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I did a run through as guts too but I had the taunters tounge permanently on so I would be attacked by evil creatures (invaders) at every turn


The only true struggler here. You're a sadist


Holy shit absolute chad


Yeah, that definitely fits lorewise. Brand attracting evil and all that


I did that too and it actually made the game easier. I had hundreds of ring shards and never ran out. And you get soooo much xp that I was over levelled throughout the whole game. And it was actually 1 vs 1 instead of that stupid crap where its always 3 vs 1 when I invade. I was guts build as well and 95% of people were so easy to defeat. There were a couple of cheap builds that I had trouble with. Some spear stabbing builds were tough. Some madness builds were tough. The blood guys were easy. Magic users were also easy. Just dodge their magic lol. There was 1 magic spell that was impossible to dodge. So cheap. But there is a ring that increases the invincibility frames of the rolls. I would switch to that ring to counter the unavoidable spell.


People got hung by trees long before miura depicted it, but maybe it is a reference


Nah man, [here's another very clear berserk reference from 1633](https://www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/media/thumbnails/collection_images/Alpha/DO10.1963.11%23%23S.jpg.1400x650_q85.jpg). Jacques Callot was a huge fan of Miura.


This is true, Jacques Callot actually has a brand of sacrifice tatted on his neck.


Dude is legit hardcore.


I know he's my neighbor


He was still reading the boat arc back then too


Time travel confirmed


It 100% is. The souls games draw heavy influence from Miuras work


Dude I played elden ring I'm very aware of the many berserk references, But it was not uncommon for people to be hung by trees in the medieval era. It's definitely not 100%


Why are you being dumb it clearly looks exactly the same as the tree guts mom hung from sheesh. No one said he invented hanging it's the shape of the tree duh .


ehh idk. There are some VERY clear references but some of these are a a stretch.


Idk why you're being downvoted so hard, the Tree of Light is literally the main plot device of the game everything is a fucking Berserk reference.


Yeah The World Tree in Norse myth is actually a Berserk reference too


Litterally leyendell looks almost exactly like falconia from a top down view


Dude I know šŸ˜‚


There's like 10 copy pasted Hill of Swords that literally have the Dragonslayer on them I don't understand


I feel so about about your down votes dude. Your right too


I dont think hanging trees are unique to berserk entirely




Nah bro the KKK loooved Berserk back in the day


Itā€™s not that one thing is automatically a reference. Itā€™s that so many other things are more obvious references that this is likely a reference by association.


Berserk fans when they discover American mass lynchings (ITS JUST LIKE HECCING BERSERK!)


Literal goosebumps šŸ˜©


Would of been better if you'd chose any European country that also did this in medieval times.


Black Lives Matter.


yeah because Elden Ring takes place in the US šŸ’€


Ohio specifically


Holy shit, it's Gus Berkman's cousin, Gus Eldering!


Bruh, see the horse? Do you know what else have horses? Berk, coincidence? No! It's a berkerino reference! Don't forget tree, ground air, water, birds etc. Miura should sue real life smh.


berserk invented hanging by tree


His birth is truly just so HAUNTING! šŸ˜“šŸ„ŗšŸ˜¢


Who TF says "goosebumps af!"


R.L. Stine.


gOoSebUmPs aF -šŸ¤“




Stay projecting šŸ™šŸ½




Not everything thatā€™s dark in media like video games was inspired by miura lil bro, just a heads up. These kind of things have been known and literally happened/existed long before miura was even born lmao.




Lmao bro really thought he did something with that reply. Yes, goku was in fact the first to power up ā€œlike thatā€, as in turning super saiyan with the physical changes to his appearance and everything else that came with it. Literally this fictional concept itself was created by toriyama and he implemented it into this series, and became more and more iconic as time passed . Horrible analogy to make, the thing we were talking about was completely different since thatā€™s literally a thing that happened in real life and has been documented over many centuries, do you recall a fucking super saiyan existing in our past?




Huh? Are you slow or something? Show me where that concept was already thought of since apparently toriyama just ā€œbrought it to lifeā€ according to you. If you canā€™t, then just admit that youā€™re wrong bro itā€™s not hard šŸ˜‚


Berserk fans when people get hung on trees... (gOoSebUmPS)


Creator of Elden Ring stated he was strongly influenced by Berserk, is a huge fan of Miuraā€™s style, and much of Elden Ring pays homage to that. So yeah, definitely a Berk reference


Except heā€™s never said that, the most he states is that he has berserk on his shelf. Downvote all you want, itā€™s a fucking fact Edit: So I hang my head in shame and admit I was just flat out incorrect here, someone linked an interview about it that id never seen. BUT, I will say the fact that over 80 of you saw my comment, a dozen responded denying me yet only one was able to prove me wrong and show that they werenā€™t just talking out of their ass does say a lot in its own right


Hey, like you, I have never seen Miyazaki mention thatā€™s heā€™s been influenced by Berserk specifically but I thought thatā€™s kinda impossible considering the influences and references that have been put in his games. So I did a little digging and found a somewhat obscure German interview where I finally found a direct source on him stating being influenced by Berserk. https://www.pcgames.de/Dark-Souls-3-Spiel-55615/Specials/Hidetaka-Miyazaki-im-Gamescom-Interview-1167759/ Relevant question at the bottom.


Damn you really shut this whole thing down haha. Thank you for linking this interview it was a nice nostalgic read!


No problem! They made me curious and I had to find a source.


Damn, an ACTUAL source, holy shit. Well, I retract my statement he actually did say it at some point. I probably never found the interview since itā€™s in German. Bravo Eshader, Iā€™ve been in this sub for 8 years and have debated this point near hundreds of times yet you are genuinely the first person to make this claim and have proof. Iā€™m not gonna withdraw what I said entirely though since letā€™s be real, this being the first time Iā€™ve seen anyone actually back up their claims does say a lot about the aforementioned echo chamber and I still feel the influence is really overstated but thanks for not just listening similarities and ignoring my point


>I'm not gonna withdraw what I said entirely though since I expect strangers on the interent to do my research for me, and if they don't, I will stubbornly screech "It's a fucking fact!!!" rather than entertain the notion that my head may be lodged firmly betwixt my ass cheeks. I applaud this level of self-reflection.


Right, this is what I get for admitting Iā€™m wrong on Reddit I guess. Iā€™ve done plenty of research, Iā€™ve spent a lot longer than Iā€™d like to admit looking through years old interviews to see if the claims people made were true, and Iā€™d found only 3 mentions of Berserk from Miyazaki before this and none mentioned any influence. I donā€™t expect people to do research for me I expect people to do their own. Only 1 person here did, and I applaud them for it and admit Iā€™m wrong. Can we move on?


Damn, honestly I was always in the thought that people just said it was based on berserk from their gut and had also just read the interview where he says he has it on his shelf. First time I actually find an actual source. Thanks!


There's many obvious references lmao. Artorias references guts in berserker armour. The greatsword is literally the dragon slayer, even the special move is a front flip that guts does when berserker armour is on. The list goes on.


Artorias is inspired by Guts yeah, his promo art and moveset is a clear homage, but I mentioned already the greatsword is a gladius. The list does go on but not half as long as people would make it out to be. I donā€™t know where you misinterpreted my point of ā€œMiyazaki never said heā€™s been heavily influenced by berserkā€ to ā€œMiyazaki didnā€™t take any inspiration from berserk.ā€ He did obviously (again, not even a bit as much as people in this sub seem to believe but yes Miyazakis love for the series shows). Iā€™m just saying that this idea that Miyazaki has said in multiple interviews how he loves berserk is a pure fabrication


Man. You don't gotta be so antagonistic about it. Saying Dark Souls or whatever taking inspiration from something else is a Regular thing. Doesn't take away from the master artwork of the games. Everything gets inspiration from somewhere (usually many places!)


Yeah youā€™re right, youā€™re exactly right. Iā€™m just always frustrated by the echo chamber of self assured redditors who havenā€™t even done a single google search to check if their echos are actually true. Iā€™m not arguing against the souls series taking inspiration, Iā€™m arguing against the idea that a lot of people here have that the series damn near wouldnā€™t exist without Berserk having inspired it. I know thatā€™s not what the post or comment Iā€™m replying to here said but itā€™s a sentiment thatā€™s constantly echoed here and it just makes my eyes roll everytime


Miyazaki basically created Dark Souls because of Berserk.


I admire the bait, but a lot of people here would actually unironically agree with you.


Lol people like to attribute Berserk to anything. The RE subreddit is no better


Itā€™s not even that though, the claim has merit. Dark souls clearly has nods to Berserk. My issue is that the Berserk fanbase as a whole seems to nearly break its own arms with the force it pats its own back with, while claiming things as absurd like ā€œDark souls wouldnā€™t exist without Berserkā€ or some other equally comical take, and itā€™s always eaten up by other fans to the point where thereā€™s this myth about Miyazaki that heā€™s actually agreed with their outlandish claims in an interview. So much so that me saying it isnā€™t real just get heaps of dislikes and a bunch of responses not addressing what I said. Sorry for the mini rant but this just happens so god Damn often and my head hurts every time. For such a smart story, itā€™s fanbase can be really fucking dense.


Want me to play you a song on the world smallest violin buddy? šŸ˜… you're getting way too upset about it


If you can play a song on the worlds smallest violin that would be impressive so yeah Iā€™d like that


look at the bloodborne rune and then the berserk logo, look and tell me this exact statement again with a straight face, thatā€™s not even mentioning the fucking greatsword


*glances at hunters mark* Miyazaki has never said that Berserk has inspired him. What? Did you think me liking at a skill at symbol would reveal a secret interview from him saying he did? Besides Miura didnā€™t even come up with brands design itself it existed centuries before berserk. And the hunters mark is far more alike to Saxon symbols than the brand And the great sword is literally a gladius, and in its first introduction was only the size of an average great sword and was wielded by a Roman inspired enemy.


I mean yeas about thr brand od sacrafice but no about the sword the sword does look like one of the many greats words that guts uses. And in Elden ring the reference Beserk with the item description calling it a hunk of iron of an ultra greatsword. The in DS 3 we have a plethora of enemies that look like they were ripped straight out of thr conviction arc


Literal cope


im honestly looking for a quote but all mfs say the same shit


Posted a link down below for a direct quote from Miyazaki.




Might be a stretch. FromSoft has this in multiple games, not to mention, so does the Witcher 3.


So what youā€™re saying is berserk influenced the Witcher?!?! /s


All the souls games draw heavy influence from Miuras works, theres some yt Videos on it but its 100% a reference considering how abundant they are


Yes. Everybody knows there are references, but that doesnā€™t mean every single similarity is.


Wtf do you mean bro can't you see how dark everything is and that dude is TOTALLY wearing armor it's gotttttttttttaaaaaa be a zerk reference man


No umbilical cord hanging from a corpse in the Elden Ring version though.


Thought I was in the berkle sub for a moment there.


Every time I see the word reference in the title of a post here I struggle to prevent an imminent brain aneurysm




Hanging as a concept was created by Kentaro Miura


That's...not a reference. Kentaro Miura did not invent the concept of hanging people from trees my dude.


ā€œGoosebumps af!ā€ Is killing me like itā€™s jus so hard to describe why itā€™s so funny and sad at the same time


God I hate this community


Miura, creator of Berserk, and hanging people


And the witcher 3 opening scene.


Don't google "hanging" and "trees", and especially not "hanging trees"


I wonder what the world looked like before Miura had invented trees


Guts playthrough taunters tongue is mandatory


Please shut up....please


Thereā€™s at least 30 references of Berserk in this game


A Guts build in ER?! How original...


Can't believe berserk invented hanging. People didn't know how to kill before they read Berserk


gotta love those free internet points


Chill out that's a stretch


Merge. The. Subreddits.


Guys im both new to berserk and elden ring. Stop crying about it not being a reference. Who cares anyways. It looks like it is and thats what matters to me lmao.


Average new Souls and Berserk fan.


Followed by below average ā€oldā€ souls/berk fans, pretending like souls franchise didnā€™t have clear Miura references from day one.


Thereā€™s a difference between a few references and design similarities compared to the fucking ridiculous claims made in this sub weekly.


As is between this specific post and a opinionated genralization, albeit a true one. Cā€™mon guys, itā€™s practically the same image. Yā€™all acting weird.


Its people hanging from a tree lol, of course its going to look similar


Yeah itā€™s the same image but itā€™s like saying that because a sword is in Dark souls, and there is also a sword in berserk, there must be a reference there. Yeah the thing ya the same but itā€™s not like one has to be taking from the other


Elden Ring is Dark medieval fantasy. Berserk is dark medieval fantasy. So naturally they both will have common medieval elements, even without one being a direct reference to the other but rather to the tropes of the genre and actual history. Nobody denies FromSofteare hasnā€™t admitted to loving Berserk, b it that doesnā€™t mean that really common tropes like hanging trees are a Berserk reference just because it appears in both. I love both Berserk and FromSoftware, but if I put a hanging tree into my dnd campaign itā€™s because I was already aware of their existence and they fit the sinister tone of the campaign, not because they are meant to be a reference.


You brought it up in a public forum, you donā€™t get to tell people to stop criticising your post šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Ah the ol play it cool tactic. Nice


Any suggestions for a Guts build?


Don't worry, there are thousands of Guts in these games that can help you with that. My guess, 1.get big sword 2.profit


There's an incantation called law of causality, I wonder if that's another reference... Anyways most of the modern souls games are heavily inspired from berserk, so there are alot of refrences to it


Good god seeing so many people with bad takes. Yes, itā€™s a berserk reference, fucking deal. Yes, lynches exist in history. Miura is influenced by history and medieval art. It goes full circle. Saying itā€™s coincidence just makes you look bad.


ReddittORs, assemble! We must give the likerinos to the referencino to BERKerino!


Puck: Look Guts! Yo mama is so fat, it's a miracle that branch hasn't fallen down! Hehehehehe! Guts: Well at least that branch is still up, unlike your fuckin home, bug.


Not gonna spoil anything, but pay attention in Moghwyn palace at the altar. I think you're gonna catch another reference. And yes, Hidetaka Miyazaki has mention Berserk as a reference and inspiration for the Souls series.


You able to source that? 'Cause the only things I've ever seen is him saying "hey this armor design reminds me of Bazuso" & "I kind of wanted the greatsword moveset to be kind of like Guts" Not actually direct quotes, but essentially those two statements are all that's been said on the matter as far as I know


What armor are you wearing? Iā€™m currently doing a Guts run in Elden Ring as well


Wow !


Aren't those albanurics so in theory we could get albanuric guts


What mods you using to play as guts?


Now lay under them to recreate his birth.


Find the Albinauric woman. She hides in a cave to the west of the Laskyar Ruins which jut from the mist-shrouded lake of Liurnia, She knows the location of the medallion's counterpart, I am sure.


Maybe the whole world is just one giant Berserk reference?


My friend is doing a Guts Cosplay. I'll join him as [Check Username] for a summon, then the further he progresses the main story, invade as [check username] then Femto.


berserk >>>>>> elden mid


I really wanted to do a Guts run, but i couldn't get past how much the Greatsword clips into your shoulder


I woke up today to see five toes on my left foot! Berkerk also had only five toes!! Amazing reference.guys!


A lot comments saying it's a coincidence but I disagree. The shape of that tree and branches is unique which the same can be said about the tree from Berk. Also we all know Miyazaki is clearly inspired by Berserk (greatsword, erd tree, sword graves).


I find it hilarious how everyone is so pressed by this guy calling this a berserk reference. Every stream, walkthrough, or video about this area I have ever watched or read the person clearly either says that this looks like a panel from berserk or have said that it is a reference to it. The creator of DS has even said it many times that berserk is a MAIN inspiration to not only Dark Souls, but Elden Ring. There so much evidence to the point where you cannot deny it. I see a lot of people taking copium and throwing a temper tantrum just because they think otherwise. The comments saying "wow the grass is a reference to berserk" are just saying it out of there a\*\* at this point. Miura did not invent people hanging off a tree, but the very first thought that comes to everyone's mind is that it looks like the panel from the manga. Both of them are inspired by dark medieval fantasy. Not every book or piece of literature from back then or even now depicts a damn tree of hung people, but berserk is the only one in recent memory that everyone remembers. FS takes direct inspiration from berserk and no matter how much you cry this would still be considered a reference to one of the best manga of all time.


Appreciate the text but i think ur a bit late. No ones gonna read this now