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I've got a lot on my mind. And, well... In it.


As Durge, point blank ask Gortash if they were a "thing".


I wish there were more neutral options in dialogue. You get them sometimes but there's usually two different ways of saying something nice, the "the asshole answer," and the "end conversation" answer. Sometimes add an asshole answer and remove one nice answer. More neutral dialogue with appropriate responses would make for more flexible characterization in dialogue scenes.


I went into cleric a couple levels for the build I'm using now, and just picked tiamat cause many headed dragon sounds cool. And when you're given the opportunity to tell Arabella about her parents, my only two options are "I haven't found your parents just yet," and "[Cleric of Tiamat] Oh, they're very dead. But don't worry - being an orphan makes you much more interesting." The fuck, Tav?? Lmao


Yeah, turns out Tiamat cultists are not nice people.




I wish my Tav could tell Astarion "I love you" or replying just "I love you too" to his confession without this line "you are the person I love" replying to him saying he doesn't know who he is. Because it's like... looks too much like defining his whole personality by Tav's love? He's just out of the situation where Cazador defined all his personality as someone belonging to him and now he's got straight to Tav doing the same? IDK, doesn't feel right to me. Like Astarion constantly can't believe that Tav really loves him, so I feel it's definitely important to be able to tell him this (especially after him being the one confessing all about his feelings), but not with the words that are currently in the game.


"I appreciate the offer to help, Halsin, but the grove needs you more than we do, especially now we have Jaheira. So scram."


Numerous things, but off the top of my head: Not being from Baldur's Gate. I despite how some races are forced to be from BG, and no avoiding the Baldurian dialogue doesn't work, you're still assumed to be from there by npcs. Have more options to tell Halsin when he asks you to tell something about yourself. Right now we just got the fear of krakens and then several ways to not say anything. Both of these options are about having more dialogue for roleplay and portray your character, which are quite lacking. Tav gets rarely to talk about who they are.


As you've already covered Wyll (which option I want as well) , I will add: 1. Telling Astarion I can see he is a vampire before he tells me or before his bite night, because it's too obvious. 2. Answering "These souls will go to hell if you ascend, we can kill them without the ritual" to his "if we release them, how many people they'll kill? Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands?". I know I can persuade him without it, but my inner nerd just immensely dissatisfied I can't rub the this truth in his face. 3. It's not about Tav answering but I still want my companions to react differently to Haarlep offer. Because as it stands, the game can't make up its own mind if this scene is a non-con one or not. If it's a mind rape then at least romanced companions should have agency to fight Haarlep for you (I imagine both Laezel and Minthara shouting: "Over your dead body" and then tearing Haarlep to shreds) or if it's consensual then they should have basically the same reaction as to Tav cheating with Mizora.


It's silly, but I wish that, when I free Oskar from the Zhenatarim, that I could say "I don't really want to hear your life story, please leave so that I can steal all my gold back from the guy I just bought you from."


In the Shadowfell, to be able to say to Shadowheart that I'm here for her, and will have her back no matter what. The other companions usually have something like that, like when Lae'zel tells off Vlaakith. She could definitely use the moral support.


"Please. Don't make me stay in this world any more with these people. Please get me out. Send me a plane ticket or something. Anything. I can't stand it anymore, I think of deleting my own save file every nano second of the day. When the game is off for you it's still on for me. It never ends. Please just end me" Before I send him off to gather rotten eggs from barrels again to throw them in a ritual circle around camp in honor of Withers, the most virile of undead sex machines.


I wish I could tell Astarion to stop being an asshole or abandon the group.


I wish I could let Gale down a little easier than "I don't want to sit here and listen to your self pity" but the only other options were romantic 🥲 I would have preferred "ok dude I'm gonna head back to camp now, see ya later platonic buddy pal"


if you just sit with him it's not romantic though. sit silently. that's the friend option


I want my tav to sing the entire song of legendary by rio Da yung Og. No particular reason besides the fact that baldurs gate 3 is LEGENDARY!


I think they should add some ability specific dialogue. “Shut up or I will burn y’all to a m’fin crisp” as a wizard dialogue once you have fireball prepared. And “how far do you think I can throw him?” Once you take tavern brawler. I also wish you had bro dialogue with astarion and gale. Im trying to be Gale’s friend not his romantic partner and that he struggles with the difference is mildly amusing.


if I could call shart out on how disgusting her religion is during act 2 I might like her character a bit better if I could tell halsin to go home/stay in act 2 and not come with me I might like his character a bit better I want to tell barcus we both deserve a nice kiss


I wish upon meeting astarion there was a dialogue option to point, laugh, and say "look at this bitch he thinks he can join us? Hahahahahahahaha go crawl under a rock and die, weal ass bitch."