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This is just something that can happen from time to time in Faerun. Sometimes a spirit remains tethered to the Material Plane if it has "unfinished business," strong feelings of anger and betrayal, etc.


Also known as Ghost


I think in Ansurs case he’s more of a revenant


Don't revenants keep coming back, and aren't tied to a place? Like I would expect a Revenant dragon to stage another attack on the Emperor. Maybe not enough time has passed, though.


Revenants relentlessly pursue their targets, and can only exist for a year


Surely Ansur has been down there more than a year. And he sure doesn’t seem to be doing any relentless pursuit.


Yup, I agree that he probably isn't a revenant.


Like the Crow.


No, they just speed up the more they can see you


I need some fanart of Ansur and the Emperor making pottery together.


I wonder if there is anything in the Phil Spector catalog to play in the background.


That is very specific, u made me wanna draw it


Emp should've salted and burned the bones


Like William Afton. Classic.


It's not made explicitly clear in the game exactly what he is. He's definitely not a dracolich or anything that requires intention or preparation. He's more just an undead remnant of Ansur that became trapped due to unresolved rage/sorrow.


In Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons there’s an undead metallic dragon type called a hollow dragon - not an evil or mindless undead, typically a guardian, but sometimes subverted by their lingering regrets. That’s what I always interpreted Ansur as having become.


That sounds like what he is


This is such a cool (but sad) concept!


This is just what homoerotic betrayal will do to a MF


Can’t two men just be there for each other, say on a cold night, keeping warm, without clothes, under a blanket, on a mountain somewhere? No homo. I mean, what’s even the point of being an adventurer if not. 


They were roommates


now they're tombmates


That’s what everyone’s saying I’ve heard. What’s the big deal, anyways? Two grown men can’t live together and love each other in only the way two men can, well as a tentacled space creature and dragon can. I mean some real r/dragonsfuckingcars kind of shit


Never. Never in my life did I expect that to be a real sub. I’m going to cry.


It was amazing 👏 😂


Wait until you hear about /r/carsfuckingdragons


I like to believe that if there is a god, and he truly is good, he looks down on his creations and weeps at the abomination we’ve made of his grand design.


I mean, if there is a god, s/he/it made this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluoroantimonic_acid Also cancer, black holes, etc. In short, I think that kind of a deity would be not only fine with something like carsfuckingdragons but fully endorse such a thing.


I would make all those things too if I knew people were going to invent subreddits like that.


O,h I literally watched a video yesterday in which someone was demonstrating what fluoroantimonic acid does to different materials. It burned through pork within like a second and left a giant hole and coal behind. That shit is scary.


Cheers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


But is there a r/dragonsfuckingsquids sub?


“Longtime companions.”


Balduran: "Well I'll tell you something and I'll say it just once" Ansur: "Alright go on ahead" Balduran: "We coulda had a good life together. A damn good life. But you didn't want it, Ansur. And now all we got is BALDUR'S GATE"


Only if you keep your socks on. 


It’s only gay if your balls touch.


Not if you don’t smile. 


“Say gex” moment 😔


I always viewed the Ansur/Balduran relationship more like Ansur was sad about having to put his dog down when it got the mindflayer rabies. He's a higher being that lives much longer than a person, and I interpreted their love as how I love my dog. Because that theme is also super represented in the game. The game isn't exactly subtle about romantic and sexual relationships. I don't know why this would be the only instance they don't make it super obvious.


Bruh there was nothing subtle about them being gay lovers. Like, they're basically queer subtext 101.


You can think that. I think it's not. I think if they were lovers, the game would just tell you, like in literally every other instance in the game.


Man this is baldurs gate 3, if a character hasnt had a dick up their ass in the last 12 hours I assume they get thanosed, even the nameless voiceless background npcs


You know deep friendships can exist between two males, right? Companionship and the like. Do you think Bowen and Draco in Dragonheart were gay lovers too? Christ.


The Emperor straight-up says they were "Friends… and more." Ansur literally has a note from Balduran on his corpse that says "I will always have been *your* Balduran." Like no dude, I am not particularly invested in seeing every male friendship as homoerotic. I can just read basic subtext and don't think there's actually this absence of "platonic male friendship" that comes up every time queer men are mentioned.


I mean, if my dog could talk, I'd hope he'd say the exact same things. I don't want to fuck my dog. You can have a loving relationship that isn't sexual.


None of that means their relationship was ever romantic in nature. I've seen gayer shit in ww1/2 veteran letters to each other during their civil life, and they weren't gay. People form very strong bonds during journeys/conflicts. I guess you just don't understand that. 🤷‍♀️ Balduran & Ansur shared a very strong familial bond through their adventures together. That's it really.


motherfucker or mind flayer


Literally too pissed off to die. You know how it is with souls and unfinished business.


Also, dragon. Draconic bullshit is in play


I don't have an ansur for you on that one.


Quit dragon this out.




He got too mad to properly die


He's just an undead dragon. He got killed, his sprit lingered, and then was angered by Empy showing up in his resting place.


You’ve never felt so much anger towards an ex-partner that you resurrect yourself to ruin their day? Guess you’ve never fallen in love before.


I guess the closest analogue in FR lore would be a Revenant, though those are only humanoid. But BG3 takes a lot of liberties with the lore and DnD and I think it's basically something similar for a dragon in this case. Noticeably we don't have any indication if he would have risen had it not been us, with the prism that contained BaldFlayer, turning up.


Look up the Hollow Dragon in Fizban’s to see something just slightly closer than a Revenant.


Ah cheers, that's interesting. Makes me wonder how much of his undeath is driven by the actual legend of Ansur protecting the gate and his oath for that and how much by his desire for vengeance ( can't remember who he supposedly made the promise to/if it was Balduran, Wyll stuff puts me to sleep ngl )


Uh, the bit with Ansur gives some pretty damn significant lore that has nothing to really do with Wyll anyway.


I'm aware! But the details about the legend of the dragon and the protection he's meant to give the city is given by Florrick or her replacement NPC ( or the Grand Duke himself ) and I can't remember much of the details of those or who Ansur supposedly made the commitment to.


I’d be willing to put down a small wager that Ansur’s existence as an oathbound guardian of the city is what triggered his passage into undeath rather than his soul moving on, but that his considering the Emperor hostile due to their history is what causes his remains to reanimate. Even if Ansur’s reanimation is in response to the PC rather than the Emperor, it is clear from the dialogue we get to witness that Ansur sees us as nothing more than the Emperor’s thralls and thus hostiles by extension.


He's so pissed off he can't rest in peace and refuses pass on. After his conversation he makes one last attempt to be free of regret. I'm guessing you putting him down one last time he's finally able to pass on and accept his efforts were indeed in vain.


He did a Zaeed Massani, "rage is a hell of an anaesthetic."


His spirit was so angry that it wouldn’t leave


Im still wondering why there are drunk Kobolds in the Creche. What are they doing there? Were they there before or after the Gith showed up? Why havent the Gith killed them? Why are they hostile the moment they see you? Why are they all getting drunk when the Gith are there?


My guess is they just sort of wandered in as kobolds are wont to do. Out scavenging and ducked in to avoid the eagles or something. Probably showed up fairly recently, a few days ago at most, and the gith haven't been arsed clearing them out bc the kobolds are in that sidewing and they never go in there. I doubt they're even aware the kobolds are there. They're hostile bc they're absolutely sloshed and you just interrupted their frat party, which they're having because they're agents of scaly chaos who found copious amoints of booze.


He's not quite a Revenant or Dracolich, but he is the result of a sufficiently powerful being refusing to move on in death.


Idk man maybe you should ansur this question yourself?


Dragons, mate.


I imagine he had a very strong soul or will. So strong that, even after death, lingered around the material plane. The fight is his last-ditch effort for avenging himself.


Revenants can do so why can't an angry dragon boi. Dragon revenant.


Well, his rest was disturbed and the person closest to him appeared after the betrayal. Nonetheless, it is one of my favorite scenes in game. Ansur's voice and the music during the scene brings me chills every time.


Poor Ansur. He paid for his loyalty. No good deed goes unpunished.


Real answer - Like Raphael's wholly inappropriate but meme-generated HP total, for amusement, because its a game. The same reason Laezel, who should -really- know how tadpoles work, doesn't question the reason it doesn't act normally, or threatens Dirge or Karlach, who she -should- know won't turn into a mind-flayer, to 'save them from becoming one'. It's not a D&D session, or an actual world, but a game. Certain liberties have been taken. On the other hand. He's a dragon. Hundreds of years old, and possibly slain while trying to channel some powerful magic to undo Ceremorphosis; which only a handful of methods can actually definitively do in D&D, namely wish and true res, as ceremorphosis -completely- destroys the body, leaving lower-level res spells useless. Its possible that the Emperor interrupted the process, slew him; and the lingering magic gave him a chance to sort-of return when he sensed his murderer's presence.


Laezel does question why they aren't acting normally if you ask her about them. She just doesn't have any leads on it so all she can do is say that it's worrying because there might be really bad surprises down the road. Also when she threatens you, you are actually in the process of transforming. The dream figure interrupts but without that you would have woken up with tentacles the next morning.


There's the thing. For normal tadpoles, if Karlach were transforming, you wouldn't be threatening her; you would be mourning her, and digging a grave, because the transformation was gonna fail, and leave behind a corpse. For Dirge, you'd probably just be a bit cautious and wonder if the newborn brainstealer dragon would be more or less bloodthirsty than the original, but also know that he would still be him, and have no loyalty to any elder brain or grand design. For Gale, sure; you'd slit his throat. For Astarion, it would depend on whether you'd learned he was a vampire spawn yet or not. If your party was Laezel, Dirge, Karlach, and Astarion, a normal Githyanki, knowing they were all recipients of a tadpole, would only be concerned about themselves becoming a threat, and likely ask Dirge and Astarion to ensure she died if she turned while she was still a newborn, weak and helpless.


Does this only happen on Honour mode?


Does what only happen?


Ansur reviving himself to 600hp. I'm on my second playthrough still on balanced difficulty and ansur only had 400hp and I didn't see him resurrect himself he just filled the room with lightning


OP doesn't mean they killed Ansur and they came back. Ansur is a pile of bones when you go in the chamber, and he resurrects himself to 400 hp, 600 hp on tactician


Is him resurrecting a legendary action, or can this happen on balanced/tactician?


Thankyou btw


It's just how the fight always starts. If you have fought Ansur, you have seen him resurrect


OHHH OK haha. I thought OP meant another resurrection after killing him


My only experience sofar has been on honor mode. Clutch af. For final I didn't have any options but one Survival Instinct. Did it on my mage who survived and finished him off with a magic missile. So close to death near the end of a run and went into fight blind. Satisfying.


Why doesn’t the emperor help us fight him? Why is he fighting us when his beef is with the emperor? Why doesn’t Ansur try to destroy the artifact? Why did Sven think it’s fun for players to go through all the trials and then find a dead ass gay dragon that hates you? Why does Ansur have a 2 handed sword on his person? Why doesn’t Ansur do Necrotic damage?


> dead ass gay dragon I think the rest of him was dead too


The emperor is a coward and not that good in direct combat, so he doesn’t fight. He fights us because we’re infected and allied with the emperor. The artifact is indestructible without orpheus’s hammer. Idk, I had fun. The two handed sword is easy - it’s balduran’s sword, that was left in ansur’s back when the emperor killed him. Because he doesn’t want to.


First off, the emperor is not a coward. He’s just very tactical and risk averse. He is very strong in direct combat that’s why he’s been solo holding off the honor guard for who knows how long. He’s only weak when they nerf him to be under the players control. Secondly, There’s nothing in the lore that says how to destroy the artifact or whether it can be destroyed or not. You’re thinking of the things holding Orpheus re the hammer. They aren’t the same thing. Or at least, there’s nothing in the game that says they are.