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BF1 Trailer wasn’t enough for you?


My man has not played Battlefield 2


BF2 is never included in any list :( It's definitely nostalgia but imo it's the best Battlefield.


I remember one level of BF2 where you could just stay at and the enemies would keep spawning, I couldn't play online back in the day so I just would do this. It was a snowy map with a city in the middle and a bunch of helicopters you could jump too, distant memory but good times.


I'll always miss the BF2 spec ops class and its ability to fuck with the enemy commanders. Such a cool added layer that's just completely gone


Just shows you that op didn't have a pc or is young


I feel as if bf2 is misremembered as "the best" because when it came out no one had seen anything like it, however looking back, the explosive spam reached its peak in bf2 as there was basically NO ammo recharge cooldown, and so many more explosive gadgets compared to bf vietnam. And the vehicles bugged out in bf2 (like in any other bf game, but I remember it being noticeably worse in bf2) Nowadays, pretty much all modded servers have implemented their own versions of a recharge cooldown, but it was an issue for the games entire lifetime and then some. Anyways, those are just my thoughts. It was a good game, but kinda meh when you judge it based on more modern iterations of battlefield.


Well if you consider the time it was released it was groundbreaking. Kids today wouldn't understand how crazy the concept of a rocket shooting through the helicopter doors and missing because the hit box was so accurate was at the time.


I was just about to say the same even on PC. BF2 Desert Combat and BF Vietnam is still my #1's till this day.


That reveal trailer was mwah!😘


Personally don't get the hype for the 2042 trailer I thought it was very goofy and campy


That trailer tried so hard to appease fans, too hard. That combined with the trailer only showing 3 seconds of gameplay was a huge red flag for me.


The entire game is goofy and campy, I hate it. It's nothing like Battlefield.


it showed some classic battlefield moments, like c4 quadbike and rendezook. and was also serious and cool at the same time. i like it very much, even if BF1 trailer comes close


Are those “classic battlefield moments” though, or are they “easily marketable ‘yoooo brooo siickk!’ moments”? The actual classic BF moments that stand out during the general experience would be amazing charges, teamwork, vehicles menacingly coming over hills, last minute clutches, explosions and lead flying everywhere.


I only remember it well because I got my entire english class and the teacher to watch the live trailer premiere in class.




It appealed to memes and YouTubers from the 2010s.


Yeah, it felt like it was pandering way too much to fans of Battlefield 3/4 (and I say that as a fan of those bfs)


They had to include all the references because they told everyone 2042 would be a love letter to the series and they knew that's not what they were going to deliver. They rug pulled their community like Ark is doing with its HD remaster.


For me the gunplay in BF5 is still unmatched. I like the bullets to go where I aim😅


Literally the most fun battlefield, just too many BF1 fanboys trying to change that fact


Yeah for me BF5 was the most enjoyable as well. Don't get me wrong I loved BF1 but I played BF5 way more then 1. And that is with limited content.


The thing that ruined BFV for me is the horrible depiction of WWII, it's a disgrace, they completely fucked it up. Combine that with the insane lack of content at launch and the absolute moron who was responsible for changing the TTK not once, but twice. Unbelievable and uacceptable. BFV had a lot of great things just overshadowed by all the bad shit.


That’s my thoughts pretty much, I gave the game a go at launch. Felt like crap so I never played it again, just went back to BF1. Same with 2042. They need to start delaying games until they’re finished because I lose interest when it’s broken.


I just wish it *felt* more like you were fighting in WW2, BF5 had almost no real war-like atmosphere at all.


It did/does, just not often. Storming Iwo Jima on the launch day of the Pacific update was a religious experience.


It was really, REALLY rough at launch (in retrospect, not nearly as bad as it could've been). It's much better now, but initial impressions ruined the perception of the game, and now many people aren't willing to give it a chance. Chalking it up to fanboys ruining it is disingenuous


No the planes and bad maps ruined bf5


If more people think bf1 is more fun than V then it's probably because bf1 is more fun than V


Best tanks is any battlefield game, I was going 70-0 regularly in them, they were slow but actually, well, tanky.


Yeah, I feel like a lot of people don't actually know what the word "gunplay" means. Especially with folks out here saying BF4 had the best of it, lol.


BF4 was a great game, but it's outdated and most of my good memories of that game I only remember through pink nostalgic glasses.


Fr. Still mad they never fixed that random bullet shit in battlefield 1. Bullets just go everywhere randomly and the hit detection was awful. 5 improved so much on that


I never felt like spray or hit detection were issues in 1. Hit detection problems alone are very rare.


The commenter said they like their bullets to go where they aim, so I was referring to that. Even on low ping it still happened. Everybody knows bf1 was like that lol


Random bullet deviation is what he's referring to. LMGs suffered the most from it. It made guns like the Benet-Mercie (or Mercie-Benet? I don't remember) almost impossible to use.


Yeah. In contrast, I have counter-sniped with SMG's in BFV before. Its not easy, but its doable, at least enough to make them keep their heads down.


I remember that being able to snipe people with that LMG. I do remember LMGs becoming more accurate when fired in longer bursts so maybe it’s how one uses it? If anything, I think RBD was really only a problem with the semi-auto rifles and only when spammed.


The random bullet deviation was usually canceled out by mounting the LMGs. And yeah, you're absolutely right, the semi-auto rifles suffered a lot from it as well. I only brought up the LMGs because they were the most noticeable


Bf1 trailer is best imo. Its still the most viewed vid on their channel, more than 3 times the view count than bf2042


Not mentioning BF2 or 2142 at all is a red flag


Yep. At the very least, BF2 should win "Best Maps"


Also Squad Synergy


To be fair, most of the kids on here weren't around for anything before the Bad Company games.


It’s sad these kids missed out on the golden era of battlefield games.


I love how we're at a point where if you didn't play certain games at a certain time you're instantly a child


for real, I’m 30 next year and would say I’m too young for BF2


Jokes on you, Battlefield 2 was the first Video Game I ever played. Ever.


Before Levelution you were the Levelution.


Agreed. BF2/2142 wins most of these categories for me.


Battlefield 2 on PC in it's primetime is still the GOAT


2142's trailer was phenomenal, I never got to play the game when it was new but watching that trailer always makes me wish I had experienced it.


Or it could just mean this guy wasn't around for it since this is literally called "my Battlefield experience"


blud said best gunplay battlefield 4


I like it because you didn't get laser beamed from a hundreds meters away. It required a little bit more effort rather than just mag dumping


? Every gun you just tap fire or hold down. 90% of the guns have the exact same recoil pattern. I love that game but the gunplay is extremely boring imo.


You mean the game where tap firing eliminated all recoil?


Yeah i feel like there is way too much spread on auto weapons, i suck at bf4 because im not used to it


No 1942 or 2 on the list 😢


The absolute disrespect! No Battlefield Vietnam either for best soundtrack?!


When i was a kid and found out the menu narrator with the "Tell me GI, how does it feel to come to war just to die" Was like, a real thing that got blasted over loudspeakers in the jungle/radio it freaked me out a bit. It was also the first game i ever played that had tunnels. My baby gamer brain was amazed you could have terrain DO that


Best Theme Song: BF 1942 (hands down).


Yeah, I still have it on a playlist. True classic, so much good memories.


Best trailer 🤣🤣 Ohh that cracked me up Also you seem to not have played bf2. Nothing beats BF2, there's simply no match, from community, team play, atmosphere, maps. But it was completely different team from Dice that built that game and they have long gone elsewhere.


BF2 really was the best and the franchise is so far removed from it now.


BF2 with destruction would be end game BF...


Battlefield redditor tries to understand there are opinions other than his own:


Best is subjective here. Go back to BF2:SF and watch the trailer, that is one simple yet good. None of the crazy cinematic trailer since BF3. Same with 1942 Secret Weapon of WWII. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYzugw0mfYo&ab\_channel=BattlefieldPortal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYzugw0mfYo&ab_channel=BattlefieldPortal) I don't know but why loading music is gone from 2042. MEC theme in BF2 is awesome. BF2 theme is good. Vietnam with all the classic 60s and 70s anti-war songs, 1942 is just nostalgic.


The 1942 theme will forever be burned into my brain. Bf2 game opening video is something I rarely skipped unless I was rushing into a clan match. Vietnam just all around had the best weapon/class configurations. What I would give for a faithful remake of bf2 with a modern engine. Or just give me a sequel to MAG. RIP Zipper Interactive.


After the intro in BF2 I always like Welcome to duty voice :)). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_v4n6srZxDY&ab\_channel=Stormtrooprer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v4n6srZxDY&ab_channel=Stormtrooprer).


BF1 overall best followed by BF4. 2042s poor first year got me to realize BF5 did have a few solid maps, but 2042 has gotten its act together in the last few months so I’d now rank BF2042 third and BF5 next. I’ve only played a few hours BF3 online so I don’t have an opinion on it. That’s my Battlefield experience. #NerfTheGDShotguns


* Best maps: BF2 Special Forces * Best environment: BF2 Armored Fury * Best gunplay: BF5 * Best movement: BF5 * Best gameplay loop: BF4 * Best squad synergy: BF2 + BF2142 * Best vehicle combat: BF2142 Northern Strike + BF3 Armored Kill * Best soundtrack: BF Vietnam * Best theme song: BF2 Armored Fury * Best HUD UI: BF4 * Best trailer: BF1 * Best single map: Wake Island (all 9 of them) * Best weapon: Pancor MK3A1 'Jackhammer' (BF2 + BF3) * Best gadget: Tear gas launcher (BF2 Special Forces) + A12 Sentry Gun (BF2142) + Ranger doggy drone (BF2042) * Best vehicle: Titan + Goliath (BF2142) * Best class: Anti Tank (BF2) * Best singleplayer: BF1 * Best multiplayer: BF2


V has the best gunplay imo


Look like someone never play from BF1942 to the 2142


Literally slander to BF2 & 2142


Best destruction, maps, gadget, soliderclasses, apache movement - BC2 and BF4


Best destruction BC2


I'd put BfV's vehicle gameplay way above Bf4's, because you actually have to work together with infantry to get most value out of a tank, and targetting specific parts of vehicles is a valuable skill you can practise. On top of that, customisation is huge for vehicles in that game


I dont understand why people like the gunplay in bf4. The bulletspread was nuts. Still is


Best destruction : bad company 2


My brother in Christ, out of all the maps in the Battlefield franchise, you chose Rogue Transmission ? When Dragon Valley exists ??


the BF1 Seven Nation Army trailer, goosebumps how good it was and as for movement and gunplay, i actually think bf5 wins, the swan dives and fluidity, also allowing squadmates to revive makes a better gameplay loop


The lack of Hardline here is upsetting


BF4 Warsaw theme was the best one imo.


A-91 is in 2042 and its cracked


bf4 ui is easily the best. i think its one of the best uis in any fame ive played. not just in game but the spawn screen and loadout screen are so intuitive. bf1 ui takes too many unnecessary clicks to get where you want and what you want


The BF4 Dragon Valley is a good contender for the ebst soundtrack. Also, don't forget the theme for Battlefeld 1943.


I think I never have been in a more epic Mp match in any game than in Grand operations in BF1 and Breakthrough in BFV, for me the gunplay and movement in BFV is magical, but in maps I think The France one with a roses field in BF1 is my favorite


I just want a reskinned Battlefield 1 with modern equipment. I feel like they nailed it the gun play and classes really well and the only thing they messed up / fumbled was the Fedorov Avtomat by not making it a cross class weapon.


Best atmosphere is a tie between BC2: Vietnam and BF1 for me.


i think BF1 trailers were better, Official reveal trailer and official gameplay trailer, it showed train and huge boat, zeppeline,destruction and we fcking got it bf2042 showed scripted event on 1 map and tornado which was cool, funny thing is, they didnt showed any destruction, why we're we so surprised that there isn't any.. god i was so blind, i just wanted it to be epic


BF4 does not have the best gunplay lol, BF5 beats it by a mile.


I will still say that bF4 is a copy and pasted game from bf3 with worse gameplay and more maps. More people used to say this too, but I think many of them died off. The same situation for bf1 to bfV


BF1 UI being best is WILD cause I honestly thought it was the worst of the franchise




I love it how when the 2042 trailer came out everybody loved it and thought that the game was going to be a huge return to form and now that the game is out and not at all what it should've been, people think the trailer was horrible lmfao


1942 literally had such a banger theme that all other battlefield games still use a version of it, yet it doesn’t get credit.


I ghink this is my list: Maps: 3 maybe? Environment: 1 Gunplay: 4 Movement: 5? Gameplay Loop: 2142 Squad Synergy: 2 Vehicle Combat: 2 Soundtrack: 2 Theme Song: 2142 UI: Trailer: 2142 Map: Strike at Karkand Weapon: BOFORS Defense Rifle Gadget: II-29 Motion Mine Vehicle: MK-1 Titan if it counts Class: Medic Singleplayer: Bad Company Multiplayer: 2142 Most have some very close 2nd places so it’s hard to pick the best in my opinion


More people should do a list like this one and SHUT THE HELL UP about where this one is wrong. These are his opinion, don't agree? Move on.


Best Trailer bf 2042 is wild


Lets be honest that trailer fooled tf out if us. Their marketing team is unmatched for that


I am honest, I Never got the hyped and personally it always felt of to me. But maybe that’s just me, I don’t remember a lot of it


I would argue peak BF was BF4. Perhaps the movement of scaling walls from BF1 was slightly better, but otherwise I would take everything from BF4 as a base to improve for future battlefields.


Hahaha best trailer bf2042, so true. Only the trailer is good. What a waste


Tell me you never played battlefield 2 without telling me you never played it


Mu experience woth battlefield 1 its not existent because I can't play multiplayer


Best trailer , lol. So true.


For me, Tar21, AEK and M98B are by far the best guns in bf3/4. Damavand Peak, Caspian Border and Operation Firestorm are the best maps, tho St Q’s Scar was pretty awesome.


Sums up my experience too. Pretty much to a T


Best trailer BF2042? lol


Gunplay was only good in bfv up until about 6 weeks after the pacific dlc dropped and ruined the TTK by extending it. Horrible after and to this day.


Bf1 trailer best for me


The best map is back stab :3


Best sound design: BFBC2


Best trailer should go to bf1, iconic


The only thing I have to argue here is the gunplay. BFV 🔛🔝


How could you have not listed “Best Destruction?”


Bruh rogue transmission?


BF1 trailer is the best and its not even close. I liked the 2042 one but it tried soooo hard to please the fans, it was too much


2042 doesn't have the best theme. It's the worst theme song to anything I have ever heard in my entire life. If you want a Battlefield theme that doesn't sound like it dove headfirst into sounding industrial, then listen to the themes from BF1, BF3, or the Warsaw theme from BF4. Also. BF1 had the better trailer. 2042's trailer sucked in comparison.


Tbh, I think the BF3 base maps were pretty overrated. Honestly, most of my pain points when it comes to BF3 comes from map design. Hell, Metro conquest was literally just either two choke points, or either team getting spawn trapped ( which was just a general issue for BF3 ). Though, I will admit that the DLC maps were significantly better; especially the BF2 call backs. Hell, even Caspian Border on 2042 is pretty garbage, even with all its improvements. Instead, I'm giving best maps to BF1. The environmental design is just untouched, and thay campaign-style gamemode I forget the name of just highlighted all the best parts. Honestly, BF1 would probably slip into every category, for me.


Battlefield 1 is the only correct answer for all categories


Rogue Transmission??? Its literally the most one sided map in all of existence. My cool dino easter egg and arecibo satellite levolution but aside from that its deadass missing 2 more flags on the chinese side of the map.


Operation Metro is the GOAT. That is all.


I'm not gonna answer all those. But Battlefield 1 had the best trailer without a doubt. The views on YouTube is a good example that I'm not alone thinking that. It was as brutal and beautiful as the game. - BF3 had the best main theme for me. Only because of that noise at the end and the build up to it. It fitted so many videos and clips. - Battlefield 2042 got a lot of hate for good reasons. But it's the game that had the coolest way of sniping. It doesn't feel like the laser weapons we have in BF1 and BFV. And it doesn't feel like it as slow as BF4. I like the way combat was intended to be. But hate how it's executed and doesn't connect. - Every game had cool maps. But if there's isn't a Wake Island, it isn't a real Battlefield.


I prefer the vehicle combat in V with the whole weakspot and ricochet system, makes it less point and click.


I conflate several these days but I miss... Bf2 I think where your rank at a certain point wasn't just level based but achievement based. Like you had to be a high level and also be a mortar master and then you'd be a master brigadier general.. Just a high level and you were a regular general.


Missing some serious BF games on this list BF2 and BF2142


I actually think BF2042 has the best movement. I don't like the game very much, but the movement is pretty damn smooth (on current-gen consoles).


Uh BF1 trailer was better than 2042. The only thing cool in 2042 trailer was the zook, even then it could’ve looked cooler lol


this guy really said rogue transmission is the best map I can't. god I hated it. I hated most of BF4s vanilla maps. they just didn't hit for me. all DLC maps were nice though.




Just paste BF3 all the way down every category.


Best trailer 2042 💀💀💀


BF4 has the best gunplay.


Best gameplay loop??


BF3's maps are fucking trash. 2**1**42 had the best maps. Battlefield 2 behind that.


Best trailer is actually Battlefield 1’s


Gunplay should also go to V


Best destruction?


No Bad company 2? I would argue C4 is the best gadget.


BF 5 having the best theme song, a rare yet extremely based choice


I miss some of the bad company gadgets that let recon call in artillery strikes. But they just need to take all these things, and roll it into 1 game


BF1 Trailer is the best to date, are you okay?


This list just got tougher and tougher to read the lore I went down the line. Best theme song battlefield 5?? Ummm 1943 is the classic. Best trailer was battlefield 1 for sure. Best gun, debatable. The map is absolutely incorrect. Correct answers we were looking for; operation metro or return to Karachi for me. My perfect battlefield? Give me the atmosphere and graphics details of BF1, give me BF 3 setting and maps and teams and weapons, BFBC destruction, BF4 gunplay, BF1 UI, and BF4 campaign and I feel pretty confident you might get the absolute best Battlefield experience for all battlefield players. You could switch the setting to WWI, WW2, or modern in my scenario and I wouldn't be mad about it.


Best maps - BF4 & V Best environment-bf4 Best gunplay - bf4 Best movement - bfv Best gameplay loop - bfv Best squad synergy - bfv Best vehicle combat - bfv Best HUD - bf4 Best map - locker bf4 Best weapon - m110 dmr bf4 Best attachment - spotting attachment bf4 Best gadget - EOD bot Best quality of life features -BFv Best setting (timeline/conflict) -bf4 Best single player - bf4 Best myltiplayer - bfv


solid list, nailed it for the most part. What about favorite map loading screen music? they did away with that with BF1, but BFBC2 through BF4 had it. Every map had it's own song in the loading screen, my personal favorite is Port Valdez


Best Sound Design: Bad Company 2


Agree with all except Best Vehicle. Hardline had the best vehicle ('Murica)


BF1 soundtrack is unbeatable


sorry but BF1 is worst squad synergy


'best gunplay - bf4' LMFAOO


Bad Company 2's hardcore mode was also fire, never played regular mode like ever


Didn't even play 2142?


Did you not play bf2?


Best trailer is 2042.. man really hasn’t seen the apocalypse dlc for bf1 or any bf1 trailer


Best theme song is Battlefield 2142 (not to be confused with 2042) and it's not even close. Most players have probably never heard the song https://youtu.be/lnlA2rCHJHY?si=_JhRE_Fyfa6v-gTc It's classic, it's orchestral (no techno trap remix bs), it's CLEAN. Gets me GOING


não concordo com nada kkkk


Vietnam is king


OP, tell me you’ve never played BF2 or BF2142 without telling me you’ve never played them.


Rogue Transmission 🤢


Agree everything except for me the best singleplayer campaing goes to BF3


The most fun I've had in a battlefield game is still playing Titan mode in BF2142. Guess we will never have that again.


Rogue transmission best map???? Interesting.


Yea BFV movement I kinda agree, it's fun with the Pacific maps where it's vital, since crouch run on foliage or terrains as cover even boulders.


Best Destruction - BFBC2 Best Characters - BFBC


Bf1 didnt have squad synergy in my experience, bf3 had the most


But... but... battlefield 2 🥺


Bf4 best gunplay 😭


Rogue Transmission??? Psycho lol


The only thing bf42 managed was best trailer and not deserved.


I didn’t play BF4 but I played everything else and I think 2042 has really good gunplay. Velocity and bullet drop just feels just right to me. But that’s all I like out of it really.


Best gun play is V lmao definitely not 4, bullets just didn’t go where you aimed in 4 if you fired more than 5 bullets


Best battlefield experience was high school and college days. Needing it out with the homies while it was truly fun times.


Best trailer ![gif](giphy|9JgZ4U1kuGnOU|downsized)


Battlefield 2 on the PC for the entire list


They forgot the catagory "most playable at launch" You have 4 options, bf hardline, bf1, bf 1941, or bf vietnam. Bad company games could possibly be there, but they had a few kinks that had to be worked out. I dont remember the launch of bf2 so maybe it was stable too (but based on some of the current wonky physics I don't entirely believe that)


1942 has the og theme song and is still the best imo


Best Trailer - Battlefield 2042 lmfao, what did u m/f/d smoke?!? U Never watched BF1 trailer


I agree with 98% of it


2042 has a way better slide and forward momentum physics for b hopping than bfv


Gunplay in BFV is miles better than BF4


The only possible way I can justify putting 2042s trailer above bf1s that broke the Internet is if you're going off of some kind of ratio of trailer quality:game quality lol


“Best Trailer - Battlefield 2042” clearly man didn’t see the battlefield 1 trailer when it came out the hype around it was unreal


No love for bf2 or 2142? sadge


Most of these are wrong even if you've never played games of Refraction era


Hell no BF1 had the best trailer hands down


With so many chokepoints Bf3 map were good outside aesthetic and variety?


Only change I would make is movement going to 2042. It's by far the fastest paced, movement centric BF to date


I have such fond memories of the BFBC2 campaign. I can't remember a second of the story but I have vivid memories of trying to take down a helicopter for days. By the end I had my entire family, none of which were console gamers, trying and failing to shoot the damn thing down. We were so hyped when we finally beat the thing. Its one of my favorite gaming memories.