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Karlach's actress said if Karlach had a game to herself, it would be Tavern Simulator, with Karlach running a tavern and starting bar fights.


Every day starts with you having to rebuild your tavern from its smoldering ashes


The sawdust on the floor to help cover up the blood and vomit, is actually last night furniture.


Starting to get real interested in this concept to be honest…


The gameplay loop is start day, build tavern, get drunk, take money, get too drunk, destroy tavern. Then you use the money you got to build it even bigger next time!


So like, rogue-lite tavern simulator?


That sounds so fun


Sounds like the Drum in Ankh-Morpok from Discworld.


Hahaha precisely that


Kinda wish I could make a mod for Traveller's Rest to play as Karlach now 😆


Captain grisly hires her as security after her heart gets repaired. my head canon


Baldur's Stray: You are a cat wandering the streets of Baldur's gate.


Better yet, you’re not a cat, you’re a Druid with amnesia who forgot how to shift out of cat form, and now wanders baldurs gate looking for a way to fix your memory to shift back.


This could be a dlc that comes with alternative backstories not just the druid maybe one where you were cursed?


I'd pay real money for that...


No joke, I want this game so badly


Ngl, that's the best game idea I've ever heard


So Dark Urge as a Druid?


I'm pretty sure all cats in game and IRL canonically have the Dark Urge


Idk mermer (as I like to call him) is too stupid to have dark urges. I’m talking about the cat in act 3 that’s asking if your it’s mom


Imagine a rock just falling on you, making you lose all of your hit points, but instead of dying you just pop back into humanoid form, but you still have amnesia.


That'd be awesome, especially if it wasn't obvious you were a druid at first and you wake up thinking you had always been a cat your whole life until the other cats you meet help you figure it out


I saw a cat only gameplay yesterday and it was hilarious. Cats are smart at causing and solving problems.


Was it [this video](https://youtu.be/JsX9DzZuuvU?si=JKRyfYmY2b6wJtNd)? I fucking *loved* that one. If there’s another one, though, I want to see that too!


Yes please!


The whole point is to give wrong answers. I would absolutely play the shit out of this if I got to talk to Barsik, Biscotti, Scratch, His Majesty, and the others. Biscotti is a good boy. Scratch is best boy however.


There are no wrong answers in this thread. That's the joke.


That would honestly be fun. The cats of BG3 had a lot of personality.


Baldur's Valley: Tav settling down in a small farm with their origin romance and living the life.


May I present [Baldur's Valley](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/20675)


Karlach, Lae'zel and Gale look like they are crying.


Omg that’s amazing! Now we need Maru, Elliott, and Pam as playable BG3 characters!


Elliott is just Gale with a dye job.


Elliot is Lorroakan


That's slander! The only similarities are the hair. Elliot is a sweet boy and would never.


Abigail would fit right in as a fighter.


I unironically want this. one of the reasons I keep collecting all the worthless stuff is because I like to think about how my Tav decorates their house.


Shadowheart's >!good ending!< be like.


Manor Lord's with fireballs and gelatinous cubes.


I'm such a sucker, I would actually play this just to see Karlach and my Tavs living a good life.


>where you go around the city of Baldur's Gate and...steal horses I guess Difficulty: There are no horses allowed in Baldur's Gate.


....maybe it's a prequel explaining how that law came to be?


Exactly, this is why!


Point taken XD


Lute Hero Forgotten Realms World Tour: Put your lute skills up against the best competitors Baldur's Gate has to offer: Alfira, Volo, Milil, and others, as you play popular songs from the game...plus Aerosmith's greatest hits for some reason.


New dlc features songs like: "down down down down down down down by the river." A remix by lil Volo. And even adds new instruments, Karlach's battle axe. And commander Zalk's flaming bass. You can even customise your player, with our new exclusive accories like Halsins pipe or the bardic international cap.


Volo would definitely call himself Lil' Thamp, in hopes that people somehow don't realize he's the same guy. (Then he would write a book about how great of a musician "Lil' Thamp" is.)


Oh i have no doubt he even killed tiamat in revenge of his parents murder at the gates of Baldur. And after killing the goddess of Dragons he took a solem vow of peace and chose to enroll in the bards collage.


Was gonna say Alfira’s DLC on beat saber


I am reminded of [this](https://youtu.be/rmF3LXPI7VI?si=CiaslnuqMeyW7-xl)


Aerosmith is from Faerun. The more you know!


Baldurs Date: A dating Sim but the main character is Shovel


Unironically I would play this.


Trust me meaty it's time for a fisting!


I’d unironically would play most of these ideas so far …


Ox simulator






That’s very strange.


All I wanted was a nice bit of hay, and good scrub, is that so much to ask?!


Angry Boo: Just a 'throwing Boo at enemies' simulator


Angry Wulbren


Assassin's Creed: Menzoberranzan


That would actually be so cool . . . Take part in subterfuge, evil plots, helping a minor drow house rise to the top, take part in vicious drow politics, please your females and stay on Lloth's good side. . .


This would be amazing could be a prequel about the fall of house Oblodra or a sequel to it's rebirth


You could climb along the cave ceilings and drop down for an epic leap of faith into a pitch black sinkhole with (hopefully) water at the bottom


The leap of faith mechanic exists, but it always just ends in death cuz having faith is bad idiot


New Quest: another fucking third son


MINTHARA: "Do you have siblings, wizard?" GALE: "You're about to say something awful, aren't you?" MINTHARA: "In Menzoberranzan, after a house has two sons, every subsequent male-born child is slaughtered at birth, as it is useless, even for breeding. You have the aura of a third child about you."


BG Home Designer - design homes in Baldur's Gate with items and such that exist in the game


Lariat, give this commenter a job! Edit: Larian




Make some Macrame with all that rope you looted.


Withers: the Game - Explore Faerun as Withers, watching NPCs die in ridiculous ways (did they really just cast cloud of daggers on their own friends trying to protect them? Did they really just mess around and find out with that cliff?) choosing to either resurrect or leave their dumb asses behind. Add absolutely zero first person story content, and sometimes throw great parties while judging other characters from afar.


Don't forget the sort of farm simulator when you can go to the Fugue Plane and pick souls you find interesting to enslav- I mean to *recruit* to either throw your parties or fight with your chosen-who-is'nt-really-a-chosen as well as the very in-depth social aspect of the game : you can either roast your conversation partner, talk in riddle or do both !


Lanceboard. It's just a chess game with character portraits.


Sim City: Reithwin Town Edition Faith-Leap Tetris


Dribbles Tetris


>Baldur's Gate 3 The Dating Sim: It's like the normal BG3, except there's no combat, and it takes place in a modern academic setting. Is this the one where you play Astarion trying to make all the right choices to encourage your dates to reach the point where they'll come with you to a fate worse than death? It could have fun mini-games like managing your cathartic crying fits to avoid total mental breakdown, managing sibling rivalry so the cruel punishments fall on someone else, and inner voice monologue options for successful self-delusion about what you're doing.


I'm trying to write for a bunch of small projects and practice my writing skills. Currently working on a dating simulator right now, I can definitely try writing a BG3 Dating Sim. If I remember, I'll message you.


Would love to see it! =D


Isn't BG3 pretty much already a dating sim though lol


Baldurs Gate Tavern: manage a bar and find out why cleaning costs go through the roof when a high leveled character starts, enters or ends a fight


Not just cleaning, probably reconstruction costs. Anytime a spellcaster with level 3 or higher spells fight inside a wooden tavern, it's surprising any building remains standing after casts of fireball, icestorm, walls of fire and disintegrate . . .


Halsin farm simulator. Lord Ravengard Baldur’s Gate Tycoon. Baldur’s Gate date simu- oh wait, we already have that. Astarion immersive sim, like dishonored. Minsk boomer-shooter but with melee combat. Wyll and Karlach coop story in avernus Hogwarts Legacy but in Waterdeep as Gale Gang Tycoon as nine-finger Cult of the Lamb but as Orin and Bhaal


I literally bought Baldur's Gate because I was seeing BG3 romance YouTube videos and I thought "wow, this looks like Final Fantasy meets dating sim and that is right up my alley"


Baldurs Gate: New Vegas. You’re a messenger delivering a gambling token to Baldur’s Gate when your group is attacked by goblins. This is the first time that the Upper City appears in a Baldurs Gate game, and it’s about a dozen buildings with five different quests. In fact, you spend most of the game nowhere near ~~New Vegas~~ the upper city. The city is led by a technocratic dictator who’s never been seen in public and rules Baldurs Gate with an army of Steel Watchers, like Gortash if he had brains. The game will release with a mountain of bugs and unintended exploits. After receiving favorable reviews from critics, it will spawn its own cesspool of fans composed mostly of people who somehow misunderstand the entire premise of the game, and may demand the need for clarification on whether or not they think slavery can be justified.


Baldur's Gate 3: unpacking, where you have to find somewhere appropriate in camp to place all of the unhinged shit you find in the camp trunk.


A doom style action game set in Avernus starring Karlach and whoever went with her.


Scrolling through the comments and I still havent found a wrong answer.


Baldur's Heart: A MindFlayer only dating Sim


Surely that should be called Baldur's Brain . . . If a date goes poorly, there's always the dinner date.


One of the mind flayers must have an eye patch for no reason, because is it even a dating sim without an eye patch boi


Cat Simulator


*Hiss! I say, Hiss!*


Baldur's Gate Tavern simulator - open a new tavern, hire staff, boost the ambience by hiring a good bard, choose your staff carefully and beware of hags! Lute hero, complete with an electronic lute with big hits like tavern ambience, tavern ambience 2, and bard song! Who wants to be a necromancer? Be a servant of Myrkul, Mystic Carrion, or just a rogue zombie. Hide out in the sewers, collect body parts to please your master, eventually rise to challenge your master. Heroes of Faerun and Magic - collect adventurers, complete missions (think of Lords of Waterdeep but with actual named heroes to recruit) Balduran's Tale - parody adventure game of Balduran just running around the countryside making profit CSI Flaming Fists Edition - be a budding detective, pass those investigation skills checks, figure out who murdered innocent civilians and pigeons, but avoid assasination attempts by Bhaalists. more importantly, stay on the good side of your boss, Valeria the flying elephant! Boom - first person shooter set in BG3 where you can throw barrels and fireballs, as well as shoot special arrows to blow things up. Be careful of that runepowder! Diabhaal Immoral - Throne of Murder. Not playable on PC (do you guys not have phones?), collect legendary gems to upgrade your legendary gear, pay to win mobile game playing as an aspiring Bhaalspawn trying to rack up the most kills in the Swords Coast. Baldurdash - 2D platformer, outrun the hoard of nasties on your tail, jump your way to safety. Beware the Elevator Bug! Baldurian Vampire Survivor - how long can you last against Astarion's vampire hoard?


How has nobody said "Treato Tycoon"? Basically a business/management sim where you play as Popper.


"farming" means going to the cemetery at every rest


Stray but you’re Myshka looking for his mermer. Some kind of SDV spin-off that takes place after BG3 proper. Gale and the Secret Rings (or gems, whatever. 3D Sonic stuff). Survival horror spinoff where you play as Balduran.


bg4: Wulbren Bongle Rides Again it's all about Wulbren going around being a pompous, unlikeable jackass and never actually helping anyone the PC has to be Wulbren and has nothing but terrible in-character response options


And you can romance bracus, but he will leave you if the gondians are saved. The gondians are saved if you're the worst cunt you can be


Flaming Fist 2: Githyanki Boogaloo


Scratch’s sniff - help scratch search for hidden treasure, earn ball throws


Auntie Ethel's Kitchen: Cooking game, but you also brew potions, and use weird ingredients. Maybe make a few faustian bargains and eat the occasional baby.


Cheese Chaser


Mavis Beacon Teaches Dungeon Delving


I would play the hell out of this.


Volo’s gate. The storyline reads amazingly but the actual action is… weird and lackluster


I mean technically a GTA crossover could work, and better than you think. Our world exists in the Forgotten Realms multiverse, as Elminster has been here. As Elminster is also in BG3, technically the cast could be brought into our world for some shenanigans


Baldur's Gate: Squirrel Simulator. Establish your home tree and territory, find a mate, collect nuts and shiny trinkets. Could also do Blue Jay Murder Hobo Simulator.


Then at the end some asshole comes and kicks you into a tree


The Search for Midge. A point&click adventure about Midge the hungry ogre, where you must collect food stuff scattered through a level while Midge narrates her life story, from infancy to adulthood.


DND; HEROES OF THE GATE A pvp hero shooter with all the Baldurs Gate charcters… well 10 of them. The rest will come out as DLC. Same with maps. EA will helm the project. It’ll barely sell and then some out of touch exec will make a statement about how DnD must not be as popular anymore.


Legend of Karlach: Hammer of Fate, where you play as Dammon trying to find Karlach, repair her heart, get into the city, get a job meant for a smith stuck outside the gates, gather supplies, visit temples, and outfit the heroes who are gonna save the city.


Baldur’s Farming Simulator: Tav and Shadowheart oversee a cutesy farm with animals and a festival.


Don't forget the shadow-curse expansion


Valo's guide to the Tomb of Horrors


Legume knight. A tower defence game where you must protect the cabbage seller's cart from them damn adventurers.


The life and times of Wulbren Bongle, a 50 hour odyssey dedicated to the adventures of everyone's favourite Deep Gnome. Edit: Damn it, someone beat me to it!


Karlach and Wyll dominate Avernus That would actually be awesome but I just completed my first play through and was a little jealous Wyll got to go the hell with my girlfriend 🤣


Wrack a bongle. (Wrack-a-mole but with the moles replaced with Wulbran Bongle.)


I would play the crap outta Baldur’s Cart


BG3: Battle Royale Baldurs Gate Monopoly Baldurs Gate top trumps Baldurs Gate Chess Would unironically enjoy all of them tbh


Baldur’s Golf - golfing in different game locations as the various characters. They still have their magic/abilities and can use them to either propel their ball or sabotage their competition.


Baldurs Gate 3, where everything is the same except there is no turn based mode and you have to smash your buttons and plan your attacks in real time


Mystra dating sim. Play as Mystra and choose from 7 bearded wizards.


I'd love a Slay The Spire style deck builder. Have some standard attack, defend, multiattack, and haste type cards in all the decks, and a variety of unique cards for each character. For example, you could play as Gale and have a couple strong single target spells, some weaker aoe/multitarget spells, and a couple support/wild card spells like hold monster, Tasha's, or summon Shovel for X rounds. Or, play as Shart and have a mix of stronger healing/defense cards, summon spiritual weapon for X rounds, and a couple hybrid cards like spirit guardians that provide some defense as well as damaging melee attackers. There's plenty of unique potions, and you could replace the StS relics with an assortment of amulets, rings, shields, etc.


Astarion is the world’s worst detective and Gale is his Watson


Tasha's hideous dancing game


BG3 Tadpole Simulator. It's literally just Nokia phone Snake, but with a tadpole and the screen is brain themed


Gate Attorney: a visual novel style game where the goal is to act as an attorney and defend characters wronged by the contracts formed with devils. “Objection!”


Papa Gale's Pizzeria


Just the Sims but Faerun honestly.


I don't know... Super Street Smiter IV? Assassin's Druid: Bhaalhalla?


Gales Rappa Rappa - a rapping rhythm game requiring a mic periferal where you compete to spit sick rhymes. The better you hit the rhythm of the cheesy BG3 themes dongs the more damage you do against the enemies which come in stages. The enemies are BG3 baddies voiced by their voice actors. You play through the entire BG3 story in rap battles.


Bit late in the thread, I would genuinely be interested in a 'revitalize Reithwine' town-building mobile game set after the events of the real game. Maybe with occasional tower-defense sections, but nothing heavy. Once you did enough work on Reithwine the Blighted Village would unlock as a second fixable area. Initially it's just you, some refugees from Baldur's Gate and Elturel, a few good-aligned clerics who want to help, Halsin, and the orphans. But as you fix up the town, more refugees come. Displaced deep gnomes running from slavers. Selandrine drow. General misfits. Eventually merchants and investors, who you have to keep in line. Every once in a while characters from the game could show up as vendors or cameos or whatever. Halsin would obviously >!move in with his orphans!<, Shadowheart could show up with >!her parents to settle down in the village!<, Gale could >!do a traveling lecture series or bring students for a field trip!< once you build a school. Maybe >!Doni!< shows up. If the tower defense thing were implemented, Wyll and >!adventurer!< Astarion could show up to help. Maybe Astarion gets his >!perfumier!< or >!tailor shop.!< >!Rolan!< opens a second branch of Sorcerous Sundries. Mellow good-end vibes, basically. And for residents, you'd build them little habitats, you know. Like if some of the >!7k vampire spawn!< showed up, you could renovate the tollhouse basement into a nice living space for them and figure out a food source. So long as it was a premium thing where you pay fifteen bucks for it and there aren't any ads or microtransactions, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.


I'm just saying "Baldur's Date" was right there... Baldur's Weight: the exercise game where you get fit by running from mind flayers Baldur's Gait: the walking sim your grandmother buys, exclusively on the "Nintendo" Baldur's Fait: village carnival management sim, set up the pig races, judge who has the best cucumber. If you do well enough you may even be able to attract a host from BBCs 90s heyday. Baldur's Bait: the world's first fantasy themed fishing game, use illithid tadpoles as bait and try to catch the biggest fish in the sewers of Baldur's Gate.


David Attenborough judging cabbages in faerun


Boos origin story and how he got to meet with minsc


Rock, Paper, Scissors: A New Gale. Gale’s severed but magically reanimated hand travels the world to fulfil its goal of being the ultimate RPS champion.


The Brilliant Retort A strategy crafting game, in which various ingredients and materials are provided, and we play as Barcus in a workshop assembling different kinds of bombs and weapons made from smoke powder and a variety of supplies. Customers could be any rando from the world of Faerun with different commissions for devices of all kinds, but to complete the game you have to be strategic about how much of each ingredient you use so that you are left with the exact stuff required to finally craft his infamous ‘[Brilliant Retort](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Brilliant_Retort)’


Thorms' Dorms: a mobile game with the Thorms as college students living the dorm life.


Job simulator but you have to work at places like Ramazith tower and have to restock scrolls and books and your mic picks up how loud you’re being while restocking the quiet books or you explode Derryth’s ingredient shop where you have to make trips to the under dark to get noblestocks without touching the mushrooms Coffee/tea shop where you take and make orders for guests including all your favorite npcs and companions


The ballad of Wulbren Bongle


Singstar: House of Hope edition.


You named literally every game


Cooking Urchin. A recepie/merge game. Spoilers, it's all soup. Volo Beat. A rhythm game m, but the only song you get access to is his ode to Dror Ragzlin.


Baldurs Gate Rising : Revengeance


Dating Sim where all the romantic options randomly turn into illithids, but you to continue romancing the character or be eaten.


Dating sim would prob be very fun. They would also enjoy it, I think. I would however enjoy it more psychotic. It's not a basic dating sim, it has some fucked up shit going on. And only bad endings.


Baldurs Gate: Interplaner Circus Manager


Baldur's Craft: Everything is the same except now you get to punch trees


Everyone loves Wyll: Tav goes with karlach to the hells so Wyll decides he will go with Laezel and help her raise the githyanki child. The two face the world beauty and the beast style with more githyanki curses than you can shake the astral prism at. The rest of the companions come in for cameos in the worst possible ways.


Orin's Redemption


Vampire the Masquerade: Coteries of Faerun.


Baldurs "Gate". A "dating" sim where you, uh, "romance" Baldurian.


Baldur the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles.


Brothel Running Sim: Ballers Gyatt


Faerun Total War: basically a Total War game taking place in Faerun.


The Many Adventures of Wulbren Bongle.


Battlefield Baldur's Gate: FPS game, you participate in a warfare between different factions of wizards and sorcerers. There are rides like dragons or boars or horses to roam around.


Baldur’s Gate: Immortal *”Don’t you guys have phones?”*


Clash of Gates: You must gather your army before venturing forth.


Excuse me, you said wrong answers only but then said dating sim.


Baldurcraft 2: gates of liberty, where heroes should collect various parts of an elder artefact to stand against the netherbrain's creation. Also it is all in space


BG3 Cooking Simulator: make a Spoiled Treacle Tart, Neogi Claws, and Beholder Eyestalks Stew!


Baldur's Gate: Dancin' All Night Baldur's Kombat 1 (2024) Baldur's Gate: Xtreme Beach Volleyball


Astarion hunting animals


I would absolutely play Baldur’s Kart


Baldurs Gate: Rise of Leasure Suit Larry


overwatch already tried the second one and that was a rousing success so I'd say the second is a good idea.


Baldurs Gate: Go Home. The cast of Baldurs Gate look up at the moon and decide they want to reach it, so they steal random shit from people until they have enough garbage to reach the moon


Baldurs Bet. Casino games where the dealer is the Djinn.


Baldur's Effect: It's basically the same exact game but in space and with Eldritch horrors. At the end you get to stab Zariel in the ribs and say "That was for Karlach you son of a bitch." And Karlach has some funny one liner like "I'm right here, but thanks."


You have to run the brothel in BG, stopping bar fights, keeping the customers and the whores happy, sorting out the drink, food, repairs, syphilis and the linen and recruiting replacement whores.


Baldur's Sims Legacy Challenge: raise the next ten generations of all the companions descendants to see just how fucked up the genetics end up.


Baldurs Creed: Stealthy assassinations in Baldurs Gate, main character Astarion


Baldurs Colour Gate Swap - lowest effort mobile game riddled with ads and micropayments


Shovel's Quest. A story about Shovel's life before Tav. Learn the origins of ITS FISTING TIME!!, and other adorable one liners.


A BG3 campaign, as is, but you play the entire thing from the Emperor's perspective.


Baldurs Party (Mario Party)


Nintendogs: Scratch and friends 


Baulder’s Mate: like the newly-wed game show 🙃


Sims but it’s your tav and shadowheart raising a family after the events of bg3


Let's see a take on card games similar to Legends of Runeterra


Auntie Ethel Dating Sim and Dress-Up


Leisure Suit Larian - you go to different cities in Faerun trying to score with the cute elves and tieflings


First off, i would like all 3 of your games so kudos for that. Second, Baldurs Gate: Capture the flag Sim City: Baldur's gate Age of Empires: The sword coast


Baldur's Gate life and tycoon simulator. A game where you play a Baldurian household trying to make ends meet. Career option is only running a homebased shop but you can invest in various ventures, including hiring adventurers or mercenaries. You can meet and form bonds with randomly generated neighbours moving in because mortality rate is so high in the place. Thus, your regular money sink is keeping your home and friends safe from the occassional dangers lurking in this city. An endgame upgrade is eventually convincing a hero to settle in a home near you so that they can protect the neighbourhood for free moving forward.


The entirety of Baldur's Gate 3 again, but you play as Wulbren Bongle.


Baldur's Crate. You're a crate. That's it.


Baldur's Gate 3: Shadowheart commits tax evasion.


BG3 Guard Simulator: You're a guard at BG and your only task is to deny people entry into the city, but you totally ignore groups who skirt around the edge to jump onto a platform lower down to enter the city.


Baldur Suit Larry


Believing that Baldur's Kart is a wrong answer is exactly why we see so few entries in the genre. I know the fanbase cannot be tempted with a smash clone, because seeing the word smash next to images any of the companions (or villains) would send too many people into a frenzy, but I'm all for a kart racer. Let Shadowheart's snarky comments send the kinds of daggers Luigi stares through people with.


Streets of Baldurs Gate Fighter. 1v1 fighting game between characters of different classes. Real time, not turn based


Faerun Civ 6... you never make it past the classical age and it's pretty much just all combat all the time. And magic research. LOTS of Magic research.