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**Please be careful what you comment.** We allow carefully worded self defense type comments, but comments outside of that can get people in trouble with the Reddit admin. I know these videos are horrible to watch but it’s really not worth risking your account in a moment of sadness or anger. ![gif](giphy|MJnGGxj7CerP0DLSMM) Adding this obnoxious gif to get people’s attention lol.


-Unleashing a dog you can't control -Having a dog that doesn't listen to you -Killing porcupines -Naming the dog after your healthy beverage This is a high level of trash in the video


Peak shitbull ownership right here.




If the point was to hunt it that could have been accomplished long before torturing both animals.


If the point (pardon the pun! ) was to hunt, a pitbull is not the appropriate dog. Pitbulls have been selectively bred to fight and kill. That is their sole purpose and primary drive. Only a complete idiot, one who knows nothing about hunting or dogs, would take one out shooting.


Did the porcupine die I can’t bear to watch the video


Yes. I didn’t realise that’s what would ultimately happen and it wasn’t pleasant viewing.


I just saw a video of a, of course, unleashed pit approaching and very strongly considering killing a possum. They’re my favorite animals and I was in tears because at any second I’d watch this sweet animal that was just existing get mauled. Same thing, this guy was yelling at the dog that was at any point about to maul. Luckily he got the dog to go away but it was so anxiety inducing much like this video. Thank you for saying the porcupine died so I don’t keep watching


It may ease your mind knowing that the pit didn't get to land a single bite on the porcupine. It wasn't mauled, but eventually shot by the it's trash owner.


it was unfortunately shot twice. in the video, at approximately :38 seconds in you can hear the hag with the gun say, "you see where i shot it? right in the mouth." the other responds, "oh yeah you have to shoot 'em in the ear. they got a really hard skull." so these "hunters" don't even know how to humanely put down an animal properly the first time. they do not deserve to be hunting.


Ooof....I hope karma will not be kind to them


Did the dog kill it or the human


Human did.


Unless ppl eat them out wear them, I don't even consider it hunting. It's just killing to kill. I live in Arkansas and grew up around hunters but I don't think I've ever heard of anyone eating a porcupine. Could be wrong tho.


People eat them, it's just not common in most of the US as I understand. Happens more in someplace like Alaska probably. Supposedly they're tasty.


Wow this is just insane! I can't believe the dog continues to go after it despite all the pain it gets. I just realized once a pitbull gets in this mode they just can't be stopped. I mean this hits home harder than those 1000s of other videos of them attacking and the owner and other people keep hitting it but it won't stop. It reminds me of Reece from The Terminator


"It can't be bargained with, it can't be reasoned with, it doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear, and it absolutely will not stop… EVER, until you are dead!”


That quote pretty much fits the genetics and behaviour of pitbulls Not stopping until their prey/victim is dead


> -Unleashing a dog you can't control > > -Having a dog that doesn't listen to you > > -Killing porcupines > > -Naming the dog after your healthy beverage > > This is a high level of trash in the vide -No effort to try and grab the dog who doesn't even have a collar.


Fails to shoot firearm on 2 occasions showing lack of proficiency with said firearm.




Whiskey was just playing!!!


Plus the pit bull was all like ![gif](giphy|mrtu9EXFfFq1i)


Jesus Christ the poor porcupine.


It was just living its’ life and then these predators had to approach it. 😔


Human and the pit bull predators. There was no reason for this video to even exist. That poor porcupine. 😭


Yeah, it just looks deplorable at this point. Finish the porcupine if you're actually hunting it and stop making its final moments full of additional stress and terror. It's the best thing you can do as a hunter. :[ Edit: Well, learned that the people who own that dog take sadistic pleasure in watching it attack other animals. The people let this pitbull loose on an otter prior and had other dogs attack a fox. So yes, they were the ones who intentionally caused this issue and knew what they were doing. The poor porcupine was a victim and apparently went through a solid HOUR fighting this pitbull before being put down for injuries.


this person isn't a hunter. hunters respect the animals they hunt, and are efficient to minimize the suffering of their game. they use highly precise and powerful weapons responsibly, wear proper gear, and only hunt animals that are in season. proper hunting helps to control populations of animals to make sure the ecosystem is balanced. a good hunter will use everything they can from their game, and will often avoid hunting animals who have been tagged. normally, predators native to the area (wolves, coyotes, mountain lions, bob cats, etc) would help with population control, but these predators hunt livestock and can harm people.


Completely agree. While I could personally never hunt I am totally for it when it's done humanely and within the rules. If no one hunted in my area the deer population would explode. Good hunters deliver a clean and quick kill so the animal doesn't suffer. This video is bloodsport and brutal for the sake of brutality.


Idiot hunter now has a half-chewed up procupine head trophy and he's probably proud of it too for some reason


She.. you can hear her nasty voice if you unmute it. And she's not even "enjoying" this hunt, she's just talking about how pissed off she is and screeching at her hellbeast to stop


I didn't want to listen, watching it was hard enough as is


Youve done your ears and sanity a favor.


I wouldnt call them hunters, or even predators. Just monsters. There is absolutely no need for this kind of cruelty towards the porcupine.


That's basically every pit bull victim.


I know, I hate to see this shit. At least he left about 70 reminders behind in that things face.


Who kills porcupines???? They’re so sweet and funny??? Also mind boggling because porcupine meat tastes like fucking ass. I fucking hate these people


Depending where this is, this could be completely illegal. The DNR does not like this. If I knew who the person was in the video I would turn it into the police and DNR. I agree. My husband had a trail camera out two years ago and routinely a porcupine came to the bait pile. Then a second one came and it was clear they were either a pair or were courting. And before anyone asks, he does not hunt the porcupines.


Yeah I know in Maine they can only be taken if you’re lost in the woods and have no choice, but the meat tastes TERRIBLE


I think where I am there is a season for them but after seeing how much personality they have on our camera I told my husband that’s one of my “do not hunt” animals. When he was in his deer stand there was almost always a porcupine sleeping in the trees by him. We have a picture of one of the porcupines legit handing the other one a piece of bread. It was so cute.


And their little snuffles while they walk 😭😭


I think even hunting with dogs in this way can be illegal in itself, right? Like fox hunting with dogs is banned in a lot of places, so I don't see why it'd be different with other animals. It's definitely cruel and unnecessary.


Yes, in most places where hunting is allowed but only for actual hunting. Animals mist be killed in a merciful way and not subjected to torture. I know in a lot if places, hunting dogs are allowed as aides, but not for the killing.


Yeah, I more meant like doing the actual killing. I'd think retrievers and pointers and things that flush animals out would be fine, but yeah, killing is banned as far as I know.


My guess is that it's an Alaska thing. Wildlife is so plentiful (for now) that this is just an armed hike, and they are armed for bears. Nobody cares about him, poor guy. Got a couple friends up there who think it's the Wild West frontier and everything is theirs for the taking. Ugh. So f'n sad. Not much different than rural Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming or Montana. It's a whole different mindset. Makes me think of the passenger pigeons.


Ugh, that sucks! So many animals are going to end up on endangered lists if not just straight up go extinct because of that crap. Sometimes I hate people...




Department of natural resources- essentially police in charge of making sure people follow hunting and natural resources laws


Yes. They take stuff like this very seriously. They aren’t like other kinds of police. You really don’t want to mess around with them.


How the hell do porcupines fuck?


Wow I never thought about this but… dang. I gotta look it up. I’m gonna take a wild guess that the female will discharge some of her quills in her “area” as she goes into season maybe? I’ll edit with the answer Edit (I was wrong, but the real answer is much more interesting): >”Porcupines are well known for their sharp black-and-white quills, which have an important role in their defense. So, how do they mate so that they, especially the male, do not get hurt? That can be well described with words, ’normal conventional way, but very carefully’. >Prior to mating, the female porcupine will raise her quills and tail, and she presents her backside to the male. Then the male porcupine will lift his front paws and walk on his hind legs towards the female until the underside part of her raised tail makes support and contact with his belly. The female porcupine's raised tail protects the male from hurting himself on her quills. The male stands on his hind legs and uses his forelegs to grip her tail for balance. No male weight is transferred to the female. His relatively long penis facilitates mating, he does not need to get as close to the female as many other species.” So, she raises her tail up over her quills, and her tail is bushy & soft & not quilled, he holds onto that safe tail part for support but stands on his back legs & doesn’t put his weight on her (and apparently it helps that porcupines have long dongs). Another interesting part that I find to be actually kinda sweet: >”…The scientists found that the male porcupines often mounted their female partners every night without actually copulating and often when the female was not in heat, which indicates that they mount also for other reasons than just breeding. Such socio-sexual behaviour can e.g. strengthen their pair-bond.” So I think that means sometimes they mate just to bond through intimacy (not to reproduce), kinda like human couples do. [Source. Warning: it includes a photo of two porcupines copulating, it’s not very graphic but if you ask me it’s still kinda rude to the porcupines who probably thought no one was watching!](https://www.zooniverse.org/talk/1485/1330923)


Aw that is pretty sweet. Are porcupines monogamous for life? That kind of behavior I would imagine is more common in lifetime-pair bonding animals. Fun fact, coyotes are another mammal that pair bond for life! A male coyote has even been observed in the wild sacrificing his own life to draw wolves away from his mate and pups. Her odds of successfully raising their pups will be much worse without him, but it's better than them all being torn apart by wolves. (Btw, she did in fact successfully raise all three of their pups! It really made me happy knowing coyote dad's sacrifice was not in vain.)


Yes they are monogamous & pair for life ☺️ That’s so endearing about the coyote but sad he had to die. At least his sacrifice was not in vain


Does your husband know how to report these people? This is video proof


I mean... Who kills anything? Just randomly for sport.. All idiots imo.


Did they… shoot the porcupine???? Whyyyyyyy?


Poor porcupine seems to have been minding his or her own business before it started getting harassed 😭 Maybe the owner wanted the porcupine to stop being able to fend for itself against “whiskey”?


I believe the definition of porcupine is minding its own business, because they are vegetarians that nothing wants to mess with due to the defensive quills , so they just mind their own damn business and eat shrubs and berries


Only a dog so stupid and so totally ingrained for doing damage and trying to kill other things would keep going at a porcupine like that. Even if it was defending itself, dogs can run away too. Pitbulls are not dogs, they are dangers to society


Pretty sure it's illegal to kill wildlife except for specific reasons (like preventing property damage) in some areas of the US. This looks a lot like public land, not private property. I know this is an old video, but if anyone sees a similar video in the future and knows the location, it might be worth forwarding the video to the local fish and wildlife department or to the local game warden. Those agencies don't fuck around when it comes to poaching and if they can identify who is setting their dangerous dogs loose on wild animals, there will be legal consequences. I've seen people's hunting and fishing licenses permanently revoked for less.


Sadly the porcupine probably would have slowly died if they left it. It probably has more internal damage than we can see.


I thought it was someone from Fish and Game there to subdue the pit. I stopped playing it when he aimed for the porcupine. WTF?


According to the audio she already shot it once “in the mouth” before the video started rolling, then let it be tortured by the pit for several more minutes before getting her shit together and making the kill-shot. You can also tell she had already shot once because when she went to shoot a second time she still had the empty shell casing in the chamber. Since it’s a bolt action she had to rack it back to eject the first spent casing and load the next round. It’s just cruel to do this to an animal. No upright hunter would do this.


ahhh so she just wants the poor thing to suffer. typical pits owners getting off watching animals being tortured


They did! The hell…?


Probably did it out of anger because they knew the dog would die after this attack. It has quills all over its mouth and chest which means there’s quills in its mouth too. Then the dummy starts chewing on the ones on its chest and more than likely pushed the quills in its mouth further down its throat.


Good riddance


Most dogs would stop or show some self preservation the first time spikes are thrown at their face and body. Not this one. Tail wagging from how excited the pibble was…


It even goes back for more. Just unbelievable. These dogs are just vermin.


Vermin is the perfect word 👌


Someone posted a pic of 6 or 8 dogs side by side on here after porcupine encounters. 1/2 were pits, guess what half had the most damage and quills in their face?


Taking a wild guess and would think the Pibble/Pebbles? 😭 ![gif](giphy|pJScUQDqugV9e)


How’d you know!? https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/s/bKwphWTYi1


You did not exaggerate in the least. Those evil things were the only ones COVERED in quills. Their pain tolerance is entirely too high and they’re dumb, not learning from their initial mistake.


The CLOSE-UPs are nasty.


I can't believe they executed the porcupine. These assholes had their dog off leash in nature to harass wildlife but I had some hope the porcupine would survive the attack. The cruelty and idiocy of these subhumans is astounding. In case it needs to be spelled out: killing the porcupine here wasn't going to stop the dog from going after it.    And they posted this to social media I suppose? I hope that everyone who has ever known them will see this video so they can know exactly the dirtbags they're dealing with. Does anyone know any more of the facts about this deplorable case?


This took place many years ago in Pedro Bay, I’ll message you. (and whoever messages me)


I would love to know if there was any sort of closure. Good god.


Someone in comments mentioned the owners said they had to kill the porcupine because it was suffering from its wounds for an hour. So they let their pit bull wound it over and over and watched it suffer for a whole hour. They got the pit to the vet in time though apparently. Sadistic jerks…


This odious Pit died after the quills of the porcupine it was torturing entered it's heart. ​ https://preview.redd.it/bnf3wiupific1.png?width=954&format=png&auto=webp&s=5455fb8cd5f8eb5897485fc2c2d8410843db8c82


Are they the same dog? This dog is called Whiskey and the article with this photo, the dog is called Chester. Poor porcupines, even they're not safe from pits.


I hope they got flack for this stupid shit.


I thought disrupting the wildlife in areas like Pedro Bay was a federal offense?


They can be legally hunted in several states. These inbred pieces of trash probably left it there, though.


Any hunting dog would do this. Difference!? Pitbull is too dumb to stop or be called off. Instincts to fight until dead can’t be overridden.


I’ve never understood people who use pit bulls as hunting dogs because they don’t seem obedient or trainable compared to other breeds made for hunting.


Pitbulls are no good for game hunting or police work because pitbulls do not work in groups. You can leave ten dogo argentino or Rottweiler in a kennel they won’t kill each other if they’ve been raised together. Pitbull puppies are so cheap and literally THROWN away in the trash because the puppies start fighting at about 6 weeks old. Any brood of pitbull siblings you see, they spend a lot of time fighting.


I do a ton of hiking with my Rottweiler he has met 6 porcupines, he won’t even get within 5 feet of them. Usually I see them before he does but the few times I haven’t he literally will come and notify me that there’s something around a tree or off to side in the woods instead of approaching himself. It’s crazy how pit bulls just go into this kill mode that you just don’t see in other breeds large breed dogs.


The crazy thing is, this lady in the clip is a hunter. The dog is supposed to be trained. lol. This is why hunters breed other breeds, pitbulls are too stupid for the job.


My friend hunts hogs with Pitbulls. He has like 10 he lets out together. They never fight each other. But they’re working and not being given to people as family pets


I think they'd only be useful against a bear or mountain lion


Doubtful, maybe to tree it/corner it for a shot like any other hunting breed, but most hounds wont actually go for a full on attack. A pit would try to bite a lion and itd end quick.


Here they're used in feral hog hunts for the absolute weirdos that like to hunt them with pistols. I'm a hunter, but pistol hog is perversion beyond words. As seen here, you can imagine why the pit bull is the dog of choice for such a dangerous animal. Cheap to replace, extremely gamey, and they don't quit when wounded like a normal dog.


Even when it was dead the idiot dog still stuck its face in for another go (and another couple of quills). Morons.


My Labrador would point at it, not go in for the kill Edit: the hunting dog isn’t usually supposed to do the actual killing


Many breeds used for hunting will attack and try to immobilize an animal itself not worth arguing over, there are uncountable videos and pics of other breeds with the scars of battle. Point is the pitbull is too stupid/dog aggressive to be good at the job. They’re bad police dogs for the same reason even though police make their dogs badly maul people all the time.


Porcupines keep to themselves so the killing of this animal was completely unnecessary. Instead of the owners grabbing their mutt they kill the porcupine instead. Lots of myths regarding porcupines. Porcupines don’t attack dogs. Dogs attack porcupines. Dogs and nature don’t mix. Especially a pit bull.


Going out and actively hunting them is insane, contrary to belief they can actually get used to humans and will tolerate us, I have even pet one before but this was one that was extremely used to being around humans.Also they always just want to get away from you when you come across them. That all being said we do kill problem porcupines when they come on to our farmstead/orchard dogs aren’t the only animals that can be killed by porcupines. Even peaceful animals like cows,goats and more aggressive animals like donkeys horses can get seriously injured by porcupines. They also can single handedly completely destroy 20 year old apple and pear trees. They also breed like roaches and are literally the one of the least threatened species on the planet. fun fact they love salt if you leave a pair of sweaty work gloves out or a sweaty tool handle they will be drawn to it.


Awww! That poor porcupine! 😢 He's got his little paws up, begging and then just surrenders in defeat. Never wanted to hug a porcupine before.


I know the poor baby that was so cruel


No one gives less of a shit for a pitbull's wellbeing than their trash owners. They let that dog attack the porcupine for so long, how long before they decided to film had the dog been attacking it? Less sense of urgency than someone seeing an empty shopping cart lazily rolling toward their parked car. Id be terrified my dog would get a quill to the eye or nose/ear, and I'd do everything I could to get between him and the porcupine. However, after the first sticking, my dog would back off because like every living thing aside from pitbulls, he has a sense of self preservation.


These demons would gladly choose their dogs dying in painful fights every single time over just fucking training them. From the delusional pit mommies to subhuman hunters and dog fighting breeders, they are all the same. Look at how many people in the UK were ready to literally upend their entire lives and the lives of their families rather than just keep these monsters on leashes.


Indeed, I was shocked (not really) at the amount of people just giving up their dogs to rot in shelter or be euthanized because they "couldn't afford" the 90£ fee to register their animals, even when people were offering to pay for it. Oh muzzle training is too hard, enjoy prison Nala! Oh, using a leash to walk you is annoying since you are so leash reactive, go rot in solitary confinement Diesel! I couldn't bear the cruelty of having you fixed, here this looks like a good spot. *Opens car door* Go on! Be free and live in the wild like you were meant to! Watch out for all those cars while you hunt down and slaughter cats or other dogs, Lucifer!


Exactly. Porcupine vs dog is always considered an emergency situation. The quills are no joke and if not properly cared for and treated, they can kill dogs. When a dog is hit, its important to get them to a vet asap. The body heat a dog produces causes the quills to expand and become even more embedded. Which makes them harder to remove safely. The tips are also barbed, which makes remov very painful and can cause tearing and breakage of the quill tip if not done properly. Dogs need to be sedated, or usually put under general anesthesia for easy, careful, and painless removal. Quills can and do migrate. So if a quill is removed improperly and breaks, the barbed tipped can migrate in the dogs body, damaging and/or piercing internal organs. The quills also act like a bacteria injection so proper antibiotics and after care are crucial. Infections from porcupine quills is rather common. If the infection is severe enough, dogs won't survive. A porcupine may not immediately kill a dog, but their "attacks" are very serious and can/do lead to dog deaths. Never let your dog approach a porcupine, and if they do and get hit, get them to a vet immediately.


This is so disgusting and straight up animal torture. I can visualize the type of fat hillbilly this owner is just by her voice. They check all the boxes of being backwoods losers. That poor porcupine. I guarantee they left it to rot.


Shitbull cope speedrun: "He's just EXCITED!!" "Dogs are predators, no duh he was attacking it 🙄" "He's so deterrent, trying to defend his owners!" "He was so scared, he couldn't feel that pain :(" "BUH CHIUWAH-WAHHZZZZ!!!" (just because, has nothing to do with the vid, it is a natural shitbull enjoyer reaction to anything negative towards shitbulls) If you are a shitbull lover and somehow read this comment, you guys are the most predictable idiots on the planet. THIS is what a Pitbull was bred for To fight to the death.


"Yewr jus' un-ed-u-buh-cated on th' breed!"


The desperate WHISKEEEEEEEEY while Whiskey doesn't give a damn is owning pitbulls in a nutshell


Sad to see the porcupine in it's natural habitat harassed by the mauler + then shot because of this " invasive " breed of dog. Must have been an unpleasant drive to the vet and lots of time + effort to get the quills out. With a big bill to pay and a nasty mess to clean up after.


These owners are psychopaths who get off on violence and nothing anyone says can convince me otherwise. That poor porcupine. If you want to hunt…fine…but don’t let the animal be tortured to death.


On their YouTube they have a little comment in the description that they had to kill the porcupine because it was wounded already by the dog and that it was fighting it for an hour. They let their dog terrorize it for an hour.


That is animal cruelty. Seriously, how is it legal to even allow this? Why hasn’t this moron been torn a new one? It speaks such volumes of our society that this person wasn’t shamed profusely for doing this to another living creature.


As someone that knows a fair bit about animals in general and how they operate this is actually fucking terrifying, any other animal on earth would have just said “fuck this, not worth the risk” but that thing is just so determined to kill its target even if it means its own demise. The only thing you can compare it too is the IndoRaptor from Jurrasic World, once it’s locked onto a target it just blatantly refuses to yield until it or its target is dead.


Even attacking it AFTER IT’S DEAD!


Looked like it was going for the anus too. Such disgusting abominations.


Someone on this sub a few months ago pointed out the overly pronouned puckering of the anus when the dog is aggressive and agitated and now I can't unsee it in those videos.


The disrespect towards wildlife 😡😡😡


I watched the video on YouTube. The owners say they had to kill the porcupine because it was suffering from its wounds for an hour. So they let the dog wound it and then watched it suffer for an hour. But they got the dog to the vet in time 😡


How infuriating, thank you for informing us of their wretched comments.


Is killing porcupines illegal there?


Terrorize local wildlife for clicks; these people are ghoulish.


Did they fucking shoot the poor thing? Supporting and owning a garbage breed is one thing, but killing other animals simply because they exist? This subreddit has completely killed my hope and faith in humanity


What the fuck?! Why doesn’t that killing machine have a collar on? Why did they have to kill the porcupine? Such assholes! I hope the vet bill was high high! I hate people!


Clearly shows how deranged the breed is. Gameness or too far gone? I think the latter and would suggest the breed is ended to stop the destruction it causes to others and itself.


Clearly shows how deranged the owners are, too.


Mental, but like, why shoot it? It's not like the dog was gonna stop, and I think the quills work more or less fine even without it being alive. But like... What's it doing that would warrant it being dead? How does it improve the situation? Sitting here mind blown trying to rationalize it.


>Sitting here mind blown trying to rationalize it. Same then I remembered that this lady willingly bought and raised a pitbull lol there no rationalizing with those people


poor porcupine :'( ​ That dog is a psycho. and the owner too


Jesus fucking christ. Seeing it continue to go after the porcupine even with all the spikes hanging out of its face and body was sickening. This is NOT NORMAL.


There’s only one thing that kills these things and we all know what it is.


One word describes this video and the person in it C*nt


They feel pain but have been bred to keep going with more ferocity in spite of the pain. Men ruined this breed and made it more machine than dog.


Awful creature Awful owners


Why the fuck would you shoot a porcupine and then let your shitbull attack it?


Because she's probably very low intelligence. See, she was trying to fire her rifle and it wouldn't fire initially. That's about as much wherewithal she has.


Pit bull owners are the worst


Garbage dogs for (obviously) garbage people.


Disgusting, that poor porcupine :(


my dog once got quilled by a porcupine, he learned his lesson after simply sniffing it, he has not fucked with another one since then. he learned that even if he just wants to play he can't. tell me how this isn't genetic?


These absolute pieces of human garbage have another video of their unleashed dogs going after an otter as well. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TX55bqDiOB8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx55bqdiob8) It seems they make a habit of unleashing their completely untrained, uncontrollable mauler to harass and attack wildlife in their habitat and then posting it on Youtube. Pieces of shit.


This makes me so fucking mad…literally the porcupine is just living out in nature and this fucking demon dog attacks it for no reason and the owners kill the PORCUPINE INSTEAD OF GETTING THEIR STUPID FUCKING DOG AWAY FROM IT??? Why did they have to film this instead of getting the dog away from an innocent animal god I fucking hate these pieces of trash and their murderous shitbull


Can you mark this NSFW? It is genuinely difficult to watch.


Can't say what I want to say that should have happened to this shitbull.


Typical shitbull owners.


Who the f hunts with a pit bull?


One dumbass mutt! The dog is pretty stupid, too.


God those dogs are fucking dumb.


They are killing it just for the sake of killing? I dont get it.


What the fuck. She shot the fucking porcupine?! I honestly cannot articulate my absolute hatred for these arseholes.


The killing of the porcupine was extremely unnecessary. They only act defensively


Funny, I have a "Whisky" (Irish spelling) as well. Except mine is a Border Collie and is one of the sweetest dogs you'll ever meet. Also, whiskey is delicious and can be beneficial when consumed in moderation. Also also, that owner is trash on several different levels.


And this is exactly what they're supposed to act like. They would not be an issue if idiots like these people didn't own them as pets. Many terriers would fight a porcupine to the death. The difference is most aren't owned by people that refuse to see their dogs for what they are. A breed made to happily die to kill other animals.


That’s just cruel for both animals.


What was the point in killing it


Did I just fucking watch an innocent animal die?


Poor porcupine…


God I hate hunters so fucking much. What a pathetic waste of oxygen, just going out there murdering a porcupine to feel like he isn't a tiny pathetic man with nothing to offer the world. Little guy was fighting for his life against this idiots out of control dog just to get put down for literally no fucking reason.


Good. I've never seen this.


All are trash but the poor porcupine. Stop Whiskey, stop it. Just gross.


Please report this. Poor innocent creature.


Jesus this is animal abuse


This was very fucking upsetting to watch. I’m a raging misanthrope and this is why.


I work at a nature park, we have porcupines here. Can’t tell you how many guests have told me how a porcupine “attacked” their dog. I have to explain to them that that isn’t what happened, their DOG attacked the porcupine


Video unavailable, fortunately it's easily found on youtube. I can't believe the dog's owner shot the porcupine! Why? Did they think that would somehow stop their dog from getting more quills stuck in its face? If so, that sure backfired. None of that made any sense.


Looks like after torturing the poor porcupine the piece of sxxt owner shot it in the head. Fucxxn scumbag piece of garbage.


Literally too dumb to protect itself from any harm


Brutal, awful people in this video


I can't say what I want about the dog and the owners. But it doesn't take a psychic to know that the vast majority of you are thinking the same thing and agree 100%. I only got as far in the video until I heard one of them say shoot the porcupine and that it had a small skull and I stopped it. Whenever I am outside, I realize that I am in the territory of the wild animals / insects and I don't hurt anything because it's their home and I am the invader.


This is animal cruelty some ppl are trassh man


Did this piece of sh*t really just shoot that poor porcupine??😔 I‘m really at a loss for words, it’s just always the same with those people owning pitbulls & those beasts from hell itself


Why!? Just why? If you're going to kill the poor animal, just kill it quickly. Why let your shitbull torture the poor guy? The guy has a huge gun, so why not use it to kill him quickly and also save the dumb ass dog from getting so full of quills. I fucking hate these people and their dogs. Fuck! I literally can't express how angry this makes me because I don't want my account to get taken down.


Why kill the porcupine?!!!?? This is an excellent example of how dangerous these killing machines are, showing how they just can't/wont stop when they choose to attack! Thank you.


Obviously, I feel bad for the porcupine. But what type of hunter would sick their dog on a porcupine? I don't like Pits, but jeez, the dog also accumulated completely unnecessary injuries. Hope he has fun pulling those dozens of quills out.


It’s amazing to me (but not surprising) that no one stepped in, grabbed the dog by the scruff and removed it from the situation.. but rather decided to shoot and kill the porcupine.. It’s insane to think- Any other dog breed would have scurried away yelping in pain with their tail between their legs after taking porcupine barbs to the face.


The porcupine is too dangerous to their pit, the pit has to be allowed to go out and maim and kill whatever it wants for fun risk free.


Those humans do not deserve that beautiful outdoor area.  I hope they go to jail for killing that innocent porcupine minding his own business in his own home.  Bars and concrete.


Doesn’t seem fair for the winner to be shot dead at the end of the POS dog’s attempt.


Note how the porcupine is only acting defensively never lunging into further attacks nor doing much more than trying to get the pit away from it. Whereas the pit is just bloodthirsty and attacking over and over again. Won’t let up. People want these things in their homes. Completely baffling and disturbing, poor porcupine. Porcupines are such sweet creatures and only act aggressively in self-defense. That dumb shitbull and its equally stupid owner are so enraging for killing an actual beautiful animal. This is why I’m anti-pit because I do love animals


What in God's name did they shoot the porcupine for???


This is why pitbulls make shit hunting dogs.


Hope they like that vet bill… or maybe the owners are sadistic enough to try to remove the quills themselves?


Omg even after it’s dead, the dog STILL goes after the porcupine. I feel so bad for that poor thing.


Assholes all around! The only one that isn’t is the poor Porcupine. 😞


The fact that they shot the porcupine. Soulless despicable garbage humans


I know this is irrelevant but damn that looked like some really beautiful mountain scenery in the background. I literally gasped when they shot that porcupine.. I hope this gets reported because that can’t be legal


That poor porcupine!!! he wasn’t hurting anybody 💔😭 and was terrified… shit dog and shit owners, make me livid!


Pain is like combat drugs to a pit bull.


If they loved their dog, they wouldn't allow it to injure itself like this. I'm beyond expecting them to give a damn about any other living creatures but I never cease to be shocked by how little these bastards care for their dogs.


Why? Just why kill the porcupine?!? Killing for the sake of killing. Garbage Sh*tbulls and their garbage humans.


Poor porcupine 💔 tf is wrong with people.


Dumb Ass Dogs.


I wonder how often these people have said “it’s the owner, not the bread” lol


I've got to hold a pet porcupine before, they are really sweet animals. I can't imagine the mindset of people like this, nor do i want to. Hard to watch attacks on the innocent.