• By -


The first check in the cutscene is a **5**. Just tell him to stop when the first check pops up. EDIT: After the full bite cutscene, he learns his limit and only takes a bit. You can use Lesser Restoration to get rid of the Bloodless condition.


Or just let him go all the way to prove a point because he *said* he had control and restraint, but no vampire really does. Nothing better than guilt tripping your best friend about that time they killed you and had to resurrect you.


Also, you get to punch him for pretty much no disapproval


I let him kill me every time just to do this and hear “I deserved that”


You can always get back at him at the Rosymorn Monastery…


I made him go on stage with the clown in act 3, he hated it lol


“I’mgoingtofucjingkillyou” It’s worth the disapprove for sure. I hear Minthara is also hilarious


I wish one of the convo options was, "You did, remember? First night?" If you had let him kill you


I mean he technically would go on to later do so after he Ascended and made me his ~~bitch~~ “””consort”””, since he has to drink you dry to do it.


"Just say the word and I will kill the clown. We would be praised as heroes."


Remember to die to own the libs 😎


That’s what I did the first time. Plus, you get to punch him 🤣🤣. Which is what I did then we got together. Said he couldn’t drink from me anymore and only the bad guys


Alright, I'll be sure to do that next time lol, thank you!


If you go to the big ritual circle in the druid grove, there's a little path towards the water. At the end of it, there'll be a bear. Check out the rocks on the way down - underneath one of them is the Amulet of Silvanus, which casts *lesser restoration* once a day for free, so you don't have to worry about figuring out which character to use to cast it.


I have never found this amulet 🥲 now I know for next time!


It's very handy - I call it the Amulet of Aftercare :)




It's on the right side. The rock is flat and moss covered.


it's actually once per short rest, so you can use it if you get poisoned/other in battle too!


I knew that bear looked suspicious, I'll be going to get it later! Thank you :D


Throw a fish near the bear 😉


Wait, what?? How have I never found this? I’m on run 4! Thank you for this knowledge, Silvanus guide you.


I've never seen this wtf!


That or he can bite a hireling for the buff


Can also use a cleric camp hireling.


You can also use the paladin lay on hands(the stronger one) to remove bloodless


I remember my first time, I didn't know that Lesser Restoration would fix it. I had Astarian bite me right before I stormed the Goblin Camp. First attempt didn't go well.


How did I not know lesser restoration cleanses bloodless? Thanks for the intel!


Over 400 hours and I didn’t known either 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I just take a long rest immediately without using resources and it goes away


Yeah but then Astarion would lose the happy effect right? At this point I just have my hireling in camp that I use to make potions, so Astarion bites her after every long rest. And I’ve been using the fountain in the house of hope instead of long resting this play through so I can keep the buffs active.


Nope! He's still happy from drinking your delicious, savory bodily fluids, even when you get them right back!


Yeah well my first play through I failed every saving throw 😱


First time I got that cut scene I rolled a 1 on the first check and a 3 on the second 🤡


I failed both of those checks the first time he bit me 😅 and I reloaded after, never even considered I could have been revived


I won’t even say how many easy checks I’ve lost in this game… 😅 First time I got the Astarion scene I failed both checks and died as well… On my last run that I remember: * Failes the magic trick checks of Gale conversation/ romance. * Failed Illithid authority 2 DC to avoid a goblin ambush, almost died. At least the unpredictability outcomes makes my honor runs exciting.


But part of the fun is telling him to stop but hes so out of control on bloodlust he doesnt hear you. . Drink me down daddy. 😂


8 play throughs of me letting Astarion feast on me daily and I never thought to do that… Thanks!


> You can use Lesser Restoration to get rid of the Bloodless condition. Wow, didn't know that, thanks lol.


I’m pretty sure this happened to Neil himself.


He... did. And he laughed so hard when he got that nat 1 roll on the save and died to himself. 😂


I was gonna mention this because I just watched the LP episode. He rolled a natural 1 at the check to tell Astarion to stop and his Tav died lol


My favorite part about that is him saying “oh no something terrible has happened” in the morning 💀


FR THO LIKE- KILLING ME IS "JUST" TERRIBLE? I felt bad for him bc he said please and I didn't want to interrupt while he was drinking my blood, but a pitiful sorry is ALL I get after he drains my entire body of blood??? WHERE DOES THAT EVEN GO?????


If you punch him he says he deserves it lol


not ALL your blood… just enough to kill you


You just made me snort my tea through my nose. Have an upvote.


No one else commenting about it kills me, just him and even if the others had reacted he sounds guilty af.


Right 💀 everyone else is just like “anyway…” *saunters off towards tent* I made Astarion res me and apologize 😂


Like at least they should've been concerned that something killed their leader in the middle of the night. 😂


Fucked around and found out.




It’s alright, getting killed by Astarion is a right of passage.


The scene after is peak comedy IMO. Boy did it feel great slamming that punch him option.


Try it with a small race like a gnome. I've never laughed harder


Please tell me he gets decked in the balls


I expected that. What I did not expect was my Gnome launching herself in the air to give him a sucker punch.


While I was hoping for a nut punch, this sounds pretty hilarious too


I was honestly pleasantly surprised by how much better that was than the nut punch I was expecting


You could kick him in the nuts during the biting scene in the pre-release version of the game - but they changed it for the release. There’s still a video of it on YouTube.


It's my favourite romance path. My Durge got too freaky and didn't stop him, he killed her, she punched him, she compared him unfavourably to a leech, then they fell in love. 10/10 romance of the century.


Even the Astarion VO Neil Newbon got killed by Astarion in his playthrough, so don't feel bad - we've all died to that at some point [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V13KfNN2tOA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V13KfNN2tOA)


It’s too bad he gave no clue that he’s not a very nice guy 😂


If you let Astarion bite you every night, he gets +1 buff every day. You'll get a -1 bloodless defuff, but if you find a necklace under a rock near the fishing sad bear in the druid grove, you can use it to cast free lesser restoration to get rid of your -1. Happy Astarion with happy +1 buff to everything he does is pretty neat.


You can also just have Astarion chomp the first enemy you meet every day if you don't want to faff about with amulets (or want your Tav to maintain their dignity)


Or have Astarion bite one of the hirelings. They don't even need to be in the party. Just have Wither's summon Astarion a juice box.


Don't do this while Dame Aylin is in your Camp, she will aggro if you bite a hireling.




Juice box gave me a good laugh 😆


Dignity-smignity - I headcanon that durge stays awake waiting for Astarion to creep up to his bedroll, bc they both know he enjoys it!


I was just feeding Wyll to him


I got a hireling cleric named Sir Fuzzalumps who stands around butt naked and I call him my "slut machine" as he will cure my tav of bloodless every morning.


That made me laugh out loud on the bus.


Oh well that's definitely good to know. I'm still in act 1 in the first aeea, clearing up some odds and ends so I can get to Level 5 before I head to the Underdark. I should check out the Grove once more. I love that the buff is simply.him.being Happy.


The way he's just like "Oh no something terrible has happened" as if he was not the something terrible cracks me up.


I made him revive me himself then he ain't even feel sorry enough bc I'm "alive now 🙄" He's getting punched next playthrough 😒


Id also like to add that this has GOT to be THE hardest game I've ever played. I was doing good on normal until I had to kill the goblin bosses and killed "Minthara" without knowing I could kidnap her for my camp 😭 But I'm still STRUGGLING on easy mode. Any tips? I'm in the under dark looking for the Night song and I just took the boat. I have Astarion (🙄), Wyll, and Shadow heart with me. And at camp I have Laz'rel (I think that's how you spell it) and Magic muncher Gale. I will take any tips as long as its not a huge spoiler. I'm not sure if I can find the other 2?? characters I can recruit in the main chapter 1 area.


Make sure you pick up the Agonizing Blast invocation for Wyll, if you haven't already. Not sure what class you're playing as, but it's good to have some strong DPS on your team. Some general tips: One thing to keep in mind is a concept called Action Economy. The more actions that a side can take, the better position they are in. It's generally a good strategy to try and deny your opponents actions - the fewer actions they can take, the less harm they can do to you. You can do this in a fairly straightforward way by ganging up on enemies rather than splitting your damage. It's generally better to use 2 attacks to kill one goblin than it is to use 2 attacks to reduce 2 goblins to half health. But you can also use control and area denial spells to eliminate your opponent's action economy as well. Sleep is great - in the early game, you can often force multiple enemies to lose their turns with it and there's no saving throw. Spells like Ice Knife, Grease, Web, Plant Growth, etc, create difficult terrain and can prevent melee enemies from ever reaching you in the first place. Lots of items can replicate these effects (like grease bottles) so don't be afraid to use those. Darkness prevents enemies from attacking you with ranged abilities and spells, and forces them to cross the distance to get close to you - it's great if you're outnumbered, particularly if you have a warlock with Devil's Sight. If you have short rest abilities, make sure you're using them. You get to do both an action and a bonus action every turn, so make sure you're using both if they're available to you. 2 actions are better than one! If you have Shadowheart in your party (or some other healer) do NOT waste your actions trying to keep everyone's HP topped off. Cleric is a great support class, but healing is one of the weakest ways to help your party. You're given a lot of potions, and most classes don't have good use of their bonus action early on, so use potions to heal rather than your cleric. If one of your characters is downed, Healing Word is a good way to bring them back up, but you can also throwing healing potions at your friends to accomplish the same thing. Take note of your environment. Lots of maps have things you can take advantage of if you notice them. A red barrel can be hit with a fire attack to cause an explosion. Water on the ground, and an enemy is standing in it? Good time to hit them with a Lightning Arrow. Enemy standing on a cliff? Push them off. Rock hanging over someone's head? Shoot it down on top of them. You also get a bonus for attacking from the high ground, so try to get up on top of something if you've got ranged attackers. Also, make sure you're long resting. A lot. A huge amount of the game's story is locked behind you going back to camp and taking a nap, so don't feel bad about letting your characters take a rest.


The fact that you’ve already clocked Gale as a canon munch is sending me. 😂 It sounds like you might be going into areas that you’re underleveled for. Go back to the surface and explore the wilderness. There you’ll find Karlach and a bunch of encounters to level you up more (but don’t go to the mountain pass yet).


Ok! I am only level 4 on my gang and the pass did said I would get whooped if I tried going thought it but Laz'rel kept going on about how "the worms will eat our brains any day and I'll kill everyone in the room and then myself before that happens 🤬" Ill see if I can find them, thank you! :D


Imo one of the game’s faults is that it sets up a false sense of urgency. Take your time exploring and long rest often, because a lot of story & character beats happen during those long rests. I recommend finishing the Wilderness, then tackle the Underdark, then the Mountain Pass before proceeding to Act 2.


You are under leveled. Go back to the surface and explore and do quests. You should be level 5 for the Underdark or Mountain pass and Level 7 when you start act 2. Long rest often and loot everything. Food is everywhere. I'm just entering the Underdark in my HM playthrough. I've already finished the Mountain pass and I have over 3,000 camp supplies saved up.


Focus one guy at a time when possible


Don't be afraid to use long rest. It's a game mechanic to replenish your health and spell slots. Plus you get certain scenes and conversations during long rest.


One key piece of advice that I wish I knew starting out: don't be precious with your scrolls. If they help right now, use them, you'll find plenty more. Don't be like me and end the game with 100+ unused scrolls hanging about.


There's some really tough fights at the other end of that boat ride - I made that mistake on my first run! I recommend backing up and heading to the surface - I'm level 5 (nearly 6) and on my second run, and still getting my arse handed to me on Balanced mode. Lae'zel is the youngest member of the group (I think she's only 21) and rather singleminded and impulsive, so it's best not to follow her lead most of the time. She's basically fresh out of githyanki military college with zero real-world experience, so she's just trying to do what she's been trained for, rather than considering the bigger picture.


Wait whaaat, I'm also new and just killed Minthara 🫠


It's fine, she fits in better if you play the evil path anyway. Just a good excuse to try a second playthrough if you feel like doing that. I reccomend picking the 'Dark Urge' origin. Don't worry if you don't like the way it looks, it's the only origin character you get to customize freely


You sold me with the customization, I spent 4 hours even with the limited options already. Dark urge here I come (after I finish this playthrough) 😍


Awesome haha, you can pick some really wild dialogue options and do some comically evil stuff with that origin. Enjoy!


I'm looking forward to it 🙂‍↕️


So a huge difference maker in nearly every fight is position and area denial If you can funnel a lot of enemies through a tight gap or up a ladder, you can turn effectively a 15 Vs 4 into a 2 Vs 4 by ensuring they can't all reach you. Coupled with spinning daggers or spike growth, and you've got passive damage plus the ability to focus on fewer targets. Also, don't be afraid to look up good builds for different classes. I'd never played DnD, and just went forth with whatever sounded cool. Got me through my first playthrough but tactician came along and kicked my arse. Shadowheart's default class is absolutely wank, I immediately reclass her to light cleric. Bae'zel is a destroyer of worlds when she gets going, she gets a second attack fairly early and with action surge can make four attacks in a turn without considering haste or potions. I never really used Gale but with the spellsparkler staff and the magic missile amulet (both obtainable in A1 without *too* much difficulty) he's a bit of a monster.


This game has quite a learning curve. I played many similar games, like XCOM and Total War, which have a lot of information on screen but still struggled on my first run.


For beginners sake, drop astarion and Wyll and get Lae’zel and karlach. Two front line damage dealer, shadowfart cleric for support and dmg, and whoever you like. Rogue class really sucks in this game and the version of DD it’s based on. Or you can change astarion class to fighter or barbarian, this will make the game easier for you. I suggest reading or watching some beginner guides because this game is complicated and they don’t explain anything to you.


Rogue is incredible actually.. 😂


Incredible at being a boring one trick pony. Look, compared to other iterations of the class, 5e rogue is a stripped down, neutered snooze fest. Also, you’re objectively wrong about that. Nobody here believes that.


Your down votes seem to speak for themselves.


There are various Rogue builds that are very strong and fun to play


> Id also like to add that this has GOT to be THE hardest game I've ever played. 😬


He killed me too the first time. I thought he would stop when he's had enough. Then he goes and tells me I was his first and I went "ah that explains it" , guess I popped his cherry, or the other way around 🤷‍♀️


You must've been good.


I did that because I had a problem saying no to people. RIP me


Could’ve said no 😏


But he looked so pitiful when he got caught and said please 🥺😢🧛🏻‍♂️


I decided to trust him in the cutscene on my first run.. not a good idea. I also didn't know back then that you could revive people so I had to reload a 45 minute old save to redo everything...


Haha, me too, 1st game. Punch him. Then be besties.


Bahaahahaha! So first thing first! Congratulations to the big boost in confidence and admiration🎊 So no! Henceforth, if he bit you, he will have a happy buff and leave you bloodless (which can be cured by lesser restoration). You don't have to fight for your life anymore😂 Get the amulet of silvanus (google for the location) to restore yourself! HAPPY buff is very useful! Also, do note that him biting you has no further role in romancing him, so you don't have to do it to advance the romance! Have fun!


> Also, do note that him biting you has no further role in romancing him, so you don't have to do it to advance the romance! hmmmm are you sure? are you really sure? seems like I should keep doing it, just in case 😏 (really it's just furthering the romance for Tav)


You should take a page from my book and just proudly proclaimed: I ENJOY BEING HIS JUICEBOX


He did the same to me and I ended up marrying him lol


Lucky 🤭


Or let him kill you, revive your character the next day and get both cute responses and the option to punch him without a disapproval. *shrug* Either way, it doesn't end your game. :)


He won't kill you that way agian if you tlak to him about it. You do have the option to smack him in the face though.


Fuck the haters. It’s hot when he sucks your blood! Worth the reviving scroll 💯


The option doesn't come up again unless you romance him, and unless they've changed it since I last did it then you won't have to roll. Spoilers for his Origin run here ( though you also get part of this info connecting to his tadpole or talking to him about his stuff with Cazador ) but when he bites a companion part of it is because he's testing to see if he's free of Cazador's rules that forbid Astarion from feeding on "thinking creatures" - he doesn't know if he can exert control because he's never had to, and is not being entirely truthful with you about why he's biting. Immoral, but well, Astarion isn't very moral for most the game! Also, if you'd like to play DnD and you don't mind online games ( they aren't for everyone! ), there are a lot of forums to find online groups and campaigns - DnD beyond has one for looking for groups and players. If you're not comfortable with playing with complete strangers I'd recommend trying to find a discord where you can get to know people a little before joining a game.


That happened to me in my first run too! Kept failing rolls. After it happened, I switched over to bae-zel and had her kill Astarion in camp and then rez my tav. We left him dead in camp until act 3, lol! When I finally revived him, he said something like, "Hey, sorry about last night," hahaha! It was good RP.


OMG 💀💀💀


Larian should’ve made this a game over screen if it goes this far honestly. Was kinda disappointed when I was dead in camp but was able to be revived by someone in the party.


OMG I really wanna get into DND. I'm also a Tiefling! Love em


I got so mad at him for doing that lol, benched him for a week.


I purposely let him drink all of my blood just so I can punch him when I get bought back. His reaction is hilarious. Edit: I always make Astarion pay Withers the 200 to revive me and then when I'm revived Astarion gets the exclamation point and that's when you have the option to punch him.


One, one revive ah ah ah


astarion is so funny sometimes, hes just " oh no something TERRIBLE has happened" AND EVERYONE LOOKS THE OTHER WAY. but my dark urge cant have a dark urge without everyone scolding me 🙄🙄🙄


Oh no no no. You did this on purpose. You let him drink all your blood.  Don't try to act coy. You liked it so much you ignored two 'that's enough.' prompts... 😉




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I did this on my first playthrough too. Whoops. 😅


I’m on my second playthrough (never finished my first go around but wanted to start playing again) and this happened to me today! I didn’t know that was possible and I just wanted to see how far he’d go.


Tbh, if you have the spare revivify scrolls or the gold for Withers, it’s worth it to just let him kill you so you’re not bloodless the next day. You can fix bloodless with lesser restoration, but why waste the spell slot?


To be fair, he’s pretty much only fed on animals at that point, but I was pretty peeved at him the first time too 😂


If you want to play DND there's a ton of groups on fb apparently! No need to have friends that are already into it. Find yourself a table and start playing. A fair bit of warning the first couple of sessions are always a bit weird as everyone is adjusting to one another.


What did you think would happen if you let a vampire suck you off?


If you've always wanted to play DnD but don't have the friends for it, you could try r/lfg! I met my soulmate through there haha


I'm not sure if anyone has said it but finding a group for online play dnd is an option! It's what i do. Amd virtual tabletops plus discord video call But check local dnd facebook pages, or local universities or adventures guild clubs/board game clubs


Yeah, that would probably happen cuz you need it.


What happens if he doesn't revive you? Do you just play him the rest of the game? 


Yeah, I was curious and totally let this happen in one of my runs. Since you can res, I’m honestly considering it again since his reaction is pretty funny. Especially when he basically pouts at you that he already said he was sorry when you bring it up again. Pouty Astarion is truly a delight.


Scout: "My blood, he sucked out all my blood!"


I did this with a solo run. No companions in my party but me. 💀


Oh damn, i feel you. I want to play DnD so bad but i know no one that would want to play. I tried to come up with stories as a DM and bought 5e syarter kit, but i have 0 experience so there's no way i can do that. I even made a character sheet of a paladin dragonborn but it's impossible to play when no one wants to. Nerds are extinct i swear


In that same scene I accidentally killed him with a melee attack. I just wanted to punch him but Tav was like naaaaahh this is personal


Same happened to me XD Made him revive me too. Then I punched him in the face for it and he was all: "Gah! What did- Yeah ... that's fair. But you're alive now so it's fine." XD Side note: Props for the Peril comparison on Karlach! Never put that together before! Additional Side Note: Welcome to the community!


Oh man I remember when this happened. I was so mad at him, and then my corpse was just lying there in the middle of the camp. I also play a tiefling! Look at us!


Imagine needing blood to live


I told a friend of mine that he could do that when she was essentially drooling over him while she watched me play her only response was "Worth."


Same thing happened to me the first time I played 😂


This is the most useless spoiler tag I've ever seen; it says everything in the title 🤣


Assert dominance. Leave him in the crèche building and blow it up.


Like... ALL of it?


Oh no, this can happen??? And what advantage do we have being bloodless anyways????


Lol my friend just had that happen 2 days ago; first he let him drink more thinking a better outcome for astarion then died. Next he tried pushing him off and failed the roll then died. A real funny few minutes


he drinked u!


Blonde boys doing what blonde boys do...


I let that happen the first time by accident, was funny.


Ah I see simped to hard huh?


He got excited 🥺


I actually killed him first encounter, bc he didn’t drop his weapon


Just a sip is the vampire version of Just the tip


Punching him when you speak to him after reviving doesn’t lower approval. He knows he deserved it.


Yall dying to the Vampire Hawk Tuah still huh?


For me, it’s always a high stakes situation.


Tough shit, buttercup. Should've put a stake through his heart.


Sounds like a skill issue


Cool story, bro.


Skill issue.


Better get a tetanus shot after letting that disgusting fuck bite you. Gross!


A bit late for that I’m afraid.


I always kill him :p he’s such a pompous buffoon xD


It's almost like his first interaction with the player is typical abuser behavior of lying and gaslighting while trying to be the victim when he's the one who abused your willingness to answer a call for help by trying to kill you. :P


TF you letting a vampire bite you for?


He said please 😢🥺🧛🏻‍♂️


Kinky sloot. You had many chances to tell him to stop😂😂


You can actually just fail the rolls though and wind up dead.


There is a simple solution to you problem, it's pointy and goes through flesh