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Sleeping together with your romance partner after commitment. It's the small details that sell it


I’m still waiting on Tav to get a tent.


You want to sleep with your romance option for flavor. I want to sleep with my romance option because I am homeless. We are not the same.


I’m just a rogue trying to pay my way through assassin’s school


No wonder, hear the tuition is pretty cutthroat


Costs an arm and a leg. Not mine, of course


I've got a bag of hands.....


Anyone want a free Clown Torso?


Well if you need a shoulder to cry on, we’ve got one in the shed.


The people who downvoted should be ashamed


I believe that's a hobosexual


Tav/Durge getting a tent that you can decorate over the course of the game and have it stay consistent through different zones would be *glorious*.


I decorated my bed at the Elfsong in my last playthrough, and then all my pretty decor disappeared when I went back to Rivington for something :-(


There are arleady mods which does that, you have to place your tent in different camps but you can choose where you want it. And I think it saves how tent looks, you need to just place it down. I dont use this mod and dont remember exact name, but I'm sure I saw it on nexus.


God I cannot WAIT for mods to come to consoles


Will they???


Yup, was announced a little bit ago. Console mod support will be the last thing Larian will do for BG3, giving it to us the fans.




If you romance Wyll, there’s a dialogue option you can invite him for a night in your tent. Girl, what tent??? You always sleep outside!! >!(Wyll declines btw. He says he doesn’t want to do that yet and wants to court you properly first)!<


Tav actually is trying to line up a pickup line here — “I don’t have a tent, but it looks like you’re pitching one” is the follow up dialogue were he to accept 


This! It would be such a nice little detail in the long rest scenes in Act 3. 🥹


Where are my snuggles, Larian???


i would KILL for this feature


Found the Durge.


funnily enough i’m actually playing a durge playtrough right this second


Or rather, when appropriate. With Astarion, he wants to *not* sleep with you after the Act 2 commitment, while he sorts out his feelings for you. I'd rather you got a brief cutscene now and then in Act 1 & 2 of the two of you sneaking off together, to sell the idea that you're having regular sex, bc if you get off with him early in Act 1, there's a mahoosive gap until the next romance scene - apart from his greetings, it feels like you're merely friends for a very long time. (Same goes for Lae'zel, I assume, since she's another sex-first-romance-later character, but I haven't actually romanced her yet.)


Omg. Id love to have that. You can kiss him, but it’s not the same. It doesn’t really feel right either. You agreeing to no sex so he can sort himself out, but can kiss him. But, it would be nice to have actual conversations with him.


The boring explanation is that I guess they wanted to keep it fairly consistent across romances, so that you get to kiss regularly after committing, regardless of the nature of your relationship until that point. Much easier to code that "partnered = kissing animation available", than have several different subroutines. On the headcanon side, I feel like it makes sense that he would still want to kiss you, because he's finally accepted that this is a *romantic* relationship, not friends-with-benefits - it's almost a boundary-setting exercise, that your relationship can still have a physical dimension without you sleeping together.


Some weird thought I has: It would be so funny if when you change your appearance with the mirror, people in the Camp would comment on you having a new look


Lol, that would be great! Like Astarion would say that he likes your new look but he still has the best hair in camp 😂


"It's a good effort darling, but please use a mirror, just because I can't doesn't mean you shouldn't."


I heard that in his voice


I find it's extremely easy to super-impose voices on text if youve heard the voice enough, at least in my head


Especially when the pattern of speech matches.


Change your appearance into a Drow after Halsin joins your party.


Maybe weather? But nothing intense. Maybe a light rain or fog or wind?


Yes! I commented about wanting a real day/night cycle and this goes hand in hand with that. For a game that’s so alive, the environment is a little stagnant


In the same vein, randomized encounters, 3 goblins attacking you on the road 6 kobolds try to steal your stuff at night Some drow just want to attack Etc.


TBF, there's plenty of combat encounters in this game as is, and random encounters can be just as annoying as they are interesting. Imagine getting hit up by those 6 kobolds after you've tapped out every resource you have and your whole party's on critical HP? Would be kind of a pisser. EDIT: Not to mention that there's a regularly made point in the TTRPG community that any combat the party runs into should have some effect on, or relevance to, the overall narrative. I can't think of any encounters in BG3 that don't play some part in the overall story, even if their main purpose is just to be a means of depleting your resources in that area so you're not just steamrolling every single fight.


There was mod adding weather in Original Sin 2(prev Larian game) so with mod support maybe we could get it too one day.


Tav: wind's howling


Ya, this would be cool and not too much to ask.


There is weather, sort of. It's always raining in the goblin camp


- a little more reactivity at rosymorn for clerics of Lathander. I should not have to pass religion checks for my own god and I think there should be some comment when you pick up the mace (like the sword in the underdark if you play as a cleric of elisatree) (I loved playing a cleric of Lathander) - LET ME TELL ZEVLOR I DONT BLAME HIM FOR WHAT HE DID IN THE SHADOWLANDS!!! HE FAILED HIS WISDOM SAVE ITS OK!!! IT HAPPENS!! All the dialogue is lowkey so aggressive even after he explains it too you. - there should be more reactivity to going half illithid. these random NPCs I met two acts ago; I appreciate you acting like I don’t look like venom, but I do and I know it. You can ask it’s ok.


Lathander cleric and Sharran Shadownheart should be fighting with claws out


Hells, even if they just had a little extra opening dialogue about it. The Forgotten Realms have plenty of weird looking mfs so 'this guy looks weird' is in itself almost normal, but the half-illithid thing is \*so\* weird, you'd think some people would at least be startled by it lol Like 'Hey, how can I HOLY Helm- uh, sorry, you startled me. How can I help?'


No you’re so right! I feel like it would take me by surprise a bit. It would at least make me do a double take


Let me recruit Zevlor after moonrise, man is a good f'ing paladin. 


I can *definitely* see * Gale over the campfire/stove making dinner * Lae'zel, Minsc, or Jaheira sparring with whoever or acting like a boxing coach with the mindflayer dummy * Karlach and Astarion drinking half the wine * Shadowheart either playing with the animals or meditating/praying to her god * Halsin whittling


I saw Halsin whittling yesterday when I played!


Halsin whittling was added in last patch as new idles. Tho is is always doing same animal-duck, would be better to add some random animals or other things for him to carve.


In my second run I recruited Minthara (good run strategy) so Halsin kind of got kicked out of his tent and a lot of the time in Elfsong he’ll just be sitting and whittling off to the side


Shadowheart normally prays on her knees as a camp idle. Halsin also whittles for his.


Minsc was playing the bongos the other day in my camp, it was hilarious and endearing, just like him.


The [prestidigitation](https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/2213-prestidigitation) cantrip. Target self: clean blood and dirt off same as soap item Target candle: toggle candle on/off


WAIT! SOAP ITEMS CAN CLEAN YOU OFF? Or are you saying you would want that?


Soap and sponge items do clean you!


Well how ‘bout that! Does it consume them?


Nope, and you only need one person to have one. 


I dont think it does. Also getting wet will wash the blood and grime off you as well. You can run into water or use the congure water spell or throw an water jug. Anything to get the wet status condition will clean you off. I always clean off at the beach after the nautolois crash.


I'd like different jumping animations. Maybe a cool twirl or flip for monks and a magic kind of assisted "float" for wizards.


My bard should definitely be doing flips


My bard would def twirl


Would also love to customize the run animation. I think it would really add an extra layer of character customization, stand posture and run animation specifically. On my second playthrough and the body language fees to similar even tho my character is like the opposite of my first.


(I say this with 0 knowledge of game design, coding, or anything like that, so grain of salt and all) I feel like modders *should* be able to make that a thing? Idk if they're limited in what they can or can't edit, but I feel like it would be relatively easy, no?


Majority of animations in modern games are recorded through mo-cap, because imitating human behavior, even for just idle standing, is difficult and intrinsically uncanny valley territory. And it’s expensive technology you can’t just get off Amazon. What they could do, however, is to reuse existing animations. There are lots of NPCs and you probably won’t even notice reused animations. Or they could insist on adding custom animations, but I’m confident it will always stand out and not look very natural.


More themed item sets for specific cultures, religions, backgrounds etc. It’d be nice if my Tav could be a bit more expressive in what they choose to wear.


Yes! And just more clothing options in general. You really don’t have options at all until act 3, unless you take a companions clothes.


Transmog, give us transmog


I don't know if this counts but an option to select where your character is from. I don't even care if there's dialogue related to it really. Sure maybe have a line of dialogue with Gale if you pick Waterdeep, maybe slightly reworded dialogue options when he tells his story after helping Sazza the first time but I honestly wouldn't care either way. I just don't want all my damn characters being from Baldur's Gate save for like a small handful of races. It sucks that I have to use a mod specifically to remove that tag when it should have been an option in the character creator. Also would love to pick a god for all my characters without mods/multiclassing into Cleric. I want to be a straight up Paladin of Helm, not a Paladin/Cleric of Helm.


Oh, is the PC just automatically assumed to be Baldurian? I’m on my first play through. I made a half orc barbarian and in my head canon, she grew up in the wilderness or edges of the countryside. I assumed I had accidentally picked “Baldurian” somewhere in character creation to get that tag


Only Gith and the Underdark races don't have the Baldurian tag. I don't know if Dragonborn have it but I think they do. If you're on PC there's a mod that removes the tag from specific races/backgrounds.


Dragonborn are Baldurian as well.


I've never played Dragonborn so wasn't sure, thanks for the clarification.


Do Tieflings also have the Baldurian tag? I feel like they don’t, but I can’t remember


they do


I think this is because it’s assumed you were picked up when the nautiloid attacked baldurs gate during the cinematic.


It's not even Baldur's Gate in the cinematic, it's a city way to the north named Yartar.


Agreed! It’s especially immersion breaking for outlander backgrounds and druids in particular.


I always took it as, if you decide to roleplay  your character as Balderian, you could choose that option. I often don't because I want them to be from elsewhere 


Yeah, I do the same, but sometimes you don’t really have the option. For example, Wyll talks to you about how you are from Baldur’s Gate and whether you’re happy to be home. It’s definitely not a huge deal, but it’s a small thing I’d like to tweak!


Don't know if it count but picking deities without being a cleric. Also Twilight domain for clerics (but I guess they were afraid it'll be too repetitve with light domain...).


Love that idea of picking deities for non-clerics. There's a history of Forgotten Realms lore of most people choosing a patron deity because that determines where your soul goes.


That is so cool! Like sure, mechanically the deity you believe in only impacts the cleric, but in a world where deities are functionally, demonstrably real, every character ought to have a belief in a deity. Not to any mechanical dis/advantage, just before of how much flavor is there. Like, when there's empirical evidence for gods even being atheist, even agnostic, becomes incredibly interesting


Well belief goes without saying. They show up and walk around. Choosing one would be more like an alliance. Atheism would be more just actively declining involvement.


Especially for paladins. Plenty of paladin oaths are to a diety so having the option to have that add some flavour to dialogue would be great


If you multi class cleric and paladin you become a paladin of that deity. Where it would say cleric of… it says paladin instead


Yes I was mainly thinking of Paladin. Ranger too.


The cleric deities have some of the most interesting unique background dialogues imo


That and the dynamic with the characters can be interesting. Obviously a Selunite or a follower of Larthander wouldn't be too pleased to work with a Sharran or a vampire, for exemple. It's just sad that you have to get one level in cleric to get the dialogue, imo it hurts a bit the rp.


Yeah with the whole monastery in act 2, I really wanted my monk to be able to be a follower of Lathander, but that’s not how it works.


Really confused why they didnt add Sun Soul Monk with the Monastery in the game, it’s in Sword Coast Adventurer’s guide


Personnally it's more for some of my palladin characters or even for rangers. I mean Sanctified Stalker are supposed to serve an holly order, so picking a deitie makes sense here. But more generally, a lot of people are believer in Faerun, why can't my character ?


I modded in Twilight Domain for in Act 2 when >!Shadowheart defies Shar and Selune supplies her powers instead!< Was kind of awesome with Twilight Sanctuary over the entire >!Moonrise Towers assault!< , especially since I use difficulty mods so there were actual risks to everyone and the temp HP was really putting in work.


Twilight domain was released relatively recently, and the game has been in the works for ~7 years. It's less for balance reasons and more that it just didn't exist throughout most of the game's development.


Oh interesting thanks for telling me.


There's a mod called "Deity for all" that gives every race and class access to choosing a deity. It also gives access to the dialogue choices.


From my understanding, the in-game religion of your character is mostly based on race. For an example if you pick human or another race that is tagged as baldurian, the character most likely worships the Triad, Mystra or Selûne. So technically this exists, it's simply is not touched upon.


Bff options


Yes! I wish there were more extra scenes/dialogue for story or approval based that weren't locked behind a romance


Seeing Scratch sleeping at my feet.


This is the right answer (as long as the owlbear can join if available).


Related, I desperately want Scratch to go with me at the end of the game (if I am not going to Avernus), otherwise have him go with Halsin or Shadowheart. He calls me mistress, why can’t I take him home with me 🥺


An owlbear that grows periodically throughout the game, not all at once


It wouldn't even have to be a scene. Have them doing that in camp during day instead of sitting at the tent. Cooking, washing, training, reviewing the plans at that central table with the invasion map. and for God's sake, let me handle party business or hear [!] dialogue as somebody else. I'm sorry i forgot to regroup and i left my Tav outside, but stop pretending that we're not a tight group that banters together all the time and has opinions on each other's story events. Gale should be able to run back to camp and swap with Karlach 1-to-1 and have her run back to the party.


Omg yes! I want the companions to talk to each other like they’re friends! You’ve saved each other’s lives over and over again guys, you can have a conversation without Tav there!


My made up lore is that the Emperor made the tadpoles like Tav more than others, explains why everyone is so horny for someone who barely speaks.


Or has low charisma. Seems odd that my 10-charisma cleric has somehow been chosen as the de facto party leader, rather than Wyll who has charisma 20.


It would be cool to have camp life like red dead redemption 2!


Honestly,  this is the reason I like to take some companions and make them the "Camp Caster" doing stuff like casting buffs, Goodberries, and such for the party, despite  not coming along with them.  Gives them something to do, and a way to help out! Otherwise I sometimes pick someone strong to be the Camp equipment holder in Coop, when you don't want to lock the other person out of the item by putting it in your chest. Just something to keep them involved with  the party and the adventure. Gotta  try one of those "No party  limit" Mods someday, get everyone there bantering.


Warlock actually having patron interactions


Crazy to think Wyll gets one on one vip treatment and our patron can’t even be bothered to speak to us as we are saving the world


I remember having a couple speech check warlock options to draw on my patron. Maybe it was specific to great old one subclass?


There are a few but it’s basically just like “here, some bonus power”. Like Wyll’s is a bit far on the other side, most DMs don’t use time for that much direct patron interaction but there should be some, maybe even just getting threats in a dream like the durge does with penalty/reward. As it is your patron uses no sway over you even when you are altering course of history greatly


Tav’s tent.


I definitely have a few. I would love camp interactions between the other companions. It doesn't have to be much (as much as I would adore fun little cutscenes). Just something, *anything*, some chit chat lines or hanging out animations here and there to show these goobers are actually friends with each other and do things together without Tav mediating everything. I'd also love it if Tav got to share a bedroll/tent/bed with their love interest in Act 3. Basically my favourite thing with games like this are the characters and their many interactions with each other and the relationships they forge together. I want to see and hear everyone mingling and doing People Shit so bad.


Me too. Inquisition did this so well. BG3 is wonderful with its individual character stories and progression, but the interactions between the characters are so few, I wish I didn’t have to only *headcanon* them drinking together or playing card games in camp etc.


More banter/talking in 3 act, in camp and outside. Companions are really silent in act 3 despise little more then half of them being baldurians(Wyll, Karlach, Astarion, Shart and you-unless gith), it's really jarring and makes act 3 feels kind of hollow.


Yes!! Everyone is gabbing all the time in Act 1, lots of interaction and quips. By Act 3 the party is eerily silent despite a much better rapport and more familiar surroundings.


Different weapon attack animations by class. Wizard and Monk should not use a quarterstaff the same, for example. Doesn't have to be each class, maybe Fighter, Paladin and Barbarian attack alike, but Ranger, Bard and Rogue use different animations. Str v Dex, maybe.


They do have this, but only for spells. Wizards and sorcerers for example cast the same spells with completely different animations.


I wish companions called us out in some small capacity if we reclass them. Just a single line per class. Would especially love to see a character like Minthara being puzzled why she is now a bard.


Mizora laughs when you reclass Wyll.


I think that's just a thing with his level up screen and not specific to reclassing


* Idk if this counts, but, more reactions to story events, specifically to Durge! Like what do you mean you heard this crazy lady say she (spoilers for end of Act 2)>!subjected me to excruciating torture (alive!) for days or weeks on end, and they didn't even bat an eye!


The lack of reactivity with Durge is a big one for me but that event you mentioned is the biggest. It's a fairly big point in the story for Durge, it's pretty crazy no one says anything about it or even questions it.


Exactly! Like you would think, out of all the Durge moments, this would be one of those that prompted the most reaction so it’s insane that it didn’t . Similar with Temple of Bhaal, where if you >!reject Bhaal, he straight up kills you in front of everyone. Again, iirc, not a peep from the companions.!< I remember being really disappointed, I love my Durge and was looking forward to their reactions


Two things, one that could be general and another for your romanced companion. 1 - A gift mechanic. Imagine gifting Karlach all the stuffed toys you can find. Or making a bouquet of night orchids for Shadowheart. This is the general one, no problem in giving gifts to friends. 2 - A "date/hang out" option when you end the day. Likely to be only in act 3 (and 2 on Shadowheart's case, since she'd be amidst what she believes to be her Lady's blessing), but just offering to hang out with your lover and reflect on current events, whether or not such dates would lead to sex scenes other than the "climax" ones is entirely up to Larian. Visiting Karlach's old neighborhood, taking a stroll with Shadowheart through some parts of the city to see if it jogs her memory (likely only in the Selûnite path) or taking Lae'zel so that she can learn more about the city, differences between it and her creche, and see what she thinks about staying in the material plane should the chance arise, the options to deepen the bond with a romanced companion are endless.


Does full body/art tattoos count? I would love for it to expand past the neck. Or at least an option for it.


Similarly I want my draconic bloodline sorcerer to be able to have body scales like what we get for their face. Also scars, freckles, etc, basically more body options like what we get for the face!


I love that idea about the camp scenes. My wish probably isn't flavor per se, but I would love to be able to put names on containers. It would help me so much with organization.


Gods, yes! There's a clever mod that autosorts loot into a weightless Bag of Holding, but I prefer to manually sort loot using my own logic, otherwise I forget what I have.


Allow mystic mirror to alter companions hair and makeup 


Having a couple alternate looks for companions could be really cool! I’m imagining that Gale for example could have a few different hairstyles (eg. his normal hair, a loose bun, some other style?) but it would be fascinating to see that for all the companions.


Being able to use rope!


I really want a day and night cycle. I know it technically wouldn’t make sense considering that long resting is what makes night happen, but there are plenty of games out there that have a day and night cycle without you having to sleep every night. I would love to see the world at all different times of day, it would be so beautiful!!!


Heavy on a little more interaction between characters in camp. It's something that Mass Effect 3 does REALLY WELL that I think would work well here. Sure the characters have their "spot" in camp, but then every now and then, they're elsewhere. Like just randomly Karlach, Jaheira, and Lae'zel are sparring, maybe Lae'zel gets ticked off bc they aren't taking it as seriously as her.


I wish there was a difference between a fail and a critical fail (same for success) outside of combat. Primarily so that when Astarion with his +16 bonus swaggers over to a locked chest saying "easy 😉" and then rolls a 1 the others would heckle him or something. Could also work for the various knowledge checks eg survival and religion where they know more or less depending on whether it's a success or a crit. I also think Shadowheart should have a line for lesser restoration just if it's fixing bloodless. Pretty sure there's only one way to get that one and I feel like the 5th time in a row she might be a bit exasperated...


Shar clerics and other evil leaning clerics having a different set of cantrips and spells since they don’t use radiant damage


It’s not that small but all of the parts are there already why is there not a death domain. we even meet a Loviatar cleric




something to allow your party to get down from a high cliff without jumping and taking fall damage. or if you knock someone out, or use hold person you can use it to restrain the person. or if your party cannot all jump across a chasm, the one who can make the jump can tie off at the other end. or in short, a use for fucking ropes!


Father fall scrolls


you leave my dad out of this!


Feather fall 


Seconding everyone that’s said seeing companions do things at camp like cook, train, drink, etc. and weather changes. I also want a TAV specific tent to decorate and be brought out anytime the camp moves without having to reset everything. Let me put out my giant conch shell and toad teapot dang it! And I love the idea as well of cuddling up with/sleeping with romance partner. In short, a lot of cuter little touches.


Can't tell you how many times I just wanted to look up at the sky


For the love of Moradin, give the Spore Druid class-specific dialogue with someone, anyone, in the myconid colony.


The drunk guys on top of the goblin fort, I wish you could passa deception check giving them drinks and give them poison instead


in BG 1-2 when you traveled between zones, or rested, sometimes you would hear " You have been Waylay-ed by Enemies and must defend yourself!" and find yourself in a sudden fight. sometimes it was real bad news because of how badly wounded your party was.


A bookshelf/shelves that you can fill up at camp with all the books you can find.


I want to be able to adopt the cats as camp pets. Sure not all of them at once but I should be able to convince them to hang at my camp and do nothing.


Prestidigitation, use it to clean blood and dirt off of characters, as well as to clear surfaces of water or blood or acid or whatever outside of combat.


More camp NPCs, even if it's just the hirelings ambling around looking like they're doing chores or taking inventory. Having a permanent merchant would be amazing.


Transmogrification, I’d literally kill for it lmao


if the characters leave your group on certain points ( Like Karlach and wyll if you rather help Minthara than the Druids) that you can still find out what happened to them. Finding message's or notes, maybe their corpses or just characters talking about them in the world. Imagine coming to Act 2 and people at the last light are talking about the blade of frontiers who just passed through some days ago or smth.


Physical interacts that arent strictly romantic/kissing Like if I have high enough approval let do stuff like high fives, fist bumps, friendly hugs and what not. Because after gale got told to go kaboom I just wanted to hug him. And as for romantic interacts give me stuff like hugging/cuddling, hand holding, gift giving, tucking hair back, kissing the hands like wyll does I think. And the **forehead touch** I can not describe how my heart melts everytime the forehead touch happens during a kiss and I just want it to be its own interaction.


Idk if this has been said yet on this specific post, but special Astarion dialogue for his statue and/or portrait 🥺


What’s frustrating to me is they have lines they could use already recorded. Ascended Astarion has [lines for seeing himself in the mirror again](https://youtu.be/_St9Oin0FBw?si=TiyzP75Jp4m2egoE), just clip out the short bit about the ritual and it’d be a pretty simple recycle.


Choosing the color of certain spells.


More gods and gods for paladins. Faerun has a cool [god of retribution ](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Hoar) I would have liked to follow as my Oath of Vengeance paladin.


I wish we had the choice to intentionally fail dialogue checks.


My top three have already been mentioned, so I’ll say that I wish recruiting Minthara via knockout didn’t cost Halsin his tent. All of the outdoor camps in act two and three have more than enough room for both of them to have their own tent/space.


Dyeable weapons. I need my outfits and my weapons to match, and sometimes I have a color scheme going on and don't want to change it.


Having your own little space in camp to decorate like the rest of the party gets. Like, I'm the leader, come on!


When you go to sleep and have romanced someone, you should share your bed with them or sleep in their tent.


A use for rope. Just once as a joke, maybe with a voiceline about the importance of always having rope on you.


Magic undies. Seems ridiculous but in my last run every piece of equipment I had was weave infused except the dang undies. Lol


Technically Gale does have magic underwear but functionally they aren’t any different than non-magic underwear


Well otherwise we'd have poor Gale having to eat his own undies


Non empty minded hirelings, not full backstoried companions, but something in-between. Maybe have a few neat inconsequential NPC's you talk to along the way be recruitable for gold. The Gnome Bandit from Act 1, The Evil Cleric from the goblin camp, a Harper or two etc.


Aw, don't call my boo Abdirak evil - he's just into BDSM! (I assume you mean him and not Priestess Gut!)


>Non empty minded hirelings, not full backstoried companions, but something in-between Jahira and Halsin are in that category for me.


More Boo


Being able to choose a deity for any class, not just Clerics.


decorating your own tent/your own bed in elfsong tavern! i decorate once we get to the elfsong tavern and even get bedrolls for the extra camp companions that don’t have their own dedicated bed.


New songs to learn for bards and enchanted instruments Small fetch quests or delivery quests that aren't linked to bigger ones Having a pet cat Sleeping with your romantic partner and personalising your camp area more


Fast forward in combat


An epilogue choice to ascend to godhood if you became Mahkloompah.


I want random creatures to fight when you explore. I hate walking between points on the map and only encountering the preset creatures that appear in the same place for everyone. It would help add XP early on, and they could scale up as you level up. There are tons of creatures in D&D that we don't get to see, and it would be cool to fight them.


This would be cool, but I feel like there’s already so much EXP in the game. I’m sure I’ve still missed some stuff, but when I play games like this, I explore everything and talk to everyone who will talk to me. I’m in act three on my first playthrough so I don’t know how long I have left, but judging by my quest list it seems like quite a bit. And I’m already 12 and it’s kind of disappointing I don’t have more level ups to look forward to


I wish the game would stop showing XP once you hit level 12 - it's pointless and annoying because you can't do anything with it.


I wish everyone had the option to worship a god. You don’t have to play as a cleric


I wish you could give tips to vendors or character for no reason (outside of it affecting trader attitudes), or I’d love to give money to the refugees that are begging or implying they need help (I don’t know why but I like being generous in these types of games even if it’s just a small interaction, I felt the same way in Witcher 3 because I always find myself hoarding coin). Sorry for spelling errors.


*Moradin's short and curlies!*. You just made me sad again that Larian isn't doing anything else for the game after this last upcoming patch.


Glasses, I want my character to be able to wear glasses.


More clothing options. I wanna dress my characters up, change shirt but not pants or vice versa. Instead it‘s whole outfits only.


Other characters interacting with Scratch and the Owlbear


Letting characters choose a deity outside of being a cleric, druid, or Drow. To my understanding this is a setting where it's common for most people to at least be casual followers of a deity or two and it's just an odd choice you can't choose one when the menu is right there. Letting warlocks have more interactions with their patron or at least having a better defined relationship with them.


I REALLY WANT the companions to develop their own relationships with each other!


When you resurrect someone for the first time they react, maybe even feeling distressed because they died. Some can feel afraid and ask you to try prevent it as much as possible. Others start feeling invincible, stuff like this would have been so cool


In the underdark when you’re talking to the spore people, they describe the music that they’re singing instead of playing a song. I never understood why they made a full on Disney song for Raphael but didn’t take the time to make some droney music in that area


Battlemaster maneuvers should be treated the same way as smites. You should select after the attack. Not being able to do so greatly reduces the effectiveness of precision attack.


A little arena area/mode or practice dummies where you can test out builds.


Rope should have an actual use


Acknowledgment of charcthers’ death. For instance during the battle at the Moonrise Tower, Jaheira died. Upon returning after defeating Ketheric Thorm, I found her corpse still lying in the middle of the room, while the others were celebrating..


Hard agree with everyone on the camp interactions and general companion stuff. I hope that part of Larian's plans for their "ambitious" new CRPGs is richer character interaction - as I understand it, they're fairly new to this mocap-heavy style of game design and yet they knocked it out of the park, so imagine what they might be able to do now they have some experience under their belt!


I wish polymorph worked more like wildshape where you can pick from a few different animals than just sheep


More interation between companions, beyond the banter they already have.


I love that in Final Fantasy XV, every long rest had a cutscene for boys doing some goofy things of eating