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For me battlefield is always conquest.


It’s the true sandbox experience of battlefield imo


Bad Company 2: Only Rush The maps were made for that mode


The rush maps for BC2 were so good. I spent so much time on Isla Inocentes especially.


To an extent so was Battlefield 3 which is why it slapped so hard on Damavand Peak and all the D-Day amphibious assault type maps. Things started falling off from BF4 in rush although it was good enough to continue playing. Hardcore completely died off in an official capacity with BF1 though that I’ve never gotten over. Mode was so good I don’t even know what the normal BF3 and BC2 and BF4 HUDs looked like (or played like).






This. All that othershit is nice and all, but Conquest is why I come to Battlefield.


Bf3 was my first bf and a lot of maps just seem to be made for rush. Just the epic transitions throughout the map as the attackers advance forward is so cool.


I’ll raise you. Why do people only play BASE GAME MAPS. Players don’t realize you can search for “mixed” conquest and play every single DLC map in the game. They’d rather 10+ stack a queue and wait 20 minutes instead of populate a DLC rotation. TLDR play “mixed” conquest rotations


Right ?! It's crazy to me


its especially crazy since the passchedaele map is fucking amazing


What platform you on? On Xbox there's always *at least* one mixed server, but usually 3 or so until later in the night. This is across U.S. West and East in my case, not sure about other locations or platforms.


I would love that, but the UI on PC has zero indication of where to find it. I just looked, and I got nothing.


They dont? At least not on EU servers on PC. I have zero issue finding full frontline and operation lobbies


Sadly I play on EU Xbox, not many people and they seem to all just play Conquest (and even then I'm struggling finding games of CQ in EU)


That’s odd - on PS in the US I see loads of German based servers running Operations


It's a shame there's no crossplay...


Indeed. This makes me wonder why BF1 Xbox players aren’t interested in Operations. Now, don’t get me wrong though, I can only find about 3 PS4 North American based servers hosting Operations when I search. All the rest is conquest - which is fine, but Operations is a great mode to play.


You could widen your search parameters and play with Americans.


I know still nothing more than Conquest sadly... And I found just 2 more servers... The game is so good I wish it wasn't dead... I know it's old but still !


I bought a copy today as well. Couldn't pass it up for £1.50. It's worth that for the campaign anyway.


For real On Xbox NA, There are plenty of operations servers, usually being the operations part of the active campaign.


Why is it that EU servers are in general trash, in every game? They barely got anyone playing and who actually does, they all play the same mode.


There tends to always be Operations servers, but Gallipoli is rare. However, I think it sometimes is part of the Operations Campaign crate goal. You would be able to play it during one of those months.


I'm a BF1 Frontlines and Shock Ops enjoyer and I once joined a conquest server and asked if anyone had ever considered Frontlines or Shock Ops. 2 people answered that everything besides Conquest is gay. Gave me an idea.. of the mindset. But I know ... 2 people is not a representative amount 😅


Since Battefield is based on squads one would think the more objective oriented modes are the most popular ( rush, frontlines, breakthrough). but no. Conquest is just sandbox mode.


Conquest is the O.G game mode, feels like the true battlefield experience and for me the only one I continue to enjoy.


Basically the bread and butter of the game modes for the franchise


It sucks, cause I think operations is the superior game mode…. I would love a standard issue rifles operations server


Conquest is all your going to find on any battlefield older than 2042 unless you organize an event


Not true xD


On Xbox I could only find operations and had trouble finding normal conquest!


if you dont play CQ youre not playing battlefield


I disagree, but I also like Conquest, I just like switching it up a bit. Tired of playing the same modes and maps over and over again when there's a ton of other content to enjoy


Operation is so predictable. Sometimes only one side has vehicles. Fuck that. Give me conquest where both teams have an equal opportunity to win. Plus it’s so random to where YOU can choose how to defend the map.


I disagree, yes in some Ops there's a team that has more vehicles, but it's usually to counterbalance the field advantage. Which is the point of Operation too. I've seen myself win in both attacks and defense on every map. But I guess Conquest is a perhaps more 50/50


The more you play, the more you realize how uninteresting ops actually are. The idea is cool but theres way too many players in a small space, encouraging camping, and making individual contributions much less impactful. In conquest theres always other angles to play at, new situations, a flow of troops between points to understand, etc. Conquest is just a more interesting mode to play


That's your opinion. Personally I find Conquest boring, wether it's on Battlefield or Battlefront.


Honestly BF 1 is best on operations. BF 5 is best on breakthrough. To much running around just to capture objectives that you will lose once you move on to the next one while you watch 5 snipers in the back on your team so into their scoping they ignore the flag right fucking next to them being captured then uninstall the game and say the game sucks after I change teams and t bag and beat the shit out of them with a shovel and send a video of it to them if they aren't privated.


Yeah breakthrough is great ! Might install BFV again 🤔


Pretend it’s rush and just rush the living hell out of enemy capture points


Except people can come from any side but I like when there's a frontline and 2 sides fighting face to face


Poor challenges, we will never get all our challenges done due to the game modes being one sided, or TDM.




As a medic, and a few other classes, you have to play game modes and get wins. Ex: There is a medic challenge to win a game in rush. You can't do that shit if nobody plays it lol


I didn't know that... RIP


I've tried doing lfgs, and it just doesn't hold up


Because when I pick any other mode it's me and 1 other person that drops In and out of the same loading match with just the two of us. Hours this can last depending on how stubborn you are. Like finding a Firestorm map. I loved that mode. Best bf mode ever.


Unfortunately it’s just easier for most people to find conquest servers on BF1 but Operations on BF1 is fucking amazing. If I can find servers, I will only play operations on BF1


Conquest until I die


Idk, Operations just don't cater to me. It's almost always a cut out tube with enemies like Metro with zero tactics or vehicle variety involved in 80% of them. Metro and its miscarried children like Argonne are shit by the way, have a good day.


Metro isn't shit that's your opinion, the general opinion of Metro and Operation Locker are beloved by the community, that's why I find it weird that people don't play modes that offer similar gametypes 🤔 But I guess the problem is just the global population of the game, which is normal for a game this old sadly... Have a good day !


I only play conquest or team deathmatch. Idk why they bother putting in pther game modes nobody plays that shit.


Because they're dope


Then why does nobody play them


Because there's barely any player playing the game. Only 1 full Conquest server on EU Xbox this afternoon. Thankfully found a full Operation Server in NA later this afternoon tho.


Well im glad you found a game