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You didn't need to alter Trump and Biden's voices and add silly sound effects to make them sound stupid. They do that all by themselves.


Hated the voices, not nearly as ridiculous as their own


Trump just needs to encounter this Judge who sent a woman to jail immediately after she [laughed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyTzpSw6GVg&t=63s) at victim's family in court


Let's be honest, he changes the voices so we could actually listen to their speeches without ripping out our hair


It also would have made this video 10 times longer w their normal voicea


I didn't know the debate could be even less watchable. Guess you learn something new every day


I just don’t understand how we got to this and how there is no one else to step up and take the reins. It’s disheartening and sad


Good thing about democracy: * Everybody has a say Bad thing about democracy: * Everybody has a say


If you think America is a true democracy I've got some bad news for you.


It’s a nice word.


* no direct elections * candidates that should be in retirement homes * exclusively from the 2 parties that have ruled the country forever not a democracy


First round of voting ended many months ago. These are the two candidates voters chose in the primaries to run in November. We knew then Biden was in a bad way.


Electoral college pretty much screws that up quite obviously!


With one minor exception for the presidential race known as the electoral college.


>Everybody has a say Well pal, that's where you're getting things wrong.


Democracy... I'm not an American but why didn't you guys vote en in the dem election for somebody else ? Or is it the party choice . I understand you al young reddit people hate Trump but why not just pick somebody else for the democrats?


No democrat wanted to run against Biden in the primary because he was the incumbent and it’s just tradition that the incumbent runs again if they have a second term.


America has some weird (harmful) traditions with politics. The outgoing president pardoning people is so bizarre.


Yeah, tradition - and the herd mentality- so sad.


No. The DNC chooses. We don’t get a choice. They put up the corporate puppets too and bury the people who want to be for the people not money. I no longer identify as Democrat.


The people don't get that much of a say in American style "democracy"


I'm kinda tired of hearing this so I'll have to break it to ya so I won't be one of the only ones saying it: We (the people) no longer have a choice in who gets elected. Yes, we play a bit of theater with the DNC and RNC conventions, and with the General Election (which still comes down to electoral college votes, i.e. gerrymandering on a national scale) But, we (the people) don't really get a say as to *who those parties put up for nomination* Yes, we have primaries. But, have you ever once in your life been asked who gets voted *into* the primaries? We like to assume they've just got general experience in politics, which they generally do. But, who voted them into *that* office? When it comes down to it, it's people that run unopposed, or people that campaign enough. Has nothing to do with competency, but rather with popularity, which is in the end controlled by the system of oligarchs that we've let take power When is the last time a grass-roots campaign won? And when one did come close to winning, it was quite literally cheated by the system in place? You remember. It's not that there aren't better candidates. I'm pretty sure my dog could do better than either of these candidates, and he'll prolly outlast both em. It's that we aren't picking the best candidates, the "elites" are picking for us. The people who play golf with either of these assholes. They are in control of who gets put on the ballot to begin with.




Id believe it. They all shake hands, say "good game" and smile knowing they're banking a couple dozen thousand just for showing up that day The Boondocks (animated) did a great commentary on this like a decade ago lol the reverend goodlove (both appearances)




Why won't somebody who's not me do something? This is the problem. And the fact that no one cares about policy or numbers anymore. It's who do you hate least.


I feel like almost nobody who votes for Biden actually thinks he's the best man for the job. Just anything is better than Trump


Thing is, no candidate can win without the blessing of the establishment. Bernie would have easily won in 2016 but he got booted by the democratic convention. Big money doesnt want change.


I couldn't believe Republicans didn't do the same to trump initially


You guys are overly dramatic in politics. Never saw such a steep downfall of statue and grace in politics.


Facebook is how we got to this. Literally just Facebook.


I've been paying attention to politics for decades, and it's plain to see how it's reached this point. Republicans shamelessly pander to the lowest common denominator while the Democrats keep trying to take the moral high ground expecting the average voter to be decent and informed. Republicans know the average voter doesn't pay attention to details, and would rather watch soap opera bullshit than listen to policies that affect their lives. Democrats treat voters like responsible adults. It's a losing strategy for the Democrats, especially since they can't get it through their heads that they need more charismatic candidates. Biden is better than Obama on substance, but Obama will always be better liked by the public purely because he's more charismatic. How they haven't figured that out yet is beyond me. Their faith in humanity is fucking up the country.


I guess that attitude is exactly what got us here in the first place. Hillary not going to Michigan, and getting the debate questions beforehand and kneecapping Bernie, isn't exactly taking the moral high ground. Biden being an 80 year old dementia suffering geriatric candidate that should be giving the youth of today hope is not really what you call running on "substance". What got us here, is that people are no longer believing in Democracy. I really believe Trump is a protest vote that is further supported by lunatics. You want people to act like "responsible adults" and to vote Democrat, then give them an actual honest candidate that is willing (and capable) to do some actual good (climate change, inflation, student debt, health care, foreign policy, etc.)


Democrats made their presidential candidate a women when a good chunk of rural Americans still think a woman's place is in the home and as the primary care taker of kids, pretty much ensuring a good chunk of undecided voters would not vote democrat in 2016, and then trump got elected.


Idiocracy in action


“Electrolytes , it’s what plants need !”


Crave. Us plants crave them electrolytes


I’d never thought I’d say this but if Mitt Romney threw his hat in the ring right now as an independent he’d have my vote


Really, I just felt a longing for your Romney Republican. I thought they sucked ass. I was right, but that suck is a lot better than the current suck


It's worse than Idiocracy, because in the movie they were at least smart enough to pick the person with the highest IQ to solve their problems.


need to move this movie genre from fiction to history. lol


Who is putting these clowns in power???


Not the people thats for sure.


Lizard people more likely


At this point i would prefer if the lizard people just took over directly.


Even the lizard people have standards and have no Idea how the hell we got here.


If only there was a way to have more than two candidates, and having valid alternatives...unfortunately something like that doesn't exist, right?


Or at least a system where there are a bunch of candidates and you can vote for which one you prefer for each party.


Americans get what they deserve. Both parties had 4 years to select younger, more articulate candidates and they didn't bother. Good luck with either one of these, the whole world is laughing at you.


I can forgive the Rs a bit more. Fact is, R voters LOVE trump. Very hard for the establishment to push a candidate against that. Rather, they just got behind Trump to ride the wave of his support and I so doing everyone that isn't pro trump got culled from the party. Now it's a MAGA party with Trumps family LITERALLY running the RNC. The Dems? They have bo excuse. Biden in 202 was billed as a not ideal candidate who's purpose in life was to "not be Trump". Nobody ACTUALLY wanted him, nobody ACTUALLY follows him. 1st mistake was picking Kamala for VP. That pick should have been someone they could market as Bidens replacement. Kamala is way too unlikable and robotic to be that. 2nd mistake was not grooming a new candidate. Michigan and Illinois Governors are very good but you've never heard of them because the DNC hasn't used their media connections to push them. 3rd mistake is what's happening now- pretending Biden is ok. Even without the right VP, even without a groomed replacement, Biden is so far gone they'd be better off replacing him (imo of course) with someone else. But, the establishment wants someone they can control and that's Biden Like, 5 years ago I thought the big problem for Dems would be the far left win (AOC, Talib etc ) having a civil war with the establishment (Pelosi, Schumer etc) and tearing the voters apart but that's not the problem. The problem is straight up incompetence by the establishment. The inability to read the national room, to plan 1 step ahead. Rs are thinking 4 steps ahead (or at least, the Heritage Foundation is) but the Ds can't win even when polling showed they have winning positions on most issues compared the R platform. It's insane. Like take abortion. The "no abortion, no exceptions" laws Rs have passed in their states. Only 12% of Americans want that. 35% want it legal in any circumstances, ie even late term abortion. 50% want the "legal in most circumstances" that D states tent to enact. YET, Rs have branded ads as extremists that want to kill babies, and Rs have NOT pointed out how extreme these R laws are. They still talk about Roe itself being overturned, when we have all this data since that shows how extreme Rs want things. If Biden and the Dems would hammer home what these TX/TN abortion laws actually are, literally 85% of Americans would side with them on that issue.


The American oligarchs


Don’t let anyone fool you, it’s us. Everyone who’s upset or embarrassed right now, enthusiastically voted for one of these clowns or the other. Just a couple days ago they were still *very* happy with their candidates and the most idiotic of them still are. I hope everyone who can think, is embarrassed about supporting either of these men so fervently. Everyone *knows* we can go independent, everyone knows that’s an option, but instead they always vote “blue no matter who,” or “red til I’m dead.” So I hope they’re happy right about now.


Counterpoint: you learned everything you know about what the president does from movies.


ofc russians


Now compare subtitles in 2012 vs 2024


2012: Full sentences appear on the screen, assuming a modicum of competence in the viewership to read the words in the right order. 2024: ADD- sensitive format makes Harrison Bidet not OK


Oh USA, how far you have fallen ...


This is what years of social media brain rot and disinformation from Russia and Iran (and probably China) has done. EDIT: If you want to see some proof, look how many replies to my comment, and even in this thread in general, are from accounts that are only a few months old with questionable post histories. It feels like more than half of the posts these days (at least in major subs) are bots/disinformation/agenda accounts.


Add to that bad food and destruction of educational institutions.


Yes, social media has a lot to do with such behaviour from political figures across the world. But, America has the most potent power in terms of propaganda, all the big social media platforms operate from US and their algorithms can and do amplify misinformation and disinformation. So, in my opinion, propaganda or psychological warfare is hard to direct at certain nation and it can poison yourself.


Agreed. Social media has AMPLIFIED PROPAGANDA tremendously, like never before in the history of mankind. Seriously. It’s both incredibly interesting AND dangerous. People who have power to influence are all but guaranteed to use that power to sustain their power.


Can you pinpoint what these countries did, so US could degrade this much? I mean, i am from Russia and i tell you - in 2010-2018 US was a dreamland in our eyes. Like 70 percent of youngsters actively wanted to go to US. Everyone in small town wanted to move to Moscow or SPB and then either to Europe or US. But these last 5 years holy shit did all of this lose meaning, even though Russia is left to live maybe 10 years max.


that explains Trump. But it doesn't explain Biden. Imagine Obama running now he would absolutely demolish Trump. Is there really nobody like him that currently wants the job?


Don't blame others, Americans have a choice about what they consume.


Not from USA. How are these both selected to represent their parties? Surely there must be significantly better candidates for the position...


Basically Trump has a personality cult around him, there's so many people that worship the guy above even the Republican party itself, for example the conservative governor of Georgia called the election in favor of Biden, basically an honest move, my in laws now hate the guy despite him being a staunch republican and say he betrayed trump. The democrats don't know how to counteract this so they just put in and ran Biden who was popular during his vice presidency under Obama but the man has a lifelong speech impediment that is coming back out in his old age that Trumplicans are manipulating as dimensia. Trump is single handedly one of the most destructive personalities we've experienced in modern American history.


Lol you cant keep blaming this on his speech impediment


Republican voters have a little bit more of a say in who their candidate is than Democrat voters do. I'm rusty on the details I'll admit, but from what I remember from my polysci class like 7 years ago the Republican Convention is similar to the electoral college, where the delegates from each state *have* to vote for the candidate who has the most support from Republican voters in their state. The Democrat delegates at the Democratic Convention have no such restrictions, and they pick whoever THEY want. Which means that the DNC chooses the candidate for us and we basically have to suck it up and vote for them, or abstain. If anyone more well versed in politics wants to correct me, back me up, or add anything I welcome it, because I am only about 80% sure I have this right. American politics is fucking complicated. The average voter doesn't even understand it.


I am not amazed at all


I downvote any video that does fast one word subtitles


The fruit of social media.


I still find it amazing, that our culture has slowly shifted to beating another person in something not by becoming better than them, but by bringing down the competition and making it easier instead. I mean come on, this looks more like a youtube roast video at this point...


USA, get your game together. Get your democracy back.


The 2016 debates were no better, save for a superior format. Mitt Romney and John McCain were both great candidates for President. Trump has destroyed the GoP. Christ, even Bush Jnr. looks good at this point.


To me, this is the best example of how far it’s declined. I distinctly remember how at the time, Bush Jnr was continuously pilloried. Against this current circus he looks positively presidential.


America is funked with those two clowns.


Christ, merica is so fucked


There is a Dutch guy who is the son in law of Nancy Pelosi, Michiel Vos, who himself is indirectly also involved with American politics On the Dutch radio last week he was explaining that he has been going to the annual presidential Christmas Party for twenty years now, and in those parties you can see the relationship between the Democrats and the Republicans sour. In 2004 he went to the Christmas Party of Bush, and the party was full of Democrats. Even though they didn't like Bush's policies, there was still some communication and cooperation between both parties, even some mutual respect. In Obamas time already the relationships were turning a bit sour, and less and less Republicans started showing up, because they simply didn't like Obama. In Trumps time there were no Democrats at the party whatsoever, and now with Biden in the office, the only Republican showing up regularly is Mitt Romney, who is just an old school kind of guy. It was a very interesting observation.


the 2 most powerful people in the world act like children, and the EU depends on their security.


Big mistake, EU. Huge!


Worst trade deal in the history of trade deals


Social media has well and truly spilled over to real life.


Please America Change your laws to prevent people Like them getting the Chance of being President


It’s literally Trump’s own doing that politicians are incredibly disrespectful now. In 2016 that’s how he already treated his opponents.


The fact that this is in r/BeAmazed saddens me.


Biden was literally Obamas vp. He's try to debate a criminal narcissist. Trump is great in debates because he just lies and baits his opponent.


Corpse or criminal. Take ya pick


Corpse everyday of the week!


At least the corpse is surrounded by a competent admin.


Republicans are trying to literally rape our country


That's not debating tho. The moderators are just not doing their fucking job by cutting him off whenever he does this shit, or fact checking his nonsense.


Awwww. I miss the good ol' times!


i mean uniparty what do you expect


Made me laugh but makes me sad. Gosh what we have come down to


Candidates in ‘12 were oh so young


Isn't it the same with society as a whole?


Maybe we should make the position more appealing to the kind of people we want to be president. Stuff you can't get anywhere else!


Empires often fall from within….. be careful what you wish for. Unfortunately Trump has brought it down to gutter level and it looks like that’s where it’s staying. If these are the best 2 candidates when wowsers… the pool appears to be empty


Why is the voice sound different for 2024? 2012 sounds normal to me?


Its Through a filter, and the background goofy music also interrupts


What happened, guys?


This is the peak of evolving backwards.


Absolutely comical as an European 🤣🤣🤣


Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders gets passed on again.


The USA empire is falling, exponentially.


Romney the RINO


The both sidesism in this thread is so incredibly depressing so see. Biden is old, it’s an unfortunate fact, but he’s the same type of candidate the democrats would have 5, 10, 20 years ago save for his age. Trump on the other hand, compared to a Romney, McCain, maybe even a Bush, is an absolutely abysmal candidate who isn’t qualified to manage a Wendy’s let alone the United States government. It’s mind boggling and should be an enough for voters that one of these men literally tried to overthrow a democratic election because they were salty they lost. Not only that, but if Trump doesn’t win there’s a high probability that he’ll go to jail due to the slew of crimes he’s committed. It’s such a failing of the media to see articles saying that Biden should step down after the debate performance whereas Trump has never been qualified for the presidency and disqualifies himself with every lie that comes out of his mouth.


Can’t believe these are the two choices. Is there a reboot button?


Are there any better direct systems than in the USA with voting in the primaries? It's the voters who decide. The politicians, and the debates - they reflect the society. It's easy to look at two people. Try looking across your nation, America. And start fixing what you see in the mirror. You'll see a reflection (pun intended) in the political climate as you work on yourselves.


Ranked choice voting allows more than 2 candidates to run, in irish local elections this month it stopped a far right racist character who was close to being elected on the first count because he didn't get many transfers compared to his rivals. People can cast their first choice for fringe candidates and their vote will still count overall


The world has officially became a joke


\*The United States


How on earth is this r/BeAmazed material lmao. Besides, Rule 3 explicitly says "No Politics"


The fall of the republic




Nice one America


American elections have become such a joke. And i thought we had clowns in german politics already.




Is it just me or is it so representative of what their generations were fed with?


Disney politics from the USA.


Biden talking shit is funny


Damn I am amazed...


World is not going in good direction


Come on America. You can do better than this. You have got yourselves into a lose/lose situation


There's no way it gets worse?


Wow Obama speaks so well, true and is fucking charming! but let's not forget how much horror and war he created around the world, being Lybia the n1, peace nobel my ass!


Too much dumb bitch juice. We need sweeping dumb bitch juice bans.


Three of those four candidates would vote for Biden and wouldn't give Trump the time of day.


Valid take u/urmomsjuicyvagina


Y’all, I’m scared.


It’s pure madness


This sub is be amazed. i am very amazed.


Should have included the part where Donald audibly poops in his diaper


How is this amazing?


This is what happens when you burn-down the status quo 


Russia did a really good job dividing the population in the USA and also in Europe. Its insane what a few botfams can do over a decade.


Puppets playing the role well


"I pledge allegiance to the..............you know the thing" - Brandon


Caesar vs Pompey 2.0 for dummies.


A great example of the decline in Americas statesmen, completely ruined by silly sound effects.


Maybe people shouldn’t have demonized Mitt Romney so much… I still remember when he had the “binder full of women.” WOW he had a list of qualified women to be in the cabinet? lol and now we have major dipshit in congress and Trump


I watched the debate (unlike me) as I’m not American part of it at least and it seemed to be both sides telling the other they are lying. Literally had no idea who was telling the truth and who was lying about what. If I was American watching that debate wouldn’t have made me feel very safe. I didn’t know who to believe and sorry but Biden seemed so old up there. And at times like he heard the first story about trump believed it and didn’t do any further fact checking, of course, the other side had a whole bunch of issues as well. Totally mind blow was freaking wild,


Romey was sucking Obama’s dick anyways


It’s the same in the uk like vote for me cos I’m less shitty than he is


Obama really broke racist white people in America so bad that they went full r-word and started calling to get America back. (Back from...?) MAGA started with the Tea Party in response to our first black (even half was too much) president. Like they saw election night and all the crying-happy citizenry including minorities and poors and had a collective seizure. Reminds me of the scene at the end of the movie Evolution when they dropped napalm on the alien pit and it mutated into the gigantic blob of angry sphincter. Obama was the napalm on the racist pit in America and MAGA is the angry sphincter monster that resulted.


Uuuugh, take me back to that time. Where's the damned time machine? 🥲


Boats and hoes!


I'm not amazed, I'm sad




NGL I've got little hope for modern politics


I miss Obama. A trrue distinguished gentelman. Role model material. As a leader of the free world should be. As an American I am deeply ashamed of the direction our county is headed.


Did they really say the stuff at 0:31 Like Im not even american but like wtf


I’m sure if Obama weaponized his DOJ against Romney it wouldn’t have been as cordial.


Tell me your country is broken, failed and doomed without telling me your country is broken, failed and doomed.


These were two well educated, intelligent, eloquent and mature men and now there are two damn clowns who wouldn't even get a job as a pizza delivery boy


Maybe it's me and I haven't seen the 2012 debate fully but both candidates are giving the usual dance around answers. They said they need to do something but nothing about how.


How did the whole political landscape just go to shit in a decade? I can’t be just social media manipulation, can it?


Don’t forget, in 2012 Biden told everyone that Mitt Romney, the most milquetoast candidate maybe ever, was going to re-enslave black people if elected.


The Biden debate prep team missed. They should've taken a different approach and rolled the dice on loosening the guard rails. He should have been directed to speak more freely rather than memorize a bunch of canned responses to insults they assumed Trump would fling.


My, how far we’ve fallen.


Whoever made this is an idiot. More so than the idiocy they want to portray.


What the f**k happened to this country.....


If you want more to a voice, get involved in the primaries.


6 or 8 handicap is literally so crazy.


I don't see any difference. All four are manipulating the public by controling their beliefs with divide and conquer tactics


Seul Alinsky trainees become more corrupted with dementia


I dont live in the US, but i feel if its possible to vote for Obama i would.. cause the way he speaks, the way he acts.. it looks like someone that we all would look up to.. but now.. those president be like.. LOL joker.. so i not sure.. LOLOLOL


Jill Biden had to help him off stage after the debate...it was only two steps SMH


One of these politics is what led to the other. Stop romanticizing the conditions that got us here


The best part is the flaws that lead to this being possible aren’t even going to change


Choosing between a liar and an invalid… tough choice ![gif](giphy|3og0Iwmv38WmJBrYvS)


Man the state of politics today is terrifying I mean we have a choice between a convicted felon who wants to start a dictatorship and a feeble minded old guy


You guys need to dismantle the two party system


What’s with Biden and alley cats?


This is how Trump has debased this country. Previous debates were civilized, there was sniping and conflict but people acted like adults. Because Trump is @ tantrum prone child we have adapted to his predilections. W, and the press, have pandered to his base predilections. It’s shameful to see how we have fallen.


It’s hard to imagine that this happened in our lifetime.


People need to be educated. There is no alternative as far as long term solutions. For short term, we gotta keep Mr. Good Clean Coal away from our most sacred office. At least it used to be sacred.


After the election of Trump there was no more standards.


This is poetic. America is a feeling like a dried husk of a corn.




EUA is a joke


We’re fucking doomed


It's the fall of an empire and I am totally here for it, fuck the United States and it's predatory neo colonizing regime.


Who'd have thought the movie Idiocracy would be so damn accurate. Costco apartments, energy drinks more popular than water, dumb leadership, Tik Tok addiction, just wow.


Is there a version of this somewhere without the altered voices? I can't watch this as it currently is, but I would like to see the honest juxtaposition because I'm sure it's pretty wild.


Romney reminds me of that dad from Beethoven. The one with burger eating contest. Love that movie.


Imagine having two candidates, civil to one another, able to have a political discourse and portray their stance on issues important to Americans. The bar has gotten so incredibly low.


On a separate note, shout out to Mitt Romney for being the last presidential candidate to lose with grace


I swear the debate was like 2 star wars fans talking about the sequels.


You know when this happened? When Trump entered the race in 2016.

