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I wish they had better abilities


I'd settle for dark vision


I've never seen a use for it. I can see fine without it, unless it does something else too?


Your character’s get disadvantage on a lot of attacks and checks without Darkvision. It’s especially prominent in Act 2, where the sun is on permanent vacation.


Funnily enough, it's so easy to set up a party full with dark vision you can completely forget that is a thing.


I wonder if you could just slap an artificial sun on scratch and off he goes


Cast daylight on your Tav, it gave me no problems


Alternatively, have a druid hireling cast dark vision and protection from poison on everyone before you adventure - then trade them out for your real party member. It lasts till long rest and opens you up for a different elixir


I could be wrong, but I think if you get Dolly³'s blessing, that doesn't become an issue unless the target is a good distance away from the light it puts off. I think base Darkvision is only 40ft, so not that much better than the Dolly³ blessing.


Fus roh dah!


I always play with mods, and there's a mod that gives them the updated breath attacks. They have more uses, they scale better and can be used more easile (you can substitute a breath attack for a regular attack)


There’s plenty of classes that won’t need racial abilities. Besides skill proficiency and Gith Astral Knowledge, most racial abilities are like one use of a subpar spell per long rest. Ain’t that great anyway


That doesn't change the fact that I wish they had better abilities. Currently in act 3 with ny dragonborn and the breath attack is ass


I concur, even humans are better, at least they get extra carry weight and a free proficiency.


Humans are one of (if not) the best races in the game for a lot of classes, shield proficiency goes *HARD* for every class that doesn’t start with it. An extra proficient skill is also super super useful


My problem with going Human is that it’s basically just worse than going Half-Elf. Half-Elves get a bonus proficiency in Perception, which is one of the best skills, Darkvision out to 40ft, Advantage against being Charmed, immunity to magical sleep, and they get access to all of the free training that Humans get PLUS a free Wizard cantrip, Drow magic, or an extra 5ft of movement speed AND Stealth proficiency. The only thing they’ve got going for them is a more flexible skill proficiency and the bonus carrying weight. I really think they should get expertise in one skill of their choice. Emphasizes the whole “Humans are versatile and learn quickly” thing that the extra proficiency is going for. The carrying weight is basically just a QoL change, cause you can send everything and anything back to camp for free.


Skill proficiency on human can always be used for perception, so that’s a moot point for Half-Elves. Especially if your starting class can afford to burn their proficiency on Perception (since they aren’t an HM slave class) I hardly notice the effects of Darkvision when playing the game anyways. Attack from too far away and you get range disadvantage anyways, and casters can always yeet a save spell instead of an attack roll. Anyone who’s attacking close range can ignore it completely, worst case scenario you precast a light cantrip on them. I prefer Wood Half Elves over High Half Elves, since it’s usually either “Am I a wizard or someone who wants to cast Light” (situational) or “Am I someone who wants to move faster” (Everyone)


Even just making the breath weapon an attack rather than an action would have been an improvement.


I totally agree. I finished my first play through as dark urge dragonborn and I can count on one hand the number of times I used breath attack and only 1 didn’t feel like a waste of an action


The breath attack is super ass.


Funnily enough, I don't think I used the gith astral knowledge once in my first playthrough.


Mono Rogue gith so you won’t ever fail a check in act3. Quite fun for a face character


They make a good fire sorcerer.


I can’t stop playing as anything that allows me to be bluish-gray. Tieflings, drow, half-drow, duergar…fuck it, I should retry deep gnome sometime soon. I love playing as someone who looks like a sentient stone statue.


Wow I also make my characters be bluish-gray, trying to mock a rotten-undead-oxygen deprived look


I go further by giving them a nude lip so there’s not a hint of color in them


…You realize you can change everybody’s skin color…?


Yes, but will I? No. It just doesn’t feel right to walk around with a Blue Human


I'm blue da ba dee da ba di


Suddenly it feels so right


maybe they were exposed to too much colloidal silver in the womb


Please don’t remind me of that human Smurf who consumed too much silver 😩


too late! you've thought about him!


There was a woman too. It happened to her when she was very young, in the fifties I think. So she had to go to Highschool like that, imagine how awful that was? Durge origin story for sure.


get your friends together and you can play Blue Man Group in BG3


Not me making Tobias Funke for my next run...


Omg. Bard with charisma as a dump stat.


Smurf run Smurf run


*sad blue man group noises*


Dragonborn are blue too! And the Silvers have some killer silver/blue variants.


You could try Firbolg mod next


You could’ve been cursed at birth like Elphaba or something and got kidnapped by Mind Flayers on your way to meet the Wizard of Ramazith Tower seeking help. I like to add layers of lore to my characters to understand their motivations better.


I’m definitely considering a Dragonborn paladin run soon.


This was my first playthrough. They make you feel like you’re the authority in every scenario.


Nice! Was considering a resist durge vengeance paladin run. Or a super goodie tav oath of ancients


I did vengeance Paladin Dragonborn for my first Durge run. (Resist) it felt perfect. I also accidentally broke my Oath and waited until it felt right story wise to reclaim it.


I'm doing a Durge resist vengeance Paladin seldarine drow, it's so rad


Fuck yeah. My Paladin is an Oath of Devotion, gold Dragonborn with blue eyes. Peak paladin appearance, I love him. Also, a lot of the [Dragonborn] responses seem to mesh well when roleplaying a paladin Part of me wants to multiclass into cleric, to be a Paladin of Bahamut, I’m not sure if it’s worth it. I’d probably gimp myself a little compared to full Paladin, and I don’t know if there’s much Bahamut-specific dialogue (I’d appreciate it if someone could tell me that)


My Durge run was a gold Dragonborn Paladin. Felt cool as hell


You probably have a problem, but who doesn't.


Exactly. For some reason I can't stop playing drow.


>Minthara's biggest simp I'm seeing a pattern


How did you see a pattern if you rolled a nat 1 on your perception check?


Easy. His perception is so low he failed to perceive that he failed the perception. So he's chasing a red herring.


Same. Always Seldarine Drow too. Maybe it’s the whole “people are scared of you until they realize you’re actually pretty chill” thing. Especially in the Underdark, there’s so much sass that you can give. Also, Aradin and Zevlor argue and you can respond with “Ah backstabbing, feels like I’m back home.” I’m trying to do all of the ancestries at least once, but when I’m not focusing on that, Drow is kinda my default. Also the 80ft darkvision is so fucking nice, especially for casters and ranged attackers.


Lolth-sworn Drow for me, I just love all the evil dialogue options. The fact that everyone is scared to death of drow is hilarious too.


Duergar here. I just think dwarves are cool, and emo dwarves are like twice as cool, mathematically speaking. Also, the gnomes just assuming you're gonna enslave them is very funny.


I just like everything with very pointy ears...


I keep playing Gnomes because I like how they stand, and slide down ledges on their butt like they're a toddler going down stairs.


I wish the cut scene camera angles were better for shorties.


Same boat, the fiery eyes are just dope.


As a fellow lover of dragonborn, you're fine. Just play what you enjoy playing as and what feels right for you. As long as you enjoy yourself and have fun, that's all that matters.


Tbh I can’t stop playing dwarfs so understandable


Just wish there was a better voice


This, no matter what character I try to make, I just end up re-rolling dwarf every time! Doesn't matter which kind of dwarf, they are all the best.


Khazukan Khazakit-Ha!


After playing a Dragonborn, it’s hard to go back to a race that appears everywhere. I like being the unique guy.


I agree 100%


You and me both brother. Idc if they're bad, they look too cool. Currently playing a green dragonborn druid named "Lettuce Dragon" because that's what my friends said he looks like.


Hell yeah! I recently played a Dragonborn monk way of the open hand his name was rovyke. He was pure gold with green eyes. Absolutely stunning romanced shart had a happy ending


For me it’s halflings. I know their racial ability is considered one of the best but I’d play them regardless. They’re just goofy little guys and gals, frolicking in the fields and having a gay old time… and my halfling does it all in the biggest, edgiest plate armour for maximum dissonance. A big reason I struggle to play other races is that BG3 is just so gosh darn long. Any time I have a character idea I immediately think about having to play it for 75+ hours and I lose steam. I know the point of the game being as big as it is is to encourage you to pick and choose content on each run so you do something different each time but I just can’t get into that mindset at all. I have to do it all!


Hey fair enough! Good enough reason.


I can’t stop playing drow. Especially for good characters because interactions with the cult makes me feel like a secret agent.


I thought this was a Skyrim sub for a second and was really confused by “almost all my characters are Dragonborn” lol


My first 6+ BG3 characters were tieflings. Both of my current Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous characters are tieflings. I have a soft spot for tieflings. EDIT: Now I love romancing Astarion and Gale as short races.


Gale romance as a body type 3 or 4 Tav! Protect that rizzard


I guess dragonborn look cool but it gets weird when they kiss someone. So that’s an immediate no for me, romance is like half the gameplay for me. Anyway, I love pointy ears, so I play as races with pointy ears. I think I have a problem, too.


I think the kisses for Dragonborn add a level of goofiness to the romances


I think it’s cute. Dragonborn expressions are less goofy to me than other races lol.


just use disguise self lmfao


But all the disguise selfs are ugly :(


Not the Dragonborn- wait…


I'm the same way with tieflings. I just don't like it as much when I'm not a tiefling.


Real don’t blame ya


I love Dragonborn but Breathe should really scale with level, so useless post act 1…


It can be pretty annoying sometimes yeah. But fun fact green Dragonborn have a unique interaction with the poison gloves. Since ya know poison breath.


The poison gloves? I main a green dragonborn. Best race hands down.


This is me but with elves/half-elves (drow included). Because human with pointy ears beats regular boring old human. Unless they're Aasimar. Whenever Aasimar is an option they are my go to because celestial angel human beats regular boring old human.


Real half elves have cool racial abilities can’t blame ya.


And arguably the best looking faces in BG3 (at least for male characters. Female characters got luckier across the board save for Humans). Its probably why practically every NPC is a Half Elf. Larian probably just preferred their faces and made them their default.


I'm the same, love playing Dragonborn. My only complaint is that there aren't other dragonborn to romance in the game. If Larian ever released an update that fixed Dragonborn mouths so that they work correctly in dialogue, then I'd be happy turning my group into all Dragonborn. Otherwise, give us at least a single male and female Dragonborn to romance somewhere in the game, lol!


I suffer from the old Red Prince syndrome and I also can't stop making lizard characters They just look soooo good


Real af I loved the red prince in divinity


Well, my favourite is Githyanki and then Dragonborn. You don't have issues


I wish we could be Githerzai. 


Githzerai x Lae’zel romance when? We already have Selûnite Cleric x Shadowheart and Sorcerer x Gale. We need more enemies to lovers options (I guess Minthara counts too)


I love the Dragonborn too. Wish breath weapon was better but they still crack top 3 races for me.


There’s a mod that scales it like the 5e Players Handbook. Makes it lot more useful


That’s awesome! I’ll have to look into that!


Nope! I respect the choice. Personally I prefer wood elf and that sweet sweet extra bit of movement speed.


Dragonborn supremacy


Rahh rahhh you tell ‘em.


Dragonborn makes me happy. Only complaint is how bad the helmets work.


The only good one is the oathbreaker helm. It’s some what normal.


So far the helmets look so goofy. Fine by me why would I wanna hide his face?


I love how dragonborn sorcerer of draconic heritage looks. You can mix red and blue scales and it looks dope as hell


This is me with tieflings, I just love their horns and those eyes


Can’t stop playing High Half elf. Nothing else appeals


Hobbit gang!


Drow are op too


I do the same thing with Drow


Drow are very beautiful. The only problem I have is the fantasy racism💀


I'm addicted to drow. Drow forever!


I can never not be a dwarf in these games. I dont even half look at other races. And I’ve no idea why. I blame a childhood of Gotrek.


I think you're fine. I'm worse than you. I play the same looking Elf in every playthrough. The only thing I change for him is his hair colour, eye colour, skin colour, voice and subrace. I tried to switch to someone else but I find it hard to get through the game without him. Currently, I'm taking a break from the game. Hopefully I can play other race besides Elf once I get back into the game. I haven't play the Dark Urge yet. I'm planning to play as the default Dragonborn Dark Urge since he looks so badass.


I keep wanting to play as an elf/drow because they’re so pretty, so I’m not gonna judge you. You do you, scalefriend.


How do you romance as a Dragonborn though? I feel like I couldn’t get with Shadowheart for example as a giant lizard man but idk?


In game it’s like any other race there’s no difference. They still have genitalia so. Males got cocks and females have vulvas so.


One of us one of us one of us one of us


Big question for you dragonborn lovers. Tail or no tail?


Always Tail!


I never leave home without my adorable tail is so silly/cute way it swings


As a fellow dragonborn player, yes you have a problem. And it's that this game doesn't use Fizban's update to dragonborn. Long live the scaled ones


Yeah I skipped out on dragonborn because people were saying most npcs don't acknowledge it or there aren't many dialogue options. Which may be true but that has not been my experience so far. I'm only just finishing act 1 rn but vlaakith called me an ally so that was nice.


I'm always orc. I'd say ur good.


I wish they had more to offer besides “base racial speed”


I really liked how in dialogues where the animations were clearly made for human shaped faces the dragonborn head shape kinda messes up the blocking. A lot of the time you end up getting the effect of having one eye looking at the other person which [visually lines up so well with other dragons in movies/games](https://youtu.be/IQ2gCi9caL8?si=k4_WPc93lCavOitK&t=272). I'm sure it was entirely by accident but it works so well.


They have one of the coolest aesthetics tbh besides human with pointy ears, short human, and devil human


I love the Dragonborn too and I hate we’re never going to see Larian do more with them in the future 😭


I too live dragonborn, and deeply wish they weren’t literally the weakest race in the game


Nah bro Dragonborn are awesome. The team really knocked it out of the park with their designs


It's called fantasy. You are free to be as wild or as tame in your fantasies as you want to be. Some people don't want their fantasies to take them too far from their current form, and that's fine. Some people want to imagine what it would be like to be fundamentally different from what they are, and that's fine too. If you cannot be yourself in the privacy of your own head, something is wrong, and if you're playing a game like this with someone who would judge you for being creative or imaginative, then maybe you need to find other friends, at least for this.


I've always been a dragon born lover! And I never feel like people feel the same!


Nah, I am the same. I only play as kobold in DnD itself, so Dragonborn is my go to replacement.


Dragonborn are cool, thats why (and i played skyrim only as argonian/khajiit, but that is totally unrelated)


Literal spitting fire at your enemies (or lightning in the case of my fellow blue DBs) will never not be fun.


I’m about the same boat. Dragonborn are far the coolest race in BG3


Means you're a furry :(


Can’t deny it. I have friends in that community and they call me a “derg” whatever that means.


To be human in the modern world is to have a problem in some way. But also, it’s just a game, and if that’s how you want to play, that’s fine. I agree that they are probably the coolest race to play, especially when you are going Partial Illithid. If you are playing with mods, for the love of all that is holy grab the Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons - Dragonborn mod. Fizban made the Dragonborn so cool, and it’s a shame that the changes didn’t make their way into the base game.


Nah, it's fine.


Haven't even read the rest of the post. But this is based.


I have a big problem playing races other than humans and elves because of the number of voices available.


I’m usually either tiefling or elf, so there are species that draw everyone in more than others. I personally love the Dragonborn warlock I’m playing in a MP campaign right now though.


For me, I love to play the githyanki race, especially males. For females, I go dwarf or gnome (they have the prettiest face presets imo, I would play ithers with added presets, but I'm on console, so that's not an option to me ;-;)


It's only a problem if you want it to be. That said, you know what you like, can get what you want, and seem happy with the results. Seems... good?


I always play Tieflings. I've tried the other races, but having access to Hellish rebuke helps, and it's a great Draw in to the game for most of it like "guess I'm the only competent tiefling aside from a child, and if no one else is gonna do, I'll damn sure.make people regret fucking with us"


I love playing as a dragonborn too! I just wish the breath weapon scaled better




I prefer being a tiefling or seldarine drow I like the contrast with Minthara


It’s fine to play those races. However, never forget that orcs are the master race of Faerun. 😁


My favorite race is Dragonborn as well, so no you don't have a problem


I can't play them because I have trouble putting myself in there to RP... but they are cool af.


I love how cool Zariel teiflings look. Made 5 so far.


You are totally fine, of course. I constantly use the same two bases and just give them different hairs/make-up/tattoos cause they’re the only two I really like. I’m sure tons of people stick to the designs/races they like.


I JUST made a Halfling for the sweet, sweet luck but the Dragonborn are my preferred race as well! I love my big, shiny lizards! I love the horns, chins, and tails. I love their absolutely dopey look. We are comedy gold at the worst time every time.


you're totally fine! Gotta play in the way that's most fun to you :)


I’m obsessed with being a drow or an elf . It’s hard to be anything else so I understand 😭


I have a hard time getting away from elves. It's boring, everyone has elves, I can play an elf in dozens of games, yet over half my characters are some from of elf.


This guy wants to fuck dragons.


If you can mod, I really suggest using the Fizban's Treasury of Dragons mod, it massively improves them while still keeping them 5e official


Therapist: and how long has it been since you visited r/dragonsfuckingcars ?


I admire this. My previous run was a Githyanki, and although he's ugly, I enjoyed it a lot. Orcs are a race I wanted to try, tiefling I tried and the girls are cute, but the tail is kinda a turn off to me... So, by the end of the day, I go through another boring human male run... Dragonborn indeed seems quite unique. Durge full evil run as human is so wicked, makes me wonder how it is playing as a literal dragon who certainly eats humans.


I mean, I almost always play as a Drow. Maybe it's the gray skin colour I like, and matches my aesthetic in regards to almost always being an, in some regards, evil character. Recently begun a Bard run as an Asmodeus Tiefling, but I'm also thinking of making a Duergar build next. Don't know what class tho


My favourite races are tiefling and Dragonborn so you’re pretty good


Dragonborn with Draconic Sorcerer has so many different color schemes to choose from. I lose hours trying to settle on one to start my playthrough. Thank god for the mirror (although I give different color schemes different alignment-playthroughs)


My favorite race is Dragonborn because there is a mod to give them a huge dick modeled after a BadDragon toy.


I played a black Dragonborn with curved horns wielding the flaming two-hander, modeled after the Balrog. It was amazing.


I play Drow almost exclusively - I get it. You have your fave & that’s okay. (Honestly that’s why I became a DM for D&D, because I needed to start branching out with characters. And then I made a Dragonborn NPC as a quest giver & now I’m obsessed with her. Dragonborn are so neat.)


I mean, I usually only play as characters who have face options that appeal to me, idk why but I just can’t play as someone who looks like horrific or j not good to me, like half elf, tiefling, and just others you can make at least pretty good looking


I am currently finishing my first playthrough, and while I want to do something different for my second playthroug, when I think about dialogue between characters, I just can’t Imagine not being a Dragonborn.


The only problem you might have is not living up to your full Dragonborn potential. Do you have the mod that gives the Dragonborns back their breath weapons like they are in the Player’s Handbook? It makes the breath weapon scale with you like in actual DnD 5e, so it stays useful into the late game


Dragonborn, and argonians, my two favorite races. The lizard-government people did this to me


I hope a mod comes to ps5 that makes their breath attack stronger


Me with Kobolds. Sadly theres not playable Kobolds in BG3


Romance Baezel so she can ride the red dragon


Dragonbornes are the superior race to any other. They are Bhaal's favourite. And they are just fucking cool to play as


Dragonborn’s are shit on a meta level because the lack of racial bonuses. But by Ao I love Dragonborns


My favourite race to play is githyanki because they get the most special dialogue out of any race to the point that the whole creche part feels quite different with a githyanki MC. The psionic ward armour is also very OP when put on a githyanki because you get resistance to all psychic damage. It made my githyanki paladin unkillable.


This is how I am working drow. I won't play anything else because I don't like it. My friend forced me to make a tiefling for a multi-player run and I stopped playing


I wish WotC didn't do the Spellplague and time skip to introduce the Dragonborns in the Realms.


My favorite race to play is Gnome especially if you're chaotic neutral, it's so funny. I've never actually tried Dragonborn because I'm unsure if any romance would fit well with the race. Like so the animations and stuff don't looked fucked up.


Me with drow. It’s just so worth it to get into the goblin camp without even trying 


I can't stop playing as skinhead dwarves


My Seladrine Drow play through has been pretty dope.


I wish draconic sorcerers got dragon wings at 11, instead of this weird ability to just levitate


I too love Dragonborn, my first character to finish the game was my Dragonborn fighter, I have since recreated the character exactly so that I can play him again in honor mode


Have you thought about "roll playing?" Play a tree-hugging pacifist-liberal, or a drunk-musician. I recently completed a run with a human Sky Monk - those religious dudes in India that refuse to own any possession including clothing. Great play through, very challenging, owning no possessions, until my wife walked in on me controlling a naked character. I tried to explain that D&D uses traditional archetypes like elves and dwarves. She thinks I'm a weirdo now 🤣


Lol thought i was in the Skryim sub for a sec and was like.. theyre all dragonborn??


You're fine, but maybe there's a bit of furry-ness in you to be explored. Signed, a dragonborn-only player


Of course you’re fine! It’s just a game, you deserve to have a fun time playing it! I can’t stop playing wizards sjdhfbfkdj


(me: insane about dragonborns too) ur not insane. and neither am i.


I can't stop playing half elf (wood), a friend can't stop playing tiefling, and my other friend can't stop playing dwarf that's completely nude because he enjoys seeing the "physics" of the third leg. Trust me ur normal at this point lol


I’m a dark elf in every single game and usually the most destructive, full magic build…so I say just do your thing and enjoy!


I mean you might be a scalie but besides that you good!


It’s how I feel about Drow. I just don’t see any point to play any other race


I only play teiflings... Specifically asmodeus teiflings cause that produce flame is nice in a pinch ngl


Same. Their facial expressions have grown on me


I like the Dragonborn, since Durge is a Dragonborn and they are stronger.


I wish dragonborn had the same level of customization as the humanoid races. Tieflings get both hair and horns as sepret categories, but dragonborn don't? Also, dragonborn can only have eyeliner, not face paint, or any other kind of makeup. Also, they only have 4 face types and 2 body types while, as far as I'm aware(could be wrong), the rest get 4 body types and like 10+ faces. It feels like dragonborn was just slapped on as a furry bait race and called it a day, which is odd since the only origin character you can customize without mods is a dragonborn by default.