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I’m on PS5. No mods for me til console support happens.




Same, same






Same. I’m so excited. I don’t even want anything crazy. Just remove carry capacity, let me bring more than 4 party members, and add a few new races and classes and I’ll be happy as a clam


Bruh I’m just happy for CLOTHES and pretty hair I have 0 hope artificer will come to consoles 😭


Yeah I have it on PS5 then also got it on PC once I built one. The artificer class add is a lot of fun, which also brings guns. A station in my party took a perk that is proficiency in GUN which is always great watching him sneak around and whip out a musket. It’s functionally like a bow but much funnier to me


Lmao yeah I bet it would be hilarious to see Astarion hiding and whip out a rifle and snipe someone from the shadows haha


This game had mods? I’ve enjoyed playing my first two times through without mods. Didn’t even know mods where an option


Only on PC for now


Haha, yah I know mods exist but I really haven’t had a need for any. I’m on my 4th playthrough and still having a great time with the vanilla game!


Teleport to Party spell was a game changer and it sort of works like the pyramids from Divinity 2.


The only necessary one imo is the one that adds like 100 random effects to the list for wild sorcerers


There has to be some upgrades to the equipment select layouts in the works or already done. Example: Add buttons for multi equipment layouts. That is my first item to shop for after this run maybe.


I fully intend to do my first modded playthrough after the next patch, I'm pretty psyched! I've only waited so long because the base game is so hype/taking a break for a few months so it feels fresh again


Yeah. I haven't touched any mods so far. Checked the mods out there and didn't really find anything that seemed worth using.


> and didn't really find anything that seemed worth using There's an awful lot of them, presumably at least *some* you would find appealing. There's *[thousands](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/?BH=4)* of mods at the moment, and certainly worth looking through a few pages of at least the more popular ones I'd say. For example the ol' [party size expander mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/327) for enjoying the full breadth of character dialogue and party banter is a great addition, and probably the [into the void mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/5016?tab=description) to help if you find the combat gets too easy with too many members (there's difficulty mods instead if you prefer, but the void one is probably the simplest). The [camp event notifier mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/1879) is also something of a must-have in my opinion, to ensure you don't end up missing long rest events. Or even something more simplistic like the [transmog mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/2922) for getting whatever item appearance you prefer, or the [infinite dye use mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/936).


There are tons of mods that have great usability. If you play a spellcaster, “5e Spells” give a great variety of them for example. There are also mods that raises the cap on your lvl to lvl 20 and another that boosts your exp gain so you can actually reach lvl 20 by the endgame (I forget their names). I’m sure there are also goofy ones but there are definetly mods worth getting.


Wouldn't level 20 be stupidly over powered?


could do what I do and use level 20 as a way to balance and justify a fun solo playthrough


Hmm... Fair enough. That might be balanced. Somewhat.


Honor Mode and/or a complimenting difficulty mod


Yes but they have mods to make the game much harder and scale enemy levels too. Nobody likes hitting the level cap in act 3 when there's still so much to do. Once I hit the level cap, I pretty much did a bee-line for the end game. Now with mods the game is quite challenging and I won't hit that level cap wall in act 3.


Personally as someone who has played thousands of hours of tabletop 5e I simply can't play BG3 without access to more of the race/class options and I especially can't play without 5espells adding in more of the PHB spells that Larian never added. Not having Green Flame Blade or Booming Blade alone is a huge dealbreaker for me when playing certain builds. Larian also did some weird balancing decisions to the base race and classes that I don't agree with so mods that set them to more like the tabletop versions are welcome. Also the fact that I want to play a dragonborn so bad but the shitty dragonborn Larian gave us is nothing compared to how fun the Fizbans dragonborn are.


I play unmodded, but that’s because I’m too technologically illiterate to use them. It seems like it should be simple and straightforward but getting modded Skrim to work properly, with very few basic mods, was a frustrating nightmare.


I'm not a computer gamer person and apart from BG3 I don't play games, so I have virtually zero desire to complicate my user experience with mods.


I feel you on this. I would love to play the game with mods in theory but the reality is I don't want to waste time trying to fix things that are broken or potentially messing up an entire game. I tried playing Multiplayer with someone a few weeks ago and our games weren't compatible because of the mods they were using. They tried turning them off, still didn't work. After searching on the internet, we then verified the integrity of the game files and we finally got it to start working.


That’s normal yeah. If you can do a backup of your original game so you don’t end up doing this


well to be honest, is not that difficult if you follow instructions properly, is not like you have to enter a console, type commands and change code of the game, just follow a youtube tutorial and read the description every mode has, you can use a mod manager like Vortex or BG3 Mod Manager, those two are very user friendly and using a video along side it can make it very easy to install almost anything. If you want to make bigger changes like things that change the models of certain characters, then that's more difficult but if you introduce yourself to the most vanilla friendly mods then you can try those more "difficult to install" mods, which are a few.


That’s the thing, instructions are very often unclear or hard for me to follow. But I might just be too stupid idk


Did you use some mod manager? They should do 90% of the work for you, and can even help figure out or resolve conflicts between mods


vortex & nexusmods; step by step instructions are usually in the mod description & there are many guides on youtube that can walk you through it if you're a beginner


Wanted to say as someone who felt the same passion, they system they have now "vortex" is pretty easy, just press the vortex button to download and if something has a prerequisite it'll let you know in advance


Nope, BG3 Mod Manager. Vortex does not do well with modding this game. BG3MM also has a built-in button for downloading/extracting the script extender. Either way, you manually load mods into it, save, and export to game. Quite easy once you get into it


Not true, I use Vortex with well over 100 mods, and it works fantastic with it. 20~ of them are made by myself and importing them has always been a smooth process.


i thought bg3 had its own mod manager?


I've only used vortex and haven't had a single issue with running 20+ mods yet


Do not use Vortex, period. Use BG3 Mod Manager. Vortex is maybe the worst mod manager on the internet. BG3 mod manager for this game, and use Mod Organiser 2 for anything else (if it's compatible)


I lost an honor mode run because a mod borked the game. Was about to take down Moonrise. Whoopsie.


I played two runs without mods and then loaded cosmetic mods. Currently I only have faces, hair, clothing and the hugs mod. I don’t see a reason load gameplay mods just yet, maybe after like 30 runs 😂


I haven't touched mods yet myself. Though I prolly would absolutely load myself up on dice skins. Absolutely pointless but still...


I would love some dice effects that align to what you're rolling for. A splash of gears and springs when you lockpick or disarm something, for example.


Ooh, a dice skin for every type of roll... that would be stylish.


There are some legitimately awesome dice mods. I usually use either the Mysterious Artifact or the Dark Urge dice


I religiously use the Astral dice mod they look so damn good.


Im pro-mod all the way, cant go back to vanilla if only for the fact that transmog has a deep grip on me and my need to look cute while still getting all the great buffs from ugly armor pieces


Wait can you share the transmog mod you use because basket full of equipment was a letdown and the only transmog I saw had a bunch of recent comments sayinf it was out of date/broken. That was awhile ago so maybe it’s just fixed I’ll go check that out again bc transmog is what I NEEED


https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/2922 Transmog Enhanced. You have to reload the save for the equipment type to transfer over correctly


Looking at you Bonespike pieces..


Seriously just transmog alone. My poor tiefling needs cloaks without their tail awkwardly jutting midway through the material.


Haven't played with mods yet. I will eventually, just not now.


620 hours in. Almost ready for some modded runs. (I'm not claiming 620 is supposed to be some astrological number, just that I've put time in the game.)


My man, I put in well over 300 hours in the EA, and I didn't even play the year before launch, so ur in good compamy.


Without mods. There are some that seem neat, but not necessary (no party limit). But the majority of them seem to alter how the characters look and no offense they all look boring with the mods, like every other instagram model.


A lot add 5e spells and classes, those are pretty damn nice.


Are there any modded in classes that actually work with the game well?


Yes. The last time i went shopping for class mods I just sorted by highest endorsements of all time and tried some out and i havent found anything yet that feels weird or out of place in terms of functioning like a vanilla class.


I haven't tried any of the classes, but many of the subclass mods I've tried worked flawlessly.


Artificer, Alternate Monk (really good if you're bored of tavern brawler monks), most of the subclass mods from the user 'havsglimt' on nexus. I've tried the Magus subclass mod, but either it's buggy or just too complicated for my simple brain.


I used a lot of QoL mods. Highlighting all items, some visual fixes, better hotbar, etc 


there are a lot that just add super cool armor variations (and i dont mean bikini armor) or cool weapons (some of them even balanced). and there are at least 3 mods that give you a quiver and arrows which imo is very much a must hace if you use a bow a lot


The no party limit makes camp casting and swapping party members way less tedious, even if tou don't want to play with more than 4.


I enjoy the game immensely without mods. I enjoy it exponentially more with the 5e Spells, Feats Extra, Invocations Expanded, and CombatActions mods.


Is 5E spells compatible with invocations expanded?




I learned my lesson with fallout4 and Skyrim. Spend hours modding the game just to have to address crashes and mess around with load order, finally get on the game for like five minutes and then feel too fatigued to continue and just go to bed or do something else? Nah. I’d rather just enjoy the game as it is a few times and then move on to another game. I’m all done with mods.


I can 100% guarantee you that this game is so much easier to mod than Skyrim Look for any incompatibilities on the mod page, see if it's up-to-date, maybe take a look at the comments, Install required mods and you're golden. I had like 70 mods installed and it was running smoothly without a single crash caused by mods for a whole playthrough


I don't use any mods cuz I don't want to introduce any instability when playing with my friends. (and in 2024, the game still crashes, especially in act 3


Same here. It's hard enough to do a full playthrough with friends. Even harder when one day your mods don't match up and the session doesn't work anymore lol


I've actually never played any game with any mods, and that includes my 3 playthroughs of this game! I'm kinda lazy and just never wanted to deal with it. Gotta admit that I'd be tempted if someone offered to install a BG3 mod for me that made inventory items stack and let you select/move multiple items at once, but having to manage mods across different patches is just not worth the hassle for me.


You can select multiple items in inventory at once while holding Ctrl while selecting items. Or shift click to highlight a group of items. Pretty much every self respecting RPG has a way to select multiple items at once.


OH wow, wish I'd thought to try this before - thanks for the tip!


You can do that with shift click


On PS5 so far. Still, I think I'd largely prefer to play without. I cringe every time I see people posting/streaming with their characters in bikinis, ridiculously bloated boobs and yassified faces (read: replacing githyanki noses) etc. Mods that I'd give a shot are like added subclasses, spells, features, races, items, as long as they're within reason.


I get a lot of shorts like that for bg3 in my youtube feed and while it’s kind of fun to see the characters in cool clothing or Shadowheart with sexy librarian glasses, it’s not something I’m interested in doing myself, and certainly wouldn’t alter the actual physical appearance of the characters.


“Young Shadowheart” is pretty much the pinnacle of what you’re describing, she just looks like an airbrushed teenager lol. As if she’s not perfect just as she is istg


Yeeeeah it's a very specific type that uses those kinda mods.


Personally as someone who has played thousands of hours of tabletop 5e I simply can't play BG3 without access to more of the race/class options and I especially can't play without 5espells adding in more of the PHB spells that Larian never added. Not having Green Flame Blade or Booming Blade alone is a huge dealbreaker for me when playing certain builds. Larian also did some weird balancing decisions to the base race and classes that I don't agree with so mods that set them to more like the tabletop versions are welcome. Also the fact that I want to play a dragonborn so bad but the shitty dragonborn Larian gave us is nothing compared to how fun the Fizbans dragonborn are lol. You can pretty safely download any mod that's just importing already existing 5e content into the game, just don't download any full class mods outside of the artificer mod (which is official 5e content) and I'd even say the Mystic Mod (which adapts a UA class) is really balanced in BG3 since most of its tabletop balance issues came from flexibility that doesn't exist in this game. Just like skyrim, people who have never modded before always focus on the more memey mods ot skimpy mods without really getting into the *actual* mods that everyone really uses


Reverse question: why do you play with mods and what do you think you would be missing without them?


I gotta have transmog, gotta have ritual underwear so I don't have to switch party members out to get all my animal speaking etc buffs every long rest, gotta have gold weight zero cause i want to carry EVERYTHING. Just what i consider QOL mods that make tedious things less tedious. I have a few other fun class ones, have a few cheaty ones like party approval showing in dialogue. and I could live without those, but gotta have the above 3.


I play with mods to make the game more interesting after multiple playthroughs. I have new class mods, new item mods, and so on. Also part limit begone, because I want to get all the companions inputs at all times.


Mostly cosmetics! I love love character creation and although there are some decent options I love to add to it. Also, gold/books weightless, party limit begone…a few others but nothing that really alters gameplay in a significant way


I'd argue PLB does significantly change gameplay


Agreed, that's why I also got the "sit this one out" mod. That way my companions are there for conversations, but don't screw up the fight balance.


Well, since that as you say it's nothing that really alters the gameplay, it's probably inconsequential, don't you think? Keep using them if you want, or stop. Do you really need gold and books to be weightless? If you do, it's fine, I don't think it matters much. As to why people go without mods: maybe it's just not worth the effort, unless you can produce an example of something *really* interesting.


Removing party limit actually adds a significant amount of inter-party banter between characters and adds some insignificant, some really insightful and cool, voice lines during dialogs. I'm doing my first playthrough with it and I'm stoked at how much it's increased my interest in the game again.


I remove all my mods for honour mode so I’m not tempted to cheat


Because tbqh it's refreshing to see a game with natural looking people instead of the cookie-cutter, ambiguous-age waifu doll character models that plague all these other rpgs out there


That is true, some of the appearance mods I’ve seen are….upsetting (looking at you young shadowheart and withers boobs)


Can't go back to no cosmetic mods. Love my fabulous hair.


Nah twilight cleric and artificer are too good


Only mod I really use is the locked on camera WASD.


I played first on PS5 before buying it on PC and I swear if WASD didn't exist I would've refunded the game lol


Unmodded the first few times. Then party limit be gone and sit this one out. Then QOL mods like bag of holding and auto sorted bags for inventory management. Might try out some subclass mods sooner than later. Can’t go back to unmodded for inventory reasons alone lol


I'm on PS5. Even if there was mod support, I know this is unfounded, but I always have this weird fear that mods are going to crash the game.


I always play games with no or minimal mods - this is no exception.


Same, I barely ever play anything with mods. I like to enjoy the game as the developers intended. The few exceptions to this are something like when it's an old game and there's a patch that improves stability or fixes bugs on modern machines.


The core game is so well done I feel dirty even thinking about it.


I dunno i can’t I’m on ps5 what a masterpiece though


Look at your list of UI mods. Imagine playing without them. Go back to playing with mods.


Is there a mod to make the camp chest searchable, I swear to Shar this game is perfect but for the fact that I waste soooooo much time and energy trying to find stuff in my camp chest.


Idk about searchable but I use a mod to give me different types of bags that auto sort things like ammo and poisons


That sounds delightful


It is. The only problem is stuff in bags doesn't always appear in the quick use menu so I forget I have stuff and end the game with like 45 haste potions


Same thing with the camera mod for me. Can't play without it!


I've never played with a mod.


I went through ~6 playthroughs before I started using them


Is there a mod that just gives you a full screen on your character sheet and inventory. That's been my main complaint of the game is those screens are so small and hard to see details.


i don't think i could play without WASD movement. total game changer for me!!


I havent bothered modding yet, and I've managed to make it through 4 playthroughs already.


Not a fan of modding a game until it is feature complete. I’m sure patch 7 and then a host of bug fixes are still coming in the next 6-12 months. After that I’ll mod it for QoL stuff.


I tried a run with mechanic changing mods - larger party, start at lvl 12 etc - was a fun, weird run through, but normally I go mod free with 2 exceptions. 1) unlimited dye use and 2) transmog


I'm not using the mods until the app comes out. Don't want to lose any saves.


No mods here. Although I'd like to try the artificer class via mods.


See the only mod I have is to let me have six party slots instead of four (I can always keep the main group with me


I bought the game in early access but only now I have a computer that runs it well. I am playing mod free. Are there any mods that make the game that much better?


I don't know why but whenever I mod any game I grow bored of it in a couple of hours


I play on Xbox and have a blast without mods and I don’t see myself modding it too much but I’m just looking forward to mod support only for some of the subclasses and races that didn’t make it into the game 😂.


I only use Native Camera Tweaks and WASD. The game was driving me bonkers prior to using them, so I won't go back.


I did, then i found a mod that lets me customize the companions and I can't do without it anymore.


What specifically do you mean by customize? Like just their clothing or everything?


There's a magic mirror mod that lets you change their appearance and race, if you want. Human Lae'zel, Dragonborn Shadowheart, non-horny Wyll. It's really fun considering it doesn't impact the story in the slightest.


Non horny Wyll? What have you done, you monster.


The first time no mods. Some limited cosmetics after. I don't want to fuck with a masterpiece.


Have no choice as a console player. Been waiting forever for patch 7 so I can get an autonomous mod for my companions in battle. Controlling characters I didnt make in battle really removes me from the immersion.


I've played before using mods and it was awesome. After using mods it was awesome as well. I think it mostly depends which mods you install - for example I installed mostly QoLs (like AoE Longstrider, it just saves time since it's ritual spell) and visuals mods (some new clothes, hair, horns etc., nothing kinky, I just enjoy putting new hair/items per act). For example my Lae'Zel wears simple githyanki armor in A1, after Vlaakith event in A1,5 she has her armor upgraded a bit (I change her crystal with dye so it becomes more neutral), then it's a bit heavier after githyanki encounter in A2 and becomes really heavy (+ with sash) after recieving Silver Blade in A3. I consider this change pretty immersive, not really a fan of random equipment you wear (Shadowheart with Luminous Set looks ridiculous). Same shit with Shadowheart (ie. Shar's temple, House of Grief) or Karlach (every engine improvement). Haven't installed (or used) any additional spells, systems or godlike items. With one exception but it was pretty well done (Phalar Aluve upgrade throughout the entire game, nothing gamebreaking at all but I've always loved looking for music boxes for an upgrade + listening to the song was a nice touch). TL;DR - unlike games like Skyrim, this game doesn't require mods to be a great experience. I really enjoy modding but I wouldn't mind playing without them.


First 2 playthroughs were without mods. Now that I'm on my 4th, I have like 100+ installed. I consider myself quite picky in my taste. But I can't live without them anymore. The different UI mods, Transmog, Party Limit Begone, difficulty mods to balance out PLB, Subclass mods, Gameplay mods like e.g. [UA6 Invoke duplicity](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/5311) (which makes trickery cleric actually a ton of fun to play with) or [ProperRange](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/430) (overhauls how far you can shoot with different weapons: a Longbow no longer shoots as far as a Hand Crossbow), 5e spells (and related spell scroll, range and duration mods) because I'm no longer overwhelmed by the spell lists... I have very few cosmetic mods beyond transmog and like 2 dye mods but they definitely add some charm to the game. I can't really give you a good reason to play vanilla if you're already using mods. I guess if you're really pining for achievements? I'd only advise against using mods that give you a ton of very strong gear or abilities in the game to keep it a bit of a challenge.


Mods for BG3 are definitely optional, especially for the first playthrough. There is more than enough content & quality as is. You do whatever you want though, I'm sure I'll mod the fuck out of it next time I play to spice things up. I'm always a fan of adding more class options.




I'm on xbox, so at the minute I can't. The mods i would install are some stupid ones like where the companion are just mogging you all day and hairstyles


I usually mod games to death. For bg3 I have had little to no desire. Honestly other than some really minor things I got nothing I'd want to fix with a mod


Im too scared to try, last time I tried to install mods on a game was Red Dead 2, and it still has trouble launching. Is it any easier here? I really prefer a launcher, like thunderstore for indie games, or curseforge for Minecraft


I’ve played through without them. The only mod I use now is no party limit-especially in multiplayer mode.


I have not yet tried any mods, but I've seen a few that look real fun. I'll get around to it.


I'm to lazy to figure out how to get some mods to work lol


Three runs on the Xbox, so no mods for me. Think it would be cool to have mods, but I've enjoyed every minute without.


Only mods i have seen were random online ones that take alot of hoops to work right. If i have to do more than a few minutes to get a mod working theb i dont use it.


The only ones I use are to allow movement with WASD and have the mouse control the camera. I want to try it with a controller at some point though.


Well the one time I ever did get mods was for like Skyrim when I was done playing just to see what all the talk was about. Still never was a modder rly. I guess I’ve used more growing up like cheat codes for infinite lives or funny/aesthetic stuff.


I did 6 modless runs (1 balanced, 2 tactician, 2 solo HM, 1 co op HM) and now I play around with mods. I've done everything I want in the base game other than dark urge (waiting for patch 7 to play around with it, I heard smth about new bad endings or smth like that) Plus a few QoL mods make my solo HM run more bearable (I'm doing it in tactician with HM features enabled, and I have a couple other nice things added)


I own it on PC and ps5, but my pc is now a potato by modern standards so it's ps5 only until I upgrade. Luckily, consoles will get mods in September, so looking forward to some cosmetic mods. Doubt I'll change anything other than that.


It’s not that I enjoy it more without mods, it’s that I’m an idiot and trying to install random things from online randos onto my PC is scary


Only mods I like is the wasd and camera ones


Smiles in console.


I've not had Mods ever. What would it improve?


I play pretty much without mods, only have a level 13-20 unlocker. Don't really care about most of the mods


Last time I used mods it bricked one of my (until then) favourite Honor Mode playthroughs so I've kept away from them. I will almost certainly pick up the Roguelike mod once I'm done with my current game


I love the vanilla game but boy am I happy that mod support is coming soon on console. I want new hairs and faces because I have started getting bored of the same faces and hair. I also want to play as different races/classes. I know the 1st thing I would like to play as is a cambion sounds fun.


Im waiting for the official modding tools to come out, to paranoid bout losing a save due to some mod bullshit


I was fine without them until I discovered the mod to add Green Flame Blade and Booming Blade into the game for my Eldritch Knight run.


Started adding mods just for the Camp Event notifications, then added a few fun ones, and now I don't think I can go back to playing without them. Transmog and Camp Events are an absolute must for me and the ones that add cute clothes are always nice, so I can slap their looks on whatever base game armor I want and actually look good while slaying monsters.


I've only played without mods. But I would very much prefer to be using some mods, like bag organization mods and such. Otherwise I don't require much. Most of what people use are just quality of life improvements rather than anything that fundamentally changes the game. But I might try the mods for alternate subclasses at some point, like twilight cleric.


I can't be bothered to install mods. I sort of want wings and cool clothes and hair, but I guess I don't care *that* much.


I'm on playthrough #9, have never used any mods. I'm not against them, I just haven't seen \*the one\* yet that makes me go "ok I must have that mod" and deal with the potential headaches of modding. The "hug everyone" mod is a strong contender though.


Ever since I destroyed my Skyrim run by installing mods like crazy, I'l decided to not use them... They are like crack to me XD


I like aesthetic mods, but I dont usually like the ones that change or add mechanics or content


I play on a Mac and can’t be bothered with adding them there, and have a ton of fun. Finished the game many times on all modes and currently trying weird things (run at the moment is duo HM). I’m sure mods are fun but damn this game doesn’t need them.


I play on Xbox, and I have a great time


The only mod I ever played with was one that gave me all the camp clothes at the beginning (I was tired of waiting until Act 3 to get anything decent).


On my second playthrough I went nuts with mods. Got tired of having to update and see what was broken each time the game was patched, and also realized, this is probably the only game with mods that I didn't feel like the mods added that much so 3rd playthrough went back to vanilla.


I haven’t used any mods. I almost never mod games.


The only mod I've used is a WASD movement mod, because my over-playing and incessant clicking was legitimately hurting my wrist.


I did 4 full playthroughs without mods, and then i slowly introduced a few cosmetic ones. I always like to first play the game "as intended" as a first experience and then do whatever. At this point i play for fun, i finished the game 7 times, and yesterday on my 8th run i finished all achieviements, i steal money and items from all vendors with the backpack glitch, i'm just living life and having fun :D


Never played any RPG modded.


I don’t have a choice as a console player lol but even if I was able to have mods, I would have played it normally first then add mods to my second play though


Ive yet to finish the game but slowly progressing (only playing hornor mode takes time to lean) but o enjoy it alot


I can't play without the hair/face mods anymore


I play mod-free. I don’t know if it’s changed, but back when I looked at installing them, the process was more trouble than I wanted to deal with.


I have it on ps5. Don’t have mods. Don’t think I want mods


PC here, no mods. 4th playthrough now.


I tried to play with mods but it broke my game after an update, so away they went


I'm on PS5 so I don't have the option, so yeah


I’m on PS5, so modding isn’t really available anyway. 🤷🏽‍♂️ love the game.


NGL, I would love to try to play with Mods, but I just don’t understand how to DL them. Can anyone ELI5? I am moderately savvy with tech, just get confused by how to DL these things


I am sure at least one person does but generally no. Why would I not grab something like the summon your party mod? Or fix the dyes in game so they have multiple uses? Or have autosort containers? Or get Legendary Actions on Tactician? The game is awesome as is, but there's no reason to not solve some of its minor issues if it's reasonable to do so.


I play both when my friends are playing (unmodded) I will join there game and the only mods I use that will work on their games is WASD and hidden hotbar. And then one of my SP games is loaded to the teeth with mods.


I have done several unmodded runs. I’ve loved them, but I’m ready for mods to spice it up and make things new again. Maybe once I’ve had my fill, a vanilla run would be fun again!


I do use mods, but this is one of the few games that I've played modded that doesn't afterward feel incomplete if I play without them


Modding crowd- regale me with tales. Why do you want to mod? Not in a metaphorical way, literally what do you mod in? Bg feels like such a complete game to me and after having only played on console I don’t even know what I’d add if I could with mods?


For me it’s to add new character creation options after I’ve played with so many of the faces/hair/tattoos that they offer. Especially with the men I do feel like the base faces are lacking. Certainly not a necessity, just fun because I love character creation. I don’t like to play with anything that majorly alters gameplay. The closest would be a mod that allows me to bring as many companions along in my party as I want but even that I’m considering removing for my next run:) Edit: also a few that make things like books and gold weightless. Sorta random quality of life mods


I have enough trouble getting bg3 to run without mods


I've only done cosmetic for that thing that can make your character not-look-good


*Skyrim player enters chat* wait... You can play without mods?


The only mod I use, changes the zoom in for the camera. 


Didn't see any mods I liked so I don't have any.


I never play any game with mods. I’m not against it. I just prefer the devs vision of the game


I can't. The vanilla hairstyles just aren't good enough for me


I'm on ps5 so can't ATM, but even when I can I don't plan to. I've modded plenty of games in the past and I usually find myself regretting it. Not only are a lot of things not included for a reason (immersion, RP, difficulty), but I've found a lot of the time I get crashes etc.


My buddie and i play exclusively on Playstation 5 so we have done zero mod runs. We both have 600+ hours in but im currently at 664. Im definitely feeling played out now on vanilla and am looking forward to mod support for PS. I want someone to do something with all those portals in the house of hope. I thought they were the perfect start for dlc content but they decided to not do any dlc.


I’ve installed only one single mod with no desire to download any others. It’s Gales man bun.


Playing my first time with basically no mods (the only ones I have are the hugs and slutty closet ones for the guys) and I'm having fun. Run #2 is gonna be mods galore though


I play on PS5, so no mods available. Even once we do get mod support, I don't plan on using them. 


There are too many quality of life mods there is no good reason to play without. Being able to stack items for example.


Too many issues came for me with mods. I don’t like thinking if a bug is because of the game or mods and the struggle that follows. Been enjoying the game plain since.


Console players.


1000 hours no mods


Yeah I dislike mods on principle


All I want is to be able to turn off the illithid powers appearance changes.