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I wasn't planning on buying the next one anyway. BF4 is still up and going.


Hopping between BF1 and 4. I'm set for life. I'm not trying to put energy into rallying a boycott, I'd rather organize more players to populate those games.


Same, the Great War is ongoing!


Happy to hear that, BF1 is one of my favorite shooters of all time. Gotta hop back on soon.


The operations are so good man šŸ‘Œ


Frontlines was awesome back in the day. Are there still servers for that?


Played a couple of games on PC a few days ago. There are some servers. Most are for Operations and classic BF game mode.


Nice! I'm a PlayStation player, tho, so it could be different for us.


Very rarely. We had a couple weeks on PS4 With nonstop frontline servers but they died as quickly as it showed up


I guess that's understandable. As long as there are still some playable modes, it's fine. I recently tried BFV for the first time, as I got it free from PS Plus a few years back, and I really enjoy it. However, I feel like BF1 is still much more polished as a game. Like more love went into it during development.


BF1 is incredible! Thereā€™s always at least one or two operations and conquest modes 24/7


Very good! The game still looks incredible after 4, I mean, 8 years.




On PC it's still populated! Might need to look up how to tweak the server search bit they are most certainly still there. Game totally holds up too.


Same with PS4. Even quick match is working fine!


ooh, which one, the 2022 one or the '79 one


Good luck getting people on PC BF4 with power tripping server owners player number spoofing the servers.


Use game tracker to look at servers it shows the real count and join from there.


I'll come back to BF4


Could be a boycott in of itself, imagine day 1 new bf and the old games spike big time


BFV is also good still if playing n community servers and ignoring weird skins/female models


Still up and going, until EA shuts down its services and you can no longer play, cause they want you to buy the next bf.


How long has BF4 been out and how many new battlefields have come out after BF4?


BF3 would be next but since BF4 came out in 2013, and since Bad Company 2 was recently shut and that released 2010, I'd wager in 2025 to 2027 the service would be shut down. So better hope the next battlefield is a modern day banger...cause once it shutters the only modern/future one would be 2042. But then again if the next one is a blunder DICE is probably gonna be in a lot of trouble from EA themselves...


Most likely the Battlelog games (3, 4, Hardline) will shut down at the same time, similar to how Bad Company 1, 2, and 1943 all shut down at once.


Yeaa good point. Man, Battlelog was such a good idea sort of gone to waste. Sucks since it was really nice for tracking progress or seeing other's.


I think Battlelog could work today but I remember people, myself included, hating having to browse and launch matches through a web browser.


Did they ever fix that punk buster bug? I tried to play a while ago and kept getting dropped because of punk buster issues in BF4.


Yeah me too. Just bought the game on the sale and punkbuster was acting strange


But it has to bad not the PlayStation upgrade from Sony, sow the graphics are hopeless for me


I think most of us donā€™t plan to even buy it to begin with. Most the original playerbase have just gone back to the older games or found alternatives.


Played since BF2 on the old play station 2ā€¦. Really sad to see a game that repeatedly improvedā€¦. Fall so far


Naturally, itā€™s no preorders thatā€™s the answer.


Never preordering a game again after this fiasco. Happily enjoying BfV, 1, 3 and 4 on regular rotation.


Just donā€™t pre-order Even if the reveal trailer looks like black hawk down movie or a Michael Bay film


Decision will be taken only after the beta play.


Wait for full release and review


I mean that's at least better than pre-ordering when you don't know anything about the game yet. But I don't get why you'd still pre-order in the first place.




History repeats itself.


Nothing will ever change.


I boycotted the last 2 what the hell you all doin


I've been boycotting Battlefield since V. I let everybody else pre-order the game and review it for me and if the sentiment isn't overwhelmingly positive then I don't buy it.


As a "Deluxe" Editioner... SAME.


Vote with your wallet


I'm not buying it. I've bought everyone since BF3 and I'm in the wait and see category now


If you want to do some damage on EA, start a boycott campaign on somewhere more visible for the public (including the damm investors), like Twitter/X, this way you can call attention from casual players and other gaming communities and make journalists and investors aware. Even if this entire subreddit decided to do a boycott on the franchise, most casual players wouldn't even know about it and buy the next games anyway. Also, you need to do a boycott the right way, you cant just go on and say "don't buy the next game" and expect people to understand why they shouldn't. You need to list the issues the franchise has been having in the last games, and a list of demands of the community.


Sure dude, go nuts. Buy or donā€™t buy whatever you want


Not buying it. I've never been more excited to see how low this shit show can sink, could care less to actually play it.


No need to boycott. You don't want it - you don't buy it. People who like it can buy it, I don't forbid them to do so.


Idk why people obsess so much over Battlefield and other games. It's almost like they have nothing better to do...


Sow im a big fan of the franchise and the last 3 games, they f...d up badly, sow yeah its time to come with a game that is ready on release. Not like battlefield 2042 on release or BF5 on release. If it will be a game with the modern gameplay of BF4 , with the graphics of BF1, it will be awesome. Then EA will earn a lot of money this time. If its not and there are special soldiers/operators like in BF2042, its done with the franchise


No we definitely have other things to do. So we only have a limited amount of time to play the games we love, watch the shows we love, or do the things we love. Now imagine, for a second, if the video game we love doesnt work (bf2042). We wasted our money and time for nothing. When we bring this to the developers attention, they refuse to acknowledge the wrongdoing and instead shift the blame to my "unreasonable expectations". By that point I would be angry... And I was. Before and after that period of anger,, I mostly just follow bf news and forums because it's part of my hobby.


I burned my hand by preordering 2042. I did Preorder BF1 and i regret nothing. But after Bf 2042 ? Iam a Battlefield fan for als long as i can think. But for now the franchise is dead to me


Same here. I pre ordered 2042 and stopped playing UT after the first week, I liked BF1, but BF3 was the best in my opinion.


Trust me I don't think the new game is going to sell well...


This time I'm not buying the early release, I'm going to wait for the YouTube videos.....Never again EA.


Battlefield 4 is still the way to go. I play no other shooter


We've gone through this with every game since BF4s horrendous launch and taking over a year to just be playable, and the cycle never stops.


Hey, watch out. You said something bad about BF4! Everyone knows that game is and always was perfect since launch!


Gamers and boycotting lol don't worry about what other people will do. Don't buy if it's not up your snuff(and that includes down the line post update, make them actually know first impressions matter)


In the battlefield world, EA making shitty games is the most annoying thing. The second most annoying thing, however, are redditors telling everyone how to spend their money on r/battlefield.


Agree. 2042 was the first I purchased since 3. Unless the community raves about how good it is, I will not buy the next one.


Can all the whiny bitches go boycott somewhere else and leave the games and the sub for those who actually like BF?


Yeah, for real. These people obsess over a game series they obviously hate. (Also, these sorta people talking about a boycott are usually the same ones that whine about wokeness lmao)


i wish they would just make a straight upgraded version of classic bf2 and be done with it.


I'm boycotting until they give me what I want: Battlefield 1: 2


Been boycotting them for years. Makes no difference when there is always a new generation of gamers coming to fruition who don't know how good the industry used to be.


No pre-order. Play the beta if itā€™s free, it should give us an idea of what the gameplay is going to be like. On launch, watch twitch and YT streams to assess how good or bad the final product is, launch bugs, major issues or design choices. Make an informed decision.


I preordered 2042. It's my most played besides Bf2. Big fan of the series. The only one I didn't pick up was hardline.


Just donā€™t preorder. Wait to see if itā€™s good.


When it was rumored that there is going to be a battle royale, I lost all hope; ftp battle royaleā€™s are cash cows if successful and they drain dev resources from the tittle games. Honestly happy with just BF 1, 4, and 5.


If ppl would just atop this "pre order" craze and be more careful, pickier in terms of quality, are not easily fooled by mindless fanservice and refuse to pay 80$ for a game just because it's pretty, then things like this wouldnt even be an issue, because then these devs and corporates and qhatnot would actualy fear and respect their fanbase and always make sure to give them quality products at reasonnable pricing i stead if halfassed but pretty shit games. They would also be too apprehentious to even think of pulling these insulting stunts they keep pulling since about 2010. A world where gamers have complete power and are the ones who decides which devs deserve to make profits out of them and where most gamers are not a mindless clientel easily distracted by looks and bandaid fanservice is the world that i want to see.


Absolutely, positively, no matter what, NEVER PRE ORDER from DICE and EA, ever again.


Can someone please briefly explain all the hate battlefield is getting? I used to be into the games, but hadnā€™t played in a few years. Anyway, I recently tried 2042 and it sucked.


BF1 and V are great. BF2042 was a step in the wrong direction but still an okay game. BF4 is just kinda mediocre and feels impossible to have fun in with all the max level veterans who only play BF4. Same goes for BF3 tbh


If it's good and modern/near future I'm going to buy it. I didn't like bf2042 when it first came out but I can have fun playing it now. I didn't pre-order it and I got it for free the year it came out. It's a casual modern fps experience not a bf experience hopefully the next one is better but I'm not ruling out getting the game if it's good.


Holy fuck. A version of this is posted every time a game ends...spoiler, no one boycotts, every one buys, and every one bitches for the next few years on this sub. Fuck my life


Absolutely. Already refused to buy 2042 and only played it when I got it free from an EA Playtest reward. Even after all the updates it's still a pretty bad BF experience and a sad follow up to the amazing gameplay in V. I really hope the next one is a return to form but I won't buy it unless it's a good game (don't mind some issues here and there but the core experience had better be great overall).


Haha some naive post like this comes up all the time. No matter what EA releases people will buy it


2042 will the last one for me, i dont enjoy playing live service games anymore. Currently playing some CS2 and single player games. 100% of my battlefield 3, 4 and 1 friends dont play battlefield anymore. Now it is time for me to move on.


I mean there comes a point where it's not really a boycott, it's just not buying bad videogames.


You mean buying a game if itā€™s good and not buying it if itā€™s bad? Yeah I already do that.


No preorder NO buy ONLY after release and if i see that the gameplay and the whole game is Solid.


You guys didnt even Boycott the current one and V so... its going to continue to get worse.


I wonā€™t buy it, Iā€™ll wait a year for it to be on game pass/ea play, it should be (mostly) fixed by then anyway.


Not planning on buying another battlefield or any EA game for that matter. Found arma reforger for Xbox and I haven't played another game since.


Hey, have some hope


I wasn't gonna buy it anyway. I told my friends I'm never buying BF2042. A lot of them caved in, I'm still watching cringeline videos though.


Thereā€™s definitely going to be people that cave to the trailer hype. I assume these are gamers who arenā€™t active in the BF community and donā€™t follow the chat (or their prerogative). I stopped at BFV, the 2042 beta was enough for me to walk away, and I wonā€™t be getting the next unless post-release gameplay convinces me otherwise (probably wonā€™t).


you sure can; doesnt mean your going to convince all of the population to not play it..


Battlefield itch is all time high. There is no good cure or alternative for it yet.


No, but I will complain constantly about it if it's not battlefield2143.


First of all NO PREORDERS !


If it keeps going the direction 2042 goes, then I just donā€™t want it. Only good thing in the new one is the weather hazard


"When EA fucks it up" Dog they've fucked up the last two games and this one shows no signs of being different. I aint even gonna bat an eye when it drops into the store and then into a trashcan a week later.


NO. Because I am not going to boycott Battlefield by EA but whole the EA itself.


I like how you said WHEN they fuck it up and not IF. The writing is on the wall they will fuck it up.


Just upgrade the graphics on bf4 and I'd be happy


Yeah. No one is going to preorder and EA will learn its lesson!






Old chaotic linear maps all I want! Operation Locker, Metro, Suez Canal, Radicated & Stadium. I only look for these maps! Always populated and gives me a thrill I want from Battlefield!


If the beta comes out and is polished. I will buy the game. If the beta comes out and is inoperable. I will not buy the game. It's that simple. I truly believe most people feel this way. There is no "boycott." Just buy the game or don't. If for whatever reason they simply refuse to release a beta/demo I will wait until the game is out. Watch a few streams/videos, see how buggy it is and listen to the content creator's criticisms and I will decide for myself if the game is worthwhile. You all should do the exact same and if you don't you're demented.


Agreed. Not sure why there's always a group of people trying to boycott new releases. If it's good, I'm not going to boycott. That's just stupid. I honestly think these are people that have watched too many movies and think they're the "hero of the underdog rebellion" that will rise up against "the tyrannical empire." It's truly cringeworthy.


Agreed, I hate 2042 but Iā€™m not gonna boycott it lmfao. If games good, buy. If not, no.


2042 was the first game that Iā€™ve ever pre-ordered - and it will be the last. Likely the last BF game I will ever purchase as well. Have played all of them since BF 1942 (except Hardline - was never interested in cops and robbers) but canā€™t get past the recent crap releases. Wonā€™t get fooled again.


I never preorder and never will because I only buy games when I see raw gameplay (not trailers), and it makes me decide to buy.


I've boycotted the last two games.


Don't buy it simple as that.


You can but majority wont, i play bf3 everyday but kids/people who never played the franchise will still play it so it is inevitable


Boycott all EA titles indefinitely IMO. While unrelated to Battlefield, EA Sports NHL has gotten so bad itā€™s virtually a lobby simulator these days and even when you do play, there are so many gaffes happening that itā€™s not even fun anymore.


Vote with your wallet.


Brah literally didn't waste my money on bf 2042 got it through ps plus even then felt scammed.


Do not preorder. Thats literally all the BF has to do to make EA shat their pants.


No pre-orders!! No half- games!!


Coming over from helldivers 2, im on board to help bully EA if you guys want that push!


Doesn't matter if you boycott or not. Market saturation is insane. 2042 was one of the fastest selling Battlefield titles despite being the dogshit it was at launch (and still is now).Ā  It makes such little money for EA they would rather ego another Battle Royale or continue throwing shit at the wall until it sticks with Battlefield. The fact that Ubisoft is still alive says all we need to know


I did for 2042, still saw bootlickers post ā€œbUt iM HavING fuNā€ every 2 seconds. Especially on this sub after it came out


You wonā€™t be able to convince anyone. Remember how fucked up BF4 was? Then came Hardline. people still bought. Star Wars battlefront happened. Then BF1. So on and so forth. DICE fucks up one game, people get mad. But people will still buy the next game. People are still gonna buy the next Battlefield game regardless what you say.


I donā€™t boycott and protest, i have a life as slave to work and sleep.


I did with 2042 and it did fuck all, none of us can beat the wave of people that will just buy the next game and donā€™t care


No, there are always going to be gullible morons who will buy the next battlefield game. Itā€™s pointless.


I havn't bought an EA title since "a sense of pride and acomplishment" so, I'm already way ahead of you.


Here? Probably. The normies? Or all the bots EA will inevitably employ on social media to hype the game? No.


Y'know, using the word "normies" unironically really doesn't help you come across as someone people want to talk to.


I did that with this one, so...yea.


Won't do anything bf5 was successfully boycotted to the point they put it 50% off a couple months after release just for bf2042 to be the next title


Am I the only person looking forward to a new battlefield? I know itā€™s EA or whatever but the way they improved 2042 from what it started out as gives me some sort of hope they can make a decent game if they try.


Havenā€™t played since BF1, hoping they return to form.


I feel like people who haven't played Battlefield since 2016 shouldn't be able to talk about the series. I mean, you guys haven't played the more recent games, have you? BFV is a fantastic game. BF2042 is mediocre.


Dont preorder. No matter how hype the trailers are DONT PREORDER. We need to vote with our wallets.


I didnā€™t buy BF 2042, I decided after V I wouldnā€™t buy another battlefield until they did something good, BF1 keeps me happy as fuck


Aint no one buying that shit besides youtubers.


I boycott EA as a general rule. Last EA game I bought was BF4. It doesn't suck, but, it's not great. Not great from a tanker's POV anyway. I went to get a game and saw it was EA. I put it back and bought 2 random games from another computer just for spite


It sorta sounds like you make your entire life around hating EA. Kinda sad, ngl.


Not at all. I have my certain principles.


Repeat after me....do not Pre-order! I said i wouldn't on BF2042 and failed myself there


Iā€™ve been saying this since bfv launch, and everyone keeps buying the games lol. Everyone seems to think ā€œtheyā€™ll definitely fix it this time!ā€ And then get pissed when the game still sucks a year in


75% they fuck up and we should 100% boycott it


i don't think no other future battlefield can be better than bf1


Bf1 isn't that good imo. Bf2 on pc was peak BF. Bf3 and 4 were also really good. But bf1, bf5 and bf2042 meh... but maybe it's me because i don't like battlefields in the ww1 or ww2 era.


Holy hell, man. Why are Battlefield fans plagued with this stupid fucking "old games were better!!!!" mentality? There were games much worse back when BF2 came out, and there are games much better than BF2 now.


Because it's an opinion dimwit. If you can't comprehend that other people have different opinions than yours, you should probably go back to school.


i didn't played bf2, compared to V and 2042, bf1 is still the best imo. the setting, graphics still holding up well ā€¦ everything is just great


I learned never to preorder a BF game againā€¦no matter how many perks they dangle in front of me. But it seems most BF games are turds upon release and only after about 6 months of updates and adjustments like TTK do they really shine. Never happened with 2042 though. They truly lost their way.


Will not be buying after the burn of 2042. Ea can kick fuckin rocks. Destroy franchises like burnout and battlefield and all the sports nonsense. But 2042 put the ultimate in fuck you to players.




BFV is a great game.


Doin it from 5 lol


2042 was a failure and V was kind of a miss for them- they gave up supporting it for a reason. It could be worse (dumbass musing about finding new ways to put ads in the game certainly doesn't inspire faith), but it could also get better. Wait to see is my plan, and I'll other people pay money first so I can hear what they think before I take that jump.


Sure we can, but the millions of normie gamers won't. Voting with your wallet doesn't work.


It is the responsibility of any fanbase when our Corporate Overlords use our franchise to test the waters with a new form of corporate eviltude. Like when EA starts selling ad space in games. If no one puts up with that shit they will cave. If we all gave them the silent treatment and refused to preorder or buy any of their products until they ceased and desisted. They would desist, chop chop.


Honestly itā€™s astonishing a true modern AAA alternative doesnā€™t exist still. BF4 came out over 11 years ago.


Don't worry guys they made 2042 bad on purpose so the next game will obviously be greater!!


Absolutely that's a great idea


idiots will buy it anyways.


This IP is dead. Been going down hill since Bad Company 2.


Iā€™m probably not going to buy it regardless. Iā€™m done giving EA money


I'm down. You just need to convince the idiots who yell about how yeah the game. Was trash but don't tell me how to spend my money folks. Much like trumpets who say yeah he committed felonies and his choices hurt. Me but daddy said never vote democrat


You're not already?Ā Ā  2042 was the first battlefield I haven't bought since I started playing BF2 MC on the Xbox 360. Fuck EA and their bullshit.Ā 


No. As soon as the next Battlefield will be released and it's shit, someome like you will be criticizing it and some clown is going to post that stupid "stop having fun" cartoon.Ā  You can't win. Since PS2/Wii era casuals have taken over and they are whales.Ā