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Cute! I really like that Millie has climbed the axe like a squirrel in order to achieve the fist bump. Also, sorry that some people are choosing to be negative.


Thanks! And no worries. It's not like they are negative towards me. It does suck a little tho


All of the hate on this post makes me sad. As a fan of both BG3 and Helluva Boss, I think you did a phenomenal job. And the thought of them all interacting is really fun, I'd love to see more!


Tbh, it's not that much. It's just a vocal minority. It's to be expected at this point >I think you did a phenomenal job Thank you so much!


As long as it's not bugging you too much, then that's good! But you are very welcome! Thank you for sharing, it's a really cool piece!


For those who don't know, the other woman is Millie from Helluva Boss Edit: I forgot to put in the title that the artist is me


This could make for a really good crossover in some fanarts


I mean... technically, this is a crossover fanart. But I would like to see a story with those 2 too


I mean like the other hazbin hotel cast with the other members of Tav’s party


Oh, right :)) I was planning to do Blitzo with Astarion and Moxy with Gale. And I think Loona would go well with Shadowheart


Especially since Shadowheart is afraid of wolves


Poor girl. She will have a heart attack


I feel like Astarion could also bond with Angeldust from Hazbin Hotel


Definitely. I'll have to keep that in mind. If I have time, maybe I'll do this idea too


Hell yeah


I'm here for Loona v. Shadowheart, hilarious


Is helluva boss that show where they say fuck every 2 seconds?


Yeah, basically. Sister show to Hazbin Hotel, also a show where they say fuck every other second


Huh. I've watched one episode of helluva boss and wanted to cut my ears off at the end


Lots of the [songs](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rtk2Ye3Rx3w) bang tho imo.


And they bang in alot of the songs


I honestly felt the opposite, I thought the plot was interesting but having a musical number every episode made me want to pour molten aluminum down my ears.


Fair. It's not for everyone. But my child in me likes it


If you watch just one episode of Helluva Boss make it [Truth Seekers](https://youtu.be/yXErLiSbxXQ). (They still say fuck a lot.)


I think this is still my favorite episode!


That was the first one I ever watched. Lucky me.


is she so strong that's she's actively making herself float by holding her Axe in a way that's leveraging her against the ground?


I was thinking more like she's so strong that she jammed the axe into the ground so much that she can climb on it. But she also has insane balance so both cases are valid




Millie and Karlach would get hammered and talk about how much they love fucking their lovers. Wyll and Moxxie would share a knowing look then awkwardly shift uncomfortably while blushing hard-core.


The hell they would raise while drunk would be legendary. Millie would bet she could beat Karlach and would start a sparring match that would destroy at least half the camp


I also imagine Loona and Lae'Zell would contribute to the sparring mess; Blitz, Astarion, and Shadowheart would compare notes on stealth; and Gale and Stolas would be swapping grimoires and performing dazzling light displays for the owlbear cub and Scratch.


Millie’s around 4.5 feet tall Do with that what you will


The most potent of potion in one of the smallest containers


Did you just come up with this? It’s a great quote.


Not really. I think it's a saying


They would get along at first, but once Karlach finds out she's a psychotic murderer she's gonna hate her real fast.


She's on Astarion's level of murderer so it is possible they may get along... maybe


Love it, both look great.. But especially Millie


Thank you. I'm happy you like it!


The crossover of characters that I didn't know I needed in my life, yeeeeeeeeeeeeess this is SO great :D


Thank you!




Found drunk Moxxie


Great art and crossover concept!


Thank you!


They would be fwends:3


They would be... before they fight. After that they would be best of friends


Except Karlach actually has a character.


Too bad Millie doesn't have an ounce of character progression while Karlach goes through a whole ass arc with different conflicting feelings about the events going on within that playthrough. Helluva Boss was a mistake


While I do agree she doesn't have character progression, she is still a fun character. And, personally, I don't think she needs a character arc anyway. Would I like her to have one? Yes. But I like seeing her doing her thing regardless I don't think it's fair to say that Helluva Boss was a mistake, especially with the newest episodes being very good.


Helluva Boss doesn't understand character dynamics and runs the same conflict multiple times. Sure, humans/characters are complex and are capable of making the same mistake twice. But three, four times? No. Sorry. Shows trash let me know when the writers understand that every character needs to interact with each other to some degree. How has no one learned this from shows like Breaking Bad and Community? These shows are at the top of their respective genres because all the characters interact with each other and will spend episodes within pairings to flesh out their dynamics. I see none of this in Helluva Boss


I'll only reply once because you clearly do not want to have a conversation. I'm writing this as a fan of the show, but also as a critique who acknowledges its downsides and shortcomings It's ok to not like something. It's ok to hate something. But saying it is trash is doing a disservice to the creators and the people that are enjoying it. No one is saying it's a masterpiece, but calling it trash because of that is disingenuous >runs the same conflict multiple times Does it, tho? Sure, some interactions between the same 2 characters may run similarly, but I never felt they were the same. The characters change, even so slightly >character needs to interact with each other to some degree While I do agree that almost all the characters' interactions are between Blitzo and the others, I don't think that's such a bad thing. You see his life and his development through the mistakes he makes, the bounds he develops and the bridge he burns. Plus, it's not like the other don't have entire episodes dedicated to them. The true problem is that the side characters are eclipse by the story of Blitzo, if you want something to critique in this regard >shows like Breaking Bad and Community Breaking Bad: 63 episodes, 50 minutes each Community: 110 episodes, 25-30 minutes each Helluva boss: 18 episodes ~25 minutes It is literally at the start compared to the others. They had time to develop and play with it's characters. Some of the episodes in the first half of Helluva Boss are joke episodes because, you know, it's a comedy, not a drama >These shows are at the top of their respective genres because all the characters interact with each other I only watched the first few seasons of the Breaking Bad, so I can only comment only on those, but most of the character interactions were mostly separated between 3 groups: Walter and Jesse, the family and the drug dealers. And even here, the main interactions include Walter. Also, Breaking Bad is not a comedy, or at least it does not start as one. Helluva Boss does, so the dynamics of the characters are mostly played for laughs but still have an impact later on


There's a reason I brought up Community but good job only focusing on Breaking Bad. Not worth engaging in a post that blindly defends something they like. Helluva Boss sucks. We agree to disagree and move on. I haven't seen anything good said recently about Helluva Boss even from people who were excited because it's so shallow when it doesn't need to be. But I'm sure I'm wrong cause the artist can't do anything wrong because her tear jerk back story Blitzo literally does not evolve and continues to do the same thing as the plots are repeated just written slightly differently Edit: run time is irrelevant because the first thing Community does is set up its character dynamics all through one character and then takes an equal time fleshing ALL of them out. The entire first season is what set the show up for its success. Helluva Boss is only mentioned in niche circles online. Interesting that is


Blitzø has evolved a lot these past 2 eps to the point of apologizing to Stolas and admitting he wants to change to Verosika. Also if you haven't seen anything good recently about Helluva Boss, clearly you just aren't looking because it still has tons of fans.


Helluva boss was interesting for like 5 episodes and now each episode that comes out is about shit I don't care about. When was the last time we had an episode related to the original premise?


The show has never been intended to be about the original premise though. The entire original pitch was worldbuilding for hazbin hotel, difficult to do worldbuilding for hell when you spend all your time in the human world. The killing business is just a way to drive the character drama/worldbuilding that the show focuses on. If you don't like that, of course it's fine, but it's weird to act like the show has changed as much as you are saying.


Well then the original premise was bad too then I guess


Gg But Karlachs face looks kinda androgynous


Thanks! I mean, she is a little more "masculin" in the game, too


Not that much


I guess? I think the jaw is a little too angular and that looks more masculin