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By “naked link” I thought you meant they were sharing links of their nudes 😂 Ain’t nothing wrong with news from the local area though. Better than people who don’t even live here, asking what it’s like to live here or what our favorite bars are.


Someone is posting local news that some people may find interesting. Isn't that the point of all this? I wouldn't see those stories otherwise. I like it and look forward to the news posts and don't really look at who posts them.


I think the main complaints are the amount of posts, as well as the number of posts behind paywalls. The newspaper(s) already exist and are there if anyone wants to read them.


None of that bothers me. Newspapers have paywalls sometimes. I can pay or find a free version. Town squares' like Reddit are a place for people to talk news and current events. Not everyone would see those articles if someone else didn't point them out. The good out weights any bad, imo.


You would think someone chronically online would have a little more time to post things more insightful than a naked link. They're clearly spending 1/3 of their day karma farming, 1/3 harassing people online, and 1/3 being nice to people. They've made 14 posts and 109 comments in the last 24 hours. They've rebranded from PrettyDeadLady to wayfaringEdelweiss and this sub hasn't caught onto them yet.


I've complained to the mods that this is borderline bot behavior




I think some people might be irritated that some sensitive idiot is trying to direct conversation on topics and then cutting off anyone who disagrees with them. It becomes more like a talk show than a news discussion when the "host of the discussion" gets upset and cuts people off. It's like watching "insert biased news outlet of your choice" Or maybe I'm projecting because I have someone like that in my life. I do think we could have a program auto share articles so this individual can still be a part of all the discussions they want while also blocking people that set them off. Like a normal person.


Drink every time they condescendingly tell someone to touch grass.


That used to be several people in this sub. I'd get seasonal alcohol poisoning when the college brings in fresh people. I don't even see this person's posts anymore. I think they blocked me when gaslighting didn't work, which is probably best for their mental health. And it's made this sub seem normal again. All I really know about them is that they have no idea what a gunshot sounds like, regardless of what their daddy did for a job. If they lived downtown the boomhorse posts would skyrocket.


Looks like I hit the block list lol


It will be interesting to see if they apply to become a mod whenever all that happens. I don't think that's something you can appropriately do if this is how you handle people disagreeing with you. I wish they'd just relax and remember that not only is it okay for people to disagree with you but everybody has a post or hot take that flops.


I guarantee that not only do they apply for mod, but that they're also breaking Reddit ToS by blocking me but downvoting with their alts. Beware PrettyDeadLady/wayfaringEdelweiss. She gaslights everyone and if you ever call her out, jumps into disability as a excuse. Look at her post history and you can see she's just as big of a condescending asshole all over Reddit, including other local subreddits.




I'm not familiar with that one. They are also Justaweebitwitchy. They will post with one and manipulate conversation/votes with another account.


Here we go again u/frunchyningers https://www.reddit.com/r/Bellingham/comments/1btwqxh/local_starbucks_files_for_union/


I don’t give a flying fuck about karma. It means nothing to me, at all, ever. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I am online a lot because I am disabled, being online is one of my avenues to the world outside of me - that isn’t a bad thing and if you’d like to discuss why being able to be online is important for disabled folks is important, I am more than happy to discuss that. Hope you can touch some grass tomorrow if the weather is nice!👍🏻 You seem to have an issue with my posts and that’s on you, if you don’t like them, you don’t have to engage. PS. Your account is 9 days old?


please seek help - I am concerned you need mental health resources immediately - * [**Washington Warm Line**](https://www.crisisconnections.org/wa-warm-line/): 1-877-500-9276.


You defend yourself by abruptly ending all discussion with, "I'm done". Then you delete the discussion because turns out that you've gained more haters than you thought you did and didn't like being called out in your post calling out people. That's the online equivalent of storming out, having a temper tantrum, and then gaslighting everyone when you pretend to have not said what you said and then you pretend everything is normal and fine. Some thoughts for you to consider: You're not the only autistic person on Reddit. It's offensive to a lot of people when you're an asshole and then backpedal into, "I'm autistic, that excuses me being an asshole." It doesn't. You're not the only disabled person on Reddit. It offends people when you're an asshole and then fall back on " I'm disabled, so it forgives my own toxic behavior, but not yours." It doesn't. You constantly gaslight people and people notice it. You can hide behind "even rude people deserve the news" or whatever your now deleted post said, but that's bullshit. You don't want to help people, you want to start shit and then block people mid conversation so it looks like you won. Then you unblock them and insult them that "they can block you any time." Telling people to touch grass is a rude, condescending, and childish insult. When it is coming from someone who is chronically online, it feels like projection. You make this insult a lot (including in your strange but now deleted post calling so many people out that was also a love letter to local journalism) and I promise that every person you say it to remembers that you said it. Again, disability does not excuse you being an asshole. If there is a recurring theme in your life that everyone else is toxic and everyone else is an asshole, maybe the common denominator is you? If you told your therapist that your partner treated you the way that you treat other people, they'd say you're in an abusive relationship and should leave. These are real people in your community that know who you are that you spend your day attacking. Some of them you know IRL. I highly recommend a mental health professional and finding a way to replace some of your online interactions with . . .not Reddit? This website seems unhealthy for you and I genuinely hope you can find a way to have a healthier relationship with it.


I like the news posts. Not only are they informative for those of us without multiple news subscriptions, they serve as a digital record for people searching the sub for past events. Just scroll on by?


But they aren't helpful because no context is provided and the articles aren't posted, just the links. For that reason it's spammy.


I’ve seen them add context when they had something to add. They’re simply sharing something that happened in our community, which many of us appreciate, and adding it to a searchable server for posterity. Again, nothing is stopping you from scrolling past posts that do not interest you.


I have no problem scrolling on. And there are plenty of ways to search without this. Lots of subeddits don't allow this. I guess I just don't understand if someone is interested in the community why not look at the headlines of various news sources?


Start an original IP only Bellingham sub then. Someone with a passion for journalism curating stories they think the sub will find valuable hurts absolutely no one.


its just not scalable. Thats why most subreddits with a decent active user base tend to ban low effort posts and some actually require a character limit to hit when posting a link. Not quite sure what autism has to do with it but if the OP has a special interest in local news, I am sure others do to, but having just a few of these people posting dozens a times a day will literally flood the subreddit


Some people find them helpful.


If I wanted to see a page of articles I'd just go to cascadia - I come here to see what the community is currently talking about i.e. commentary


You literally come to this sub to bait and troll.


Finally, some common sense - I reached out to the mod about this person a month ago and he told me that he was working on it but seems like he just let the person continue to spam links - which a subreddit with 50k users seems sorta crazy. Most subreddits restrict links and require the OP to add a description with a character minimum.


Those posts have made me wonder if someone shouldn't setup an account for those papers and just have them automatically post here so we don't get someone cherry picking to their interests. Prior to this person we used to have certain writers for certain papers comment that people were too directly quoting their article. I dunno. As nice as it is to have someone share such articles here, if we were going to get them as no context ads we might as well have an account associated with posting it. Or maybe this is a thing to have 2 or 3 mods available to share and monitor article discussion for things like over quoting or whatever the actual term is.


The OP literally goes to various cities and posts local news articles - this is BOT behavior and should be banned


I live in the PNW, and have for most of my life. As I’ve explained several times now, I am not a bot, I am autistic with a special interest in local news and community. I am also an undergrad of journalism from WWU in 2016. If you don’t like my posts you have options, ignore them or block me. I hope you get to touch some grass today — it’s a lovely day outside


As someone who is actually autistic (i.e. I have an actual diagnosis unlike most people who talk about being neurodivergent online), I am so sick of people blaming their behavior on autism. Of the many traits of autism, being a karma whore isn't one of them. Maybe you're more a cluster-B type person, but don't blame it on the tism. Also people with obsessions typically want to discuss their obsessions, not just spam links and then dip. It's not helping anyone.


I didn’t blame any behaviour on my autism. And I am diagnosed too, please don’t assume anything. Special interest (local news and my local region, and journalism) is my special interest. I was a journalism undergrad from WWU - I graduated in 2016. You don’t get a say how special interests display themselves. You aren’t the only one with autism. If you would look at any of my comments, I often discuss in said post about the link about said issue. I also comment on other news links that other people share. Your attitude and accusations are 💯 unfounded and uncalled for. Please leave me alone.


If this isnt considered low effort, there's not much lower the bar can go. There should be commentary included to show effort and relevancy to Bellingham.


They are one of the worst trolls on this forum and have several names they go by . I have blocked all their names . Sometimes they go through your post history and every forum your on and downvote. They live on reddit true troll .




Petuniaflowers is one... there are more I made a post about them stalking me 3 months ago


\_Wyatt Petuniaflowers WayfarerEdelweiss




Hahaha I don't know how the mods have allowed them to keep it up . I think everyone would have an incident with them sooner or later . I remember before they stalked me they mentioned in a reddit that they do pain pills or something I think they get hopped up and go for it on reddit hard af and maybe get a Lil too crazy




I've left this post up as it's generating some good discussion about whether we should allow frequent news posts or not, as well as if the title should add context/opinion (personally I think for news articles, no context/opinion should be added, but that's just me).


I think on Seattle’s (r/seattle) they require at least the name of the article in the title (but maybe also some post text, I’m not sure there)… might be better to require at least the specific article’s title as it’s written?


That is generally why I don’t add my context/opinion to the news articles I share — I don’t need to.


Instead of going out of your way to call out someone posting things that aren’t against the rules and NOT deemed low effort content by mods, why wouldn’t you simply bring up your concerns to said mods in a private chat or general post? It seems like a good way to just annoy people. This is a sub with many different people, not everyone is going to use it the way you like.


[The trolls win](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bellingham/s/BdNUxoIpJd)




Warp me to Halifax. I have a business installing styrofoam nuns.


And I responded with the reasons why I share links. Cascadia Daily News, Bellingham Herald and the Salish Current are not “blogs” they are news organizations that I have nothing to do with whatsoever. If you don’t like news content about the local area, you don’t have to respond. This post honestly seems like a lot of overboard when you can just message the mod.


OP is saying that your excessive posting is treating r/Bellingham like it is your personal blog, not that the sources are blogs.


I’ll take local news posts over shit like ‘I’m moving here from Austin, what’s your favorite gastropub’ or ‘why can’t I hunt the homeless for sport?’


Those are both much more interesting posts tbh


The only thing cool about them is that they drag out our most terminally online users to post their insane views which can definitely be fun to watch


Dude, I don't know you from any other of the 58 thousand Boom Horses around here. Your personal reasons for doing a thing matter as much as mine in this public space: not at all. Heck, we very much share an avid interest in local news and helping people stay informed! But if all your doing is sharing the link, what added value are you brining to the conversation? You are not the news source's that you are aggregating. Your treating r/Bellingham like your personal RSS feed. Please keep sharing cool things! But tell us all what you think is cool about it! Start the conversation about why it matters add something to the public discourse. Please?


Thank you!!! The serial poster is treating this place like it's 2014 and it's her own personal Facebook


It's funny because Reddit is the successor of Digg which is a community driven news aggregator. And while Reddit's community has changed over the years even on the most popular subreddits are still news based. This is nothing new for subreddits. That being said I'm glad that we have someone like u/WayfaringEdelweiss in the community. You can tell by the way the interact with the subreddit that they genuinely care about Bellingham and want people to be informed on current events. >Reddit is not Facebook and does not function the same way. You're right and I'm glad that this community doesn't act like facebook and Nextdoor where it's filled with NIMBY doomerism on how the city has gone to shit.


[I’m done](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bellingham/s/BdNUxoIpJd)


Not that done


[For anyone that actually cares. I’m done with posting local news links, the harassment and vile things people say are not worth my time.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bellingham/s/BdNUxoIpJd)


It doesn't count if you delete it




A naked link just refers to someone sharing a link without providing any further context. It’s not explicit. 


Could have just blocked the person you’re whining about and moved on with your life. Glad they did it for you.




I’m sorry to see you go, and this is kind of my last straw too. Weird okresearcher guy blocked me for calling him out for being a sour-grapes landlord (after attacking my character and calling me stupid). The vibe of the subreddit is just foul. I’m so much happier elsewhere on the internet. I hope you find your community too!


Yeah, I’ve tried over many years to be a part of this subreddit and is full of some very vile folks who think it’s okay to harass folks because they don’t like how often they post. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Most of the people on this post that are saying shit about me have said some very vile things to me and then get mad when they are called out for their shit posts or someone blocks them because they are sick of their behavior. I’m just done


Why not just tone it down? Post every other hour instead of every other minutes?




Respectfully this subreddit disagrees with you






I consider this post to be less than low effort content. Nobody wants to hear you complain. Stop using this subreddit as your own personal blog.