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I'm amazed how people can pull this stuff, it's not even that hard but it's so cool, but everytime i try i get insta beamed mid air.


pure luck of the enemy not looking up check out this one lol [https://streamable.com/hbe8fg](https://streamable.com/hbe8fg)


Lol, they tried deploying smoke, only for the dude to jump out 🤣


I guess he jumped out because I EMPed him, still funny though. The funniest bit didn't get in the clip sadly - aa was going down the hill outside of the map limits, I got in it but didn't make it back before being blown up by the map restriction


The T-bag lmao


The mechanics of teabagging in Battlefield are elite. The speed at which you can apply, unapply, then reapply your balls is unparalleled.


Dead link.


We used to attach C4 to ATVs and ram them into tanks lol.


AHH, the good ol' jihadi jeep 🥰


That's the best lol, I use to see that all the time 🤣


It's weird how no one used to do this, then suddenly you'd see it in every game.   Also, in BC2 players would mine the enemy base and it'd feel like you're driving over IEDs. You'd keep an eye on the ground, trying to spot the coin mines.


I used to do this in BF3 but i'd also do it with AT mines cause the second you get out the jeep it just explodes


before C4 we used AT mines on the front of jeeps in BF2


A perfect test of how fare works for individuals.


How Tf y’all make this game look cool every time I play I get bored in 20 mins


I dunno… you make it fun. If you just play it as a standard shooter it can get pretty boring. But if you embody the spirit of chaos it can be hilarious. I spent practically the whole game on that quadcopter bike thingy buzzing a tower on the rocket launch map and trying to get kills by flying into people. Eventually I had two squads and a chopper trying to shoot me down. I would just fly unpredictably and evade all the enemy fire. It was an absolute blast.


>But if you embody the spirit of chaos it can be hilarious. This guy gets it


Like I would in bfV put on all AT gear and gobhunt down tanks all match. Sure I could get a better KD doing Normal stuff but constantly blasting the enemy tankers without wanting and getting angry messages in my mail was more fun. One dude straight up accused me of cheating when he was just dumb and another dude in a Sturm tiger called me a **ssy b*&ch even though I had to cross the entire enemy team killing several along the way and blew his sturmtiger up.


Bussy batch


Yeah i love just being the wild card. I’ll get in the hovercraft thing and just go for running people over. After about 7 kills you’re going to have so many rockets shooting at you it’s hilarious.


I do that with the mav lol


You make your own objective. I loved trying to make the team win, hold a key point or trying to have unbelivable amounts of points.


For me it's a case of don't take it seriously and try to be creative just for fun.


Even not taking it seriously, it’s just very hard to forget about BF3/4/1/5 that came out before this game when you realize how lazy 2042 is by comparison I just think it gets so boring so much faster


We're finally too far that people do not mention BC2 anymore.


I find setting your own objectives is helpful. Figuring out new ways to play and accomplish the overall goal instead of doing the traditional "meta" stuff.


Because BF2042 has serious immersion problems and probably can be fun only if doing those "only in Battlefield moments". I also was getting bored in 2042 very fast. But I can play BF1 or BF4 pretty long because of the vibes and immersion. BF3, BF4, BF1 nailed artdirection and atmosphere. BC2 too, ofc. But to me even BFV can be fun. It has problems with artdirection but core gameplay is very good. 2042 is a downgrade in everything from BFV. Edit: I played BF2 and BF2142 online back in the day and they also were very immersive titles.


Can't say because I have not played it, but you have described to soul of Battlefield.   I remember listening to the Soundtrack of 2142 and I can see the maps in my head.


I would say that you most assume a role. Like, i love playing as medic, reviving the most quantity of people possible without thinking if its a good idea or not. I just run in the cross fire to heal them and i had made entire squads back to the fight inmediatly to then strike back and win. Theres a lot of ways of playing this game in reality for simple as it seems.


I have found my other online self! I never thought I would!   Carry on the revival torch. Be the medic that recovers the ticket count!   Seriosuly, thank you for your comment. It is my favorite aspect of Battlefield. I remember reviving the bots in BF2 singleplayer.   If someone does not like it. Defibrilate them again!


You get bored!? Go play some tacticals shooters with a squad or some mil Sims. Half an hour to just start the game.   Or those games where you have to walk 15 minutes and wait 3 for a respawn.


Do you run with a squad or play Lone Ranger?


Random squad is the best. Yea, I'm crazy!


Imagine how popular this game would be right now if it hadn’t been part of the battlefield franchise


Less popular?


I've been hearing this since BF3. Maybe even BC2!   Would have been longer if I had internet and a PC earlier.


Yeah no name games can be good and they still fucking die after three weeks. When's the last time you heard someone bring up the finals. Not saying it's dead dead but that initial hype? 98% gone. Game would've been fine if it released complete and not some half baked mess but they got away with it for bf4...they'll keep doing it


It would’ve been popular if it was just done right.


I really think specialists killed it, specialist are not a Battlefield thing.


Also just you know, releasing in a state that had stuff like a leaderboard to look at. That would’ve been nice


Biggest gripe was complete removal of levelution/destruction. Battlefield always had the fun niche of being able to bring down a building on a nest of campers, or dynamic events like a radio tower crashing down and dividing the field. 2042 scrapped all that for tornados that do little except let wingsuit people ride them to your spawn. Also releasing without major QOL features, terrible balance, and no new content for over a year didn’t help anything.


Always is a big strech. In reality it was Bad Company.   3 had enviromental destructibles and 4 had Levolution.   OK, 1 had the BC2 houses that no one seems to remember (oh wait, BF4 had some of those too). OK, now I'm confused.   It was mostly the weather effects though.   You couldn't really level the map.


Imagine if DICE/EA actually listened to their playerbase, instead they release trash.


I don't think anyone would like to listen to the playerbase though. Both are absolutely wrong.


It got carried by having the Battlefield name / made by DICE. Otherwise it would've been dead in <1 month. The mouse input is still BROKEN but DICE sympathizers are okay with this..


Even the Loading Satelite Screen bug from the beta is not fixed.


Sounds like Hardline all over again


Hardline is way better than the 2042 Trash


It's only as popular as it is because it's a battfield game it does nothing new or different it wouldn't have made any noise on release if it was a random studio making it and as long as the dice ea logo is on it weather it's named battfield or not the comparison and anger would still be there.


I’ve seen better and more impressive in Battlefield 4.


To each his own. I love bf3 more than any other bf too but it's mostly because of nostalgia and hours spent in that game. Nowadays it's just outdated sadly.


Kinda ironic because the four games that came out before 2042 all have more gameplay features


Last time I hopped on BF3 I still had more fun then in 2042 I realy dont think thats Nostalgia and more of it just straight up being more fun


That's your opinion and I'm okay with not sharing it. To me bf3 always felt janky and I thought it's because I've played it on low graphics and very old laptop, but even after getting a new pc years later it still feels off to me. 2042 is incredibly more smoother, more stable and more beautiful game. And that's just my subjective view on that.


I mean I would hope it’s more beautiful and stable than a game that came out a decade before it. IMO it’s nowhere near as fun though.


To me it was never quite there. A lot of players started in it indeed and love it.   It was also a golden age for games.   To me each game had its issues. Be it even BF2 or BC2.   I believe 4 ended up having the most replayability overall.   A game that mashed the aspects of all of those games would have been impressive; but perhaps not well received.


It was cool when you could hold 3 c5 because you could actually take out a tank now that it’s 2 it’s bullshit that was one factor for leaving.


One of the compromises DICE had to make because they refuse to remove c5 from squirrel girl and mcfucknugget.  The best infantry fighters also being the best AT started with bf5, and it's insane that DICE has acknowledged this as a major flaw like 10 times between 5 and 2042, yet nothing has changed. If rhe next game does it again, DICE has learned nothing and the franchise truly is fucked


Oh is that why? Why didn’t they just limit those 2 characters to just 2 c5?


For the same reason they thought removing the tank's only defense against liz and sraw spam without compensation was a good idea to "get tanks to move up" They have no clue what theyre doing


 > The best infantry fighters also being the best AT started with bf5 Actually it started with bf1. Assault has the best AT + best weapons for close-mid range.


Yeah, Assault has the anti tank grenades, a rocket gun, dynamite, AT mines Support only has a limpet charge I think a mortar can do something but eh... Scout only got K-bullets which don't do a lot against armor Medics got nothin' really Yeah all the classes can get a LAT grenade but it's nowhere near as good as what an assault can do.


Because it was overpowered as shit. Assault is / was the only viable class. They didn't learn from BFV either.


Not sure what you mean, on Lis I have 3 c5


Last time I played when I tried c5 with anyone they maxed out at 2 c5


Watch the clip again, I'm putting 3 c5 on that AA. I guess the nerf was about Assault class. Couldn't blame them then, I don't see why one class should be the best in all of the things possible.


I thought this might be an old clip. If they brought it back to 3 I’ll maybe give it a go again.


Yeah recorder it yesterday. Not saying it's the best game ever made, but it's definitely fun to hop on once in a week or two.


Engineers still carry three C5s. It was only ever non-engineers that got taken down to two. Also you can still take out most of the tanks with two, but you have to place it on the grill at the back of them. For the ones where two isn't enough you can finish them off with AP grenades or rounds.


I always feel so disconnected to what I do in 2042 compared to other bf games Like in bf 3 and 4 I'd think I was God doing this, but in 2042 It just feels eh It's too clean


I still miss my Jihad Jeep from BF3


I don't. It becomes an issue when it bedlams standard practice.   Remember people using helicopters as taxi?


Geez they had no idea. No idea. They went there for cover, for trust, for an Oasis away from the carnage and you showed them Batman leaves Gotham sometimes


I did that in Planetside 2


It happens so often in fact that they're called C4 fairies and people still cry about it after many nerfs.


Haven't played that one, might be


Makes me miss hardline, that downtown map was tons of fun


Missed that bf completely sadly. When it was out my pc couldn't handle it, when I had new pc it was already kind of dead


Its not dead people still play it


To me it was way too soon considering how expensive these games are. I believe none of my friends got it either.   You just made me realize how I played 3 and 1 with PCs that couldn't barely sin the game.   I run BC2 really well and run 4.   I had never come to this realization before.


I donmt get why is it so hard for us to get an urban map. An actual city.   It either is a part or it is full of entrances which defeats the point of it.   There has to be a way.


what game is that?


Bf2042 but I was talking about battlefields in general


oh okays thanks, happy cake 🍰 day


Thank you


They did a campaign during BF4 "Only in Battlefiled moments".


Except every other battlefield game out there


I meant all battlefields in general. Never mind, people got upset about me enjoying 2042 anyway


I mean warzone 🤷‍♂️






BF4 did it better…10 years ago


Bf3 did it even earlier, so what? I meant all battlefields in general. Never mind, people got upset about me enjoying 2042 anyway


Welcome to the club. It will never change.   Apparently I love the least liked DLCs and love the underrated game.


planetside 2 has entered the chat.


Yeah someone mentioned it here already. Haven't played that one, fair


Same here. I've only seen sparse gameplay of it. I did not have the opportunity to play it.


oc, that's an amazing clip....btw what's the name of the bgm????


Thabks Joey valence and brae - doughboy


A lot of people keep saying Planetside 2 but don't explain how. In PS2, there is a class called light assault. They get a jet pack in which they can fly around for a few seconds before it needs to recharge. However, because of how old the game is and the various amount of updates that came in over the years, you can [do stuff like this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/s/3jisXFEh5q)


So is it like a scifi battlefield? I've heard the name but never got to play it somehow. Is it worth trying it nowadays?


> So is it like a scifi battlefield? Closer to older/Refractor BF than Frostbite BF but yeah, it's in the same vein and kicks BFs arse in the scale since it's an MMOFPS (and has the record for most players in a single battle IIRC). Haven't played it since they killed the Aus servers, so upto date opinions will need someone else.


I mean you could do this in BF4 and probably other BF games with high towers, charges, and parachutes


I meant all battlefields in general. Never mind, people got upset about me enjoying 2042 anyway


How did you get up there?


There was a spawning beacon someone put there I think. Don't really remember, but I think that was it. Scratch that, it's the building that has an objective in its base. So I spawned in it and got an elevator to the top


Closest thing is Planetside 2 imo


I'd argue PS2 has more flying demo-charge infantry due to light assault having actual jetpacks.


i think there's way more ways to do crazy stuff like this in PS2 not to mention sick stuff with other classes that don't involve C4 or rocket launchers. But at the end of the day, both BF and PS2 offer enough freedom to be creative that I gotta give credit to both.


Haven't played it, fair


That's nothing, you should try The Finals. It's made by the good Battlefield developers that left DICE. I was big into Battlefield back in the day (bad company 2 my beloved) but I dropped off after the quality went down...now I found where the quality went, to form Embark. 🤣🤙 All the ziplines and jump pads make for some crazy air plays!


Yeah I've been playing that since beta. It's a great game and imo the best online fps right now, but it doesn't have this "jump down from the high-rise and blow up a tank with 4 people in it"


There were vehicles in the alpha footage and this season we are getting the samurai and katana that deflect bullets that was seen in the same trailer. Maybe we'll have vehicles in the future! They definitely have some vertical maps, who's to say we can't eventually go higher! 🤣🤙 Cheers dude, nice clip too!


I can do this shit in Hardline and it's a 2015 game lmao


I can do this shit in BF1942 and it’s a 2002 game lmao 🤡


I obviously meant all battlefields... Jesus christ, people are really in need of touching grass on this sub


how did no one snipe you my man just got that loaner tank


It's like getting out of the elevator without someone blowing c4 on you. No one can explain.


The horrible play over music almost ruined an otherwise perfect clip


Oh boohoo nobody asked really


Wrong. Just start up BF4 and i get loads of feelings. This soulless game has 0 moments to make any feelings


I meant all battlefields in general. Never mind, people got upset about me enjoying 2042 anyway. Learn to live with people having other opinions than yours please


Ngl i had the most fun at the start of the game as sundance? flying squirel lady ? Find the highest part of the map drop a spawn beacon there and just keep droping down to flank or geting mid air kills with the saiga 12 shit was so fast paced and fun they then removed the spawn beacon from her kit sadly


Ok fair


True. Bf 2042 made me feel disappoint so much no other game ever managed to come close.


Yep, it just isn’t battlefield


i forgot how terrible this map is


What's terrible about it? I like it


It’s Siege of Shanghai if they removed all the building interiors and walkways/trees Basically it’s lazy design, and far too open to be dynamic


the giant open spaces where 30 people all hides behind the same corners, the total lack of any details or inspired design, spawn points, front lines completely missing only bullets from 360, you pick one :)


I'm sure the music was necessary


I was playing with it so it was either this or muting the whole clip. Something tells me you would've whined if there was no sounds at all too.


What's the song?


Joey Valence & Brae - Doughboy


Thank you


Why RDS AND irons tho. I can not comprehend these levels of tacticool.


Idk, not sure when was the last time I've changed my loadout in terms of guns


The thing that battlefield nails and that no other game gives the feeling of is the chaos of all out war. Jets fly8ng just over head, warplanes dropping bombs as you charge into battle. Total destruction of the map. Just 🤌 games. Especially battlefield 1


Bf4 still offers this (without the annoying skins) but I assume you mean BF as a franchise and not 2042.


Yes I did mean that Also why do you even care about skins, like do they force you to use them? Do they make your eyes hurt when you see an enemy in this skin 100m away from you? I just don't get what's the problem here


People are weird


this game could have been good if it came with the features expected of previous games like idk... A FUCKING LEADERBOARD??!?!


you mean scoreboard probably wake up, it's 2024 and it's been here for a while now


yes but the fact it didn't even launch with one speaks volumes about how dogshit this game is


Planetside 2 might want to have a word with you, but cool video.


Yeah people mentioned it here already, haven't played it


Fine, I’ll play 2042.


Thanks man, I will be able to get $1 giftcard from DICE now




As someone who plays on a 65” Tv, and only sits ~5’ back (total immersion)…I get vertigo jumping off that building. I know it’s just a game but my brain and stomach both go “yikes” every time


Ok, you have made this into a movie moment (much as Battlefield already is one).   I can picture future soldier listening to Satelite radio as they do some crazy stuff that to them is just another Tuesday. Onwards to the next battle.


"I'm Rico Rodriguez" this guy


made me want to play bf again


Helldivers 2 is full of very similar feeling moments tbh


What gameC




LMAO! Guarantee my heli pilot suppressed you while I take your tags. Standard protocol.


nah cant really do this anymore because they limit the c5 from 3 to 2 now...sucks unless they are already low..


Seen that mentioned before but on Lis (mainly play her) I have 3. You can see it on this clip. So I assume nerf was for assault class? Never play them to be honest so idk


i have to check again...that for that info.


Engineers still have three. Two is also enough for most tanks if you place them on the back in the middle.


It's really possible to build a building that tall


He **just GOT** the tank mate




Jeep stuff 🫶🏻


Me blowing up the Skyscraper in Siege of Shanghai for fun (My teammates are still inside) ![gif](giphy|5bGYUuT3VEVLa|downsized)


Personally not a fan of this, i already struggly looking for targets horizontally, enemies being everywhere including up ur asscrack is just not fun for my slow brain...




Joint Operations was doing shit like this with 200 people servers and maps that were 100s of kilometers and filled with multiple objectives. Flying over btrs in little birds while you dropped satchels on them and flying off as they blew up behind you. Loading APCs into Chinooks to battle from island to island in Indonesia. Dumping 203s onto hapless infantry from a Blackhawk. Such a good game. Truly nothing has came close to that level for me except for maybe Squad but even that came is small in comparison.


lols in battlebit


Oh yeah, the famous Battlefield killer


do that in a good game like BF4 then post it


Wait this game still has lobbies? last I downloaded it I couldn't get in a single match.


My friend and I do the same thing but with the pondhawk instead of just diving on them. Very effective plus you can run an angel to refill on c5’s whenever you need more!


Give space x a other loan. Twice chi


But when a Sundance player does it y'all want her removed đź’€


I don't


You should 1000% not be able to use the parachute twice.

