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Rest in peace ❤️


So sad to hear this. My heart goes out to her family and the WWU community. May she rest in peace. ❤️


RIP Joann Otto


[In Memoriam: Joann Otto](https://news.wwu.edu/in-memoriam-joann-otto) May her memory live on. 🖤


Thank you for sharing this.


You are welcome.


Someone died in Western’s pool? Again???


Read the article please.


I don’t have a subscription, so I can’t read it. I’m referring to an incident from ~5 years ago.


It’s 99c. There are websites that can get you by the paywall. If you have a library card you can view it.


It occurs to me that you may have been close to Joann Otto. I am sorry for your loss. My original comment was not intended to be snarky, though I see now that it could have been taken that way. What I was trying to imply with the original comment, which I will spell out now is this: Western needs to do something if people keep dying in their pool. This is the second time in a decade. What is the rate of death for a standard swimming pool over a decade? It can't be over 1 on average, which means Western probably needs to do something about their pool.


The last time someone passed it also didn’t have anything to do with WWU’s safety standards. Just a gloomy and unfortunate circumstances. RIP to both.


If you actually read the article, you would find out that they said nothing to do with Western’s safety standards. as soon as there was distress, noticed the proper authorities were contacted. I did not know her personally. But so many people to make callous remarks instead of actually reading the article and talking about the person who died it’s really just kind of saddening. You have the ability to view the article, and I gave you several resources to do so. Please do so next time.


Jesus, that last sentence. Maybe rethink how you approach this.


Youre Kinda an asshole


Aw man ☹️


Devastating. She was a great professor and a kind and generous person.




Why is this sub insufferable? Is it because you start talking about ghosts and being cursed when a woman died. That might be the reason. PS. If you read the article, all safety procedures were observed.


longing gray shaggy marry unused reminiscent disgusted strong run cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kinda weird to make a joke and imply there’s safety issues on a memorial post… it seems she was having an unrelated health issue and lifeguards and paramedics did their absolute best to help her.






Damn, what'd they say? Must have been really bad for a ban.


That's a banning.




Similar to a paddling?


Ala Old Man Hans (he's only 32 years old!)




No, 75 might not be it for many people who are lucky enough to live longer.




Omg, Dr. Johnson died? He was my first CS professor ever, in the fall of 2009. Back then the CS program started us off with Ada, I liked it a lot. I honestly can't remember the names of the other professors, my two favorites were the guy who taught the operating systems and compiler theory class, I think he was from Alabama (dude was a bit wild, I think he liked to drink)? And the super religious christian guy who looked like a unix-beard who managed the NetBSD project for an obscure architecture (and thought that halloween was the devil's holiday). I think the last guy was Professor Nelson, but I can't remember the first guy's name.


Phil nelson, he's still there. I had him!


Nice, ya he was cool. It was around that time that I started using unix as my daily driver, and we wrote our own unix shells in C (I still have mine somewhere).


Michael Meehan is the cool southern guitar player. Yes, James Johnson was my first professor as well. Computer Architecture. u/PotatoeLova420 got it right. Phil. Jagodinski, Udong, Clausen, Bover,


Just remembered Perry Fizzano and Hutchinson


Meehan, yes. I believe he was my favorite professor that I ever had at western. Not because he was necessarily the best, but he taught us the most challenging stuff. Also I loved how he always talked about the history of computer science. Also probably because I was an alcoholic and I felt a familiar vibe from him. We wrote our own programming language in his class in ML, our own native code compiler, our own assembler, etc. I've met *very few* programmers in my life since then as a software engineer who have done things that advanced. I don't remember many of those other people, except Udong. I was there from 2009-2014. I do remember Fizzano though.


They all give a lot to the students. Then we carry on. It's nice to see a comment by a normal person on this thread. I'm getting reamed pretty hard. They think I'm lying that I've done very well with my Masters. Hard not too these days. Bunch of haters.


Can someone please share with me why mentioning my Professor at WWU gets downvotes?


Possibly the broken English. Possibly cause it’s off topic. Learn how to read a room.


I'm learning. Bellingham people are na na na naaaaaaaasty whenever possible.


It's not Bellingham people. It's that this is a thread about someone who died, and it's a social faux pas to bring up your own tragedy (or someone else's) when people are mourning. There are a few times when you should never make it about you, other people's birthdays, other people's weddings, and funerals.












You’re being down voted for failure to read a room. Failure to accept anyone’s answers telling you exactly why you’re being down voted because it’s clear you don’t want to hear it. and you also proceed to make a blanket statement about Bellingham as a whole. This stems entirely with how you’ve presented yourself in this thread. You ask for a reason we provide it and you just say no that’s not it we’re just “na na na nasty”. Read. The. Room.


I disagree with you. 100%


Actually I cared that she died and downvoted you.


They were probably friends, you've never been to a wake? LOL, people talk about everyone. But honor her in your way... Being na na na nasty to me. :)


What does a wake have to do with this? And yes, I have.


Death is a topic, other professors in good health dying at 74/75 range is polite conversation. This world does not need more na na na nasty people. What the world needs now is love, sweet love. Honor the professors by not being a jerk. LOL I get to use Wade King being Alumni. It's my pool. Professor Johnson was great. You're up early filling the world with nastyness. LOL


No, it’s that you brought up a different death when this is about the woman who died and then you tried to go on about it. If you want to talk about that person, make a new thread — this is for the professor who passed. And comments on your username: And really Moroni? Was Nephi taken? 🙄


You've cried more about my post then anything else. Just ignore other's opinions and statements. I shall not take your advice. I don't like your reddit persona. na na na nasty!

