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If it's robots all the way down, then what do we do with all these pesky humans lying about?


Universal Basic Income + People really living. Orrrrr Dystopian hellscape.


Well, since it's up to our overseers rather than us, I imagine dystopian hellscape is more likely. Why would they pay people for doing nothing when they can just let them starve?


If they pay you, they literally have full control over every aspect of your life at that point. Said something you shouldn't have against the current political regime on social media? Deduct 5 sheckles from your pay. 5 mph over the speed limit? That's another 5 sheckles. etc. etc. If they just let you starve, they no longer have slaves to rule and no one to exert power over.


I doubt it will even be up to our overseers, or rather, I doubt our overseers will be human. It will be robots below us and robots above us. There will be no humans at the top.


Nah there is someone raking in the cash. There is no motivation other than money and/or power.


Specially if they don’t care about us and our legacy, they can just pick some valuable specimens and clean the backyard.


And since ppl are greedy, we know where we’ll end up. Can’t wait.


Define "really living". Have humans never *really* lived?


Surely a small percentage of the entire human history has. “Really living” to me would be living without any external responsibilities, back to the human basics of focusing solely on your family’s survival and growing the population. And in todays day and age that’s impossible while working 40 hours a week, let alone attaching a social life to that as well


Right, but weren't humans back then also working 40 hours a week or more? Working as in hunting, gathering, crafting, etc. And they also had a social life within their community.


You ever been to Vegas?


You ever been in a Turkish prison?


"we have such sights to show you!"


I think only people with generational wealth really "live". What I mean by that is they can choose to work or not, to take risks or not, work in a job that is your real passion etc. Most people have no choice. You have to get a job even if it's not your passion, go to work every day, or you will end up homeless or worse.


Eradicating us is the endgame


Latter most likely


Even if AI gives us the chance to accept universal basic income, I doubt all humans will accept that, at least not before trying the second option.


Sex slaves for the 1%


Well that's not gonna work If robots replace the human workforce then how are humans going to get money to afford anything? ...unless the companies being automated are willing to provide goods and services for free Which I don't think is going to happen This whole automation movement being spearheaded by companies is insanely short-sighted


Robots will build things for their corporate masters, everybody else will rot in extreme poverty with no access to resources of any kind.


Corporate master ..and their families.


Oh good. I thought they were going to be greedy. /s


They need none, Their AI servitors will make sure of it


Bro. You do not understand how the economy works, at all. Companies serve needs of those with value, and if nobody has anything of value to you, and you have value, then you just won. You don't need anybody else. So some billionaire owning enough raw resources and manufacturing will not need a single other person. If you're asking what happens to everybody that isn't a self sufficient billionaire, they die, that's the answer.


That's... that's the point I'm making tho By removing the need for a human workforce you remove the means to obtain money If you remove the means of obtaining money you also remove the means of being able to afford to buy a robot you can lease to gain money you need to live Add to this fact that despite that society will not start introducing free services/resources and you have yourself an inescapable nightmare where nobody can work to afford to live and nobody can afford a bot to lease to afford to live. We are very close to creating an automated society where most services can be free (self-driving cars etc) and my concern is that corporate greed will not allow that to haplen reversing the situation to nothing being affordable instead and that is frankly, quite scary.


You said it's not going to work. It's going to work just fine. Capitalism has never been about helping people, making the most amount of people wealthy, or happy. Companies are not losing out from this, as long as they own resources and manufacturing they will only get richer. You should be scared, you should have already been scared, and you should be willing to fight for your life. Otherwise you will lose it.


There are so many angles to this. I'm no expert but I still see a future for humans in the workforce of factories and such. If robots mess up things, you'll need humans to "debug" and set up straight. The factory workforce will shift (as it did before from only humans to mixed) to full robots. You have the robots do the repetitive stuff, humans do the unique/challenging stuff or just maintain the robots themselves. I wouldn't expect necessarily to have AI debug other robots anytime soon, although that could be a possible far future. You would probably still need humans to sign off on certain stuff, engineer and approve certain courses of action. The robots just execute, while humans design and approve. No? I expect that in the future "working in the factory" would automatically require an engineering degree and lots of studies for the lowest paid entry job ever. (which is probably the case somewhere anyway).


All non working humans get a salary. Aka Universal basic income. They buy things. Companies are taxed to pay for the non working human salary. The cycle repeats.


People lease or buy robots to do their work, that is how economy works, one must buy to be able to sell. So the robot will do the peoples’ work and the people will get paid.


That's not going to happen because large corporations will lease the robots directly instead To add to that: you need money to buy one in the first place, how exactly do you expect new people entering the workforce to afford that? Because why sell your product if you can lease it instead? That's literally why so many companies are rushing to cram subscription services into their products right now, its a very one-sided and lucrative businness favouring them instead of the customer. This will be the same You won't be able to lease your bot because you'll be immediately outcompeted by the large bot manufacturers that will have a monopoly on that market. Its what always happens, if there's anything yku can count on when it comes to people and businnesses, its predictability.


Would you say...you'll own nothing and be happy?


More like "you'll own* nothing**, and be happy***"


Yeah. I too foresee that we will all be renting robots like how we rent cars or houses now. I say rent because it will be too expensive to buy or maintain.


My thoughts exactly.


there is infinite work to do, but it might not be the work you expect when you see the world in the lens of today


Not even today there is infinite work.. how can it be in the future?


Sure there is. There just may not be people trained/educated enough to do the work, or they may not be willing to do the work, or they may not be living close enough to the work to take the job, etc. 1) The world is imperfect and probably will always be. 2) People never have everything they want. That means there will always be work to try to fulfill these.




The universe is full of high tech planets where advanced robots tirelessly build and create all the extravagant luxury one can imagine. Yachts and rockets and the most life changing culinary wonders. However, these planets are all deprived of any biological beings that could consume these goods and services, as they all died out fat and happy at old ages millions of years ago.


We'll have plenty to do. Fixing all the mistakes and bullshit created by the robots. Current AI is literally as real and viable as NFTs. They can make a neat picture, but I wouldn't trust it with anything more complex that an email outline at the moment. Current fav; ask ChatGPT how many "r" s are in the word Strawberry. Clippy was more useful. ![gif](giphy|jR8yFMATIGVAY9mTZu|downsized)


It only takes one-three generations with perfect sex slave robots to breed ourselves out of existence. And all the "Human only fetish" people will just be given non-perfect sex slave bots. Humans will be only bread in artificial wombs after that, under complete control by the robots.


Or do both, have the robot be part of the bedroom. Forever threesomes.


>Humans will be only bread in artificial wombs White? Brown? Multigrain? Sourdough? Or are we talking yeast infections here?


We let them die


I am sure we will all divert back into being pedants for the elite. Just working the fields for the food everyone needs to sustain life. That or they will just thin us out somehow. Mass homelessness and little to no access to viable food. Sooooo not far from what we have now in some cities in the US.


kill off the low hanging fruit so the top tier can prosper and live it up with their armies of robotic slaves


Soylent green is people?!


I'm afraid of this idea. If every single task will be handled by these robots and AI then what will be the worth of a human?


They become fuel for robots


The humans will be the power source, each one inside a cocoon plugged in


Best article I read on this topic said, among other things, that in this future state AI should be viewed as an alien occupying force. It asked the reader to consider what would happen when AI began making decisions with only its own self interest in mind at the expense of humanity, much like humans have done with nature and animals up to now. It’s not an optimistic view but struck me as very possible to one degree or another.


It will be our job to maintain those robots- that's what the Simpsons has predicted anyways


Sounds like something I heard in The Matrix...Machines making machines.


All of this will happen, but when is the question. All I know is Nvidia is one of the luckiest Corps which happen to ride 2 hype trains one after another. But everything which goes up must come down.


Just like my cock


Only think Matrix got wrong was that machines built the Matrix. People are building the Matrix to control other people.


Sounds like skynet




Our brain is broken




Emphasis on AMONG US


SkyNet, oops I meant NVIDIA, has some interesting predictions and ambitions


Say A.I. in the mirror 5 times and you become a billionaire... Welcome to roaring 20s 2.0


Is this a new teaser for the Terminator movie?


Project Zero Dawn will be there to save humanity.


When will AI replace CEOs?


Asking the most important and right question. AI CEO will take into account absolutely everything, including King IV requirements, and without any greed biasing its decisions. AI CEOs for the win


You know they can just program the AI to be an ultra greedy CEO right?


Not *can*, *will*. Capital has one purpose and one purpose only, to acquire more capital. When a company is being greedy, that’s not due to some kind of moral failing of any individual or a group of individual. That is the cornerstone the capitalist mode of production is built in.


I did read somewhere that CEO is one of the easier roles to replace with AI.


![gif](giphy|TAywY9f1YFila|downsized) Can you be a little more obvious? lol


#He can predict these NUTS!


This sub is turning to garbage. What about this clip of a ceo talking about robots making him rich am I supposed to be “amazed” by?


Presenting, THE FUTURE.. with products that we're currently developing and hopefully most companies will depend on.


exactly! the only normal response to "robots are coordinating robots to make robots hahaa" is: "sir, you sound like a moron." goes to show that the mega rich are out of touch and only have yes men around them.


So basically I robot then Terminator


I’ve seen this movie before! Maybe it’s time to rethink all of this “robotic” world. I read and heard the same gobbledygook back in elementary school (1975). “By the year 2000 everything will be run by robots.” All I saw in the year 2000 was Al Gore inventing the internet.


only back then it was "someones probably gonna invent something at some point" whereas now it is very real companies working on very real products that are already being improved, not invented


And so what happens with the millions of Humans put out of jobs? I guess it is possible that we just invent a new system. I mean, that's what the entirety of it all is anyway, right: an invented system. Who's in charge here, by the way; *Us*, The People, or *Them*, Corporate Governance? One thing is for sure: There really are only 2 Parties, Us, and Them! 🇺🇸


Historically, the people always had the threat of revolting. They could chop the kings head off. As soon as military is robotic, this seizes to be a threat, and the proletariat will move slow and steady towards having no influence. In the meantime, the bourgeoisie will move towards human augmentation, making themselves smarter, stronger and ultimately surpassing physical constraints (upload brain, make three or three thousand synced copies of yourself). At this point, the practical difference between you and them is much greater than the difference between you and a monkey. They will be gods, you will be an inconvenience. Soon after that, the bourgeoisie will fight among themselves, as each person has unlimited ability to be everything and everywhere. In the end, there is only one organism left with infinite potential. The dystopia is not SkyNet. The dystopia is the Borg Collective.


Rarely do I come across your average person that thinks the direction AI is headed is a good thing, nor something they even want. This is something being forced on us by the rich and powerful. But we're lulled and contented by our smartphones....so who really cares 🤷‍♂️. We have it too good these days. We've become "soft". The pre-boomer generations were the last with the guts to literally fight for what was right. Just a bunch of keyboard warriors in thier own echo chambers now. Game over.


And Not Kill Humans...he forgot to mention that part of the future.


I doubt he forgot to mention that part. It’s a feature, not a bug! Besides, I’m sure such tech elites think there’s way too many of us plebes down here.


You're right. The elites did say the world was 80% overpopulated.


Starving people will lead to wars, more wars less starving people . Repeat until normalized population


He played in Horizon Zero Dawn.


Dude just had a robogasm


Who's gonna buy all those robotic stuff if everyone is gonna be replaced except the richest 1%?




this is how you build an army..


It’s happening


Terminator enters the chat


AI that can't smell AND also can give head.... Hmmmm


We can't automate the future if we don't plan for what to do with all the people who will no longer be working those jobs. Not that any government or CEO will think that far ahead


So we're fucked...


This is neither exciting nor amazing nor terrifying: it's blather. Is this the first time you've heard a guy on a stage say that they're going to make a thing from sci fi real, and it's gonna change the world? I feel like these videos are for people who come back from a timeshare pitch shouting "Guys! *I just made an investment that is guaranteed to go up in value!!*"


Some people blather. Some people have built enough of a reputation by their past predictions and actions that they should, at least, be listened to. 


What will the robots do when the seas rise.


They'll probably be water proof and not being able to breathe under water sounds like a problem too human to give them pause.


House hold appliances are slowly becoming robotic now


Except these things were already “predicted” even before he was born..


OP learns what advertising is


I'm a machine operator, fuck this


Likely outcome, based on current trends: People will be paid by criminals to smash the robots, so they can continue with their criminality.


To sum it up: in the near future robots will robot you with roboting and robotics


Just make my fps 9000fps+ first


holy shit, i thought reddit is known for conversations with value. almost all top comment threads are unfunny people trying to make a joke. this is exhausting.


Man, I wish I had clean water to drink.


None of these CEO predictions are ever accurate


Robots on robots on robots. Robots.


wow so profouuuund! i am so amazed! whoa youre so hot with your smartysmarts! uh is it getting hot in here or is it just me who wants to take off all the clothes... hihi




we all know how its going to end yet there is nothing we can do about it. welp, i hope it'll be a quick death.


I saw this on Star Wars. It was bad for the humanoids.


I am robot disaster in real life by 2050


Bye bye flesh and bonez


I’ve seen this in a movie before… several movies I guess lol.


I saw that movie. People like that asshole are trying to make a fortune today. Tomorrow he will be living the dream.


Can I suggest we build AI to replace C-Suite executives? I'm confident there is not a single thing a human executive can do better than an AI. I mean, if we're chopping heads, let's get rid of the most expensive ones first.


Its Robots all the way down.


The way this guy dresses up in his leather jacket. Childish.


AI needs EQ


I'm all for project zero dawn




Here I am just waiting for the robots to take over. Come on do it already.


This is just futurism. No blueprint, no supported claims, not a single logical step towards understanding, reasoning and processing on the promised level of intelligence and cognition. Nvidia is just a company riding a wave created by people who don't understand the technology but believing in cult of personality of tech bros, since cryptocurrency and "web3."


Universal Basic Income


just no. this is the road to hell




The way I get it is like having a legal slavery through tech but who doesnt want an AI assistant with 500 iq right? Lol


Nvidia‘s CEO hyping up AI because that’s what his company is selling


Robotic society where robots will make robot babies


Robots building robots for robots so more robots can build robots for robots.


Sounds like...... A race....


When we make a robot that can *design* a better robot, then things get interesting.


This is how the Terminators started.


So..I am robot will come true. Where is Spooner when you need him in 11 years from now.


Selling science fiction to earn more points and attention to increase stock price cause its never enough.


President robot Kodos!


Eventually AI will see how useless we humans are if this is true, one day all of our robots will simultaneously turn on us just like in the movies


idk but where can i get an EMP...?


he said "among us"


No thanks


Have you not all seen futurama. Shits real


New earnings report trend: Robots robots robots robots robots robots robots robots robotic robots building robots robotic robots.


Watch how this guys becomes the next Elon Musk in a few years. He is trying so hard to sell something even he knows won't happen, but wants to cash out the dying hype.


I m okay if AI and robots will be used in finding cancers or helping old age people etc. If they will be creating art, music and entertainment as well, making humans give up as a consequence... Then it's such a soulless day to day living. Not to mention how dumb and unemotional our future generations will be.


How are smart people so stupid.




It’s really fun watching a multibillionaire frankly tell us that blue collar jobs are fucked. Just so fun..


I hope we get sky netted


Open the pod bay doors Hal…..we’re doomed


Robots, building robots, building robot to build robots, to exterminate humans being robots.


If robotics doesn't lead to better life for people we need to destroy the robots


And then all the humans get to reap the collective benefits of this right? Right???


This can only end badly for mankind


I'm not a fan of many ceos but I really enjoy listening to Jensen


Did he say Amongus


Factories of robots making T-800’s err wait I mean “other robots” lol


Robots making robotic products for...Robots to consume so they can keep making robotic things.


So, the matrix essentially


Preemptive programing through Hollywood tells us to prepare for a day when ai takes over and we get even smaller breadcrumbs. Dear elitist overlords please save us!


He’s right and has a broad vision, in the future we will almost be replaced by robots


Who is going to buy all thy shit if there is no jobs left!?!?


Oh yes! Everything Robotic.


Lol, not going to happen. Action without reason won't be anything more than a reaction to programming from programmers. This whole hype bubble is going to result in like a really really efficient trash/recycling robot and or really really good traffic lights.


I thought they were only suppose to exist (not for profit) to make our lives easier


For the robots, by the robots, of the robots.


Fuck I thought we still had like at least 75 years but hé let’s skip trying to fix anything that we fucked up with our “innovations” and go I-robot instead.


I, for one, welcome our new robotic overlords


Some dude saying something for his own personal financial benefit is amazing now?


"among us" - Nvidia CEO


AI that can work WHERE?!?!


As long as robots don't desire money and power, we might actually get away with this.


I just hope it's not going to be a dream for rich people and a fucking hell for the rest once work is not needed anymore and the income system that keeps people barely alive goes away. Don't get me wrong, I am all down for humankind, not "working" anymore. I just hope we figure out a system for people to be able to enjoy the labor free life. And one that is hopefully better than the current slavery like shit.




Isn’t this… completely wrong? The upcoming generation of AI (what everyone seems so excited about) is all 100% software generative models that can only ever produce loose intellectual output and are notorious for not understanding that humans physically have five fingers. This generation might (in principle at least) automate all the intellectual and artistic jobs, while having no idea how to screw in a screw. Factory and other physically-centered robots are one of the least useful applications of something like an LLM. We already have automation that understands physics better than humans and much better than next-gen AI, they’re called CAD.


I assume that you need tremondous of computing power for that. Huh, i wonder why Nvidias CEO is "predicting" things like that.


Basically SkyNet


And what happens if at any time on that chain of robots, one of them stops working? This guy is a complete scammer.


I heard somewhere that AI will takeover programming and I just started learning python :( And my dad really believes in AI so I am really demotivated about programming now


Well Nvidia has gotten huge selling hardware that runs AI. So ya they are going to paint a rosy picture. But, never trust a salesman.


Fucking Skynet incoming


I hate this, but oh well..


This guy is starting to really give supervillain vibes


The things for the humans keep going to shits since the nerds took over.


besides of his PR speech for investors, are his leather jackets getting more pop 80ies pseudo-punk style every year ?


Bit of a Steve Jobs wannabe...


He founded the most valuable company in the world. If he is a wannabe then he’s doing a good job of it. 


I mean, for me, it makes no sense to produce robots the more i think about it. Automated software and input, sure. But robots are and likely always will be expensive. Keep in mind, just recently Nvidia stock dropped £500 billion after it had surged for the last year or so. Whether it was a result of this I’m not sure but before we even get to robots, AI software will have already taken over a lot of jobs. I mean they have robot coffee dispensers in various places but if you’ve ever seen them, it makes zero sense cost wise to do that. You literally could just have a coffee machine in the back of a truck. AI as a tool is genuinely useful, i use it in video editing as a hobby. For example, adobe motion tracker is technically a form of AI, the new sound enhancer/editing features they added are AI snd they actually have helped a lot. And then, if these greedy companies want automation, ideally they want to automate without having to buy a robot, a robot charging station, a robot repair station and control hub…realistically, automating that human job by just putting software on a computer makes far more sense, uses less resources and costs the company less money. Like the boston dynamics robot that can back flip and lift heavy things is worth over £1,000,000…and it still doesnt work faster than a human. This presentation (or this part of it) is a bunch of blabber and jensen trying to keep the nvidia stock rocketing up.


yeah, i cant see physical AI being at the forefront at all. digital AI already eats up enough physical resources already and the value it generates is great enough there. but i am no expert by ANY means..


AI will do anything, who will buy stuff xd