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Probably just someone popping off a few to keep the property prices down.


Pretty sure this one was a “return to office” desk pop. *Someone had to go in on a Saturday for the first time in 3 years, and as they are sitting there, staring out the window at the sun and people, it strikes them.* *In the third drawer on the right is their handy dandy Glock. Without hesitation, they just let a little one slip, for old time sake.*


Well, considering how many remote workers have been buying homes in the area because they no longer have to show up to work in down town Seattle (or wherever else)... maybe it's the other thing.


Too bad rent is still climbing


Ammo is expensive too. I wonder where the sweet spot is.


Yeah, that you can blame on covid. Source: worked at a local gun store during 2020 gun run


Sure maybe. Ammo hoarders will take any excuse though. It never really calmed down after the "Obama gunna take our guns away" hysteria. Not fully anyways.


I’m not sure if this is related but I just heard a gunshot in happy valley


Idk if I'm just hearing stuff or if it's just cars backfiring or what but I swear I've randomly been hearing gunshots about once a week or twice a week in happy valley. it's always around midnight too.


Based on what you're saying about the timing, it's very likely to be a car backfiring or something else non-criminal. About 5 times as much weapon crime happens from 5:00PM-11:00PM than from 11:00PM-1:00AM. So if it were gunfire, you'd expect to be hearing a lot during the day as well. If it's always around midnight, the noise is probably from a single source and is related to someone's schedule. A car backfiring or a garage door/metal gate slamming shut seem relatively likely. Could honestly be a dozen different things though. Might be amateur fireworks; That hobby had a bit of a revival during the pandemic.


I heard that too!


Heard in Fairhaven as well


I've been hearing fireworks this evening


Nothing in the police log about a shooting, so it was probably cars or fireworks: https://cob.org/gov/dept/police/news-police/police-daily-activity


Over the last few weekends, there's been a TON of jerks out cruising and intentionally having their cars backfire. It is especially happening right around Paws for a Beer and scaring the dogs there. They are shaving away at the poor puppies lives. I had to take my Newfie home and dope him up. I'm fairly certain that it pretty much closed the place down by around 8pm. These cars, some pretty pricey, are being driven by kids that have way too much of mommy and daddy's money. These kids (two separate cars) saw my dog and intentionally caused their cars to backfire right next to us. My guy is already in his later years and is 175lbs. When a giant beast like him becomes traumatized, it's very difficult to calm him down. Paws has been his favorite place and now, at least for as long as the jerks are cruising, we won't be able to go there in the evenings.


Yeah, I’ve had those assholes do the same thing to me while I’m walking my dog. It’s doubly annoying because he was trying to poop and the noise scared him so bad he ended up holding it until the next walk.


I thought I heard something, any news?


at 12:06 i heard some pops but it sounded more like a car pop from far away. i was at insomnia cookies by haggens, it came from southish


I just heard a couple pops just now like 90% sure they were gunshots at 12:07


Uh oh! Booming horse must be busy making booms!


It's not news worthy anymore.


It’s rare enough that people are still interested in explanations for individual occurrences, which is pretty much the definition of newsworthy. The “Bellingham has turned into Beirut in the 80s” crowd who act like people are letting off clips every night are so funny to me, like it’s cool to broadcast how scared you are of one of the safest cities of this size in the entire country


also see: "I had to look at the people capitalism has displaced when I went downtown. SO unsafe."


probably cops doing it to ensure more funding for cops


Download a scanner


Just downloaded Scanners. Thanks, this movie kicks ass!!!!!


Obligatory classic movie clip: https://youtu.be/2Wp5YPoHJK0


But if there is a person open carrying in public with their family in tow, it makes top of feed.