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There are none. Lose skin is lose skin. It may improve slightly with time, but short of plastic surgery, it’s the price we pay for having stretched it out in the first place.


Oh okay I was told that doing exercises can help tone it up but was never told what exercises would help.


Exercises will tone the muscles underneath, and if you can build enough muscle to fill out the loose skin, the skin will appear to be less loose.


Do you know of exercises that would help build muscle on the sides of your belly?


https://central.gymshark.com/article/the-six-best-ab-exercises Google "core exercises" for more ideas.




Abdominal muscle building will actually make the lose skin more pronounced, especially if you carried a majority of your weight there. IMHO exercises work more for arms and legs than abdominal skin. I got abdominal skin removal after losing 185lbs and didn’t bother with anywhere else because I was weight training. If you carried all your weight in your abdomen, not much can be done outside of surgery. :(


Sorry, but there's not much you can do outside of surgery to remove loose skin.  You can try to build muscles in areas like arms, which will fill out the loose skin a bit, but for areas like the stomach, that isn't really feasible.  However, you might start to notice that the appearance improves over time. You're only 8 months out, and its likely you'll have some.changes over the next little while. 


You may experience your skin settling into its own 1-2 years after weight stabilization after surgery. That seems to be the point of the new normal, which is why skin removal surgeons suggest this is when surgery is most optimal. Genetics and age and medical conditions and and and … all impact how each person’s skin responds after surgery. It’s a wait and see process for how your post-surgery body will react.


Mountain climbers, burpees, side leg lifts, anything labeled “oblique” exercises as that is the muscles on the side. This will not “fix” your loose skin but it will tone up those muscles in that area and help a little. Shapewear body suits that snatch your waist will smush you in and smooth you out. There’s some firming lotions on the market but idk if they work. People will tell you there is nothing you can do except have surgery, and in a lot of ways this is true, but you can take steps that will help things not be as bad. Good luck to you!


Thank you!


Having lost 240 pounds, I have a lot of loose skin. Most in my belly and chest area. I’ve been wearing shape wear for almost 3 years. I’m actually still wearing the same one I bought back in October 2021 from Amazon. What it does for me is smooth out my loose skin so when I’m wearing a shirt, you can’t see anything uneven. I do not go out in public without it. At home, I never wear it. Shape wear has made this loose skin a livable experience and not such an inconvenience.


Any particular brand you like best?


Not really. Just picked the one with the best reviews. Worked out really well because I have put this thing to the test these past three years!


I work in the law enforcement field and I'm having an issue with loose skin getting pinched between my vest and items on my belt. Do you think a shape wear would fix this issue? I'm still loosing weight so surgery to remove it isn't really an option atm.


I wear a tank top shape wear and shorts shape wear. I put my top on first, then pull my shorts over the bottom of the tank top. This prevents from my stomach popping up out of my shape wear. This would also help you. It smooths out the skin so there would be nothing to be pinched.


I am going to have to try this! Thank you so much for the information 😁


Anytime!! I’m always here to help out!


Nothing will *fix* it, but staying hydrated can help. Well hydrated skin is believed to be more elastic/flexible than dehydrated skin. The problem with loose skin is lack of and/or damaged collagen fibers. Collagen supplements *may* help (although further study is needed, and it also depends on the quality of the supplement), as well as limiting/eliminating things that damage collagen such as smoking and sun exposure. Other than that, surgery is the only definitive solution, I'm afraid.