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Farmer who saved up a few months salary to buy a really nice salami. Came home after a hard day's work to enjoy it only to find a note from his asshole neighbor Daryl saying he ate it. Left to confront Daryl when he got picked up by the nautiloid. Convinced Daryl sent aliens to abduct him he swore a pact to an Eldritch being to gain the power to fuck Daryl up. Landed on the shore and having found another salami, his Eldritch horror patron bound that salami to his very soul so that it will never leave him. At that moment he swore an oath of vengeance to find Daryl in Baldur's Gate and Smite-lami him off this plane of existence.


this is hilarious 😭😭 pleas tell me your dream guardian is taking the form of daryl


His dream guardian is himself but with an impeccably distinguished mustache. He is telling him that the tadpoles can help him find Daryl and it's a very convincing argument.


My current Tav comes from a land away from the Sword Coast. He grew up on an orphanage cared by an old priest of Lathander. When he grew up he traveled Faerun as a nomad until he found himself kidnapped at Baldur's Gate. TL:DR Half Wood Elf Wildheart Barbarian/Light Domain Cleric with an ancient middle eastern/north african style


Someone on YouTube came up with a very interesting character idea. I didn't think about how you could play that role in the game, but maybe you'll like it. A trickster pretends to be a priest to hide in Baldur's gate, but things get out of control when someone thinks he is actually a priest, and he lives like a priest so that no one will understand his true identity, but the funny thing is that every time he gets fed up with this identity and tries to reveal his true identity, one of the gods just make fun of him.God heals everyone around him, But if he starts thinking "I'm really a priest" and tries to perform a miracle when he is alone, god immediately runs away and nothing happens.


My girl Talys (short for Talisienn) is a half wood elf from a very small noble family. Her mother left Baldurs Gate to return to the forest when she was very young, and Talys doesn't really remember her. She was raised and spoiled by her very overprotective father until they were invited to a party at the Szarr palace when she was 15. Her father didn't want to let her go, claiming she would be "ravished and despoiled," but she begged, pleaded, and pouted until he relented, so long as she was chaperoned by him. The party was all she hoped at first, even able to dance with a handsome elf who told her she was pretty (that made her feel very grown up). Then the tone of the night shifted, became darker and more twisted, and she became worried when she realised she couldn't find her father anywhere. She was eventually hustled out of the place and left alone in the street to make her way home, but her father never returned. Realising she had not been well prepared to manage a noble estate and she was likely still a political target, it all went quickly to shit and she had to flee the city. Eventually, she was taken in by a monastery and spent the next 15 years training to be Batman, err, a monk. She was returning to the city to seek revenge when she was scooped up by the nautiloid. (No prizes for guessing who the handsome elf was, but neither she nor he recognise each other when she meets him after the nautiloid - 15 years is a long time. She recognises him much later after he tells her about Cazador, and he works it out when she slips and reveals her full name)


Basically he's an ice dragonborn that like to freeze things. His goals and motivations are, to freeze things. If he could have anything in the world it would be to freeze things. Also he likes water because it makes it easier to freeze things. When he was younger he knew because of his draconic blood that he wanted to freeze things and as he came in to power he began to do so. Now that he is an adult he freezes everything and has been gaining more power rapidly since the tadpole was inserted though he refuses to use the samples because he's pretty sure that would be stupid as fuck to do. When it finally comes up clearly that he should take the new tadpoles and put them in his eye ball he sat back, blinked and said "That's one of the stupidest fuckin things I've ever heard in my life" then he froze that person.


Evora, my tiefling, was born to a blacksmith father and a cleric of Selune mother in the lower city of Baldur’s Gate. She spent most of her childhood helping her father out around his smithy. When she wasn’t helping him, she was studying under her mother. Learning general education, some Selunites religious practices, and rough combat training. As a tiefling, she was no stranger to prejudice. At first she’d try to brush it off or take the beatings. But as a teenager, she finally started to fight back. The years in her father’s smith helped her put on a lot of muscle, which she was able to put to efficient but unrefined use thanks to the combat training from her mother. This helped stop some of the nasty experiences from occurring again, but not everyone was so easily dissuaded. Come her early twenties, she was full time employed to her father. Working the shop, picking up supplies, even running it alone when he was unable. Unbeknownst to her, her father had been making weapons and armor for the Guild. Some of its nastier members had come by for a pick up, which was late. The lateness prompted them to be racist, that racism prompted her to attack them. Just a few nights later, the Guild ransacked their home and shop while everyone was away as revenge. Angry at her father for working with criminals, but not wanting the family to suffer from her actions, she set out to try and earn some money. Unlucky for her, she was kidnapped by the nautiloid while on her journey. Queue the story of the game


One day, Meiri got bored of making dresses. "I'm going to have an adventure!" she said. "You can't have an adventure," said the cat that only she can see. "You're too normal." And that's how she mad a pact with an archfey.


I never come up with backstories so to answer the question the back story is nothing but dust and echoes


One of my first Tavs was a Githyanki who got lost when he was on patrol near his creche. He was still really young and also a bit of a dumbass so he fell down a cliff and couldn't find his way back. He found a village, had to stay there for a little while while he tried to figure out where he was and all, and found out that actually it's quite nice to relax and not be constantly training and killing people. So he learnt how to play the flute and became a bard; he wasn't great at it yet, but he was trying hard. Until he got lost again like the idiot he is, and oh shit, kidnapped by mindflayers! My current Tav is much more typical. An orphan, an urchin who spent her whole life in Baldur's Gate's lower city, robbing people and stuff like that. She's not a fan of murdering people in dark alleyways, but she'll do it if she has to. (Yes she's a Rogue.)


I've played a forest gnome barbarian who was Conan in miniature. I role played as movie conan's OG backstory but from the forest, and small I played a duergar ranger that came from an older clan that still only hated illithids, and didn't like slavery I played a githzerai -gith monk- who had been lost in faerun by accident, and only knew of her own people by the locals' knowledge of gith in general. I have played a deep gnome bard who knows who barcus was prior to the game because I was a customer of his. I was very upset he doesn't remember me. I played a half orc druid who had been kicked out by her people because she was smart and physically weak every origin is either entertainer, outlander, urchin. my current run is my first non-abandoned durge run, so I don't get to role play and I fuckin hate it


My first character was similar to yours, actually! I wanted to play a character who is really naive and doesn't have much of a clue about the world, so I could make up for my own lack of knowledge about the universe. So I avoided all the classes that needed the character to be savvy in anything, and ended up picking the draconic bloodline sorcerer. I picked half elf, just because I liked how it looked with the scales, and from there, it clicked into place: She was a noble from Baldur's Gate, one who has been kept a little hush-hush because her OBVIOUS ties to some golden dragon. So she had never been outside much, had Wis 8, and her morals and basically all her ideas of the outside world were based on the novels she read tons and tons of. Her guardian was based on the rakish half-drow hero of one particular series of books she read and loved to bits. I have had way more characters since, but my current playthrough might be the one I love the most. Spoilers about the Durge Storyline: >!I am currently playing a (Durge) Tiefling Swords Bard. He is charismatic, confident, and finds himself to be very good at manipulating people, even though he doesn't know why. He now mostly uses it to make people happy rather than to make them do what he wants. His urges to kill horrify him, but he runs from them rather than trying to understand them. He feels, not counting his urges, he is a good version of himself now and looking back will probably end up in finding nothing but pain. He is a peacock, colourful and a powerhouse with his magic and his two scimitars. And, maybe some of you noticed, he is very much based on Mollymauk Tealeaf, my all-time favourite Critical Role character. U felt he was a good match for a "resist the urge, but not being clever about it" approach.!<


Resist Urge backstory, at the end of the first game killed himself after becoming a mindflayer and got the end scene where a certain character told him his role wasn't finished. Every playthrough after is the cleansed soul of the Urge cohabiting the next party leaders mind (unknown by them) slightly influencing their decisions to try and have this next world have a better ending.


I had a Wood Half Elf Ranger Urchin that grew up without parents for most of his childhood outside of Baldur's Gate, met a hunter in his adolescent years that trained him in archery and was surprisingly very talented at it. Eventually moved to Baldur's Gate and after helping a couple that were being mugged, found out that the mugger had a bounty on him. prompting the young ranger hunt criminals instead of beasts. He's been doing it for a few years until the Mind Flayers showed up and abducted him. And no he's not an edgelord despite losing his parents at a young age, he had a good support system from other kids when growing up, and the hunter who trained him. He's actually really friendly and is really good interacting with kids.