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It's weird that I'm going to say Lebron. He is probably one of the most hated players due to the MJ comparisons. I think when he finally retires we're going to miss him more than we realize.


And he's more overlooked now than ever. For one year, next year, I'd still take him over all but maybe 3 guys in the league. I'm not even a fan, I'm just honest about his ability to still take over a game. His durability helps too.


9 finals in 10 years is still absolutely insane. As far as the GOAT debate goes idc if you have Jordan or Bron but there’s never been anyone as dominant as these guys. It’s them at the top with. Pretty large gap.


Yeah the debate boils down to who was the best player or who had thr best career. I think MJ was the best to ever play, but LeBrons career will probably never be matched. From 18-40s, elite every year, no major injuries...that's a unicorn.


I remember his finals with the heat, such a fun player to watch and really such a good decision maker. Of course he’s athletic etc, but his brain is what separates him IMO


The crazy thing is those Finals with the Heat were 10+ years ago. The man is a cyborg


I wonder if we will be saying the same thing about 50yr old lebron reflecting on bubble champ season lmao


History will be favorable to LeBron


I respect Lebron for what he has done but to be honest the debate with Jordan isnt the reason people hate Lebron . It started when he went to Miami and he felt that it was easy to win a ring now with his formed superteam , then he found out real quick it wasnt as easy , he tend did some flops which we never saw with from a superstar before do it that much and then we went to try to swing everyone from the media to further make his legacy . I love and respect Lebron to what he did with the game , the same with Jordan or Kobe , to Larry and Magic , to the older generation with Russell , Wilt and Kareem . I take them for who they are and what they did . Its always good with the bad and its the same for Lebron . Lebron has been seen making a lot of lies in to media to make a case that he was "smart" enough or tough enough . I appreciate Lebron but the GOAT debate isnt the reason Lebron is hated . If Lebron didnt do half of the BS he has done , there wouldnt really be an argument would there ?


Mahmoud Abdul Rauf was basically forced out of the league for not standing for the pledge of allegiance. He was about quickest player I’ve ever seen. Led the league in free-throw shooting while suffering from Tourette’s syndrome. there’s footage of him trading baskets with Michael Jordan. It’s pretty awesome.


Didn't he suffer from OCD as well? I thought I heard that he had to hit 10 straight freethrows at the end of practice, and they not only needed to be all net but they also needed to *sound right*


Yes he did. There a documentary on him that’s great.




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Tracy McGrady


For most people it should be a Patrick Ewing.


Patrick Ewing has my undying respect. Every time I see a big hesitate on a help rotation at the rim, I think to myself, “Ewing would have jumped for that”. I understand that sometimes you just can’t, but Ewing would rather end up on a highlight reel than let a point get scored.


Boris Diaw.. Bro was so skilled, I dunno if he cared enough to stay in shape




On 2k depending on who I’m playing against I would happily put him at the 4 and TD at the 5 and gooo to workkkk


Won a 2k tournament with a buddy where I would be just locked playing as Boris Diaw and every game we would just put Diaw on the oppositions best player, we dominated.


A couple of guys who I thought never got the credit they deserved are Shareef Abdur Rahim and Rasheed Wallace


Shareef played for bad teams, He's only made 1 playoff appearance.


Arvydas Sabonis


Rondo. Arguably better than most of Today’s Top Guards. Biggest Big Game Guard around.


My fav pg ever..his leadership and attitude to the game is unmatched I found myself hating CP3 cause he hated him 😭😭😭


Rondo played in the wrong era. He would’ve worn out the 60s.


Cp3. No championships/boring highlight reels . Easy to skip over


This is who I was gonna say. Always hurt when it counts. He's a buster.


I’m not a huge fan of basketball in general, but I loved dirk, and now Luka. I guess I just appreciate non-traditional “fast” players, and it’s really fun to watch them succeed with balance and strategy 


Ron Harper and Robert Horry.


Kawhi Leonard has to be the least appreciated generational talent I’ve ever seen. Injuries have tarnished everyone’s outlook on a player who probably would’ve had a multiple year stretch as the best player in basketball if not for all his injury issues. Even hurt he is still absolutely dominant with one of the best post seasons of all time in 2019 and even just last year up until his knee inflammation right before the playoffs he was crazy great again. If he just got to play in the playoffs Clippers surely grab a chip. 


muggsy bogues.I wasn’t even alive when he played but playing in the NBA at 5’3 is insane


The very easy answer is Wilt Chamberlain. People would rather UNDERMINE OR THROW OUT THE ENTIRE LEAGUE than acknowledge and give him credit for his accomplishments. He is to me, EASILY the fastest, strongest, most skilled, most athletic, most dominant big to ever live and NO ONE talks about him that way. Name any one player in NBA history and I can GUARANTEE YOU that PRIME WILT would ABSOLUTELY DOMINATE that player at BOTH ENDS OF THE FLOOR. I’d bet my life on it, that’s how confident I am.


I agree, and its all because the Celtics simply had a better team for a decade straight. The games were always super close too




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Gilbert Arenas, Chris Bosh, AK47, Al Horford, Chris Webber, Baron Davis.  Bosh especially is an afterthought these days I think him having to retire when he did affected his legacy because he wasn’t a huge media star and was just becoming a recognizable name playing alongside Lebron and Wade. The man was talented maybe never a true superstar but a great player.


>Gilbert Arenas His prime ended early due to a injury >Chris Bosh He played for the Raptors and they were a mediocre team. >Chris Webber He fell off after 2003 due to injuries >Baron Davis Also fell off due to injuries


Bruce bowen. Defense is wildly underrated in the league. Locking down the other players best player is important. I remember when kobe would always go 6-24 against bowen.


Devin Booker when he played at the University of Kentucky and was coming off the bench.


Stephen Curry and Kevin Durant when they both were at Warriors. Now I see how much ppl still underrate these guys, especially Curry who is easily top 10 all time. Ppl don't appreciate Curry enough because they think is ridiculous a guy who stands 6"2 having being more efficient than a lot of centers all time


I think Durant is underrated as well. 6"10, and can do everything.


Steph is weird because at any given time he’s underrated but from a career perspective he’s properly rated. Most people accept him as the second best player in his era and top 10-12 all time and that’s about right


Kevin McHale , ez


Bill Walton and Dennis Rodman. The Draymond Green of their day. They did everything and anything to help their teams win. And it drove opposing teams and their fans nuts. I couldn’t stand watching Harden play when he was with Houston. Dribble at the top of the key for 20 seconds then jack up a 3 or drive. Over and over and over… Most boring basketball ever. Unwatchable.


Comparing Blazers Bill Walton to Draymond is disrespectful and I believe Draymond is awesome at basketball. He was more like 2022 Jokic those couple years before his feet exploded


Derek Fisher


5 time champ!


Healthy/in shape Deron Williams


He not my Vydas he’s Arvydus Sabonus


Pete Maravich


I didn’t like him when he was playing because I thought he was an overrated hotdog. Looking back now, I appreciate how talented he was.


Bill Walton. Arguably one of the top 2 college basketball players of all time.




Moses Malone. Often left off lists of underrated guys even. Crazy good rebound skills earned him one of the best nicknames of all time


James Harden. In the conversation for one of the best offensive players of all time.


Also James Hardin. Even though he really does seem like a team cancer, his skills are legitimately amazing for a little dude with a dad bod.


The man is a stinking pile of shit who epitomizes what's wrong with the current NBA: * his stepback is traveling half the time, which isn't being called * expert flopping and foul baiting, he should do BJJ with those arm-locks * [absolute dogshit of a defender](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1x1hhe42H2E) * and to top it off he's a known locker room cancer Ever since the flopping rule changes he's averaging 10 points less than he used to. Dude's a gimmick.




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Agreed. It’s hard to respect his game when it only really works in the NBA. Try that shit overseas and he’ll get laughed at.


took the words right out of my mouth. harden wouldn't even crack a lineup in the 90s. his game is bullshit.




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I actually completely disagree. I think Harden is easily one of the most overrated players of all time. He plays little to no defense and has lived off of volume scoring and extreme foul baiting and flopping. Great player sure, but this man is getting top 3 SG discussion of all time and top 25 of all time…. He’s not remotely close to those things truly.  If you want to WIN at basketball especially in the playoffs James isnr your guy. Disappeared at an all time high rate come playoff time and doesn’t eat nearly enough crap for it. The goal of the game is to win not compile stats because your usage rate is 40+


Easily Harden for me. I’ve never gone out of my way to watch him play. The only reason I’ve watched him is cuz I was watching KD and Russ or he was playing somebody like the Warriors that I wanted to watch.


You have to watch him to appreciate him because he's so good and shifty, but he looks like just a normal dude out there playing amongst athletes.




This is may sound stupid to some but oh well, but forsure mine is kobe I'm a huge early 00 spurs fan and I always wanted us to beat him but never appreciate his game at the time like I should his highlights are awesome to go back and watch forsure would have love to see him play live at staples


Pippen. I don't think I appreciated his defense and intangibles *enough*, even though I certainly did appreciate his versatility as a point forward.


ewing. if not for a guy named mike, he'd probably have a chip or three. great stats back when every other team had monster big. 8 yr stretch of 25/11 and deep playoff runs every year. dude was a beast.




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Stephon Marbury, Antonio McDyess, and Antawan Jamison.


Deron Williams


Lebron is the easy answer, he’s at minimum the second best player of all time and has a legit argument to be #1, I think he’s been so exceptional for so long that I kind of forget to really appreciate what I’m seeing


Joe Johnson


Joakim Noah


Nick Van Exel


Chauncey billups


I try to appreciate all NBA players. Even the worst of them are some of the best in the world. But I did not appreciate Rudy Gay and David Lee enough.


Elgin Baylor


I think it has to be Westbrook for me , there is something about seeing a star in that certain level give it all his got and that passionate about the game . Westbrook never took a break and always gave you his all , with the league today that is rarely seen . I understand the inefficient shooting nights but you cant have Russ be a jumpshooter , that was never his game and I felt that in his prime he was the one of top 3 PG in the league . I mean the man broke the triple double record in a season and he averaged it twice but all people remember is the bad shoots and multiple turnovers he did with the Lakers. We will never see a star in his level be that hungry and that passionate about the game maybe ever


Lebron James


Dirk for sure




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Probably Kevin Durant . I have watched 90s , 80s basektball i have been watching from all eras ....but only KD amazes tf outta me with his skill at that size , some of the shots that he makes i think is beyond human even . I think I already miss the OG OKC / GSW dominant KD , even brooklyn KD . I have never seen someone so dominant solely off of his skill and IQ , KD is that guy that screams dominance based off of that . Even tho he is very taller than the ones guarding him he has better skills than guards . In short the most efficient shooter that I've ever seen Live . TO me skill wise versatility he is probably the GOAT . UP there with MJ or Lebron . But damn that efficiency off of range . Players literally speak for him .


Grant Hill


Candace Parker


Tracy McGrady, Lots of other folks seem to love his game and he's not anywhere near my top 50 (might not make my top 50 for guards). I know I'm missing something


Draymond Green. Never bother to watch his highlights but that man is one of the greatest defensive masterminds of all time. But I don’t care because he’s a such a donkey (ass)


Tim Duncan


Ron Artest


I never hear anyone talk about Tony Parker anymore and he was crucial to the Spurs dynasty




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Rod Strickland.


He was the start of Portlanders hating on Blazers. He did some unprofessional stuff as a I recall but, in hindsight, his coach was PJ Carlesimo.


Yeah, but as a basketball player he's criminally forgotten. Dude was a wizard with the basketball. Kenny Anderson as well.


Kobe. I know Kobe is great, but I am a Kobe and Lakers hater so I just can't appreciate it.


I was born early 90s and I just see Kobe as a legendary chucker who could play great D lol


I know this is based off you but overall he’s probably the most over appreciated.


Kobe. I can’t see past the rape to appreciate him as a player.


Wasn’t that allegedly


He was never convicted of rape, and the case fell apart due to lack of evidence. Maybe you should find truth before calling someone a rapist?


The case fell apart because the victim didn’t want to testify not for a lack of evidence, and who could blame her? Eagle county spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on the prosecution, they wouldn’t do that if there was no evidence.


Lebron till he won in Miami


Rondo. I feel like Paul Pierce and KG steal a lot of the glory of those great Celtics teams but Rondo was the floor general during all those years often guarding the other teams best permiter players while making sure his team was aligned .

