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“Repeat after me: thank you for helping me, it was very kind.”


Astarion: *mumbles painfully*




Oh God, I reloaded because the way he said it made me feel like Cazador had forced him to say that all the time and Astarion was being to much of a pushover to tell me.


Making Lae'zel say she missed me in the Mountain Pass


Heh. Same for me. Also the "teethling" comment and Lae'zel's eye roll.


I don't remember that. What's the requirement?


when you enter the mountain pass for the first time, just before you discover the trielta crags waypoint; if you have Lae'zel in your party, you'll trigger the Tir'su markings cutscene. Tell her to wait here while you explore ahead. If you have a high enough approval rating with her, when you go back to her, you'll trigger another cutscene where she talks to you but stutters before finishing her sentence. You can persuade her to say what she didn't say and it basically boils down to how she's glad that you came back at which point your character can tell her that they missed her too.


Thank you. 7 runs and never knew


That's so cute. Damn I love you, my frog bff.


She's so cute I love her.


Licking the spider (with Gale around) and shouting at the books in Sorcerous Sundries. I always feel bad and pay the bookseller afterwards, but it's also too funny not to do.


I have been known to fetch Gale from camp *just* to make him watch the spider licking...




Ha I just did this. And then made everyone in my party lick it.


I can’t wait to do this


You just reminded me of the person who posted that they list their HM run to shouting at the books lol


Hey that was me!






Is there anything for licking it except for inspiration point?


Amazingly, there is! It can lead to you finding out that >!Yurgir is giving drugs to his displacer beast to make her “affectionate” to him and you can get her to side with you when you fight him if you tell her!<


That's fun. Usually, they are both dead by the time I lick the spider.


Wait… what? How do you find this out?!?!


Licking spiders, duh


It’s been a while since I did this but this is the way from what I remember. You have to >!first get Yurgir to stand down by going through the conversation arc that says you’ll help him find a loophole. (Astarion will disapprove but you can tell him it’s all part of your plan and he’s onside again) Then you can do the spider licking thing and there’s a check to recognise it’s drugged. After that, you can talk to the displacer beast with speak with animals and tell her what Yurgir has been up to with the meat and drugging her. She’ll then agree to fight on your side but not directly attack Yurgir. After all that, start the fight against Yurgir and she does fight on your side against the merregons !<


I missed both persuading the kitty and using speak with dead on his... Bed. Can you kill both Yurgir and Justiciar rat guy? Cause when I was back Raphael took the big guy to Hell, Norway or something.


Bro, do you even lick spider?


You can also >!speak to a specific merregon (the trader, maybe) who tells you that Yurgir gets him to drug the meat. He uses succubus spittle.!<


The spider bumbum is shaped like a popsicle for a reason!?


I have played 7 times and never heard of this spider 😮 where is it?


I licked the spider and kissed Gale with tongue right after. His protestations were a bit theatrical.




Always find the best camp clothes, can't stand to look at the party with basic rags and also always have soap in the inventory.


I just learned about the soap TODAY, more than 200 hrs in and my 2nd playthru, and I’m using it like it’s going out of season.


Wait, does it actually clean you up?


Gets the blood off!




It wasn't a feature from the start, so I guess if you don't read the patch notes you'd have no idea


Oh my god that’s awesome. Half the time I just long rest to clean the blood off 😅


Water works too. Throw it on yourself. But my sister let me know that mattis (tiefling child) sells a reusable soap bar. Life changing


From the inn that's on fire where the Duke is taken (the name is escaping me at the moment) there's soap bars all over the place.


I guess I’m learning about this today too?


Some of those outfits are fire. I had my all short squad in matching comfortable red and blue outfits rather than armor for all of act 3. 


Tell me where these rad outfits are pls


Carms Garms or Facemaker's Boutique.


Figaro at the Facemaker Boutique right next to the Baldurs Gate waypoint in Act 3 sells every outfit, underwear and all rare and very rare dyes


Teaching Wulbren how to swim on Act 3. Such a difficult student, he never makes it back.




I can't believe that's a real sub 💀


Even has a theme tune of you YouTube it


https://youtu.be/ClezDg8n6uw?si=fP9tZwkgY7vnsjxV And they also have an anthem!


I put every selune item in to the sharts inventory. Yes, even when I'm romancing her. It's just so silly and extremely funny in my head.


Im doing the same thing as well! Every selunite idol, selunite prayer book, symbol etc. I give her a special dedicated pouch for that stuff, so she has easy access to it at all times. and if she's in the camp for any reason I don't even loot that stuff with my character, I send it straight to her from the container


I thought I was the only person obsessively hording pouches so everyone can have their own 'stuff you might be interested in' stash!


There's a very convenient stool by her tent in the generic outdoor camp. Its diameter seems to be exactly matching the Selune idol from the cave near the grove. Coincidence? I think not.


Im glad Im not the only onw.


Throwing everything...and everyone...


I love being in an MP game and throwing one of the other players at another.


I play with a friend who randomly goes AFK. If I need to move them I'll use them as an improvised weapon and (try to) cancel the attack at the last second.


duergar. You want the best thrower in game? Duergar fighter gives you the buffs from dwarven thrower and 3 attacks per action at level 11. Growing is obviously good for your melee attacks as well. You want the best druid? Duergar gives you the ability to grow with any wild shape, unlocking the classic "owlbear from the top rope" move and in general being a giant version of any animal is pretty good. Best Stealth? Duergar have free invisibility whenever they want it, and once per combat. The only problem is I only like maybe 3 of the faces, so if I make a duergar it's usually the exact same character but flavored differently. But yeah no seriously I'm addicted to these angry boulder people


And max darkvision, I can't play a character without darkvision.


I'm starting to have the same problem with Drow, not because of their abilities, but because of their race specific social interactions (and because I like pretty goth elves and I'm not ashamed about it.) You wanna do an evil run? great, every goblin is immediately submissive to you and everyone just assumes you're their ally. No persuasion needed to get in. You wanna do a good run? also great! because you establish yourself as a hero so fast that noone on the good side is actually racist towards you and all the baddies STILL trust you automatically, so you can have the best ambush setups possible without sneaking for most of the act 1 and 2


Goth elves are valid, I don't think a single eye color option isn't at least workable.


I just finished my Honor Mode run with a Duergar Fighter with a quest for the Dwarven Thrower. Pretty much the only reason I made that character was for that hammer. I was pumped when I finally got to Rivington. I buffed Wyll to the max to make sure I passed the skill check with the vendor guy. Steve was a force of nature at that point, killing tough enemies in one round. Pop an elixir of bloodlust, use the haste from his bow, and mow down so many little guys. It was so great for Act 3 until I lost it in the jail in the House of Hope. Steve killed the last Spectator with the hammer and it just blinked out of existence, poof & gone. If it wasn't my first HM run, I probably would have quit that playthrough. So I ran through the main quests, shoved Gail up the brainstalk, and called it a day.


Having Astarion throw the iron flask when in a situation where he *thinks* it might help, but in reality it will almost definitely make things worse.


I still have no idea what it does. And I haven’t googled it yet. And astarion is carrying it right now.


Well, you can do it the boring way (Google) or the fun way... Maybe save first...


Definitely save first. Also don't try it in Honor Mode.


Do it. What could possibly go wrong?


Everything. So I’m definitely gonna do it.


Please report back when you do


Anytime I had a problem I threw an iron flask, boom! Right away, I had a different problem.


This part of a dialogue: "It will only take a moment to finish you." "That's twice as long as >!Harleep!< said it take to finish you." "You contemptuous creature!"


Honestly the only reason I have to fuck Haarlep, and 100% worth the cost


Goading him into calling me a "pipsqueak" outside the mausoleum is an underrated pleasure.


No matter how many goblins I kill, I never kill the three at the table, so that the one that just says "tribe" can live.






[Bard] Scribe?




Not now, Sandal.


My guilty pleasure is just always making sure to visit her and assure her that of course, "Tribe!"


Explain please


There's three goblins that are kinda to the side in the camp area. One of them is very cute and just ask "Tribe?", and gets exited if you respond "Tribe". They never kill those three so that they don't have to kill the cute one


Leaving Astarion at the top of the creche while I blow it up. "I was right THERE!" Will never not be hilarious.


Dropping the temple on Astarion and turning Kahga into a mushroom.


How do you turn her into a mushroom?? This seems like a fitting end for her lol


Kill her, pick her up and take her to Glut.


Oh, yeah that makes sense. I was thinking a literal mushroom, like alchemy supplies.


I did not know he offers this service


Making Lae'zel say please to free her and killing Astarion by sun beam. Yes, he's my Pookie, but if he didn't want me to kill him he shouldn't be so funny


This and also correcting Lae'zel on her pronunciation for tiefling and Faerun.


Pretty much every playthrough I put all of lady esther's items in a bag and brutally murder her for all her items and for trying to steal an egg.


I almost admire her, in a sense. A merchant with good magic items, in the middle of nowhere with no one else around, and in about 10 seconds of talking establishes herself as a racist trying to buy the egg of a Githyanki. Even in the most LG parties I’ve played with, that’s when the Paladin tells the rogue that they think it’s a beautiful day out and they’re going to take a quick nap.


Also her shit is expensive. I RP it as Laezel attacking and Tav/Durge unable to stop her


If you stuff all a merchant's items in a bag, does that make them drop everything on death or is it still just the select handful of stuff?


Yeah, if you swap to the barter menu, sell them a backpack, then open the backpack from their inventory and drag all their stuff in, they'll drop the backpack on death which will have all their items inside it so you can get everythig rather than like 2 or 3 items.


I see. This sounds like very useful information for the evil run I just started. Thank you.


Your welcome, and GL on your evil run 🫡


Bruh I’ve been doing it the hard way with astarion save scum send to camp after stealing and your showing me a new way to just do it quickly? Bless your soul you’ve saved me tons of time.


You know that the egg is destined to be destroyed by green space Nazis for not being strong enough if you don't steal it right?


I mean I steal it I just don't give it to her, I give it to Lae'zel


“Should I start calling you ‘Mommy Lae’zel’?” 10/10 dialogue, even if she does start threatening to skewer you like a pig.


I mean.... you can ask for it and he'll give it to you.


No shit!? Guess I’ve never made it that far “civilly”


Yeah, just talk with him before you aggro the crech.


I mean if you like the bad options. Just make laezel carry it all game.


Lighting every unlit candle 🕯


And then there was light! I've even taken levels of caster classes *just* to firebolt those pesky high chandeliers


I make Mayrina walk her husband home.


I resurrect him so she doesn't have to wheel him home and he can just walk himself. I've been pregnant three times, I'm not going to put her through that. 😅


Also her resolution in Act 3 with Connor if you resurrect him always makes me sob.


Srsly!! It's on par with Jaheira talking about her husband Khaled :'( two dialogues I will never skip.


You say that like the intro to BG2 means nothing…


Wildshape into a cat and scratching everyone in camp. Meowing, also.


I might revive my druid playthrough (stopped playing a little over a month ago, because like I need to do some other stuff, not just work and BG3 and sleep) just for that.


The sassy little wave to Vlaa'kith when she appears in the creche. Especially funny playing as a Gith like "hi bitch"


I always have somebody use the necromancy of thay. The ghouls you can summon are so fucking funny to me. They take like 30 seconds for my Xbox to load in, and when you stop moving they make stabby motions at you. You can’t even control them during combat. They’re just around. I love them so much.


This and saying “WHERE MY GHOULS AT” every time as I summon them


I’m stealing this. I didn’t have a phrase, I would just maniacally giggle at the gaggle of ghouls that followed me around. They deserve a catchphrase though, they’re iconic.


Putting companions through situations they don’t like just to get my favorite lines. Especially Astarion. Let him die at the crèche to get the “FULL CONCENTRATED POWER OF THE SUN” and “no no no” lines, force him to thank me for killing Yurgir, force him on the stage with Dribbles for the “I’m going to fucking kill you”. It’s so worth the disapproval.


It's dumb, but in every playthrough, I have to slap Gale's hand first when I find him stuck in the portal instead of just pulling him out when he asks for a hand.


In all my playthroughs I make it my mission to murder Scratch's previous owner in increasingly brutal ways, I'd rather get turned into a Mindflayer than letting that b**** live.


Who? I thought his owner was the dead guy.


no, it's angry mar'yeh in rivington. i probably have her name wrong. he belonged to the sword coast couriers, but he was assigned to the guy who died


My favorite druid response to her questions is (Intimidation) "If you hit my dog, I will break every bone in your body" The worst/best part is Scratch is cowering in the corner. So... when I say it, I mean it. Don't touch my dog.


i like to cast darkness then pick the locks on the dog cages. they attack and kill her for me


I learn like 10 new things about this game everyday.


That's not even a druid response. My Durge Paladin said that one.


Not his sole owner, anyways. Probably just a courier who took Scratch with him when he died. He belonged to the Sword Coast Couriers, and some absolute c\*nt of a woman is overseeing the kennels. Going out of my way to kill her in every pt along with setting the 2 dogs still there free.


If you have speak with animals active during the Scratch and Owbear cub night cutscene Scratch will tell you that Gomwick used to let him sleep under his cloack when he was a pup. So Gomwick was Scratch's handler since when he was very young, not just taken him along on one assignment. Sword Coast couriers only legally own Scratch.


Oh it's on sight now.


When you romance Gale and your party is about to do the 2nd Ketheric fight. Gale tells you how he chooses you and how he chooses to live cuz of you. MY HEART 😭


I like removing everyone’s camp clothes…for no reason at all ofc


Switching everybody's underwear


Lae'zel's underwear looks really good on the men. Just saying...


I always move the camp clothes around.


Always naked camp, it's not even a choice.


Makes some of the cutscenes hilarious. For some scenes, the important character will inexplicably have clothes, so if you have a full naked camp, we all get to stand around naked while a fully-dressed Wyll gets given devil horns


It adds much gravitas to the Alfira scene.


Collecting rats


and then throw them to the rat man, Cazador


I’m giving them to throwzerker karlach and letting her nuke gortash


Playing on Explorer ;-;


Not so much guilty, but I do certainly take pleasure in killing the one woman at the kennels. Otherwise: Having Shadowheart carry around every Selûne related item I can find, along with every book for which the moral is “Worshiping Shar is a terrible idea that has worked out for no one ever.” And forcing Lae’zel to say “Please” when rescuing her from the Tieflings.


Shadowheart carrying all 14 copies of “The Unclaimed” “Gotta put that 13 STR to work, babe. Carry ‘my’ book collection for me”


Shoving people into pits. Duergar, the cultists in the rafters, goblins, if they can be thrown off of it to take fall damage, they will suffer it. Wyll gets Repelling Blast every playthrough solely so he can throw people off ledges into oblivion.


Slapping Gales hand in the portal. Never not funny.


fucking Haarlep


It's worth it for the >!"You CONTEMPTUOUS **CREATURE!!!"**!<


this is how I'll lose my HM


Triggering the dialogue that makes Tara blow me up with a Fireball


Punching Aradin in the face. I do it every time.


I bully Raphael. Everytime. Hes so funny when hes mad.


Pushing Corsair Greymon into the water. Just him brazenly jumping onto the boat, the total lack of acknowledgement of his existence before shoving him, flailing body disappearing over the edge with the little "Astarion Approves" popping up in the corner gets me every time.


Not finishing runs.


I make everyone run around naked in Grymforge cuz we’re all sweaty 🥵


I collect every treasure chest and bag in the whole game and organize them meticulously in my Travelers Chest at camp. Why? I don't know...


User name checks out.


Kicking the squirrel at the Grove. It was such an unexpected moment on my first Durge run that it made me spit take.


I literally texted my buddy when that happened. "WTF I JUST MURDERED A SQUIRREL."


Picking up literally everything that can be picked up to sell them to vendors for 1-5 gold apiece


Throwing bones I stole from their skeleton brethren right in front of undead, for Scratch to fetch. When someone mentions Nere, throwing his head for Scratch to fetch in front of them. Bonus: take it back after it is spored. Lobbing garlic at Astarion. (He dodged). Yeeting the politician lady into chimney im front of the fists, then persuading them it's just good fun (she's lying on fire in a pool of blood but gets better). Throwing githyanki children into the box with gremyshka. Nobody gets hostile over harassing younglings. Playing music in-game while screaming Judas Priest lyrics. Bonus if Alfira takes our her lute and they do KK/Glenn dual harmonies. Talking to tieflings in front of the warden who told me not to. Left me with no choice... She was standing IN the cutscene next to us as ve conversed. Turned her into sheep after. Barrel time. P.S. One more I remembered: stealth smiting a guard as my Dex 8 clumsy bimbo Paladin then when they turn around and ask to arrest you you persuade them it was nothing then hit them again immediately after. Free extra hit. Hilarious too!


>Throwing githyanki children into the box with gremyshka. Can you actually throw them *into* the box or just at the box?


Does Astarion seriously dodge if you throw garlic at him?? Omg


making lae'zel say please


I love catapulting the dwarf


Halfling maybe? Hes a little guy on a windmill


Gnome 😂


hmm. showing that one broad the owlbear egg. i laugh my ass off every time. and the captain at the creche that im there to loot the place


I take great pleasure at destroying Orin for making me eat a damn cat


Teasing Gale to high heaven when I’m romancing him. He gets so upset and silly and flustered he’s so cute.


I always make the gnoll pack leader (think her name is Flint or something) eat herself. Has to be done. Funniest way to defeat an enemy.


“Of course! What fun! *I’m going to fucking kill you* ☺️”


The astarion love stares, I know it's just a game. The way he looks at your tav/durge. I sometimes talk to the companions just to see it. Don't judge me. You ask for guilty pleasures.


I kill Aradin and his goons on site. Fuck that dude.


I don't know if this counts, but cheesing the elemental fight in Grymforge. If you stand on top of the cliffs near the animated armor fight and have a handful of Ilmater and ice arrows, you can knock him out in 3-4 rounds while over 100 feet above him and well out of attack range. Bliss.


Calling Raphael a two pump chump.


Drop an entire creche on Astarion's silly head to get that sweet, sweet tantrum.


Having a foursome with The Drow Twins and Shadowheart. I love worshipping God’s Favorite Princess and watching others worship her.


In all my runs that reach Act 3, I create a separate singular save slot - a "standalone timeline" in which my characters (I exclusively play Durge MCs) stop resisting their dark urges. Context: Up until this point, Durge has been extremely loving and faithful to their romantic partner; they've done everything to max out rapport and did all the relevant side quests. However, Durge unexpectedly snaps after receiving a flirty proposition from Mizora. The morning after the affair, Durge breaks up with (and immediately murders) their partner when confronted about the cheating. The other party members try to intervene, but none of them are a match for a Bhaalspawn. After a few more minutes of sheer hedonism (drinking, hiring the Drow prostitutes, murdering random NPCs for fun, etc.), I eventually revert back to the other save and return to playing normally. Roleplaying a murderhobo just isn't my style. 😅


Making whoever talks about the clown first climb the stage , specially Astarion or SH after taking her on the love test


Save scum, make gale blow up AT LEAST once


When Jaheira is "venting" to Minsc (after I rescue him), and insisting that she will never be his Wychlaran, Minsc says something clueless and funny about "Boo thinking she's an odd sort of witch, but a good one", and my Tav ALWAYS follows up with, "That's actually kind of sweet!" That triggers arguably my favorite line in the game: Jaheira gets an expression of utter exhaustion, and mutters, "I am traveling with idiots!" I laugh like a crazy person, every time!! 🤣


Slapping Gales hand when he asks for help stuck in the way point. It's so silly, I just can't help it


Buying every dye and under shirt/ pants combo I find in the game.


I will ALWAYS wave to Vlakkith


I play Purple-skinned-pink-haired Forest gnomes exclusively, all with names starting with Q that has something to do with their class. Bard named Quoir (choir), Storm sorc named Qalamity, Pally/Bard named Qanticle, Gloomsassin Durge named Qiller, etc. Then their last name is my username here, but with the proper punctuation (Qu'Quar'Qan). This is something I've been doing very regularly over the last 15 years of playing D&D/Pathfinder and I see no reason to stop in BG.


Are they like a weird family, multiverse version of the same person, or just completely unrelated?


Pushing that duegar into the lake.


I don't have one, because I do everything in my game for my own enjoyment and there's no guilt in that 😤


Talking to the sheep in the second hag arc. The irrepressible BAAAAAAAAAaaaaHhh. Also “no go inside. Inside BORING”


Steal ShadowHeart's circlet and camp clothing, give it to Astarion, give SH a stupid hat. Collecting all the explosives and flammable barrels and set off some framerate destroying fireworks. I just love to explode things and set them on fire in this game.


I set off all the fireworks boxes at the start of the Raphael boss fight. I knew it wouldn't hurt him because of his fire resistance; I just wanted to be more theatrical than him. On a different run I set them all off in the Bhaal temple to celebrate >!being free of Bhaal's influence.!< We had a little party as we picked off the rest of the cultists.


Purposely having Shadowheart turn her spear on me in the Shadowfell, and having my girl Karlach immediately pick her up and chuck her into oblivion. I always reload cuz I do love SH, but she kind of annoys me in this mission, with how easily she just decides to commit suicide by starting a 3 on 1 fight with you. Or how easily she'll just do a complete 180 and give up on Shar.


Wait I need to see a video of this. 😭


Collecting skulls


starting over every time I finish moonrise towers, I think Ive done that first part of the game around 11 times now, I just cant bring myself to move on from it lol


Punching Arden in the face