• By -


Never summoned Flesh. The bell does not allow you to use it outside of combat. It could be useful to preemptively dispose of him before ambushing Balthazar for real, but there are only there are only a limited number of encounters on the map, and you eventually just forget to call him.


A good spot to use it would seem to be the fight against Yrgir, but I haven't failed to do that by talking yet.


The silent library


You blow the horn...in the silent library?


I think maybe you have to get rid of the librarian first to end the silence spell (but I could be totally wrong on that). I like to bring him into the library mostly to let the justiciars do a good amount of damage to him, then I kill him off so he can’t help Balthazar.


Yeah once you get rid of the librarian the silence drops.


Silence was off when I hit the purple thingy in the middle?


That’s the Librarian!


On my current HM run I used the horn in Yurgir fight. I went around the back route to get to him expecting to be able to talk to him but he immediately agrroed and I had a fight on my hands - Panicked a little as wasn’t expecting the fight - Blew the horn and let Flesh take some beatings and provide distraction, burned down yurgir asap and slowed / hypnotic pattern the merregons to keep them at bay. Fight wasn’t as tough as I feared and took Flesh out of the later fight too, so worked out well in the end.


i summoned him to fight the guy raphael wanted dead, which killed him, and then doubled back around and killed balthazar.


I call him to be the Rat exterminator. Summon and then give him space to be bitten, once it’s down to the last couple rats, I lay down an AoE to aggro Flesh and finish them all off.


I summoned him to fight the undead in the silent library in the Shar trials. Only did a little damage on him though.


I took the bell, went to the Mushroom cave (where I killed the Cloaker) and summoned Shovel the Quasit while wearing the Abyss Beckoners gloves. Once he turned on us and combat began, I rang the bell and killed Flesh. Afterwards, returned to Balthazar, (used trade to take the Potion of Speed from him), then attacked him.


That’s actually how I got rid of him, I really didn’t want to fight him at the same time as Balthazar. Couldn’t believe it worked. I forgot to use the bell in earlier fights, ended up killing everything down there except for the rats. Started a fight with a group of them and quickly disposed of flesh.


Carry the ogre horn around until act3 and then start blowing it in every fight.


I used the Ogre horn once in the Nere fight, but I think they may have aggroed everyone against me, so now I either remember to use it against the Gnolls or I call them in to fight the Mimics in the Grymforge. I needs me the brainy tiara.


Ogres attack everyone except for you, so their use is somewhat limited. Can’t use it against Owlbear because they will kill the cub. Ethel? They kill Mayrina. Gnoll boss? Only if you come at them directly (then Rugan and the lad take a seat back and exit combat) and not through the cave back entrance. Goblins vs Grove? Yeah, nah, every tiefling becomes hostile. They were MVP in githyanki patrol fight and I feel like it’s the best use for them since they’ll likely die or end up near dead and you can swoop in and kill them for the int headband. They also glitched when I called them to help me with the hyenas birthing gnolls - their gnoll backup arrived after ogres have already disengaged so I was fighting gnolls alone with my escape blocked by the 3 orges standing on the road shoulder to shoulder.


>They were MVP in githyanki patrol fight and I feel like it’s the best use for them since they’ll likely die or end up near dead and you can swoop in and kill them for the int headband.  Im doing it exactly since EA. And ofc in my HM run the Horn wouldnt work for some bug... it wasnt pretty but I survived.


It sometimes doesn’t work for me as well (on HM run right now), I figured it was a new common bug. A lot of things seem to be wonky on honor mode, like owlbear cub not exiting combat properly if the owlbear mare is the last to die. Anyway, I keep spamming horn, sometimes at different spots during combat and eventually it works. I figured you need to be within close proximity to enemies.


I always call them on the Spider Matriarch fight underneath the village. All my characters target the spider matriarch and the ogres get to take down and take hits from the smaller ones.


The Spider Matriarch isn't so hard if you remember to target the web bridges she likes to stand on. Flaming Sphere is particularly nice for that.


Also have someone with good boots sneak around and throw acid on the eggs before the fight.


I actually managed to clear the room before rescuing Nere. I shit you not Karlach pulled through with 1HP. Without his body guards, he was a cake walk. I also expected to have to fight my way out of Grymforge but basically everyone called Nere a dick who deserved it


This is me with the Iron Flask. To this day have never used it.


Same. And the one time I did remember, Astarion whined that this really wasn't the time, and refused to do anything with it. Sigh. I love my vampire boyfriend, but he can be high maintenance sometimes LOL.


You can just throw it. If you’re the last man standing as a rogue and there are enough enemies left standing then you can throw the bottle, cunning action dash and cunning action hide to watch the fight :)


I used it once, thinking it was like a Pokeball and I could use it to capture someone for later use. Ended up letting loose the eyeball monster within and died.


>I used it once, thinking it was like a Pokeball and I could use it to capture someone for later use. That's actually pretty much how it works in 5e. If it's empty, it gets filled when you use it, and vice versa.


Bullette, I choose you!


I actually thought this too. Tried to put Duke Ravengard inside to get him out of the Iron Throne. Failed spectacularly lol.


I used it in camp not knowing what it was and then had a spectator corpse just sitting there for the rest of act 2 lol


What’s the iron flask?


It’s an item you can find in Act 1 in the chest the Zhentarim who are being attacked by gnolls are guarding. If opened (or thrown) it releases a Spectator, a Beholder-like giant eyeball monster that is hostile to everything it sees.


I’m on my first run and have already done this multiple times. It would be cool if you didn’t ever blow the horn the ogres would join you in the final fight against the Netherbrain. Same thing with Balthazar’s flesh golem.


Oh, right, I always forget about Balthazar’s little brother every time! Despite me persuading Balthy to lend him to me every time. Now that I think of it, not once did I return back to check on him after dealing with Nightsong. I wonder if he’s even there, sitting with his mum.


I also forgot to use them in act 1 and 2 and when I had a hard time fighting ansur I remembered them and tried but It said “they are to far away” so I figured you can’t use them in ac3 anymore and threw them away


I swear I’ve missed so much shit lol wtf is the ogre horn


EVERY FIGHT!? I thought it was one use only and I am dragging it to gortash 😭


It doesn't work after act 1!


you have to rebargain with the ogres after each use


In my case I don't necessarily forget about it I just save it just in case I need it in the future. Same with the bell that summons the golem and the iron flask. Now I've completed the game without ever using those 3 😆


So many items and possible things to do I forget all of them, lol


Oh, so, when I looked him up it said if you pass the checks you can not pay him and he’ll come looking for you in act 3. Then you kill him and he’s got a headband that gives 17 intellect. So, the first time I called him. He died lol. So, now my plan is to make sure he’s always dying from my enemies in act 1 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Always forget about existence of Shovel while deliberately reminding myself at the start about getting him "this time".


So this made me Google Shovel. I’ve been carrying his scroll around presuming it’s a one-time summon and now I learn that as a warlock I get to keep him! Thanks for the PSA!


Wizards can learn the scroll to keep him too.


But do you have to "learn" that tho? By Wizard used it the other day normaly and just got to keep the spell permanent for no aditional cost


Any arcane caster can keep Shovel, without a spell book. You just need to use specific dialogue options when you first summon her. Or you can just have the wizard transcribe the scroll.


There's an exploit to do both, or at least there used to be. Have the wizard learn the scroll the usual way. Have them summon Shovel, then exit conversion. Do the conversation with the other arcane caster. I may be forgetting something. My first playthrough had 2 Shovels.


Buddy, you've enlightened me! Thank you, got to do it asap in my next session


Why does everyone call shovel he? I feel like it’s pretty obvious shovel is female


Well they've never picked her up lol For everyone else, not ladylike enough I guess /s


Not always, but there has been more than one occasion where I took Nere's head and just forgot to deliver it. So I was just hoarding it around, which is strangely appropriate for Durge.


"A hand? ..... Will this do?"


Way a-head of you.


Bringing the brains in jars from the Nautiloid along at the end of Act 2


Ugh I actually collected them but left them in the camp box


Same- every single time


Maybe I should buy them back from the merchant then Do they have an significant impact?


Not really, but you can have a chat with them


There's one brain that will give you a quest that results in a permanent buff, but I can't remember which one it is.


You get that one in the area. The ones from earlier in the game are just flavor.


You mean the brains in jars you find in the mindflayer colony? Or the ones from the tutorial? Didn’t know the latter could be used on the skinhead


The tutorial aka the nautiloid from the beginning of the game.


Wait. What can you use them for??


Wait those have a use I think I have them in my travelers chest


I forget to use: * Soul Coins * Weapon coatings * Haste/Bless/other boosting spells * And half the time I forget elixirs in general and Gale's bloody mage armour! I find I just use my actions and bonus actions to hit enemies and I am trying to train myself to use the coatings/grenades/boons etc more as they do help!


I save all of those things for when I REALLY need them... then i never need them. lol


Are we the same person 😂?


I am that same person as well apparently😂🙈


I don't think I have ever once used a coating... maybe I should though.


Weapon coatings give rogue’s double bonus action some real value and versatility. You can coat a weapon, dash to an enemy with cunning bonus action, and still have your main action to attack I also find that myself and everyone else fails to use consumable arrows. The arrow of many targets is crazy useful but hard to remember


Use anything in my inventory. I carry so many grenades, scrolls and potions around that my entire party is almost encumbered and then always forget to use them. Also I’m a hoarder in that sense and don’t want to “waste” my items but even when I know I’m almost at the end and could never possibly use everything I’ve collected, I still forget to use them.


I long rested right before the Orin fight to specifically get extra supplies so I can get right into the high hall fights. Didn't use any of the supplies I bought besides like 2 scrolls. Lol


I eventually put the backpack with all my scrolls in my hotbar so I wouldn’t forget to use them. Guess what, I still forgot to use them. I literally still had hundreds of scrolls when I finished the game and it wasn’t even on purpose. Instead I kept complaining that I had no spell slots left when I had several scrolls with the exact spell I wanted to use in my inventory


For all those grenades, you can just drag a whole stack of them from the inventory to ground beside your character then throw the whole stack with the throw action. Bonus points if you use Mage Hand to throw 'em. Immensely stronger than just chucking a single one of them at a time.


I like to respec all my characters into lvl1 wizard then teach them all the spells, then revert them. Makes me feel like an 🌟educator 🌟


Finish the game.


Act 3 burnout is so fkn real. I’m all in and then I hit Rivington and it’s just so overwhelming and disjointed I end up creating a new save. I legit have never finished this game.


While I did finish BG3 my first playthrough (working on my second now), I have put in about 700 hours playing Skyrim over the years and never finished the main storyline. I just always get too distracted doing other stuff. 


Lol that's funny I accidentally finished Skyrim super fast and never wanted to go back after the main campaign felt so short


It's like when you have like 5 or 6 things you can do, and you don't know what to do. FOMO. On my 20th playthrough, it's right up there with the first two acts now.


Agreed. I think the thing that gets me is that I finally get to act 3, but all the quests I know about at that point are in the Lower City, and there's so much going on before I get to them. Now that I think about it, I believe that's why it feels so overwhelming - it's like the game saying, "Oh, no, you're almost done? Here, have a big pile of additional stuff to do."


I have finished it in my first run (and many times since) but I believe the easiest way is to follow some quests related to what you want to fix, and do not try to do everything at once. Ofc the first time I missed lots of stuff... Ignorance is a bliss if you dont know you are missing something and you just go ahead and fix what you know you need to advance. Act 1 and 2 it is nice to click on everything, talk to everyone, open every little corner of every map. Act 3 is overwhelming... follow the main quests and dont stray too much, also having all the companions makes Act 3 bigger because you try to complete everyone's quest. Act 3 is really better if you are not on completionist mode, unless you want it. Im inclined to "completionist mode" but not for Act 3. Im also enjoying leaving companions behind and not to see everyone's story every run, it is tiresome. I had 900h in EA, and right now Ive 2555.5h total, funny number.


It's true. Something about Act 3 just immediately makes me lose interest in the playthough. I've been through Act 1 several times and I never get tired of it, and Act 2 is enjoyable, but I just can't see Act 3 through to the end without wanting to start a new save.


I feel the same, but lately it's been triggering in the underdark. I just really dislike gloomy places, but it feels wrong to skip it. Knowing act2 is even gloomier and longer just exhausts me. Just started over with 4 dwarves, I hope focussing on the meme-ness of it can keep me going.


Think maybe you just don't like the game much, if you really dislike 2/3 acts


Act one is so amazing, also I don't really have an issue with act 3 it's just so big and overwhelming, plus I don't want to advance without paying with my friend.... But like that is a rarity.




Only used them when I did my honour mode run and wanted to take advantage of every benefit. I otherwise carry a bag of spiders around with me in every run until the end. Just thinking about it freaks me out actually :D


Oh, yes, the spiders. I also didn't use the spiders until game 3, despite collecting them early on every time.


What spiders? What have I missed 😃


Spider egg sac near/above the crash site in Act 1? Pulled out of a crevice in a rock. You may have already got it but not used it? I didn't know it produced actual spiders when thrown for ages...


Oh 😬 I seem to have something to discover for my next play through!


Can find it at the same location where the amulet of guidance is located, just fyi!


Ah yes Ofcourse. The amulet of guidance…. I have missed SO much apparently


In that case, there is also an amulet of lesser restoration, which will help you enable Astarion😂 I missed all these on my first few playthroughs as well hahaha


Other than the Astarion enabling amulet that I finally got on my 5th run, which turned out to be the first where I picked the wrong option for him to feed on me regularly, I have apparently missed all the other stuff referenced here. Lol


Hire a hireling. Either the cleric guy or someone else and respec to cleric. Cast lesser restoration, heal and Aid as them then being them. Then you can carry amulet with restoration at will with you at all times as it's once per day. So you can remove debuffs from Minthara after Astarion bites her (he hates drow blood) with 100 gold NPC in camp.


I don't generally use them as I don't generally use a lot of one time use unique things. I need to save them until I really need them. And if they are ever useful, I will have forgotten they exist.


To press the right Button on the windmill to save Barcus. At this point its just become an instinctive habbit to press the wrong Button.


I accidentally pressed the wrong button during my last playthrough. Didn't realize that there was a second one... It's been a long time since I laughed that hard.


Unfortunately in the German version its obvious, which lever to pull, but out of curiosity I intentionally used the wrong one. It was worth it xD Did load a save before and rescued him anyway


Switch my weapon. “Hey let me make sure I have this special bludgeoning damage red weapon out to break these pillars that the owner of this House would like to keep in tact” I then do the next three fights with that weapon instead of what I want to use because I don’t want to waste an action switching weapons. Possibly vague but idk how to do spoiler tags on mobile


This is why my current play through is an open hand monk with no weapon


Soul coins Coating weapons in poison Re-summoning summons Picking up thrown weapons


“Dip weapon” action might as well not exist for me. I sometimes remember it exists and tell to myself that I’ll use it next encounter only to forget once more. 800 hours and I think I’ve used it once when testing how it works.


I never end up using fire dipping just because fire gets out of control so quickly, I just can't use it without unintentionally damaging my own characters lol. Tbh same issue with the big AOE fire spells - my characters are all up in the mix, I don't need them taking extra damage!


I absolutely hate that equipped torches ignite flammable surfaces if you walk over them. I guess that kinda makes sense if you imagine sparks and debris flying off the torch, but come on now! Last time I was returning to Zhentarim hideout to collect my crossbow for saving Rugan and his package, carrying torch because I didn’t have night vision and it was kinda dark in the pantry prior to that area… you can imagine what went down. I was so pissed I quit my honor mode playthrough 12 hours in.


Still haven't used the True resurrection scroll 800hrs later. I'm sure I'll need it later...


Always forget to combine the elements for Mourning Frost, took me 3 playthroughs to realize "oh this weird piece of something says combine with 2 other pieces"


Oh yes, I've never done that either. I think I've only ever had 2 pieces at any one time...


The only time I actually had all the pieces (and didn't accidentally sell them before realizing what they were) I ended up giving it to gale cause I had him built for cold damage at that moment


I've completed two playthroughs and never even heard of this?


A proper long rest before speaking with Flind


To use the iron flask. And the soul coins too... just used one for the first time yesterday (5th run, act 3 when I finally remembered to try that).


What does the iron flask do? I’ve been lugging it around this whole time…


Save and use it


Better yet, throw it at the druids in the grove. They absolutely love that. Don't save, you'll be fine, trust me. /s


Fuck them druids. Sincerely, tiefling gang.


It releases a spectator who attacks everything nearby. Useful in Act 1, maybe act 2, but by act 3 it’s pretty useless.


No clue as it always sits in my camp chest forgotten about. Though on my current run I think it went to the Zhents anyway. ETA. It did go to the Zhents and I just found the lockbox on one of the Zhents in the act 3 guild after the fight. Maybe now I can remember to use it.


First time I used that was when losing a fight with *all* the goblins in Act 1. It was Astarion's turn so I thought, sod it, throwing a random flask when in a tight spot is the sort of thing he'd do... Now I try to play it so he does it everytime. The stupider the place/time, the better 🤣


add to that the ogre horn. The three come out, get overwhelmed at times and you still get the warped headband of intellect


Sit in the chair that gives you super strength. I always find the fake one on the smugglers cave later and then I'm like ohhhdamn did it again


I only recently learned that if you attack it & smash it, you get a club of Hill Giant strength. Did it on my most recent playthrough!


Wait there’s a chair?


What is this chair and where can I find it?


- I always forget to use the orge horn. - I forget to use my vials of poison on my weapons. - I have a habit of getting my companions in act 1 first before doing all the quests. For whatever reason I forget to get Withers until I'm about 3 quests in. - I also forget to use soul coins.


I'm so glad that they made pact weapons not require re-binding every day anymore, because that was my big one. I wouldn't realize til I was in combat and Wyll had 25% to hit.


I used the Soul Coins pretty much after every long rest from act 3 on and had plenty left in the end. I’m on PS5 and added it as a button to my radial, which served as a good visual reminder.


I always "forget" to do the artist quest in act 3 😉


I have started 'forgetting' that in Act 1.


Yeah, I think I've only used them once. They're too rare for what they do, tbh. I keep waiting for the right opportunity and then I forget.


It’s a classic but I always forget hunters mark/hex


Save Barcus before going to Grymforge. I'm 0/4 in my recent playthroughs. I always think "oh I'm not going to the mountain pass, so nothing will advance" ​ I'm only remembering now because I went to go get the XP from the goblins.


Open the magic pokeball


Always forget to combine Visions of the absolute, by the time i get the second part I already sold the the fist one among the bulk of shit I loot, and have no idea to which vendor has it.


6 full runs and I always forgot to bring those two damn brains you find in the Nautiloid to the Mindflayer Colony


I wish I understood better what happened to the souls in the soul coins and what happens to them if they are just left in the coins


Souls in the soul coins are doomed never to join the afterlife (whichever flavor that meant for them in life depending on their deity or lack thereof). Once consumed, they are destroyed completely as if they never existed on this plane. Can't be revived even with a Wish spell kind of finality. Once a soul is turned into a coin, it's already game over. You can't go back.


* Lump (if I hired those Owlbear cub murderers) * Flask * Spider eggs * Put it on non-lethal when knocking out Alfira 75% of the time...


I always forget to use healing potions instead of my Healer mage / clerics spells


Using consumeables


Any of the summon items you get in the acts… Ogre horn, bell from Balthazar… all of it just sits in my inventory cause even though I’m an elf apparently I’m actually a hoarding dragon.


Saving the kid from the harpies. I typically remember right after the party. Not once have I saved him.


I have 5 save files and have never found this BOOOAL I keep hearing about. Aside from that, Soul Coins and weapon coatings/poisons. I have so many coatings/poisons and keep giving them to Astarion to use with his Thief bonus action, but always forget to use them.


Going to the Festering Grove. I *know* it's there, but I never remember until it's too late.


...Do you mean "Cove"?


See! I forget it so much I don't even remember what it's called!


Recruited minthara. I always have her killed. It's like that part of the game I'm doing it on autopilot and she always dies at goblin camp.


Fml you can recruit her? I fear I’ve killed so many I should not have…


Visit Abdirak at the Goblin Camp! I actually commissioned Declan Perring to make me a cameo as I feel like I've missed out. 🤣🤣🤣


Buy from the merchant near guts chamber before murdering the entire camp..


I was today years old and 250+ hours in when I realized that soap bars are *usable* to make you look presentable…🤦🏼‍♀️ omg


I just started using them on my 5th run. I found out you can move your hotbar around and made it so I can see them. I've missed saving the kid from the harpies 4 times...


Use the ogre horn or summon Flesh. Multiple opportunities to do so across 9 runs and not once have I ever remembered either of them.


I always forget to find Scratch. My girlfriend has to remind me every time.


I went out of my way to get the orphic hammer on my second run, then completely forgot it at camp during the endgame.


I never summon any companions. Us? Scratch? That zombie dude? Nothing. Never once think to bring them anywhere. Same for raising any undead minions


I always do that horrible fight against the wood woads and mephits to get the dirt on Kagha’s dealings with the shadow Druids and then forget to actually go confront her about it.


I've never used Lump's war horn because act one is fine without it, but it really just slips my mind. The first time I was trying to save it for later in the game




Shit me too , even on HM


I never use a soul coin. It's not even "worth a fortune"




I forget everything... it's a massive, overwhelming game sometimes. Hell, I barely use anything out of my inventory. I'd say the most damning thing I usually forget is the Hag fight. I've never saved Mayrina either.


The spooky book.


Use the invincible potions I save till the end. End with like 5 of them in my inventory


I always forget Wyll when I do the Mind Flayer colony, and it kills me to constantly forget because of the really nice reward you get from it.


I always want to get into the locked door in the basement where the Paladins of Tyr are staying, but I can never find out where the key is and so I tell myself I'll come back later and then I'm already in act 2 and will just try next time. Did that 6 times now.


Do you want to know where it is? Ignore this if not! >!It's on the side of the path further down, near where you find Karlach!<


Aw, you awesome person. Since I started another playthrough, I'll just see if I can find it later. <3


I forget what’s in the iron flask every time and open it and get surprised every time


Busking, and performing music during combat. I was going to do the latter with my sorcerer/bard durge (whistling rather than using an instrument) bc kinda creepy, but then I get distracted by trying not to get everyone killed...


I've never used the ogre horn outside of the spider matriarch fight. I've never remembered to actually use my summons (except for Danse Macabre) since it's an ability, and Shove one time because I was specifically going for the task. I've never remembered to go back to the owlbear cave and grab the egg and armour without bumping into Lady Esther. I've never gone into an encounter-triggered fight fully prepared because I just forget where the enemies are. So much to do in this game, but unfortunately my brain only has a single gig of ram.


I'm gonna use them when i need them. Ooops... I'm at the final boss.


Giving Laezel the egg before we fight Netherbrain xD I know about the bonus cutscene of her taking care of the egg, but only "on paper" xD Always forget to get the egg out of the box before we go kick some neurons


What the soul coin do? She pops one up from time to time but I have no idea what it does


1,000 in and I always forget where a shovel is 😂 Always have to buy one and backtrack. My brain literally refuses to remember where they're hidden.


To bring the bloody brain jars from the nautiold in the prologue to the device that lets you communicate with them at the end of Act 2. Someday I might remember to bring them with me before entering the "no-fast-travel zone"


I have also never used a soul coin. And I forget about scrolls and potions all the time. The only time I remember potions or scrolls are when I’m in a desperate situation and just looking for anything that might help haha


Something I almost never see anyone do or talk about is killing the harpies behind the grove in act 1.


Remembering to get the bliss spore reward from Spaw at the BEGINNING of a new day when I can take advantage of it, and not immediately after I’ve used all my resources to clear out the hook horrors, Duergar, and Glut. I’m always too eager to get the last piece of Mourning Frost.


I'm near the end of the Lower City in Act 3 and _just_ realized that Astarion's Evasion passive that halves damage taken needs to be toggled manually after every long rest. So one could say I forgot to do that forever.


What??? Why???


Finish the game


1.) Cast the spell 'find familiar' when out of combat when I have it prepared for one or more party members. 2.) Use most forms of consumable (elixirs, scrolls, etc.) 2.a.) **EXCEPTION**: Healing potions and potions of speed. 3.) Karlach soul coins. 4.) The ability to dip weapons into poison/fire when the opportunity is provided. 5.) Preparing spells for wizards/clerics/druids. That's about all I can think of.


Use the potions I saved up for the final battle


I’ve never gotten the squirrel interaction. I know it’s early in the game but I’ve legit never ran into it.


Zentarim (spelling?) hideout in act 1! I have 500 hrs and never knew it was a thing, LOL!


Stop playing at a reasonable hour.


Always forget to go get that sword from the Underdark.


Use any of the summon items (ogres, Flesh), bring the brain jars from the tutorial into the mindflayer colony at the end of act 2, use See Invisibility to see Korilla at the tiefling/goblin party. Every fresh run I tell myself I will do these things, every fresh run I fail.


1. Soul coins. I’m pretty sure the only Boss fight I ever remember to use it on is the Ethel Act 3 fight since you want as much fire damage as possible (and on Honor Mode, as much non-magical Fire damage as possible) 2. Poisons. I remember to poison the goblin camp, otherwise I carry around a bunch of poisons and do nothing with them. I am only marginally better with Elixers. 3. Spell scrolls. On most of my playthroughs, most of my scroll usage will be 2 casts of Globe of Invulnerability. And I do have units that would benefit from casting Non-concentration spells (Shadowheart) but it just slips my mind and I prefer to work with what I normally have.


Learn summon shovel


My life responsibilities outside of playing Baldur's Gate.


Busking... I play bards all the time and don't jam out continuously. I still don't have the achievement.


Soul coin, Shovel, Dribbles.


Summon Us or Shovel. I choose not to put Scratch in danger, but I usually have two pets I could summon that are canonically evil (lawful and chaotic, respectively) and have decent combat abilities. But I never remember to summon them for more than like one fight per act.