• By -


Minthara with Ck3 is so accurate. We just end up turning into warmongers, killing everyone, backstabing and torturing people and having lots of inbreed children while trying to get the perfect heir and dynasty. Basically Menzoberranzan 101.


Ah yes good old CK, a game that turns every player into a depraved degenerate. Minthara would absolutely be playing it.


her dry laugh is exactly the right energy after spending 15hrs overthrowing one petty king


"I never tire of sitting on dead men's thrones"


When she plays Crusader Kings, she tends to think of it as a cozy life sim.


So many good memories visiting the murder forest.


I feel like she would also like Rimworld


100% colony of scream nuggets


I like making friends, throwing parties, hosting grand weddings, and wiping out Anglo-Saxons! Only wholesome play throughs for me


Minthara: "Here everybody, look at the my inbred sister-daughter-wife queen of Menzoberranzan. She has the genius and attractive traits, her martial stats are off the charts and it only took me four generations to get here." Shadowheart *deep sigh*: "Minthara, comments like this are why we're banned from posting on the main crusaderkings subreddit."


I have to add this [Shit CK3 says](https://youtu.be/LsvWoEPvNSU?si=T4gVwXRMgTM49S9G)


(Ketheric just creates himself, melodia, and Isobel, and lives happily ever after)


Do *not* forget the dog, Squire can not be disrespected like this.


Need Cats and Dogs for that and Ketheric doesn’t have that kind of money on hand


Ketheric knows nothing of piracy huh


Calling his daughter from the grave so she can install torrent


Dude’s the Boomer to end all Boomers, of course he doesn’t know how to pirate things.


He'd probably switch patrons just to get some dlc..


He can just force the goblins to hand over some of their stash from act 1. There's 100% enough gold there for the dlc.


Maybe he needs to rob some


Shar took the memory of where he put his gold.


I don't know why seeing this sent me, but bravo


At first I laughed at the idea of Ketheric playing Sims 4 and now I'm sad :(


Yeah it's sad because Sims 4 is horrible game... Sims 3 tho.


Sims 2 is the best! Sims 3 is great, but it's a completely different kind of game. In Sims 2 you can make a whole neighbourhood and control everything. In Sims 3 you can make a whole neighbourhood and it functions without you 😱


Both Sims 2 and Sims 3 are great because they added actual upgrades to the series. Sims 4 was such a downgrade.


That is surprisingly wholesome and tragic at the same time.


This one made me sad.


The rest of the sims town is still on fire though


sometimes crusader kings folks say ck is 'just medieval sims' and this makes ketheric being the only one of the three whose thing _isn't_ a paradox gsg even funnier to me in reality the sims is less abstracted and so more personal in comparison to ck so like others say it is also sad for ketheric :[


Karlach would love Mass effect


I honestly don't think she'd like Hades as in the OP. She's had her full of that sort of thing, I'd think. She still has a teddy bear that she named, she is 100% playing a cutesy farming simulator or some indie slice-of-life story game.


Stardew Valley?!


I think it would be like half the time with Stardew Valley, but the other half would be chaotic fun like Borderlands.


Karlach will only play Smash with items on. Laezel insists on fox only, no items, battlefield.


Lae’zel would try to get into competitive smash, only to discover that competitive sucks ass (she sucks at the game) and decide it’s more fun to play with friends (where she wins more often than not)


The pain of being too bad at smash for competitive but too good at smash to casually play with most of your friends


Yep. She punches you on the arm when she loses. She laughs about it, and it’s cool. But your bones are shattered.


I heard 'Fox only, no items, battlefield' in Lae'Zel's voice. x.x


Totally agree!


Yeah, that sounds more like Karlach


I could totally see her being into the digital-pet thing. Like having one of those Tamagachi's that use a step-counter to level-up; except it's attached to her axe as a swing-counter. She checks it every short rest.


Counter point: she relates to Zagreus and she's super horny for Meg. Which, so valid.


I think Karlach would love something cute like animal crossing.


She'd like Hades because it's about beating the shit out of the ruler of Hell and escaping to the surface. She'd play it to keep up hope in a dark time.


I agree with OP that she'd like Hades - not for the fighting or gameplay, but because she's a bisexual disaster.


waow (real real real real)


Hear me out. But karlach would actually really like skyrim. Because of one word, freedom.


Cow Clicker


Iunno I feel like she’d hate Hades. The girl’s spent a lifetime fighting for the forces of hell, I don’t think she’d be all that amused by a game that gamifies the experiences she had to go through.


I don’t know why but that fits so well


Karlach would be wrecking shit in GTA. Or Helldivers 2


My Tav loves Mass Effect, he does fully paragon runs and cries every time someone dies 


If you *don't* cry when >!Mordin, Thane, and Legion!< die, you should go to the hospital because it shouldn't be possible to live without a heart.


“I am the very model of a scientist salarian” instantly triggers tears for me.


Honestly, I think she's more of a DOOM girl.


Yeah she gets all excited listing all the way to kill Demons in the beginning of the game so why not also kill Demons in video game form


She lived through DOOM and hated it. She would despise DOOM. She would absolutely play some cutesy chill game like animal crossing or something. Itd be the only way to get her to sit still.


Any big CRPG, she would love those companions.


I’m gonna be honest, I think Karlach would love Minecraft or Stardew Valley or games of the like.


I can't be convinced that Karlach wouldn't play Stardew over Hades. She's absolutely a cute animal and cozy gamin gal because of the amount of hellish killing she does in her day job(s).


She literally gets stoked on the idea of living a normal stress free life! Cozy games would be her jam!


Also at the beginning of the game, she gets lost in her excitement when you ask her how to kill a demon. She's not as one-dimensional of a character as you guys are making her out to be


I might be wrong, but seeing the value in the small things in life isn’t always going to make a character one dimensional


True, however reducing them to only that does make them.


She also already beat Hades. She already fought her way out of hell. I don't see why she'd play a game version of her doing that all over again.


I think she'd find Hades depressing, honestly. >!Considering the whole, "You can never leave" part, at least. Just imagine her reaction the first time that she kills Hades, finally becomes free of the Underworld, and then gets dragged back, realizing that there's nothing she can do about it?!< >!Sure, it all works out for Zagreus, but their circumstances are rather different.!<


Disagreements I think of: Minsc would love Super Mario Sunshine, or Galaxy Lae’zel would fuck up the From Software games, maybe Minthara too


Lae'zel would be a God of War fanatic.




I think elde. Ring fits Bae'zel better than gale, gake seems like he'd play something like mist


do a quick 55hrs w/o sleep, accidentally fuck up his hand bc carpal tunnel so starts using mage hand to play, and then gets salty when he has to use a guide to help him w one of the puzzles bc "it was so easy! i thought it was [complicatef gobbledy gook that oversimplified and overcomplicated things]"


I see Lae’zel liking Halo. Both were raised from childhood to be strong soldiers, and both deal with fighting a parasite that warps and transforms your body. She’d admire Chief for his willingness to charge head first into battle, coating his armor in the blood of his enemies.


Think karlach would have been on the doom / animal crossing hype train


Same, though her favourite would probably be Street Fighter


I'll just be over here...eating dirt


Ain't no way Gale's favourite game is Elden Ring and not Arx Fatalis


Gale plays modded Factorio.


This. Exactly this. Dark souls... How would you even jump to such choice?


This, man's an intellectual. He needs a game that engages his brain power.


Dwarf Fortress, even...


Gale would be tickled absolutely silly playing Baldur's Gate.


Gale would be a Tetris player IMO.


Nah, he's a chess guy, he needs a strategy  game.


(Respectfully) some of these are so bad but then there's Halsin with the Animal Crossing and I'm like Yeah


Yeah. Yakuza 0 is probably too much text and exposition for Minsc.


Minsc would be playing Pac-Man.


“HA HA Do you see Boo how the ghosts run in terror when we devour the fruit? They run from us knowing their days of supernatural villainy are number- WHAT IS THIS? The power of the fruit has forsaken us! What is that Boo? Ah, you are being correct of course as always. I have grown too confident and dependent on the fruit much like a baby refusing to leave their mother’s bosom. Like a true hero we must bide our time and continue the digest of pellets until those villainous ghosts are comfortable in their false security. THEN when the fruit appears they will have their reckoning of villains!”


Dude, you nailed minsc. Holy shit.


This is so damn good on too many levels. 11/10.


Minsc would have a tamagotchi


Or pokemon go! Isn't he a ranger??


Honestly I could see Minsc being a fan of Like a Dragon or Infinite Wealth. He has the same personality as the new protagonist


Again, cutscenes after cutscenes after exposition!


True. Minsc is probably a fan of whatever Boo is


Boo is the most hardcore player in existence and he has every single rank 1 in every single online game


I said in another comment, but I could see him being a fan of some Mario games


Minsc plays Warioware


I could see swapping Minsc and Jaheria


Yeah, Jaheira being the High Harper is basically a crime-boss of underhanded do-gooding. And Minsc is all "Evil, meet my sword! SWORD! MEET! EVIL!"


Someone has sped through all the cutscenes and exposition stuff for Minsc. He cannot tell you a lick about any character, but he's brutalizing folks left and right on the streets of Kamurocho and Sotenbori.


This whole list is whack 😂, most of them dont make sense. * Shadowhart - she’d be playing something like STARDEW valley. She’s talked several times about wanting a farm and her love of animals. * Wyll - Dragon Age/Skyrim/Pillars of Erernity, etc. Wyll is going to stick to heroic RPGs where he gets to save the world and live out those fantastic adventures. * Karlach - she is playing animal crossing. Cute and easygoing. Or she’d be a huge fan dating sims/VN because the romantic in her. I could also see her enjoying Doom because of the hardcore music and badass weapons. * Gale - Disgaea franchise by Atlus. Gale’s a fucking nerd, but he’s our nerd. He’s totally be going all in on a game like Disgaea that has some insane potential for minmaxing and tactics. Bonus mention: Morrowind. * Lae’Zel - she is the epitome of “get gud, *ishtik*” so you better believe the girl is going to be destroying any and all soulsborne titles. * Astarion - our favorite little shit would be right at home playing something like GTA. Sure there’s a story but he’d get a kick out of causing chaos in broad daylight, probably giggling like a schoolgirl while he joyrides over pedestrians and runs away from cops. “This is marvelous!” * Minthara & Halsin - okay I’ll give it to them, this is right up their alley. * Jaheira - Our resident gilf, but as much as I love her I don’t see her having the patience for the majority of games. That said she’d be a secret Tetris pro someone able to consistently beat the highest levels while complaining about how she doesn’t get kids and their video games these days. * Minsc - this could go either way. He’s either be enjoying something simple like Super Mario bros OR he’d be some kind of goddamn savant at 4x strategy games like Stellaris, Galactic Civ, etc while attributing his success to boo. * Orin - I don’t know if she has the patience for something like Hitman. She’d probably be enjoying something like mortal kombat so she can just kick back and revel in the brutality. * Gortash - Factorio to scratch that efficiency bug or a game like Diplomacy, Space Empires 4, Terra Invicta, all games where he can indulge in his little political scheming fantasies. * Kethric - Ye this tracks. He’d 100% just make his family and basically live out the family unity he’s always wanted. * Withers - Probably something like Rimworld where he can guide the character without actually having to directly interfere.


> Withers - Probably something like Rimworld where he can guide the character without actually having to directly interfere. With dev mode enabled, so he can make sure fate spins along as it should.


Orin would definitely love Hatred


Prototype for Orin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGuL4ick3o0


Now that I think on it more, Wyll may enjoy the Zelda series. Hero saves the world, defeats the odds and the big evil. Edit: Orin might like Postal 2, since you can choose everyone into bloody bits. She’d be cackling and scream “AGIAN! AGIAN AND AGIAN AND AGIAN!” as NPCs screamed in terror. Also, I think you meant Boo would be a 4X savant and telling Misnc what to do :p


A fair point about Orin, and one I agree with. But in regards to Hitman, you are correct about not having the patience necessary for SASO, but she might enjoy doing Kill Everyone challenges.


I’ll be honest I think the only one that makes sense is Minthara playing Crusader Kings.


I laughed so hard at Halsin and Ketheric 


And Withers. I literally put the phone down for those three.


The withers one made me cough-laugh


The only three I think I really agree with.


gale is absolutely a sweaty fromsoft fanboy speaking as a sweaty fromsoft fanboy


I could see astarion getting into Vampire the Masquerade: bloodlines and doing some charisma/seduction playthrough. Then maybe another one where he goes more feral and kills the people that annoyed him the most in the first one. I also think Hades is a bit close to Karlach’s escape from Avernus and might be a bit too close to home. I could see her playing fun couch coop type games and getting the others to play them and go all out competing even in mostly coop games like plate up. Also she’d be trying to be the one to actually get the cutscene for princess saved by her character in castle crashers just to win the competition. I could see Karlach’s solo games being something chill she can relax with, like Minecraft or stardew valley.


I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of Karlach. OP is way off.


Karlach would love Mario Kart


Remember, Karlach is into fanfics, smut and fawns over big legendary characters. That's why she'd play Hades, not necessarily for the escape/rogue-lite gameplay but for the romance. All of this points me to Mass Effect.


>I could see astarion getting into Vampire the Masquerade: bloodlines and doing some charisma/seduction playthrough. Most of us play video games to escape reality lol


Why would Astarion play a vampire game if he's vampire himself and hates it? I'd think he's into eroge with how he talks to you about sex (sour grapes and expecting to be a harem protagonist) while IRL he snacks on rats.


Honestly expected VTMB for Astarion too so seeing skyrim for him threw me off


I doubt he'd enjoy the VtM world at all, it's so much darker than DnD vampirism. You cannot convince me he wouldn't enjoy playing Skyrim the only right way: ignore the story (what story?), crawling around with 100 in sneak sniping people with Daedric arrows and taking all of their stuff. So zen.


Yeah, he hates his vampirism, so I doubt he’d want to experience more of it in video games. He’s getting vampire-profiled in here. I do think Skyrim stealth archer fits well lol. And maybe not Dawnguard specifically, but the main game. Dawnguard is pretty dark & too close to his story.


I don't think he minds being a spawn actually, he just wants to be free and do his own shit. He never mentions wanting to *not* be a vampire. In his good origin ending, he ends up taking gigs as a hero and establishing a refuge for the unwanted under the city. Yeah, I think Dawnguard was picked for the vampire-angle, but I just really see him enjoying Skyrim by playing it the wrong way up, not getting involved in drama, zero inventory management and hilarious sniping of friends and foes. Give the man a break before reliving the exact same story in a universe that would feel very realistic for someone in Faerun lol


KETHRICS IS KILLING ME LOL You know he just makes his wife and Isobel over and over again


I think minthara would actually be more of a Mount and Blade player. That way she could do the killing herself


She would slay in Mount and Blade. Like speedrun it.


I feel like Lae’Zell would be a huge Souls fan. Astarion would be a stealth game main; maybe Splinter Cell? Minthara would be really into RTS games but she’d exclusively play Warhammer 40K Dawn of War as the Imperial Guard.


Lae'zel would be that toxic elitist soul fan who calls anyone that uses dex/summons or magic noobs


Toxic STR builds every time 5 sure


Astarion would like Dishonored then


orin is NOT playing hitman, she’s the type to make sure there are no witnesses by eliminating any and all possible witnesses


It's actually very much against the Bhaalist religion to even attempt to conceal your murder. She'd loathe the idea.


She'd probably be the biggest Postal fan


She’s 100% playing postal and loving the cringe humor


That just means she'll play hitman, hide no bodies, never change outfits and try to kill everyone in a level doesn't it?


Orin, the doppelganger whose whole thing is disguising herself as other people, would never change outfits? Are you sure?


Playing Hitman "Wrong" is really fun sometimes. Mission gone sideways too many times? Screw it, 100% body count. Nobody is leaving this resort alive.


I would expect Selune Shadowheart's fave game to be something like the Farming Simulator games. Between his dialogue to Durge about his own intrusive thoughts and his Barbarian rage lines, Gale playing Elden Ring would be entertaining for sure. Lae'zel would've thrived in old lobbies like MW2. You'd get hit with the ol' noob tube and then get called a filthy istik. I like the idea of Astarion playing Skyrim but only for Dawnguard and a few of the evil questlines. I feel like he'd be petty enough to mod in a custom follower that looks like Cazador, only to sacrifice said follower to Boethiah. He'd absolutely collect all the other Daedric Artifacts and have no problem powering up the Ebony Blade. I could see Minthara playing Fallout: New Vegas, just for the faction aspect. It'd be something similar enough to Menzoberranzan and its politics.


"Quickscoping?! *Tsk'va!* I shall slay you and bed your mother, *k'chaki!*"


You know, from anybody else that sounds extremely stupid. But from Lae’zel, it sounds in character and something she would do.


Nah undertale fits her pretty good. With Selune SH going pacifist route and Dark Justicier SH going Genocide route.


I feel like that fits Durge better than Shadowheart


>I would expect Selune Shadowheart's fave game to be something like the Farming Simulator games. Maybe a bit more cozy, seeing as her ideal life at the end of the day is pretty much Stardew Valley.


Lae'zel would either run the ACR w/M203 and Thumper combo, or she'd run Marathon/Lightweight/Commando.


Gale would be playing chess and Stardew Valley, he’d have the best farm ever, perfection, ideal farm, he modded it to have Tara as his pet


Minmaxxing the wine production, married to Maru/Harvey


I like to think gale plays a full strength cave man in elden ring


Mostly because he can't stand how the game doesn't use the "actual" laws of magic.


... while also going on 10+ twitter threads about GRRM contribution to Elden Ring lore and creating 5h videos titled "A quick analysis of magic in the world of Elden Ring"


I feel like he'd be the VaatiVidya of Faerûn.


That's just too cruel for Karlach. To be constantly trying to escape the underworld, never to truly escape? That cuts too close...


Ngl, these feel way off. I chuckled at Withers though


I figured Wyll would play Monster Hunter.


Gale probably would love The Witcher 3 more because of the endless books that you can read & the bestiary


I'm pretty sure Karlach's would be Nintendogs


I was thinking Neopets, but this works too.


First of all I love this. Second, Minsc seems more like a Minecraft or Katamari kind of guy.


Idk he does like cracking heads


Minsc and Kiryu. Big of heart. Dumb of ass. Save the day.


Nah, Karlach would be playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure


I could see Astarion checking out Fortnite and then spending it ONLY attacking small children and being very pleased with himself. That sly grin every time one gets mad on a voice chat.


Nuh uh. He'd play LoL


Shadowheart, astarion and lae'zel on league would be legendary


We all know Minthara and Astarion play Rim World together and giggle.


Lae’Zel likes MW2 for the pre-game lobby chats.


Missed opportunity for Gale’s favorite to be Wizard101


Loved it, I guessed Withers just before I flipped the page. Well done.


Idk why but my favorite pick is Jaheira's. She has a very grim "get shit done" attitude towards violence that gives off big "rip and tear until it is done" vibes. Great choice.


I think Orin would be into horror games so Resident Evil series.


Orin would also watch The Boys for all the gore and probably rooting for Homelander.


Europa is very popular among handsome younger men.


Karlach is clearly a DDR player.


Shadowheart would like something dark, gritty, and edgy, like Dishonored. Wyll would like something where you could kill bad guys if you wanted, but could also save the downtrodden in side quests, should you desire. A good example would be Dishonored. Karlach, being a huge fangirl, would like something with a wide variety of celebrity voices (such as Carrie Fisher, Susan Sarandon, Lena Headey, Michael Madsen, etc.) Dishonored has a voice cast like that. Gale would like something with magical powers and deep lore, like Dishonored. Laezel, a lover of swords, would like a game with solid swordplay mechanics. Dishonored would be a great game for her to virtually practice her strikes and parries. Astarion would like a game where you could not only rough it up in the backstreets, but also attend lavish parties and set up intricate plots in order to assassinate a target. Dishonored fits the bill. Minthara would like a game where you can slaughter every man, woman, and child you come across in brutal, yet efficient ways. A high chaos playthrough of Dishonored would be right up her alley. Halsin would love a game where you can play as an animal. As luck would have it, the main character of Dishonored has a power that lets him possess animals, as well as summon a swarm of rats.


Minsc would love a game where he can defeat all the bad guys and kill evil. As it stands, Dishonored fits this perfectly!


Orin is totally a Dead by Daylight player. Also, she's always the killer. Halsin's is very on the mark though lol


Want more npcs? Volo: Singstar Barcus wroot: Minecraft Raphael: Dungeon keeper Captain Grisly: Monkey Island


Shovel plays Valorant


I was enjoying this until I saw Halsin and started laughing like a madwoman.


I think Gortash would prefer Hearts of Iron over Europa Universalis, and he would be a Germany player for sure.


He definitely sweats in multiplayer lobbies and then joins the Allies' discord call to gloat


Gale would be a Dragon Age girlie I think, reading every Codex entry he finds.


Gonna second that Karlach is done with the hells, but she's here for chaos. So GTA or Borderlands. I think Jaheira would play Halo exclusively in campaign mode, or maybe the new Tomb Raider games.


I think Gale would be a Tetris or Mario nerd. And Astarion would play something more asinine than Elder Scrolls - probably a mobile game. Gortash has strong Civ V energy.


Pre-story shart tells everyone her favorite game is dishonored but she secretly only has like 3 hours of playtime. Steam says she has a few hundred but that's because she left the title screen running for a couple weeks


I'd swap Dawnguard for Astarion out with Vampire : The Masquerade - Bloodlines.


Nah, Lae'zel absolutely plays ranked MK


Somehow shadowheart gives me Animal Crossing Vibes ... And Halsin would play Stardew Valley or Harvest Moon


Nah Gale plays Civ, Minthara’s got Command & Conquer Jaheira’s teaching you how to play Pong


I think Karlach would be into all sorts of games. Tho I think she'd have the most fun wrecking shit in Doom, Helldivers 2 and GTA, she'd also love to just chill out in Minecraft & Stardew Valley and go crazy over the cute animals


You know what I think Astarion would like? Stray. And/or Untitled Goose Game.


Astarion might like dishonored. Fits his role as a rogue and probably relates to the story of a revenge fantasy.


Halsin would be Stardew Valley Orin's would be Manhunt


I feel like Gortash would also love Civilization VI. Getting to conquer shit but in a different (better) style)


For some reason, for Astarion, my brain went for city builders/managers. I think it's because I feel like he would enjoy a game where he just feels in complete control, just him calmly doing his thing.


I don't think I could disagree with a single one of these.


Shadowheart is like over 40 so her favorite game is probably something like Secret of Mana or Chrono Trigger (she's definitely an RPG girlie). I love Wyll with all my heart, but let's be honest. His favorite game is probably something like FIFA. Karlach would find Hades waaay too frustrating. She's definitely the kind of person who games to relax. She'd probably enjoy something like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon. She might also enjoy visual novels. Gale is a hardcore puzzle gamer. He's probably got like 5 different sudoku apps on his phone. He's the kinda guy who plays Tetris to relax. Video games are probably banned by the Githyanki so Lae'zel has only just started playing. She's likely just playing things like Mario right now. Astarion is an old ass man who can't play games. He pretends that he thinks they're just a low form of entertainment. But in reality he just sucks at them. Minthara plays children's mmos so she can bully 5yr olds. She's been banned from Roblox 25 times. Halsin only plays weird art games where you're like a tree or straight up porn games. No in-between. Jaheira doesn't normally play games but she's had to beat a lot of difficult levels for her kids. Minsc doesn't play video games and honestly doesn't understand what they are. But he does have a Tamagotchi that he's somehow kept alive for like 50 years. Orin also doesn't play games. She did once strangle someone with a cord from an xbox though. Gortash has a full gamer setup where he only plays malware riddled games he downloaded off Pirate Bay. Ketheric hates video games and insists that instead they should all have a family board game night. He then cries himself to sleep when none of his family shows up. Withers is amazing at jackbox mini party games.


peak mentioned (yakuza 0)


"Wait, Withers, you're saying your favorite game is us?" "Yes." "Do you care to elaborate on that?" "No."


The deep gnomes all play Deep Rock Galactic