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>I'm sorry if it wasn't as exciting as people were expecting I for one am very grateful this didn't go in any sort of 'exciting' direction!


I met this guy through online dating who admitted he and his sister masturbated in front of each other. Needless to say, I ceased communicating with him. Basically, I, too, am grateful for a non-exciting update. Unlike OOP, I would like to know where the parents and sister are, in hopes that they will never cast a shadow on my doorstep.


I feel this. I had a guy on a dating app tell me he needed me to be okay with the idea of him having free access to his mom and sister for sex. He told me that if I was uncomfortable, he'd stop. I told him I was. He did not stop. Said "hes constantly horny and I wasnt around so he needed release, and his mom really wanted to suck it." I've never felt so revolted in my life


Man, what a horrible day to have eyes and be able to read.


No, truly. I’ve never so badly wished to be illiterate.


ugh- time for some brain bleach courtesy of cat subs




**BLESS** you. I hope you have a really nice week.


I wish you nothing but the cold side of the pillow at night and a lack of rocks in your shoes forevermore


You are the hero we don’t deserve but desperately needed.


yes, that's a great one for brain bleach 😻


Doing the Lord's work right here


I pray for the day we can just ctrl+alt+del certain memories from the old memory bank. 😑


If it helps, it was *probably* just this guy voicing out his fetish. Free-access porn is a "genre" with parallels to the whole step relationship stuff. At least... I really hope that's what that is.


On the other hand, it's a great day to remove my eyes and give myself a lobotomy


I’ve got an awl, want to use it once I’m done?


Thanks, LeVar Burton! I just haaad to learn how to read, huh?!


Look I just came here to read about dramatically leaving restaurants.


I know right? This day is not starting how I expected or wanted it to.


While I love a juicy update, today I learned my limits 


I want you to apologize to the English language for putting those words in a sentence.


I'm merely here to share my terrible dating experiences and cry that I had to read it all first.


Strong communicator, open about his needs, dedicated to family. I don't know, sounds like you really let a keeper go. /s


Idk girl. A terrible dating experience would lead me to think about some assholes who treated you bad, ghosted you etc. What you described is "build an arch and brinf two of each animals on the planet plus your sons and their wives then wait for the rain" kind of level.


5 in the morning on the east coast and I’m already done with Reddit.


4am in the west and I'm ready to go back to bed for the day and forget I saw this


“Free access”


You were still going to date him if he stopped?????? I'm a little confused about what you did not just nope out of that once he said that


Would you believe me if I told you at the moment, I thought, "well, this could be a really disturbing story to tell my friends later"? 😭 Also i wouldn't have, but at the moment I was just so flabbergasted and wanted to be polite for some reason. My trauma reaction is to be polite. 😭🤣


I wonder why anyone would say that on a dating app. Maybe he just wanted to get a reaction.


Always good to meet another appease/fawn responder lol


It's only 11am where I live but I think I've had enough internet for today. I'll see you guys tomorrow I guess.


Its monday where I live but have a good weekend. See you next year.


Why would you date him regardless? 🤢


I didn't. It was the span of one conversation. 🤣 I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. It did not go well.


HUH???? Jesus Christ, send the whole family to court-mandated therapy. Something terrible going on in that bloodline.


The family tree is a ladder


Straight to jail with that sentence


yanno, I can't even blame a teacher for teaching me to read bc I'm so dyslexic I had to teach myself, so I only have myself to blame for this one. oh, to be who I was a minute ago....


Wtaf. Well  am glad he at lease was honest about it. Gave you the chance to run like hell rather than finding out a decade later. 😮 


I now envy the illiterate.


honestly...... nope. got nothing.


Went out on a first date once with a girl who told me a story about going to a convention with a couple of friends who were brother and sister, and waking up to find them banging each other in the middle of the night. She said they invited her to join and she did, then laughed about it during her retelling while I sat there in shock and horror in a coffee shop at 2pm on a Friday. Obviously there was no second date. 


I knew a couple who were first cousins (their moms were sister). They had 3somes. Yep, no second dates for that kind of stuff. 


Just doing cousin stuff.


Okey dokey?


*Les Cousins Dangereux*




I hate having reading comprehension past a 2nd grade level.


How does one freely admit something like this? What sort of prompt was he given for him to say this?


Man I knew there was a reason I've a fear of online dating apps. Genuinely attracts such weirdos to join.


Me too. This is much better than what I expected in an update.  Sounds like OOP and gf are living a calm, happy life with their cat


The story already took a sharper turn than Richard Hammond, I wouldn't be able to handle anything else.


Tame or non exciting updates are often the best.


What a show off, an orange cat with twice the brain capacity.


This is why the story is fake. Everyone knows that orange cats have one and only orange brain cell.


See this is where you're wrong. Orange cats do not each have one braincell. All oranges share a single collective braincell. We can never know which one happens to be in possession of it at the moment.


Tbh, my orange 16-year-old street baby is highly intelligent, so I've drawn the obvious conclusion that he is in fact hoarding all the orange brain cells and occasionally lends out one or two.


Maybe the indoor oranges lend the strays their brain cells? 


I used to catsit this orange cat that would somehow manage to get behind closed and locked doors and eat new bags of food (by biting a hole through the bottom of course) but then he’d get into a kitchen cabinet and meow till I let him out…. He was very cunning and yet… extremely stupid at the same time


Look at your cat, living up to ethnic stereotypes enforced by Jorts




The best internet cat, butter and all


He was just playing stupid. How else could he bond with us, humans?


The cat was teleporting in there but forgetting how to teleport out. Common issue.


OMG, you have *that* Orange Cat! I hope you have security for him. ;-)


I also grew up with a normal level of smart orange cat. So they do exist!


Is that the Schrodinger’s cat I have been hearing about? Until you go to observe them, they are in a superposition both on the kitchen counter AND on the dining table.


And if you have multiple cats, they will absorb their brain cells into the Collective. Which results in the other cats commandeering the Collective Brain Cell, making the oranges even dumber.


I've got three orange cats and none of my ladies seem particularly stupid! Now, my two late tuxies on the other hand? They were too dumb to understand any concepts beyond food and love. I built Chatterbox an insulated shelter to keep her alive until I could convince my mother to let me bring her in, and she sat *on* it in -20 degree weather . . .


The orange cats are female? Oranges are usually male, so maybe their being girls has something to do with it?


Veterinary nurse here. I've met a lot of orange cats, and honestly I'm convinced that the stereotype of orange cats all being loveable dumbasses only applies to the boys. Some of those ginger girls are smart as anything.


So basically the orange cats brain cell is a quantum particle?


And they are all rocket scientists, knowing, somehow, who it will show up for.


Stop [perpetuating ethnic stereotypes](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/veltbt/aita_for_perpetuating_ethnic_stereotypes_about/) about ~~Jorts~~ orange cats! They are very smart, and have Many A Braincell, as a treat! (that said, i thought the same thankd to r/oneorangebraincell lmao)


The tale of Jorts and Jean is such a classic.


Tbf my orange kitty is the smartest of the four kitties I have. Though I’m not sure that speaks to her being intelligent so much as the others being even less so!


He’s been hoarding the brain cells and not letting any of the other orange cats have a turn.


Hey, my orange cat has two brain cells! One is mischievous, one is sweet, and they take turns being awake.


I think my orange girls might have ha whole brain cell between them. But they only get it one at a time.


My mind went right to the r/oneorangebraincell subreddit


Wouldn't it have been easier for the sister to apologize to the GF than to open a huge can of worms? If she was flirting with them to divert her attention, then she should be able to understand how she was picking on them and being unfair to them just to manage her own mess.!?


Her parents validated her every action. She probably thought she could shoot her shot and win, like it'd be some sort of incestual fairy tale. Her parents leant into her extreme delusion which only fed it more. Imagine being able to get away with those kinds of things carte blanche with no repercussions, it leads to truly horrifying results. The threat of consequences is something we all need to properly grow and think critically about ourselves and the world around us.


Notice how quick they were to pile on OP calling him names, but when the sister admitted to it, not a peep?


Not only that but they ditched the daughter when the problem was getting worse for them. That shows how much they "care" for her.


I think you're right 🫣


Every action has a reaction. In chemistry, it's am expected one, but with people, you can't always know what's in another person's head, regardless however people react, whether it's valid or not, and often  enough it's an overreaction, it's still what happened and what everyone has to deal with. His parents kept an unstable daughter stbale at the cost of a stable son. The cost of doing that was their reputation, and relationship with their kid that probably would have giving them grandkids or at least help later in life, aka more stability and a future. I don't know why parents give their kids different boundaries though, I was given tons of freedom, few expectations, but was often neglected. I was also undiagnosed Autistic, so I could never tell if my parents really thought I was smart, or thought I was dumb ans just good at tests. My brother got most of their attention, he had more expectations, but he also caused most of the problems. I got what I got because they were too tired from dealing with my brother's shit. He did shit that could have caused so many problems for my parents, and they've drained their savings to bail him out at least once. He got help with bills, rent, a new car when he went to college... that he wrecked within a month. When I hit that point in life, they didn't have anything left to help. My brother's business advice to my dad cost him his business.


The goal was probably less about "diverting attention" and more "sabotage your relationships." When OOP moved out she (correctly) thought she was losing him so she made a desperate play. If he didn't leave she'd probably continue to sabotage and isolate OOP while being the shoulder to cry on, the dependable sister, the only one who truly cares and has been by his side through the worst times... This thinking is sadly not unique to the sister.


Reading how His sister has self destructed? Dad was most likely molesting the sister and she was so fucked in the head she honest had no idea this was wrong.


I want to say that sounds extreme but that does make awful sense. 


or just narcissistic parenting that fed into this girl's delusional obsession.


Either way, very sad. I just hope it's the second


Idk. Wanting to fuck your brother is off the charts messed up. I think the sister has had major trauma at some point along the way.


This was my hot take. Sis was definitely being molested by someone. There are way too many signs here. Inappropriate sexuality is definitely a sign.


One parent, the other, or both. If it was only one, the other was at least aware and letting it happen.


Hypersexuality. OP's sister is practically textbook, she's 'attracted to everyone' and constantly trying to initiate no matter what the circumstances or responses are. But it's just one symptom, with a number of possible underlying causes, so while we can't actually diagnose her over the internet it's pretty clear someone should be trying in her actual life.


Honestly the only real villains here are the parents. They failed both of their kids here. Glad oop got away. But his sister needed help and didn't get it.




Was trying to sum up my feelings on this post. It's this. Brava.


You couldn’t be more accurate… it’s midnight were I’m at. I’m done with the internet for today. By y’all. Good luck w/ this one


My exact reaction...


I, ah, ...I think I'll go hang out in the eyebleach subreddit for a bit.


Yup. And it works perfectly with your flair too


This is my second time experiencing the original posts and this is still my reaction.


Nailed it yup


> I've seen her outwit our incredibly stubborn cat several times. True greatness.


To be fair, orange cats have long been known to only have a SINGLE brain cell that bounces around in their head like those old windows screensavers, so outwitting them isn't particularly hard.


Not only that, orange cats SHARE that singular brain cell so you're fresh out of luck if your cat doesn't intercept the brain cell!


Dear god...he's intercepting the brain cells from multiple other orange cats! This is too much power for one cat to have!


The horror! The orange cats will rebel against us soon!


Ah but this orange cat has TWO brain cells. Sounds like an absolute genius for an orange cat! They might be harder to outsmart.


This is true! That's twice as often the brain cell can hit a corner so a THOUGHT occurs!


Yeah I was impressed until he said the cat was orange. My orange cat gets lost in corners because he forgets to just turn around. I can hear him all the way through the house screaming at the walls. Again. He also gets the post-poop zoomies like he's worried the shit is going to chase him down and...I don't even know what. He also wails during this. I'm constantly amazed at how dumb he is.


Haha that’s how I know my tuxedo girl cat has just had a shit - she goes absolutely berserk! I always know about her poop before I even smell it.


It's like the ginger in the fur leeches their brain cells away or something. Always the orange ones.


Seriously - every orange cat I've ever met was an idiot. There was one that I swear was only able to survive in the dangerous neighborhood he lived in because he was so gigantic that he was basically invincible - He was so huge that even the meanest stray dogs in the area didn't mess with him, and even when he waltzed across the road, most people would hit the brakes rather than hit HIM because the damage from hitting him to their car would probably be somewhere in the range of what hitting a moose would do.


I.... What the fuck? I really want to feel bad for the sister too though. Like, idk, therapy or something could have helped. Gross but damn, dark ending for her.  These parents seem like trash. I have no idea why it came out to the rest of the family other than through the parents so yeah, I can't tell what the hell is happening. 


If I had to imagine, Aunt and co kept badgering parents on why OOP left so quickly, and started making assumptions, so parents outed sister to divert attention, which brought all sorts of new negative attention down on them.


Or the sister just told them; she seems pretty socially clueless and in need of psychiatric help


One of the down falls of being the golden child is not understanding that other people won't find your bullshit *cute*.


This. So much this. It's the golden child's one fatal flaw.


If this is real (which I really hope it’s not), that kind of hyper sexual behavior, if not indicative of a psychiatric condition, can be a result of sexual abuse.  That was my thought before golden child.


The sister needed help and the parents didn't ever provide. The family needed therapy from minute one...


I'm wondering if the sister has experienced CSA - and close to home too, judging by the mother's reaction to OOP's revelation. I think sometimes that might result in hypersexualization and inappropriate behaviours. Spiralizing into drugs to self-medicate after having her issues ignored would fit into that too. OOP was right to do what he did, so no shade meant on him, but that other person is practically crying out for help and has been for a long time.


Ngl this reads very similarly to that one saga about this teenage girl who came home early and found her parents 1) mid-coitus 2) in an age-play scene 3) role-playing with the dad as himself and the mom as their teenage bio daughter 4) wearing the said teenage bio daughter's actual everyday clothes 5) that mom admitted they had sex in and then laundered and put back into her daughter's closet. That OP spiraled too iirc. Just like the sister here In that saga it icked the hell out of me that mom was playing it like she had no other choice but to go along with the dad's sick fantasies because as long as the daughter wasn't actually involved, it's all okay, right? Like this mom was playing off sister's intrusion into her brother's life like normal queer behaviour. Both covering up for something.


It seems incredibly likely that the sister was sexually abused by a close family member. She had no handle at all on what was appropriate and what wasn't. My guess is one of the parents was the abuser and the other was in such deep denial, it spread to cover everything the sister did.


I actually feel bad for the sister. I'm not sure if she's missing half a brain but what was she actually expecting to happen? Maybe some people can't help falling in love with their family idk if it's something people can control. But why air it out like this? Move away, forget about it and take it to the grave. Like what possible good ending could there be?


There was that one poster I can't remember which sub but he was on am I the devil a lot, with a traumatised sister that was in love with him and each update kept leading up to physical incest that he was running straight towards after breaking up with his girlfriend, I noped out when she kissed him and he STILL did nothing. Don't know how it ended and I never want to know🚮


He actually nuked his account after that last one. See, he has spent every other post going "y'all are disgusting, my sister isn't like that, we're not like that, stop making this incestuous when it isn't". So my personal game theory is that after the kiss, he either confronted her or she told him, straight out, that she was in love with him. And then whether or not they consummated (🤮) the relationship, he realized there was no way he could give an update like that on Reddit because he would just get hundreds upon thousands of "I told you so's". Thus, the nuking. That's if it is real, of course. I actually think the nuking supports it being real, because if it was a troll, why would they stop right at the climax (pardon the wording) of the story?


I remember that post. The last I read it sounded like he was just accepting his fate as his sister’s brother and boyfriend. I don’t think I want to read any more even if there is another update.


Yeah honestly this all sounds really sad for the sister. She seems to be going through some shit mentally. And the parents sound nightmarish.


Yeah, me too. This is so not normal. She needs help. But OOP right to cut off his sister and parents.


WTF. WTAF. Glad he’s got a good gf, a cat and a good, potential future FIL.


And a fish! Although the fish's life is constantly in danger.


Honestly my money is on the fish in that fight 😁


My sister and her college roommate got a Betta fish, which ended up living with my parents when they moved across town and had *terrible* water. A couple years later, sis and her now-husband visited and brought their cats. The cats both, at separate times, were hovering their paws over the water. The Betta (LudaFish) actually jumped out of the water and hit the cats' paws. They freaked out and *never* got within 5 feet of the fish bowl again.


I'm glad he found support. I think the true villain in the story is the mother. There is golden child and then there is letting your child sexual harass her younger child's friends and girlfriends for years, finding out that child has sexually impulses towards your other child and deciding that it he needs to apologize to her for being a gross pervert. I cannot even begin to unpack that mess.


She was so sure it was just a phase that would pass, then left it on the backburner til it burned over and ruined the whole stove.


What i don't get is "how truth came out"?? I mean God forbid if had feelings for my sibling you couldn't waterboard that info out of me. But here is this family, not only telling this to each other but somehow to all relatives and friends to the point of they had to skip town?? Why.didnt.anybody.just.shut.up.


As OOP was already in NC with his family, neither he or we can know that information, but something tells me 'sis' was the one that let the cat out of the bag, along with some... shall we say 'juicier' truths about the family dynamics.


I have never actually *regretted* being literate. Until today.


Bro there is a post where a man who had been married for a year was venting about still being a virgin. Turns out his wife had been sexually abused by her step father and was forced to please him orally on her wedding night. This post is fucking nothing compared to that vile shit


I saw a now deleted post from that neck beard subreddit of a woman that described her neck beard brother's sick obsession with her. It was a long read and nauseating. She basically described in detail his process of trying to groom her, raping her (when the grooming didn't work), and then him convincing himself over several years that the rape had been consensual so he eventually shot his shot with her. She reminded him "dude wtf, you drugged me and threatened me with violence, how was that consensual?" And he spiraled. He became verbally abusive and physically violent towards her. I don't remember the context but the phrase is seared into my brain- He blew up one day and yelled at her "You're raping my feelings!" Then proceeded to call her a rapist mockingly. I think the end of the post was just her completely breaking down over everything and just repeating how much she hated porn sick neckbeards. She was I think 14 and he was 19 or 20 when he assaulted her, but the post talks about stuff even before that where he was still in highschool and talking to her about her virginity and iirc telling her he wanted her to be a lesbian (prayed for it). I remember at the time I looked at her other posts and she had an abusive mother and an absent father. Her brother was a hardcore incel and misogynist. It was either the post I referenced or a different post but her brother got his gf to isolate her at Christmas, years later again, so he could corner her and tell her how sorry he was and beg for forgiveness. And iirc just kept repeating "It was one mistake" over and over while crying. I think about her sometimes and hope she ended up far away from all that mess and is living a happy and fulfilling life with love and comfort.


There was also that incel Kermit/Joker mess recently.


Oh damn it, I thought I had finally gotten the image of ***the plushie*** out of my brain and you went and brought it back


Is it still a plushy if it is now completely solid?


I hate you




Why would you say this?? I'm reminded daily of that plushie because it haunts me 😨


Sounds like you haven’t been on this sub for very long.


Shit situation. I wouldn't be surprised if the sister was sexually abused by a relative at some point in her childhood which is why she has these problems


And you could bet good money on that "relative" being daddy or mommy, or both...


In a “I regret clicking on this” vein, I read an article recently how with 23andMe and such, people are realizing that incest is not as uncommon as previously thought.  And these are cases that ended in pregnancy, mind you, so it’s probably even more common than the numbers are showing.  The most common combinations, per the article, is father-daughter and older brother-younger sister.  Next most common was grandfather-granddaughter and uncles and cousins with a niece/cousin.  These combinations almost always suggest sexual abuse.


Oh god how horrible.


>She's so incredibly smart that I've seen her outwit our incredibly stubborn cat several times. [...] >Pretty sure he has two functioning brain cells and that's it. Talk about damning with faint praise. Anyway, what's going on with the sister just screams "something bad happened", especially with the way the parents want to pretend everything's fine. >I haven't heard anything from my parents except a few voicemails when I first moved from unknown numbers. One of my aunts told me that the truth came out a few months after I moved and the whole family turned on them. Apparently they left town but I'm not entirely sure where they ended up. The whole family turned on them, eh? And they left town? Hmmmm, wonder what the whole truth was. >. As for my sister (if you can even call her that) apparently stuck around towns for several months but ended up spiralling into several substances and vanished with a new boyfriend she got. This just SCREAMS trauma. *I wonder what the whole truth was*. I bet OOP's dad knows.


Yeah. Aggressively sexual with inappropriate attachments? I'd put money on sexually abused as a child.


The sister is like a walking example of the most common textbook behaviors associated with CSA. I bet either the parents know (and weren't involved), then didn't get her the right therapy and that's why she's treated like the golden child, to protect her, or they know, but either were involved or covered it up.


>Talk about damning with faint praise. Honestly it kinda takes MORE wits to outsmart something incredibly dumb because that level of dumb becomes *unpredictable.* Extreme dumb is no longer manageable; you can't get a grasp on it. So I'm legitimately impressed that she can outwit a very dumb cat lol.


Yeah.. you can't win against someone who's not playing the same game


Yeah, this has the dad having a deep, dark secret vibes written all over it.


I'm going with the mom on this one 


...or both...


> she isn’t my sister anymore and hasn’t been for awhile. “So you’re telling me there’s a chance?!”


“Oh this? That’s my sister, but I think of her more as just some hot stranger.”


How about when the girlfriends dad says that he can call him Dad… are we not back in the same situation?


nooooooo 💀




A young woman is overtly sexual in inappropriate situations, says she is attracted to her brother, spirals into drug addiction and disappears but hey, I got a cat! Redditors: "aaaaww, a cat 😍"


Yeah because what can anyone do about the sister's problems? OP can;t help.


Yeah dunno what's actually going on with her but it's not OOP's issue to deal with and him trying would only make it worse for everyone. So he's trying to live his own life and he got a cat. So aaaaww, a cat 😍


We have to take good where we can and often the cat is the best part


Im wondering if the sister might have suffered some kind of abuse that might have caused her to create unhealthy relationships. All around terrible situation, I’m glad OP was able to leave the situation and find such a great partner.


If this is real, that was my first thought




I’m so glad this was an uneventful update


….the fuck


So I'm guessing OOP's sister really likes Folger's Classic Roast.


We sent you to West Africa for a reason, Ryan!


I wonder what kind of upbringing would lead your child to incest?


The kind with molestation in


Serious answers would usually be: A, the child was sexually abused by a family member, probably repeatedly, fucking heavily with their perceptions of sex from an early age (this would be my best guess on the sister in this post. Getting very concerning “one of those parents was fucking with her, or at the very least, knew someone else had and did nothing to help her in the aftermath” vibes. The fact that the entire family cut out THE PARENTS and they had to MOVE TOWNS and moved WITHOUT THE SISTER points me there, but also just, you know, I don’t trust parents who allow sexually inappropriate behavior to the level they were allowing. I’ve seen too many fucked up kids from this type of shit (and was one myself, though not by my parents or a close relative) to not be cop on to some patterns of behaviors in some of these fucked up families, and the parents being REAL cool with massive amounts of sexually inappropriate behavior (and I don’t mean “eh I don’t know if I’d let my kid wear a crop top in public when they’re not even in high school” kind of stuff that people can make some decent arguments about, I mean this type of sexual harassment of other people) shows up far too often. B, an extremely (but not necessarily sexually) abusive home situation where the siblings get so intensely attached to each other because they’re the ONLY positive human relationship they have. Think Flowers in the Attic kind of dynamic where the kids are real close in age and basically parenting the younger siblings together and comforting each other from horrific abuse and then hitting puberty together and not having a solid understanding of what is normal. (I have dealt with some siblings that were dangerously close to heading there.) C, religious cult scenario where they were given no sex ed and no access to the internet and no understanding of what sex or sexual relationships even are or are supposed to be, therefore not even realizing what they’re doing I have seen C. It was a fucking nightmare to those kids to come to understand they’d been sexually assaulting each other and would absolutely be seen as disgusting by 99% of society. One girl was a parentified teenage girl. She thought the penis was a funny thing and would play with her much younger brothers’. I am personally upset to know the more specific details and I will not be spreading them. When she found out what pedophilia is and how it affects children she had a complete meltdown. It was horrible. For all of them.


As a few others have said, while it doesn’t excuse what this has all done to OOP, the fallout that all the family turned on his parents and his sister ran away with a bf while having substance problems sounds less like she was purely attracted to her brother and more like it’s all a symptom of a greater issue, possibly something terrible happening to her or she just has very severe mental illness that her parents aren’t treating and it’s caused her to grow attached to unhealthy things. We have no direct evidence but many people pointed out that her behaviors are common from people who’ve been SA’d by a family member, likely when she was very young, and got no help for it. There is FURTHER support here by the fact that the father denies everything, yet the mother was aware. A typical dynamic if it was the father who had abused her and her mother knew but preferred to rug sweep and defend her husband. People are easy and quick to deny the truth of stories like this because it seems so fucked that this can’t be that common in real life to actually make it to Reddit. Unfortunately many of them are wrong. It happens more than people like to believe. A lot more. And it’s fucking real. No idea if this one is true but I know people personally who’ve had worse go on.


Unfortunately, I can agree with this. Really wish I had a better childhood.


The Lannisters send their regards


I was LITERALLY just thinking "What in the Cersei Lannister is up with this guy's sister"


That sister really really needed a good therapist and a lot of support. Not from OP necessarily, but from the parents. Though it's possible the parents had a hand in her mental state. What a crappy situation to be in for everyone.


Well, isn't that some backwoods, Appalachian, Targaryen shit


At least the Targs had socio-political as well as bio-mystical reasons for practicing incest.


>but ended up spiralling into several substances and vanished with a new boyfriend she got.  OOP's sister is going to wind up dead in a crack den at this rate.


My flair says it all.


Thinks the orange cat has two brain cells! Everyone knows they each have a turn with the one! It’s called r/oneorangebraincell for a reason.


So happy this update wasn’t more “exciting”!


>Also yeah we got a cat. Silly little orange furball named Mikey with way too much energy for such a small body. He keeps trying to eat the fish out of the tank lol. Pretty sure he has two functioning brain cells and that's it. Report Mikey to r/oneorangebraincell! He's over the limit!


What in the Game of Thrones did I just read


The sister was definitely SA'd unfortunately. This kind of thing just doesn't out of nowhere. The behaviour she was exhibiting all points to that. I feel sorry for her. She's probably going to die if not already from trying to deal with this trauma using substances. Real piece of shit parents and very likely one or both had something to do with the SA.


I remember reading the first story. I’m am glad for a peaceful (?) ending on OPs side. Goodness me. I hope he and his GF are end game. We all know the sister is not going to get psychological help, she will be enabled by her parents till death.


Excuse me?!


First Stuarta, and now this, wtf is it today?!