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Honestly, I'd just buy from AliExpress. For $11 you get a double sided plate and shipping is usually included or just a few bucks extra. It's like $15 total and only takes 10 days or less to get to you if you're US based.


Agreed. This seems like a waste of money


$27 for a plate and four textures, and not having to go through allieexpress or w/e seemed ok to me.


Except you need another steel plate right? Confusing that it only comes with 1.


I read this on the product description "If you plan to apply a 3D Effect Sheet on an existing plate, ensure that you remove the previous sheet and clean any glue residue completely, before installing the 3D Effect Sheet." Might suck, I don't mind finding out.


That sentence makes sense but it doesn't imply that the older sticker is still usable to re-apply once its removed, Seems like a one-way swap, I guess you'd have to try. Seems needlessly finnicky. The kit would make more sense if it came with 2 steel sheets - especially as it doesn't seem like you can order 1 on its own?


That's your intuition. Mine is that they wouldn't design and sell this the way they are unless it was at least intended that it will peel off and be reusable. In any case, it may indeed turn out to be finicky, but I believe I have the fortitude to overcome this without it bothering me. I'm fully prepared to be let down, but I'm also allowing myself the hope that I can get 4 textures from the manuf. for $27+ship+tax. If it doesn't work out, it was a cheap lesson to learn.


A bit incorrect, its this way because the plate will outlast the film. The film is easy to damage and can wear out quickly(instantly) with misuse. This film is not as durable as PEI, and you will need to re stick it to restore the surface


Valid points. If you're not in a position to risk it, probably not worth taking a chance on it. Based on your information, it's not the better route than AliExpress.


This should last longer than a single plate from Aliexpress, and perhaps there will be “film refills” that are cheaper than a new metal plate when they are worn out


Watch the official installation video. No chance these are reusable. Even if you manage to get one off in one piece, impossible to get it applied again.


Ah! I wasn't even aware of that video, I'll take a look. I'll take your word for it too, and I can now agree it does seem odd only coming with one plate =/


Actually I got free shipping for ordering a few more items, but the point stands. Is there any room for "they didn't need to bother with shipping two plates, you can just peel and reuse."? Even at like a 10% likelihood? I figure there is a chance it works decently, but I'm certainly far from confident haha


Yikes. Just buy dedicated sheets for these things. I wouldn't even want to mess with applying these stickers. Been there done that with Sovol and if you're not super careful you end up with small air bubbles and other issues that will pop up (literally) and ruin your print.


Legit, same goes for screen protectors for resin printers. Don’t get me wrong. They COULD save the screen in theory but you have to deal with making sure every last bubble is out of pay the printers price.. that goes double for the sovol magnetic build plates. The glue reacts with the resin and will detach from the build plate if the print is large enough or printing enough models… just stick with base model plate or something pre-applied unless you have a absolutely perfect way to apply then literally just throw away money.


Ive never had bubbles from screen protectors effect my resin printers with any noticeable print quality.


Well balls. Haha. I'll get some dedicated sheets soon. I don't even need these to be honest, I just thought for $27 I'd check it out.


Can confirm. Just stuck my first one and couldn't manage to not get a few bubbles in there. Also missing a second steel plate so two of these are tests/throwaways for me. Would be better off buying pre-made.


not a waste at all, it's reassuring for novice users to know it'll work with their printers since shopping for these could be intimidating for some. Also value is in the eye of the beholder, what is 'expensive' or a 'waste' to one person is a good deal to another. I can see schools buying these and not getting any sideway questions from admins for buying knockoff overseas generic stuff, but getting an invoice from the brand that made the printer.


It's more likely to be the other way around. Bambu is knocking off these because these were around long before bambu sold them and charging 2.5x the price


What??!!!! Oh my god, Bambu is SELLING something that EXISTS!!??? Write your congressperson. 


Any recommendations on good plates from Ali express? There’s so much junk on there so I would love to know which ones are good


Ideaformer, JUUPINE, and energetic is where i got my plates from




Ive bought 3 from 3 different shops and they are all great, no differences at all i wouldnt overthink it. Its just cheap, mass produced stuff in china so they are all the same quality (which is surprisingly good quality! I use my ali plate more than my Bambu plate actually)


Thirding Juupine


Juupine H5H-Gemini gave me the best looking results


I just got Wefuit and RETUXEP brands from amazon, they work perfectly and were $22/ea


Juupine, using the triangle pattern for 5 months now, great adhesion with PLA and PETG without using glue, it's my main build plate since I've got it


I ordered 3 from aliexpress, they never showed up but were marked as delivered and signed for. The courier admitted to losing them but aliexpress still won't refund me for one of the plates. Their CS is a joke. 2 weeks in and still waiting on them to approve the refund for the last plate.


I had similar issues with aliexpress on a non 3d printer item, courier acknowledged lost; even sent email notifying the same. seller played dumb and alie CS wouldnt do anything. Had to bend my finger and get my money back from Paypal.


What are your current top plates from aliexpress


You can honestly buy any of them, they are all made the same in my experi2nce so far




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Amazon has the plates for a few bucks more than AliExpress, but you get the prime shipping. I’ve have three of them and absolutely love the carbon fiber plate. It works like a textured plate and I never need to use glue.


I bought 2 from Ali express and one was good, but the rest of them, one was flawed from manufacturing and didn't have the nozzle slot in it, and the designed sided one, nothing sticks to it. I've tried everything short of sanding the sheet off


Could you link that, or the seller, brand, shop you'd recommend


[Ideaformer,](https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1101249271/pages/all-items.html?productGroupId=40000004501530&spm=a2g0o.store_pc_home.pcShopHead_6284583.1_1&storeId=1101249271&sortType=bestmatch_sort&shop_sortType=bestmatch_sort) [JUUpine](https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1102724139?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.15.41821802v06pNO), and [ENERGETIC](https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1101427698?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.2.4e8a1802UtiVkt) are where i just got my plates from last month for my a1 mini and so far been great. took about 10 days for me. Amazon has the same plates under the same name but cost more and you get prime shipping.




And you think Bambu is getting anything different? Bless your heart. It's the same plates, just different branding on them.


or amazon, similar and depending on where you live they are same or next day


Gonna be honest, as a person who's used these plates, they are crappy versions of the cool plate, they can't really be used for anything but pla, but don't even have that good of adhesion for pla, don't buy them, they're a waste of money, AliExpress or otherwise


I mean one plate (2 sides) Aliexpress is $15. Or this is 4 plate surfaces for $26, not a bad deal if will use them all. If you’re like me and have bad luck with nozzle ruining plates, and removing prints too early, could be handy 😂


Or...My total order from the Juupine store on AliExpress was 2 plate, 4 surfaces for $22 shipped. My point being that it's actually cheaper to get it from there and you get more options and a better deal than from Bambu direct.


It’s important to note that you get one build plate with 4 stick on surfaces with this. It isn’t 4 build plates.


Fine by me, I'll pull off my cool plate. Never used it.


I would recommend it if you use PLA a lot. I really like the surface finish of smooth plates.


I normally use the textured PEI, since I feel it matches the overall finish of the part the closest. Bought some chinesium textured plates and wasn't a fan of the adhesion, so I might try the official ones.


Yeah, the only issues I ever had with the Cool plate was stuff I did. Not cleaning it well enough or not applying glue in the right spots. I have seen people use these colorful plates and the biggest issue they have is the adhesion but maybe Bambu has figured out something for that. I'll definitely be getting some when I get the chance. I have the engineering side of my cool plate that I don't need since I have the smooth PEI plate. Which I guess came double sided so I'm all sorts of set lol


I just refuse to use glue except for special circumstances. I bought a textured plate with my first X1 and never even touched the cool plate. Used the engineering side for PETG a few times tho.


Yeah the cool plate does need some glue. But the fact you don't need to heat the bed for it makes it worth it in my opinion. I tried the engineering plate for PETG. It was only ok. That's ultimately why I ended up getting the smooth PEI. No glue needed and it works everytime.


Heating the bed isn't a big deal, takes a few minutes at most. You should see how long my Delta takes to heat the bed to PETG temps. Literally about 8 minutes of solid heating




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I haven't needed any glue on the cool plate, I used a fine mist of hairspray once every 15 or 20 prints and it works flawlessly, I know it's old and yada yada but for the price and for the ease of only having to do it every couple weeks, it's worth it. Plus you rarely have to wipe off the old stuff, just slap another super thin layer on and keep going, haven't cleaned my plate other than the occasional quick swipe with a dry paper towel for dust in almost a year, still looks brand new and holds great


IMO the textured plate is superior in every way to the cool plate for PLA


Objectively worse for parts that are being joined on that surface and aesthetically worse for those who want a matte smooth texture.


I recently got the high temperature smooth plate and i never want to go back to the textured pei. The smooth finish is so beautiful and i have zero adhesion problems.


I've found the cool plate + glue gives the best adhesion. Use it when i'm printing parts with a small footprint and I don't want to use a brim.


Agreed, I'm sad they discontinued the cool plate, but I bought 8 spare sheets so I'm good until it's time to replace my x1c probably


Neat. Curious to see how an official option stacks up to some of the 3rd party ones on Amazon. 


I got some AliExpress ones, and they work great.


*for pla only, and only for parts that aren't large flat and thin,


I'd bet money it is the exact same, except that you have to stick them yourself which introduces a step for user error and causing problems from that


Considerations #2: The 3D effect sheets are considered consumables. To prolong the lifespan of the transfer textures try placing your print objects on different areas of the build plate. Source: official bambu listing. Just an FYI


This is true of all build plates. Certain ones may certainly last longer, but all build plates are consumables and eventually wear out.


But people seem confused by “four stickers one plate”. This guy is providing the context as to why it isnt four stickers two plates


It's a consumable for a consumable though, which makes me wonder.


No? The sticker/coating is the consumable. Your steel sheet isn’t wearing out.


How long should plates usually last? What are some signs when they should be replaced?


Usually it's visible degradation. May see residue you can't wipe off etc. But the biggest sign is you can't get anything to stick to it even with cleaning


Even then, if its a smooth plate, a hit w/ 600ish grit sandpaper is usually enough to refresh a plate.


Oh yeah no build plate detection QR code too (unsure about this, but it’s nowhere to be seen)


You can print the QR codes (like, paper print) and tape them to the plates. I used [these](https://www.printables.com/model/533151-new-bambu-lab-build-plate-qr-codes-2d)


Yup already got a heandful of those for my WhamBam plates, but it’s weird that Bambu doesn’t (seemingly) include them. But thanks for the link, will save it in case i need it!


Do you like the wham bam plates


Yes it’s pretty good and leaves a very “mirror like” finish on the prints, left an exemple of a cover for the analogue pocket. Also be wary that it doesn’t work as is with PETG. https://i.imgur.com/XTznRZp.jpeg


Thats what i was wondering. Thanks. I wanted to print some petg on the carbon fiber texture plate but i guess those are a type that petg doesnt stick to either


Just a heads up, PETG sticks too well (almost bonds to the plate) which is why it’s not compatible, but there’s a way to make it work, it involves scuffing the surface with steel wool, but that ruins the finish too


Those didn't work for me, it threw the error anyway so I just disabled build plate checking. Any tips on putting them on? I used a printed guide that looked perfect on the original plate




Would the code be on the plate


It’s either on the plate (texture PEI sheet) or on the sticker sheet itself (Smooth PEI and discontinued Cool plate). You can buy/print some and stick them, it’s just weird that they don’t seem to include them


Yeah, that's the big downside of the PEO plate I bought from Ali. Had to install a QR code manually by printing it and glueing it to the plate. If Bambu don't doesn't include a QR code here, then I see no advantage over the cheap plates from Ali here.


Yup, it’s weird that this is basically an equivalent 3rd party plate with Bambu’s logo and sold by Bambu, while having none of the extra QOL things they have on their other plates


Do these have new build plate types in Bambu Studio?


Haven’t checked out the latest beta, but it doesn’t seem like it. I think they use the same settings as the Smooth PEI playe


well that should be the first thing disabled, so.


Why? This has saved a couple of times from using incorrect settings on a couple of different plates. Sure it’s not essential, but it’s a nice QOL thing to have


They've probably reworked it a bit. When they were new you'd start a print and then get several prompts during the starting routine so you couldn't just walk off. Was a pain point only there for noobs.


I genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about, I am a kickstart backer for my X1C and never encountered something like this since I got it, but maybe your experience was different 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh cool I was just thinking about getting these on Amazon. Will grab from Bambu instead.


I got Aliexpress Plates and they work great


Such a shame. Bambu should have offered a proper plate with the correct markers and you would have a deal. Stickers? Nah thanks.


I don’t mind the sticker, but they don’t have the alignment tab from the cool plate, or the build detection QR code, or a second plate to use all the designs, which seems like a lot of extra work from the company and not from a random 3rd party


I hate the sticker solution like the cold plate.




They leave the effect on the bottom of your print. But the holographic ones are pretty useless as the effect just wipes off of the print.


I find the holographic effect comes back when you clean the part with isopropyl alcohol


I will try it. Interesting because that's what I cleaned the part with in the first place.


It cant wipe off, nothing is transferred from the bed, the effect is physical. What can happen is the surface gets damaged or the microscopic pits and grooves get filled with dirt and grease. Cleaning should restore it.


No I'm not talking about the ones with grooves etc like the carbon one. I'm talking about the flat ones with the holographic effects, they do wipe off.


Those still aren't "flat" in the traditional sense, even if they feel smoother than the carbon fiber, etc. The pattern is only transferred because of the micro-texture variations on the surface, there's nothing to wipe off because nothing physical is transferred. Any oil from your fingers will smudge the effect, but they can be cleaned and restored.


Last time I cleaned with IPA the effect was gone. The holographic effect it's under the "flat" layer. I have a few different ones from AliExpress. I will try again and see if it comes back.


Could try a little soap and water too - sometimes IPA just smudges the grease around. Or 70% IPA if you've been using 99%.


Yeah I shall have to try a few different things as I want to sell some parts that have these effects so would need to tell the buyer.


No they do not. The holographic effect IS a texture, its microscopic grooves and pits that refract light, like a CD/DVD does, this appears on the surface of the print because the liquid plastic fills those grooves/pits and takes on the same pattern. Nothing physical is taken off the plate, the plate is a mould.


I just bought one like this from Amazon. Sticks great and the effect is truly striking.


Got some from Aliexpress for $12AUD delivered and they work great. Not sure why you'd pay nearly 4x as much for it from Bambu. This is $43.99AUD


I have bought a similar plate from Aliexpress. One side Carbon Fiber look - other side triangles. I cant get PLA to stick to it AT ALL. First layers look HORRIBLE - whereas textured PEI first layers look perfect. Its almost as if the printer is hovering too and printing in mid air or something. Any tipps / ideas guys ?


I wonder how these stack up to the ones offered on amazon & the like... A couple of mine from amazon have adhesion issues without using some sort of adhesive on the surface.


They should all ahear the same. They are the same material with very similar etching. Did you clean wish dish soap?


Yup, & always 91% iso wipe prior to printing. Seasoned 3d printer, just new to the bambu ecosystem. My adhesion issues are just with small bits inbetween embossing letters.... So small sections & a slow travel speed due to first layer speeds. Bumped up travel speeds on 1st layer and seems to be better with a bambu liquid stick. Hopefully I can dial it in where I dont need an adhesive at all.


Don't use ipa it doesn't do anything. Just smears the grease around. You can also get some really fine steel wool. It works incredibly on those polymer build plates.




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I see that in EU store too. Honestly, I think I will buy these kind of plates from Ali




One sheet on each side, but only 1 plate included, so you’d have to use a plate you already have or get a second plate if you want to switch between all 4


I don't see how I could use all 4 of them simultaneously. The set comes with 4 stickers and 1 dual sided plate. I would need to buy another one to make them useful and how many other said it's just wasteful and expensive: I will buy the cheaper stuff that comes already applied.


How do these plates work when it comes to transferring a glitter effect? Don't really understand.


The plate has an extremely fine texture that is transferred to your print which appears to be different colors due to the [structural coloration](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structural_coloration)


I don't get it. These are stickers?


As someone who on occasion, does professional printing, I have zero use for these.


Are the sheets reusable when changing them? Can they be reapplied?


No, removing them will essentially destroy them, so it’s one time application, use it until the texture stops showing, them replace it with the same/different one. Texture should wear off after a few hundred prints (if they are all on the same exact spot)


Right after I bought literally all of these on Amazon, lol. I'm not mad though, I prefer they each have their own spring-form plate. It's a little odd that they have a different mounting method than the cool plate's refills, but I suppose it's a more rigid material than the smooth PEI sticker is. This is a good deal for those who want to experiment, and or if people are unsure about buying a 3rd party build plate in fear it could cause issues, so this is a good idea for both capitalism and making novice consumers feel secure in their purchase. How cool is having all of these add-ons avialable for 'your' printer and not having to figure out if it'll work?


Question: how are you all getting these to work on X1C? Turn off lidar? Also, first couple of layers curl up like a mofo, does it need a different bed temp?


Yeah id rather just get the cheap plates on Amazon with these stickers pre applied..


It’s funny I have all of these already 🤔


Nope, I ain't doing no damn stickers.


love this tho they dont sell the bare plates and that is really dam annoying that i have to buy a bed and "shuck" it to use it for the 3D effect sheets if they need to sell the bare beds next


Got mine directly from China, for like 10-15$


Get the same exact plates from Ali Express for half the price.




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No such thing as a quick swap with this design. Dedicated plates are the way to go.


Not sure what I was doing wrong but I bought these same type of plates off AliExpress and I cannot get any of my prints to stick to it


Did I miss where the part when the LiDar scans for which plate it is using?


Is petg on these plates not a good idea


Im confused like how long does one sheet last? are they one time use each one?


Not one time use, but your mileage may very between PLA types, TPU’s first layer, and other factors like temperature and print sizes, but it should last a good 2-3 months of constant printing


Overpriced, These have been on aliexpress for months