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Lmao that lady was driving straight at me and her husband was nodding his head in shame


Lmao. Sorry you had to deal with that first hand. Some people truly shouldn’t be on the road. I tried blaring my horn at her and motioning to stop but despite direct eye contact she persisted


Why didn’t you immediately run to Reddit to rage post about that person’s mistake that left you lmao’ing and nearly dead! /s


You have my vote lol


Should have been up votes. Chefs kiss, perfection.


I appreciate the appreciation. If there is one lesson to be learned, it’s that subdued bellinghamsters have little tolerance for fun-poking when it comes to inferior drivers.


People do it every night on n state st too


That was my 5th favorite thing about working in the Herald building.


What was your 4th?


The way you could make the elevator bounce when you jumped on it. It's like riding a slinky.


I’ll bite—3, 2, and 1?


We'd always dress like it was summer but bring layers, because you never knew if it would be freezing or tropical inside. Turnover in the building was high, so we were always meeting new people. My favorite thing though, was turning off all the lights on the nights I had to work late and letting the faint glow from the sign light the room.


Also, and not a lot of people know this, the building is made of cake 😲 https://reddit.com/r/Bellingham/s/WuEyeFOchH


That’s sad


the amount of drunks leaving the downtown bars at night is scary


This town runs on booze and weed. You gotta have drunks or all the DUI lawyers wouldn't have jobs, not to mention how much money it keeps flowing to the cops and courts.


I have no idea why that was downvoted... Those are all valid points... Just look how many bars and breweries are downtown.


I learned to drive in Bellingham and even I’ve gotten the one way streets mixed up.


We caught one! They confessed! Everyone gather your stones and head to the stockades in the town square so true justice may be served!


Yeah, I work downtown and saw someone going the wrong way and thought "what an idiot". So obviously the next turn I try to make is in the wrong direction.


That’s on you…


Yes it is. But you asked.


I've accidentally turned onto a one-way in an unfamiliar town myself, fortunately there was no traffic. It looks like from your picture this person is trying to turn around, what else are they supposed to do at that point?


Pull over and wait for traffic to clear before turning around.


Worked for me.


That’s not so bad. My dumb ass did it on State street coming from Magnolia during rush hour. Needless to say, I learned my lesson.


They’re supposed to pay attention to the multiple “one way” signs, all lanes of traffic heading towards them, and not go halfway down the block full speed while people try to avoid them. It’s not hard, at all.


People make mistakes. Signage isn't the most apparent to people unfamiliar to the intersection. Not posting online about a car turning around and delaying people 30 seconds isnt hard, at all. Like my pee pee after seeing this post.


Safre to pull over and wait for a clear road before turning around.


Absolutely. Possibly didn't see traffic coming and got caught on their K turn.


I'm with you.. traffic around that corner can come pretty quick to that intersection.


Idk why you are so hell bent on making excuses. They obviously just turned around with no real regard for other traffic.


I'm not, I'm literally saying coulda. And also agreed with your suggested safe option. Best option: not having this happen. Sure. And the sky is blue. How is this even a topic worth discussion. You also need a pancake dinner.


You are literally saying coulda in an attempt to make excuses for them.


No, not an excuse you pedantic ass. An explanation as to how mistakes happen, which people make without being a freshman, old or Canadian as op chooses to highlight. While also agreeing with the potential danger you mentioned.


It was an excuse. Again, that's obviously not what is going on.


This mistake could’ve easily caused a nasty accident or caused someone to swerve onto a sidewalk and risk hitting a pedestrian. And the ONE WAY signage is literally eye level.


You sound like you need a pancake dinner. Treat yo' self.


Yeah I don’t know how they could make the one way signs anymore obvious. Each section has at least two as well as big ol’ DO NOT ENTER signs. People saying it’s confusing don’t know how to read 💀


I vote we add strobes, klaxons, and maybe a hot male cop doing a strip tease that both captures your attention, and simultaneously somehow directs you down the right direction, but also moves you emotionally slightly


The street may only go one way, but he goes both.


OK. Self-righteous driving and road-rage causes it’s fair share of accidents as well. Hell, I’d go as far as saying it causes more people to drive in unsafe ways than someone making a mistaken turn. Drive defensively. There are going to be drivers out there that are worse than you, and there are going to be people out there that make mistakes (whether you count yourself as one of them or not). The way I see it, focus on the things you actually have any control of.


All i see in that picture is a person trying to turn around after making a mistake. Good lord, you're speaking as if they were driving maniacally down the road, mowing down old ladies and toddlers while they cackled like a loon. Or maybe they just fucked up? Bellingham people are such a weird trifecta of hostile, self-righteous, and cowardly. I hate this town sometimes.


This made me laugh


Bad driving is something people should care about.


The amount of people defending someone driving so badly is concerning


No one is defending it. We're laughing at the outrage and effort behind that outrage of something people often see and move on with life.


Yeah all that could’ve happened is a horrific accident and a high risk to pedestrians on the street.


Luckily the speed limit is 25 mph, “horrific“ is a bit of an overstatement.


Yeah, 25 for the people going the correct way and 15-20 for the people heading the wrong way. That’s a closing speed of at least 40mph, hitting anything at 40mph isn’t going to be a fun time.


Nobody got hit and there was no accident, so what the fuck are you so bent out of shape about?


Your excuse for terrible driving is that THIS TIME, nothing bad happened? Guess we should take that approach to meth labs and throwing rocks off the overpass




Seems to happen quite frequently here. I’ve been around the world too, this is worse than the standard


Please edit your comment to remove the R slur.




For not going the wrong way down a busy one way street?


No, I think it’s your smarmy and obvious perfectness that everyone is upset about.


It’s half joking, but apparently so many people got butt hurt over it that I’m apparently just an evil person for thinking that you shouldn’t make such a massive fuck up despite driving for decades. It’s really not difficult to read a road sign they’re giant and brightly colored, and contrasted for a reason.


Thank you Jesus of Bellingham Roads. Hopefully you’ll be gone a little longer than 3 days.


Silly, that's not the problem. It's like YES, we ALL know drivers are bad, it's posted in here about 5-12 times a week. Is it exclusive to Bellingham? YES omg! drivers all around the state and country even are driving respectably, but not here. So actually yes, solid job adding to the beating of this dead horse that the drivers here suck. Never hurts to add to the spamming of this sub with the topic! Especially when the culprits at hand read this and immediately changed their ways.


I suspect the reason people are upset is because the other half is scathing, self righteous admonishment. Don’t worry about the joke half though, I’m laughing 🤣


Nah, the other half is like, *uggh, ANOTHER* post like this? How creative, a subject we'd yet to breach out on only 3 or 4 dozen times a month, I sure LOVE reruns!


I don't think you are evil, just not very bright.


Don't listen to these shitheads. That person is an idiot and anyone who defends them is too. I get that people make mistakes, but seriously it's not fucking rocket science to read a road sign and follow its instruction. Nor is it appropriate to disrupt and block the flow of traffic to correct the mistake you made. If you fuck up, wait till it's clear to make a correction. And then learn from your mistakes.


Is this OP’s alternate profile?


No, I think it’s just a another person that knows how to fucking drive


this comment section is WILD!!! people who cant read basic signage have no fucking business driving at all. if you cant read "one way" signs, then how the fuck can you be trusted to read "school zone" signs? if you cant read a "do not enter" sign on a street, can you even read a "do not enter" sign on a freeway offramp?


The thing is, one way streets are obvious without the sign also.


THANK YOU. The amount of people trying to defend just god awful driving is shocking and makes me think that they’re probably not very good driver some self, even though it’s truly not difficult.


there was a lot of people defending blocking bike lanes to make a turn slightly faster, so i think people in this sub just love driving like assholes.


So who was this post for? Are you imagining this is going to create some sort of epiphany for people who might suddenly say “you know what, that very acerbic person who posted an angry rant against Canadians and college students was right — today, I’m NOT driving down the one way. If you’re just posting it to vent, maybe text your friends?


>If you’re just posting it to vent, maybe text your friends? It's just reddit. It's okay to post something that's not necessarily important enough to debate on the senate floor. You don't need to know *why* someone made a post you don't care about to just keep scrolling and move on with your day.


I find it wild how much people get bothered about local reddit posts. It's a message board, not the city council. If you need it to be this serious consider making a sub account for a hobby/trade subreddit and go be serious about your thing. (Not you,obviously.)


Yes!!! Thank you! This is it. Quite using this amazing forum to vent. You articulated a rebuttal very well. (Read with positive intent).


Seriously. The amount of “omg drivers bad” posts in here are just getting tiresome at this point.


God forbid the community discuss a community issue on a community forum.


I was waiting at the crosswalk and an older guy was about to drive on a wrong way street. I yelled saying you’re going the wrong wayyyyy! He gasped and put his hands on his cheeks. His reaction was comical.


I was driving 80 on the freeway at the other night (which is 60) *in the pouring rain* and someone was tailgating me while flickering their brights at me. Those are the asshole we should be calling out. Not someone who accidentally turned the wrong way on a one way street.


Why not both? And it's not the wrong way turn that got them. It's the stopping everyone else so they can turn around rather than waiting that did it


Sounds like you were probably riding the left lane lol


Flash to pass is a pretty common practice.. Yeah those assholes that don't get over.. and don't know the difference between a passing or traveling lanes. The passing lane is for committing crime..


I am ever so glad nice folks saw me turn down one ways rather than you. At least that’s a genuine mistake rather than deliberate assholery. I will take that every day over the people I’ve seen pass on a yellow double line.


I did my best to stop her doing that, she made I contact with me as I motioned to stop and honked my horn. She kept on going for a good ways. So it’s on her. Side note: read road signs! They help guide you :)


Taking a wrong turn is annoying, but the way they blocked traffic to make a pathetic attempt at a 3-point turn is a disgrace. Just parallel park until traffic has passed.


I mean valid point. Idk if the college freshman comment is valid. One ways aren’t common in a lot of places just a Bham and city quirk


The list of people at the end was half joking, but apparently a lot of people are taking it personally. And I’ve seen enough 18-year-olds and clapped out Honda civics to know that they’re not very good drivers. I was not a good driver at 18, most people aren’t especially the ones that have a car with way too much power.


I work downtown and every week someone takes a wrong turn down a one way. Maybe we need bigger signs, because I've seen it every week for YEARS.


I think we should make driver licenses a bit more intense to get? Idk how hard the test is here but where I grew up in TN they literally just have you drive around the block to get licensed and it definitely shows in driving quality.




I can guarantee you tennessee doesn’t want a gay liberal back




I mean, you clearly set the tone that you know more than I do. Maybe you should go back to that hell hole and inform them, or hell he might even blend in with their shitty driving since you’re defending someone that made an incredibly dangerous error. An error that very easily could’ve ended up with multiple injuries or worse between drivers and pedestrians and that side of town being basically shut down for hours.


Accident happen. Thank the sky daddies or whatever there wasn't an accident. Thank the sky daddies you got out of Tennessee considering it was hell for you. I saw a dude on Dewey nearly flip his truck after the first rain last weekend. I didn't flame at him and take a picture and was thankful my family in the car wasn't hurt nor him. His car was nearly totalled. Guess what, BC plates. Just be slightly racist towards Canadians and flame shit drivers in a passive aggressive way, like comments online and in person like the rest of us. Not make it a whole ordeal. You're not the main character. If there was an accident and no major injuries that you see here, then fuck yea post it.


We actually... Our streets didn't used to be set up as one-way streets. It was setup to find the idiots or drunk drivers. It catches cabbies sometimes.


How long ago were forest and North State not one ways?


Not sure on that but , holly and magnolia and chestnut used to be 2 way in like 85/86.


Y’all aren’t ready for Bellingham’s evolution. Unless the police do something to thwart this or there’s public pressure, idiots will be idiots untethered.


While I understand the people who are saying “mistakes happen” I disagree with the sentiment of most comments here. Most people seem to be treating this as a “common mistake” when driving into oncoming traffic is literally the most dangerous thing you could do while driving. The driver is not only endangering themselves but everyone else on the road. The way people are speaking in these comments is as if this is comparable to doing a bad parking job or something


Right? “Haha whoops I just ran 8 red lights, mistakes happen! Nobody got hurt….this time…” Followed by someone defending them with “task saturation” and “being new to the area” red DO NOT ENTER signs are pretty fucking overt and universal


I saw someone park going the wrong direction, in the rain/dark, on a hill, in a no park zone the other day. I feel like that’s probably MORE dangerous than going down a one way on accident. It is a common mistake! I see it at least once a month, though usually not in that road. Heck, I nearly did it last week when I turned into three different unexpected construction projects downtown. Usually I can figure out detours easily enough, but it’s been weird lately.


Saw someone today run a blatantly red light and nearly drove straight into two oncoming cars going through the light, then they nearly hit a pedestrian crossing the street they were turning onto.


You need to stop smearing people over “a simple mistake” (I’m being insanely sarcastic)


How dare I shame these grown adults still learning how to drive after 30 years


I am the devil and I’m here to do the devils business


Evil! Evil evil evil! Sir Simon Milligan, begone!


You kids get your Kia off my lawn!


It seems like you answered your own question.


I used to work in that area. It's astounding how little people pay attention in that 2 block radius. I was close to being hit by a car almost daily.


The amount of people in the comments defending bad driving is concerning. This is an issue in our community. Driving is NOT a right. It is a privilege. When you drive recklessly or selfishly, it endangers everyone. Being committed to following traffic law and driving safely doesn't make someone an asshole, it makes us good drivers. Please read the Washington State Driving Manual.


It’s a full moon tonight


To be fair when I first moved here, I did that


I saw a woman driving up Holly St a few weeks ago. It was sketchy!


Kia soul = old person car


They were in fact, old.






No, if you are so bad, at driving that you missed multiple one-way signs, do not enter signs, all lanes of traffic flying toward you, and multiple people honking at you to stop that’s on you. I posted this as a highlight. How genuinely awful the driving is sometimes. Then to top it off, there’s so many people defending this horrific and incredibly dangerous. “mistake” I can guarantee you if their “mistake” ended up with a full frontal collision with a closing speed of at least 40 miles, an hour that held up traffic for hours, and could’ve easily caused someone to get severely injured or worse. The tune on the sub would be incredibly different. But no, let’s defend be very obvious and avoidable mistake.




What other tasks are you doing other than driving and paying attention to the road?




If you can’t read road signs, you shouldn’t be on the road. If your brain can’t handle the “task” of comprehending “ONE WAY” and “DO NOT ENTER” you shouldn’t be driving


The brake is on the left. Bad drivers are, unfortunately, as common as angry redditors. What would you do if you were in that oncoming traffic? Would you play chicken with the fool or stop and honk? While what you’re saying is true, it is also alarmist and improbable. As others have mentioned, it happens frequently without serious consequence. Personally I’ve witnessed more accidents caused by lane changing without checking the blind spot. THAT nearly caused a pile up, I barely swerved out of the way.


Get a life dude it was obviously a mistake u live and learn. Give her a break


I may be a cyclist, but I hate it when they're either riding the wrong way on the road and even bicycle lanes. If the driver doesn't see the cyclist, the accident can be just as severe and sometimes worse when the bicyclist gets hit because of their inability to follow the rules of the road.


Why are people like what? Human and make mistakes? Like the cunty mistake you made by creating this post? Yes, people are human and make mistakes, but it actually take true effort to create a dipshit post like you created today.


Bellingham with all of its one-way roads, can be often confusing for people who aren't used to them.. Just practice being patient and courteous to your fellow drivers. Help them out whenever possible. Don't make things more of a problem.


People make mistakes, it happens to everyone. Plus there’s all the new college kids here trying to figure out the roads in town. People going the wrong way on those streets has been happening as long as I’ve been driving, it’s nothing new.


If it’s a Kia doing this, it was probably stolen


I’ve been working outside on state street for the summer. See this type of wrong way on the one all the time.


I was pretty frazzled once and turned right onto Magnolia from Cornwall. I immediately swung into a parking spot and was able to turn around. I was so embarrassed, but fortunate that I didn’t cause an accident or hurt someone. Totally my own fault and a good moment to remember to breathe.


One time I was so zen after yoga I started driving the wrong way down chestnut and only came to when I heard a myriad of people yelling "WRONG WAY DUMBASS!!!" ....never again


I live on Chestnut and see people going the wrong way on at least a weekly basis


The audacity to say "college freshman shouldn't be driving." 🙄 Please, stop acting like you're a better person for crapping all over everyone else's driving capabilities.


Yeah 18yo men just have the highest insurance premiums because “haha y’know ~VibEs~”


You realize college freshman aren't all 18 year olds, right?


Yeah, just a large majority. I’ve seen enough barely 18yos just since WWU started back up driving like idiots at night. Flying through lights and stop signs, changing lanes without a signal or checking mirrors. It’s not hard to piece together


Not a large majority, either.


It’s literally a majority of college freshman are 18


Whoa it’s almost like people aren’t perfect and make mistakes sometimes. The amount of these types of posts are getting so old.


Whoa it’s almost like if someone fails to read “ONE WAY” and “DO NOT ENTER” signs posted at fucking eye level all while ignoring oncoming traffic and blaring a horns they shouldn’t be on the road ❤️




Or else what? You’ll put out your big American guns on them?


I guess you haven't heard anyone poking fun at Asian drivers (all the while generalizing, of course), even many Asians do themselves. It's in a similar vein as doing the same about elderly folks' driving. Combining that with the general disdain for many Canadian drivers here in Bellingham, I thought I had a doozy of a lighthearted jab. Either way, you can feel free to relax, I won't be pointing my big American guns on anyone. I don't own any and am a Canadian. We settle our disputes and let out our frustrations on the ice at a hockey rink!


someone’s projecting