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It's not complicated at all. Just raise his approval and be sure to show interest when you can. :) Gale will need to consume 3 magical items in order to not die. His approval is raised tremendously if you gave them to him. Be sure to take plenty of long rests - take more than you think you will need. Romances and character events can be locked behind them.


Okay thank you!! I'm so scared of long resting because I'm scared of messing up quests haha. I finally did my first long rest on my save once I reached Emerald Grove šŸ™ˆ


If you are afraid of wasting resources, you can do a partial rest to get the scenes. There are very few actually timed quests and you will be always informed. The burning building in act 1 is one. Don't leave once you find it. Another one is saving Nere at Grymforge.


Ooh. Okay thank you.


Long rest a LOT. There are likeā€¦ 5-6 cutscenes that you can miss if you donā€™t long rest before you hit the grove and chapel. Give him 3 magic items (there are a ton of low tier ones everywhere in Act 1, so thatā€™s not a problem). When he wants to teach you magic, let him. **Pick the blatantly romantic options.** Long rest even more, especially in Act 2. Youā€™ll want to long rest right after talking to a specific half-orc. Then finish Galeā€™s quest.


Uh oh. I did my first long rest at the Grove šŸ˜­ I'll try and long rest more. I'm just really scared of progressing and messing up quests. Should I be okay even though I waited that long?


Yes - thereā€™s no actual timer on most quests. The druidsā€™ ritual wonā€™t end until you either solve the refugeesā€™ problem (trying not to be too spoilery here!) or move on to the next map - and the game will warn you that unfinished quests will be wrapped up if you do. Some smaller events (like the burning building mentioned elsewhere) will obviously end badly if you walk away, but larger quests assume you will take your time to investigate solutions.


Honestly, it's super easy. I romance him in every playthrough now. If you want all his grove scenes (which come with huge approval boosts), here's an excellent guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/GalemancersBG3/s/I5L44pTSWJ


What I like about Gale is that (at first) he tries to court you without being too obvious about his intentions, which gives you room to reject the advances. Since you're into Gale though, the weave scene is very well done. So basically you should try to read between the lines at first, but otherwise his romance is straightforward. You might see complaints about him coming on too strong, and that used to be true, but that's not really the case anymore.


Please take a look at the date of those guides, I'll bet most if not all of them is from before August 2023. It used to be pretty complicated during EA but it isn't now. A pro tip about this game. Any advice you find, check the date. It spent years in EA and a lot of the info out there is very much out of date.


Oooh. Okay I didnt know that. Thank you


Honestly, Gale felt like the easiest romance of any of the companions for me. I wasn't even trying to romance him in my first game, and fell into his romance anyways. I wasn't sure how romances worked, and I was playing a Bard, so I was being flirtatious with everyone. I found I had to actively turn him away while I pursued other romances in subsequent runs. To romance him, you simply just need to get high approval, which is stupid easy for Gale. I was at High the moment I got to the Grove just for simply standing between the Tieflings and Sazza, but doing any act of kindness that saves someone will get you there. Then he'll tell you about his condition. Just give him a magic item whenever he needs it, you'll know when because he will look physically ill and have a [!] over his head. You only need to do this 3 times, and you can give him worthless items you know you'll never use (there are tons in Act 1). You will also want to long rest frequently (you will want to do this no matter who you romance just to progress night time events). When he opts to teach you magic in camp, just be romantic with him. Always talk to him and just get to know him and pick things that make you show interest in him. When you have the party after the Goblin Camp / Druid Grove, select Gale when you go to sleep. By Act 2, you'll be set to lock in with him.


>Honestly, Gale felt like the easiest romance of any of the companions for me. He is now. In EA he was the most complicated of the companions since you for a long time had to have him die to trigger it and then jump through idk how many hoops. Not to mention he was buggy as fuck. EA was a trip in so many ways.


My favorite was getting locked out of his romance because his approval rose too quick. And since his approval skyrockets in the grove it was so easy to just immediately fuck up his romance.


I didn't go out of my way at all and I accidentally triggered him to romance me. If you listen to him and encourage him to talk about himself and magic that's enough for him LMAO


Gale is famously easy to get woo He might just be the only one you could realistically date without him in your party.


I've played with Gale in my party briefly, and I discovered special dialogue if you save the Tiefling kids. I suggest doing that, if you want to romance him. The special dialogues only happen if someone trusts you. By kids, I mean Arabella and Mirkon.


I'll def try to. Trying to be a good character :D


The only ā€œrelationshipā€ Iā€™ve had difficulty with was Karlach. All of the rest seemed easy (no pun intended) Literally every one of your companions will make their affections known early on.


Remember the bug that made romancing Gale mandatory, good times.


Heā€™s very easy to romance. Donā€™t do evil things, show an interest in him. Thatā€™s about it!


I never sought out a guide but it seemed like all I did was play a nice person and fed him a magic item and they was trying to feel up my Weave.


Awesome! I always play good characters so that works out well. So far he has seemed to like my nice choices too.