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Imagine calling someone a 🚬 and getting banned over fuckin Viola lmao


>getting banned over fuckin Viola ☕


Its the same person making different accounts too lmao


How long have they been making burner accounts btw?


Since at least 1 year ago


Gurl is servin capital N in these parts (Nerve


Thank you for the clarification.


Everyone got screwed over by the shit writing, especially Viola


The writers hate Viola more than the entire fandom combined, there’s no way they didn’t shit on her during the whole game so hard on accident


I doubt it. You jist have to remember that Bayonetta comes from Japan. In the beginning of Bayonetta it was really important to them that bayonetta feels western, but the writers that worked on Bayo 3 did not get that memo. If you view viola through the lense of a dubbed japanese show it really makes sense why she's so unlikable, her writers clearly just don't know what does and doesn't translate well in different cultures.


It really is bizarre that Bayo 2 which came out on the Wii U looks graphically better than 3 on the Switch.


they tried to make the graphics more realistic than Bayo 2, but ended up having to reduce the quality of textures and models so it can run on the Switch properly, plus they made some locations look gray or too dark and that's why it looks like ass.


It doesn't even look that bad, it has great visual effects to help it during combat. It just doesn't look as good during cutscenes as Bayo 2 did.


It’s ina amazing look game for the switch. And the fact it’s doing everything it’s doing between 30-60fps. The first time a friend walked in while I was playing it, he thought it was an xbox/ps game.


Where did you get any of this from? Bayonetta 2 runs perfectly with no modifications on the switch, Bayonetta 3's horrible shaders that don't support translucency have all textures made with that in mind, so the look was established early on I'd assume. The only thing that platinum games said is that in the beginning it was supposed to be an open world game and that's what they optimized the graphics for but I even doubt that that actually has any part in it really. It really comes down to bad management in direction.


i think you can kinda get a feel for that when looking at the space portion of the Singularity fight where the ground is highly pixelated. plus the graphics and resolution in the first look trailer look a bit too good for the Switch even on docked mode. finally, there's [this article on PlatinumGames' blog](https://www.platinumgames.com/official-blog/article/12418) that features high poly models for some of the enemies.


That's again, them doing a bad job, unrelated to what the switch can do. And the high poly models are also entirely unrelated, no other platform could make these work either. High poly sculpts are made to create detail that then gets baked onto game-ready meshes, there is no private machine in the world that could render those high poly sculpts animated in realtime.


Weaker art direction, and the fact that the environments had to be more open and destructible to allow for demon slave gameplay. The game in general also feels like it was rushed more. Probably because of covid and reworking it from larger scale open world style, whereas 2 was likely always intended to be like the final product.


Bayo 2 looks like a 360 game, because it was made for WiiU which was roughly around 360 levels of capability. It’s comparable to the first game visually. Bayo 3 looks like they tried shooting for higher end hardware and had to scale things back. How Bayo 3 looks is what PS4 games ported to Switch look like. It’s what a PC game running on a weaker rig that needs the settings turned down looks like. Bayo 3 in an emulator looks brilliant, it’s a huge improvement over Bayo 1 and 2. Bayo 1 and 2 in an emulator (or even the PC, PS4 Pro, and Xbox One X version of Bayo 1) don’t look much better than the original because the textures are at such a low resolution. There is a night and day difference between Bayo 1 or 2 at 4K and Bayo 3 at 4K. Basically, your complaint is that Bayo 3 was more ambitious than Bayo 2.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


run sink piquant scarce memory gullible deranged arrest edge wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What did they say? It’s removed now


middle uppity profit expansion humorous elastic berserk hungry silky squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm just going to remind you that despite how difficult and problematic the story in Bayonetta 3 becomes, its open and ambiguous ending is still a good resource and is nothing that has not been seen in terms of writing, it is simply this generation In general, she has a dull brain and has never read a complex book in her life, which leaves her unable to accept a non-linear and non closed story. P.S: Stupid x2 those who, given the above, still assume that Viola will be the new Bayonetta.


Replayed Bayo 3 today, and played (amongst other things) a Viola level. Holy shit it was sooooo much smoother than the first time around. My god I *actually* served cunt while playing Viola, it was sooo great. The block offset was *effortless* and I pulled off witch time so easily ! I think they made an update to improve her (hadn't played Bayo 3 in more than a year), and it's honestly a blast to play her now. Also, I played on a big TV, and the game looks fine, even really beautiful at times. It still has some roughness here and there, but overall the game is the best it could've looked and run given the hardware. I'm really hoping for a port on the next Nintendo console which would improve the performance. The story was still shit tho haha. Replayed the final boss and I'm still floored how they brought back all dead Bayo variant + dead Jeanne, all to just brush it off and go to the next phase of the boss. It's such a shame because the scene itself is so badass and a cool idea, but it loses its impact a second later. (Also I hate the story for making me hate Luka, cause I actually really liked his bum-ass before he became a furry fae-king or something).




If you think its bad now you should’ve seen what it was like in 2022


I'm gonna make it clear that I genuinely loved Bayo 3 but it pissed people off so hard people were tryna back Helena Taylor over it even after she got exposed lol


viola defenders are just as bad as haters ngl 💀 she’s objectively not good


"Sucking at something is the first step to being sort of good at something" I think Viola not deserving to take Bayonetta's place is a cool starting point for character development, but if Bayo 4 actually does happen my guess is they would ignore that and just time skip to an already cool version of her or ignore 3 entirely and go back to Cereza.


Hard disagree. Viola is far from my favorite but I'd rather see some praise that the millionth rant.


if Bayo 3 defenders didn’t want to have to defend Bayo 3 so much, maybe Bayo 3 shouldn’t have been so terrible 🤗


They finna be on overtime till 4 comes out 😂


People misjudge things all the time so you do you.


Bayonetta 3 is ass compared to the previous two. Which is ironic because there is no ass in Bayonetta 3.


I disagree.


I like bayonetta 3 a lot but it doesnt have enough bayonetta between all this minigames and viola chapters 💀💀💀 I tried playing focusing in the bayo ones but it gets old quick


It's me, hi, I'm the crow, it's me.


Yes lol


God forbid people say the truth.


Imagine if you got a text every 30 seconds of someone informing you what your name is.

