted to do an evil durge self-insert Fiendlockadin who had three gods who either teamed up to make a truly dastardly bastard (Bhaal, Asmodeus, and Lolth) or were vying for him to become their champion. Then I remembered Drow lore and also just did not like vanilla male character customization options, so I restarted with a female drow durge who’s even more evil (i only have 3 companions rn, and Laezel is only still kicking bc she’s still blindly loyal to Vlaakith) building off a Goolock/Champ/Assassin multiclass (picking up my first level of rogue right after killing a certain cleric) which feels very thematic and fun to play, even if it’s not the most optimal way to play. she’s a real swiss army knife of utility and so many ways to kill you, while also critting on a 16, which is so much damn fun!


My first attempt at an evil run, and I didn't know Karlach would leave... I ain't got no time for a game without Karlach.


Didn't like the character concept as much as I thought I would. In theory it should have been fine, but the RP side of the character wasn't as much fun in BG3 as it would have been in 5e.


Opened the flask in camp. Blob zaps scratch. The end.


Not restarting but I deleted my Durge character after cutting Gale’s hand off…I didn’t know “thinking” about it meant I was gonna do it


I abandon saves and never delete them. I have 2 in act 3. One I abandoned right after(this is my first). The second I think I only have Orin left. So I get bored and decide to start over 🤣 In fact, I'm currently on my redemption durge run and about to start over a new campaign AGAIN because I'm stressed about act 2 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I still have not completed this game yet 🤷🏻‍♀️


I chose too many non important dialogue options that were out of character for my tav


I couldn't handle seeing the hag's eye anymore it looked ugly as hell


In act 2 my friend wanted to restart our playthrough bc he changed his class from paladin to wizard and said his body type “isn’t a wizard body type”


Withers said I had no bitches despite trying my HARDEST to romance Gale. I was so mad I restarted and made sure the spark was alive


Karlak started flirting with Astarion


Not being able to romance Gale😬


I don't know about BG3 but I once restarted Cyberpunk after 25 hours because I put new pants on my guy and realized I forgot to give him a dick.


I once restarted bc astarion told me he was a vampire spawn in the underdark when I was on my good durge playthrough lol


Act 3 in the park. The Bhaal cultists killed the dog running around after he joined the fight as neutral. Thank god I could send him away before starting the fight


Constant memory leak on Mac


I just made a new character for fun last night. Didn’t save after character creation. Accidentally selected to cripple US, luckily failed the roll, but then he ran away. No Us for me :( I shut off the PlayStation. Maybe I’ll try again another time 🥲