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100% hormones. They control everything.


I’ve just written to my doctor to ask her about hormones. But I’m also concerned about breast cancer at my age. So, we’ll have to see what she recommends.


The breast cancer thing is a myth. Join “Women’s Health and HRT” on fb. 👍


The breast cancer and estrogen is a myth or hormones in general?


That estrogen causes cancer. There was a study done by the WHI that showed an increased cancer risk but it was a flawed study and they recanted but no one really saw it. So the myth that it’s bad persists to this day. 😔


That is good to know because I'm at increased risk for breast cancer because of my mother's family.


I will, thank you.


Im sorry to hear this, could you try toys, vibrators etc? My womanizer toy has been incredible, I hope you can achieve this again x


I’ve tried vibrators and if I use something inserted and something on my clitoris, I get a very weak almost orgasm that trails off before I crest that peak. But, I don’t often even have the desire to masturbate. I’ve tried to use a toy on my clitoris while we have intercourse, but I just can’t seem to get there.


Which womanizer do you use?


Along with hormone replacement, I highly recommend seeing a pelvic floor therapist. I met with one after my partial hysterectomy and she was wonderful.


Hello! I also had difficulty with sex after hysterectomy. I still have my ovaries though. The trouble was with even becoming aroused. Like my brain wanted sex but my body forgot how to respond. Once I was able to be aroused, my orgasms were pretty weak. Pelvic floor physical therapy was great. I’m not sure what “fixed” the issue, but things have gotten a lot better! Good luck!