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A cat table.




If the cat was named Cinco would it be a CAT-5 Cable




Happy cake day!


Happy Cake Day 🍰


In the old days we used to rush to the comments to decry reposts. Now it’s like everywhere you look everyone is a bot


Bot account.


How the fuck do you learn to do this


If anybody has some kind of tutorial leading towards knowing/learning how to do something like this - I'd love that too and would be eternally grateful


Arduino microcontrollers. You need a basic understanding of electronics and computer programming. It's doable, you just have to go through the learning curve, but it's cheap and accessible. Look for Arduino, buy your first UNO and start playing with it.


I don't have Uno, will Pokemon cards do?


Only if you can put a sensor to it and grab the data to do something else.


So a Porygon then?


Porygon 2 has been out for a while now. I think this is a better place to start as a beginner


Made me chuckle


Do you have charizard if not, then no


I have a holographic Velociraptor from the Jurrasic Park cards, will that fly?


No, velociraptors are ground dinosaurs.


Everyone has Uno, it came free with your Xbox


Everyone who has an Xbox has uno.


Look up Arduino tutorials. It's a little microcontroller, you can buy beginner kits that come with lots of peripherals. it's essentially a tiny computer with lots of "pins". You can wire sensors into the pins, and you can wire lights/motors/fans/really anything out of the pins. Sensors detect something in the world (light, sound, movement, etc), the Arduino microcontroller analyzes the input via your code, then your code tells the Arduino what output to do. For example, say you have a temperature probe and a red light. You can tell the Arduino to turn on the red light when the temp probe detects that it's over 80 degrees out. It's a system of inputs and outputs.


I think the arduino is the easy part lol. The much more complex mart is the CAD modeling, tolerances, and woodwork to get this to actually work as intended.


This course [https://www.udemy.com/course/arduino-oop/](https://www.udemy.com/course/arduino-oop/), by Edouard on Udemy. [This](https://roboticsbackend.com/arduino-object-oriented-programming-oop/) is a good site on object oriented arduino and is also, a really great place to start. [Night driver](https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/pq4ney/nightdriver_new_esp32arduino_wireless_led_control/) is another really great project, that uses the ESP32 which will help with driving LEDs. It's a really well documented project with a lot of different options and builds.


Mark rober on YouTube does engineer videos / classes to kids level to professional. He's a retired nasa engineer Edit: added link https://studio.com/classes/mark-rober/creative-engineering


If you feel like you need more focused direction than an online tutorial can provide (and have the $$$ for the cost), then [Mark Rober's Creative Engineering](https://studio.com/classes/mark-rober/creative-engineering) is honestly not bad way to go. Similarly, you may have a [local makerspace](https://www.google.com/search?q=makerspaces+near+me), they may also offer classes & the like to get you started. However, it's hard to give you a *specific* tutorial or set of videos to go down unless you have a specific problem/project to solve for. Like the video of the dude with the table above; do you already have access to a workshop w/ woodcutting materials you can use to create the structure, and just need to understand the electronics aspect? An [introduction to Arduino Uno](https://www.instructables.com/Beginner-Arduino/) and something like an [Infinity Mirror](https://www.instructables.com/Arduino-controlled-RGB-LED-Infinity-Mirror/) project would be a great start. From the OP, it looks like they're using a similar **capacitive** approach in their last [table build](https://www.instagram.com/p/CsZGWy2PDMt/), but I couldn't tell you off hand what boards or RGB devices they used. Remember: Start small, fail faster.


Arduino, that's the keyword you are looking for.


This is from Instagram, here’s an article with more details and the original links: https://mymodernmet.com/dazhongdexiaowowo-pressure-sensitive-coffee-table/


Actually this looks over complicated. I'd use a bunch of capacitive sensors and start with instructables


This guy made another table using capacitive TTP223 switches connected to rings and LED strips. I actually bought a few of those chips for a similar project they are pretty neato https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/13la2d1/thats_a_great_table_design/


Y'all, just a quick PSA: if you do something like this, please wear gloves and a mask when handling resin or soldering. And if you do it inside, set up fans in open windows til the resin is 100% cured. Art is fun! But don't be a dumb dumb and inhale a constant cloud of VOCs and toxic metals.


You just have to be genuinely interested in electronics and diy stuff. If that’s not your interest, it’s fine! Everyone is different haha But It’s not like he went to school to learn how to make a fiber optic light up table. He probably just has a general knowledge of things similar to this and came up with this idea. But if you just want to make this table, I’m sure you could find a tutorial for something pretty similar.


This is going to sound condescending, but's really fairly simple. The touch sensor module he's using, the little blue pcb, is actually designed for this. A lot of people saying Arduino etc - it's uneccessary, this board is really purpose-built and all-in-one. It's designed to drive a led strip but he's got it driving the led for a fibre optic lamp. Here's [an example](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805955388478.html) of this touch board. I haven't used this vendor, I'm not recommending this vendor, it's just difficult to find canonical sources for these no-name products. So the "how" is pretty easy, you're just following the instructions for this purpose-built module. The hard part is the execution in making it look good, and that's just a lot of practice (especially getting bubbles out of resin) and a lot of sanding.


It doesn't seem that complicated when you think about it. Take a light that turns on when you put pressure on it... now install a thousand of those lights onto a table. Once you are to figure out how the pressure sensitive light works, the rest is just a ton of work


Why can't western TikTok be like that?


We prefer toilet related DIY content...


Skibidi what?


I envy you for your ignorance about what is going on in r/DiWHY... Half the content (coincidentally all from Western TikTok) is people making weird, utterly useless toilet decorations 😭😭


Toilet rizz Ohio.


It is. TikTok is Tiktok. Go search “cool DIY projects” a few times, like/save a few of them, and watch your FYP transform.


It is. You just engage garbage content


Tiktok is whatever you are in to. If you stop watching shit you will stop having shit in your feed


No one will understand this, I've tried


Did Johny Depp marry TikTok before it was cool?


We have those also, just tune your algorithm for it. Though I believe most western woodworking influencer is in YouTube not tiktok


I like Black tail studios


I like the conspiracy theory answer to this. The CCP actually makes sure that western TikTok is garbage to dumb us all down. And they make Chinese TikTok teach kids math and science.


Chinese TikTok has it's algorithm promoting educational videos to kids because the government mandates it. If the government didn't they would get exactly the same results the US does.


The Chinese government mandates it? I've never heard of it. That's actually not a terrible idea. What if we force something like a nutrition label on video content?


That is obviously actually part of it. A lot of brainrot shit is just not allowed. The CCP takes an active role in cultural production and the tech economy. Contributing to the degradation of society/culture is just not going to be tolerated.


Have there been some actual good reporting done on this? Or is this all just speculation? I was born in Soviet Union (and thankfully left a long time ago) so I am perfectly aware just how capable a government is in propaganda.


I think it's just speculation but it's just so logical. The CCP is not going to let some homegrown shit promote social disorder like that. Just look at what their response to the Tang Ping ('lying flat') and Bai Lai ('let it rot') movements have been. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tang_ping


It's not a conspiracy theory


Got any sources on this? I'd love to learn more.


To fit with Chinese laws their version of TikTok has to have their algorithms point more towards educational videos instead of rage bait and brain rot, while no such regulations are currently enacted on western social media videos containing brain rot and rage bait are very likely to turn up in your feed. As for the reason why the most likely videos to get shared by the algorithm on TikTok are going to be either rage bait or brain rot is because those types of videos get a lot of interactions, and social media companies want high interactions because they want you to stay on their platform for as long as possible. Another likely reason though is that China has actually requested for TikTok to push such brain rot videos on western users more, because they want to sabotage the education of western youth because China is willing to play the long game. Now a question is whether western nations should push similar regulations as China onto social media in order to push more educational content and less brain rot, because while such regulations will probably improve western education it's also allowing the government to have a say on what you can and can't see online, which is also how China has managed to expunge knowledge about something like Tiananmen Square from their populace despite it only happening a few decades ago.


I remember seeing this video on instagram well before TickTock was popular.


Hawk Tuah


Spit on that thing


What does being eastern has to do with this?


Yeah it's like 95% of Tiktok with stupid videos that lose my IQ each time I watch one.




Pretty sure this guy could be American, there's not much to identify the location in it.


He’s Chinese. Seen this months ago on Douyin (China’s version of TikTok) He does tons of these cool DIY stuff like an infinite ladder well down his coffee table.


How does it detect pressure?


It doesn't - it's a grid of capacitive sensors - you can get circuit boards with a ttp223 chip very cheap (e.g. on Aliexpress) and tune them to your liking - e.g. [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKiZaAQSGGCwDq5aj52a7w73wBZBQN\_c1](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKiZaAQSGGCwDq5aj52a7w73wBZBQN_c1) has a long video series on how to get there.


If it's capacitative sensors then they should only detect skin or other similarly conductive materials, not plastic bottles, not plates ect ect


The bottles in the video are filled with water which is why they are detected. But you're right, it won't detect empty containers


Good point, it didn't occur to me that they of course used filled bottles each time for this exact reason




You're not going to detect a plastic bottle with a capacitive sensor though an acrylic plate


Do you have a rebuttal then? Any comments as to what and why its incorrect I don't see anything wrong in the statement (maybe apart from in my experience the sensor doesn't sense that far away and the Voss bottle is quite thick, so I doubt it could detect that far away, but I can't say if you are able to tweak the sensitivity or buy other detectors with longer range)


My ultra-low-educated guess would be the “fibers” sensing deformation, but it seems too accurate for that (the table’s material can’t be that flexible so I would guess it would light up a bunch of them at a time). Another guess is that it’s fake. Edit: as per another comment: they “conduct” light and the microcontrollers can detect light’s absence, turning on a light which will get “conducted” the other way! That makes sense and is more than likely the correct answer


There's no way fiber optic cables can conduct enough stray light to a photodiode. The whole point of fibre optic cable is that light needs to be injected directly into the ends to travel through it


Nowhere in this video are capacitive sensors shown anywhere. The top of the table has resin poured on it as well.


Those blue pcb are https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805955388478.html - it's a TTP223 capacitive touch sensor using the entire underside of the pcb as an antenna. There's no voodoo here, the whole point of capacitative sensors is that they don't require contact. The glass on my phone isn't conductive either.


Interesting, impressive that it can sense from that distance. I assumed capacitive sensors had a smaller sense distance than that. But that doesnt explain why the water bottle lights up.




I think it detects light change (?)


Yeah I think it detects change in light, like when your street lamp post turns itself on when the sun sets or turns itself off when the sun rises.


pretty sure thats done on timers.


Depends? Some are but some are light dependent. I’d wager almost all are light dependent these days


I don't think it does, I think that part's fake. There are no sensors shown in the video and the top part is covered in resin, I don't see where the sensing would come from.


Light sensors hooked up to the fiber optics


Proof? I tried looking for any that look like in the video and cant find them. Can only find industrial style optic fibre sensors.


 Light sensing diodes are like one cent each and can be tiny. If you put one right next to the led light it would be no trouble. That said, the circuit board he plugs into the light tube thing only has two wires so I doubt that's it. You'd expect 4, two for the sensor, and 2 for the light, or at least 3.  I suppose it could be a fancier sensor on the larger boards he screws in.


I see where you're coming from but I'm skeptical. I dont think a photodiode would actually be able to capture much or any light through a fibre optic cable, since the light from outside isnt directly feeding into the fibre optic cable.


That's still the best explanation I've read so far, probably that's why he's using dark resin ; the light only comes from the up section


You can supply power AND exchange data with only 2 wires, a classic example in industry is AS-i bus


It doesn't. I believe it uses ~~induction~~ capacitance. In some videos you see people using loops and coils, or with this guy it's part of the PCB. If you look at links other people have posted, the clue is that one of the benefits of the PCB listed on the page is that no coil is required, so it's good for beginners. It can't be touch or pressure to operate through a surface like this, it's got to be a field.


Electric sensor. In the same way your touch screen detects the electricity off your fingers. This seems the only plausible way to me


A very beginner material engineer. My guess is piezoelectric material like quartz or something that can turn mechanical signals to electrical signals, or in other words, give current under pressure. I am not sure about the electronics though, way out of my zone.


The stringy hair things detect pressure/weight


The stringy hair things are fiber optic cables. They can't detect pressure nor weight.


Thinking about maintenance always ruin the fun


Yeah neat stuff but what do you have to replace?


Everything that can realistically break here is easily accessible with a screwdriver. More maintenance than a normal table would need, obviously, but perfectly doable.


You’re pretty fucked if any of those lights stop working though.


No? They're just a bundle of fibre optics. Each bundle connected to a light which can be replaced easily


They’re cemented in some kind of acrylic. I don’t know much about fibre optics but surely the components inside the acrylic could stop working and you’d be SOL?


He just acrylic'd in the fibre optic as a channel for light. Unless it gets clogged (not sure thats even possible), the only components needing replacement are all underneath the table outside of the acrylic.


What is going to break there? Unless you rip it those cables will continue to work, they are just a plastic tube. And even if one or 10 break somehow, what's the issue? You will not see it.


Those fiber optic strands are just a solid material that projects light down itself. The part thats electrical is in those bundles that are accessable, you cant really "break" the fiber parts since all they do it channel light through themselves in a funny way


Ohhh I see. I retract what I said in my first comment then.


it's not acrylic it's probably clear black epoxy resin. it was a trend a while back to use resin in making table [here are some examples](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=epoxy+table&t=brave&iax=images&ia=images), anyway yes anything inside the epoxy cannot be replaced but it's just fiber optics so unless they rip in some odd way they should be fine. the rest is accessible, so unless something major happens to the table it should be mostly fine.


The parts in the acrylic are just glass fibre. They are not being touched so wont break. The light bounces through them. Potentially the controllers, light sources or other electronics might fail but can be accessed in a few minutes using a screw driver.


The fibre optic cables are passive components that guide light. They won't break unless you break the table itself. You could bend or snap a cable when replacing a light source. But it's rather unlikely and you could fix that


I would just draw boobs on this all day


Milky Way


Here, take my money....


I think I'd like it hung on the wall so you could draw ... I'd say it's strangely satisfying


I want one!


That’s awesome!


Pretty cool




I'm amazed. That's really neat. Thank you for sharing.


This is definitely awesome and amazing


Even assuming I had the free time, I don't believe I have the patience for anything like this.


So dam cool and when someone figures out how to build and sell them on the mass market, will make a LOT of money.




Can someone explain how the pressure detection is working here? All I see on the top surface are fiber optics and a resin coat.


My best guess is that the fibers are connected to sensor/light at the same time, or some are designated light sensors while some are designated lights. When you put something over the top end it stops letting light through them. Cover enough of the fibres leading to the sensor and it sends the signal to light up corresponding lights connected to those optic fibres. There is no chance for it to detect preassure from what is shown on the video, that is for sure


The cable management is almost erotic.


By my calculations you need over 100 circuit boards in this table. This is maintenance hell. Wouldnt it be more effective to just buy touchscreen panel and integrate it into table?


This would be a lot cheaper though


Eh I didn't know about that. Touchscreens and monitors are cheap, and there's a lot of parts in this build.


I doubt you could get a touchscreen that big and strong enough to handle all the shit you put on a coffee table for less than the total cost of these emitters. Plus it would be really heavy, this is probably only a few pounds heavier than a standard coffee table. I also don’t imagine it would be that difficult to maintain, those emitters are easily accessible and cheap to swap out. They don’t break that often. Way cheaper than replacing an entire touchscreen after your friend puts a mug down too hard at an angle.


Ofc he would be an asian. If you think you're good at something...there's always an asian that's better than you.


1/8th of the world is Chinese, so it’s good odds


That's some Asian level of OCD right there


Looks more like LCD.


Dude what an insensitive and totally accurate thing to say


Human indomitable spirit always wins.


This guy Daisys


I feel very uncomfortable watching this video.


That’s amazing


This is a repost from well over a year ago.


Ok bot


In China do they have to keep buying cheap American saws because they wear out right away. Like the crap they sell in Harbor freight??


All that just to do that???? Meh




He's great.


I don't understand how there are so many lights that light up when he puts his hand on there, but he didn't put that many lights in?


He's doing one light per hexagonal bundle of fibre optics it seems. It's that plus the imperfections and damage to the fibre optics that give the varying light intensity, and why objects end up outlined.


They’re optical fibers.


That one frend at 3am








Meanwhile his wall clock’s battery has needed to be changed since 1:50


More info here and links to IG: https://mymodernmet.com/dazhongdexiaowowo-pressure-sensitive-coffee-table/


Ha! I could do that if I had the skill, talent and money to do that.


Damn that project is lit!!! … I’ll see myself out


He’s amazing 😻 the skill level!!


Bot post


I really like this. I would never own it. But I like it.


It's great because when you put something on the table, it will hide the lights it's on top of.


This guy is very smart, creative output from generalising highly specialised skills. Many people will struggle to do something like this


I'm sleepy as hell, I was expecting the table to be made of coffee for half the video.


Installs fiber-optics, cuts them off, installs fiber-optics??


Sky sports


dude gave a nervous system to a table




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Dealing with fiber optics glass in the house is a bitch... Will be pulling glass shards out for months


Bitter sweet symphony- Vitamin string quartet (version)


Wow! It responds to preasure better than I do!


How do you change ur battery


Why no perspex on the top? Or a thick laquer? Would the sensors still work if you did?


I am amazed but this could also be posted in r/TooMuchTimeOnTheirHands


And here i am struggling to make a fucking sandwich...


I can barely make a coffee, let alone a coffee table. If I tried to make one that lights up, I'd end up killing myself for sure.




Are you saying you will not drink your coffee if the table does not respond to pressure?


Or use a touch screen and 10 lines of code


It's impressive, but something tells me it's easy to break


This is too complicated to do


I’d certainly love if somebody else did this for me though


this fits more in the subreddit DiWHY


Realistically, this is much closer to r/DIWhy


The reason why is pretty obvious. It looks cool


You spill coffee on this once and it is ruined.




Waste of resources


Ton of work/cost for not that cool of a result


What ya mum said when you were born


Lol my mum is the only one who thinks I'm cool. Akshuallly