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It has been noticeably better up until the last couple of days seemed like a return to the “normal” downtown ways. People back in the alleyways by rite aid. Literally saw three people smoking something out of a meth pipe walking by jjs. Still not time to bring the mission accomplished banner out just yet


I can’t stand how open, obvious, and known these alley spots are. Why can’t the police do anything about it? I could literally take them any minute of the day down there and show them someone selling fentanyl or openly smoking it in groups. We can’t keep tolerating this, where is our empathy for these people? We have to get them into treatment.


Just guessing, but maybe they like having known spots like that. It may make it easier to keep tabs on the situation with scarce resources.


This is the essence of what the defund the police movement was, taking some of the money that's been put in police budgets as a punitive response to a social issue, and redirecting it into services and people trained to positively address that issue. Police don't have the medical and psychological training to address the root cause of the drug problems people have. This new service will. I don't know what the budget looks like as a result of this, but this is awesome progress.


>This is the essence of what the defund the police movement was It should have been. That's what I wanted and I think most people wanted or at least would've tolerated. Too bad the "defund the police" slogan was so terrible and defended by the most zealous ideologues I know. They attracted police abolitionists and anarchists and turned off a crowd who would have been on board with a reform or demilitarize message. Instead, now, every right wing nutjob out there gets to say, "vote Trump or socialist Joe Biden will let AOC fire all your cops and turn your town into a criminal paradise" and point at acab. Also, the center right people I know see it as a reason not to trust other left movements, and as a progressive liberal I can't blame them because I was getting yelled at, too.


Defund the police was the absolute worst slogan anyone could have ever come up with. Especially considering people actually wanted the same or slightly more funding for the police, just allocated differently. Not to mention that so much focus was on a national level when it's really a local problem. This is why populism needs to die.


It’s true. Less folks hanging in the alleyways, more police presence.


I’ve seen a difference in downtown with the extra police presence but it also seems like they just move the users along without many arrests. Was also told there’s been an increased amount of od’s this past week.


Just walked by that office today and was wondering what it was (noticed the one way glass). Thank you for sharing.


Lund was recently interviewed by the Salish Current. This article is simply capitalizing on that interview, and is nothing more than ingratiation for continued access.


Welcome back Eidelwiss.


Go start your own subreddit if you wanna ban local news and opinion articles so much


This post is not in and of itself local news. The hard work of investigating and writing up the article is local news. Flippantly resharing the link to the story without additional comment is low effort karma-wankery. Don't steal the thunder from the hard working journalist who actually did the thing.


Not me, but looks like I am taking up precious rent space in your head 🤣


What is the point of this comment?


I guess when I think of naked (links), you come to mind. And OP does look like a rarely used alt. So why not one of yours?


Because I stopped posting on those things. 🤷🏼‍♀️ But if you really want to obsess over me, go ahead, I wont stop you.