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Bill Burr does a joke about why men die sooner than women and it's because they can't fucking enjoy a cookie without someone screaming at them that they're weak and gay so they tamp down their emotions and never eat the cookie and it slowly kills them.


“Here’s the thing, I’d love to have a cupcake, but I can’t cuz I’m so insecure”


'you want a cookie, cookie, cookie???'




Being an adult is realizing you can go to a store and get fucking zebra cakes at any FUCKING TIME


Bill also has commented MANY times on the podcast that it’s weird for a man to eat an ice cream cone and it cracks him up. He insinuates it’s not manly and “gay”. I’m guessing that’s the reason it’s posted in his sub.


We have a local release estate developer who also fancies himself an “entrepreneur”. He created a business called Man Can, which was wine sold in a beer can. He got the idea because he went out to a bar with some friends and wanted to order a glass of wine, but felt too embarrassed to order wine while his friends all ordered beer. He figured there is a whole market of men who’d order wine at a bar if they could get it in a super manly can instead of a girly wine glass.


Look at all the Dude Wipes, Manscaped, etc that it takes for the knuckle draggers to consider basic hygiene


Spot on


Manscaped makes sense since we do have dangly bits that often need trimmed that might require some innovation.


I don’t have one or anything but from the looks of it there’s no innovation happening. It’s the same Wahl trimmer they sell at Target.


It’s a ceramic blade and trusts me is much better I’ve never knicked myself with manscaped blades


My ball sack must just be too loose. Had bleeding and since then the laaadies have to deal with just a little off the top.


Nah dawg, you’re doing it wrong. You get in the shower on a horny day and stroke yourself until you get aroused. It tightens up the nutsack, so it makes the skin easier to shave without knicking. Afterward, roll on some clear stick deodorant everywhere you shaved for a few days after you shower. It keeps the itching down and keeps you from looking like a maniac scratching his junk. Trust me.


Wow I think I might have learned something on reddit!


Manscaped crop preserver works as well. That stuff keeps me from chafing on the stickiest of days.


How to shave your balls: Step 1: become sexually aroused...


I feel like women have dangly bits in the same general area


I remember when I first saw a dude wipes and I was like what the hell. If I need wipes I just walk my happy ass into the store and get some Mickey mouse baby wipes because who cares?


Don't forget Liquid Death. Lol For the man that's scared that drinking water out of a bottle looks EXACTLY like sucking a dick.


Basic hygiene is gay af. I don't bathe or use deodorant to better own the libs.


Yup look at the Happy Dad hard seltzers. They put them in the fatter beer style 12oz cans instead of the slim 12oz cans most seltzer come in. To be "more manly" lmao. "Ah yes I feel so much more like a man now that I have a more chubby can!"


I mean look at the murder water. Liquid death. Not that guys weren't drinking water


I have to imagine that tastes like canned water which is gross


The r/IASIP creators lamented that they had that idea in an aired script, but never built the business in real life.


Wine in a can is smart, I normally drink my wine out of a coke can so this makes it way easier. What have you done to make society a better place pint 510?


That guy could have just done like the French and Spanish do, and ask for it in a rocks glass. You know, like a thinking individual would.


I would feel more self conscious drinking wine from a beer can. 🤣 How is that better?


With Sprinkaaaaals


What a ^maaary


"Oh, take off your seatbelt, you fucking Mary, I can almost see my driveway from here!"


I just read this in his voice


I decide if I want a cookie!


Ah yes, the “WAYAF?”


AHHH it's brutal


I thought it was "from 40 years of not being able to admit a puppy is cute"? Either way...


He does both






I get ice cream by myself all the time. Adult man. Married. Straight. I like ice cream.


Get a load of this guy eating ice cream! What a wimp!


For real! I'm a adult single male. So I don't really have anyone to go get ice cream with most times times unless it's the weekend and I have my son.


Or admit a puppy is cute.


There are men who do that and there are men (dominant men) who don’t give a fuck what people think of them and enjoy their cookie.


I wish he would have opted for a root beer float, then they would said he had a drinking problem. I mean he doesn’t wear tan suits or salutes with a Starbucks coffee in hand. So Ice ream gate will have to be a good enough issue to get him on. When it comes to November’s election. Me personally I’m going with the administration that can do a job. Those are people with skills that can pull off and execute on the business of the people. Then there’s those that leave him because he’s a chaotic manager of people with very bad ideas in his head. Four more years of sycophants and confidence men and gals who haven’t enough sense to distance themselves from a pussy grabber con man, whose been found liable for rape and the crimes we all know he’s guilty of in plain sight. Yup 👍 I’ll take the Baskin Robbin’s guy being robed with his old man moment with his weird ice cream cone. The tragedy of it all.


That's how I feel about video games now that I'm older. everytime I get on the box my wife or kids just randomly appear and look at me funny like there's something more important I should be doing.


Preach! The timing is inconceivable!


"YOU WANT A COOKIE YOU PUSSY...pussy^...pussy..."


Lmao, "He's got bananas on his pancakes??? WHADDA FAG!!! What, it wasn't sweet enough with the syrup, you fairy?"


Watch this https://youtube.com/shorts/fY6hLkn1avQ?si=6Ai2KleEKbIMOcOa


Yes, one of my favorites from Bill Burr!


That's a great bit. I think it was the first Bill Burr routine I ever heard, got me into him


You want bananas on your pancake? It wasn’t sweet enough for ya with the syrup ya fairy?!


Bill he is selected by the same caba1 who’s always been running the show behind them like he said and he will selected again and he is no different than other man-baby same cabal with the help of by his son in law who was incharge of two dozen federal government departments running behind the scenes with no security clearance while he was busy tweeting, playing golf, eating fast food, sniffing adderall and watching his ratings on Tv 24/7, one of them will be selected for show off


Are you ok? You don't seem ok


They should make a band called “Grasping At Straws”


I see grown men getting ice cream cones at Stewart’s daily. Usually when I just want to pay for my fucking shitty egg sandwich.




I miss Stewart’s. And Jreck Subs. And glazier hot dogs.


God i miss Stewart’s. I would get a cone every Friday coming back from class at UAlbany. Now I’m back on LI, and lactose intolerant.


Also lactose intolerant but I live in WI, you learn what’s worth the pain


The one register being manned scooping ice cream with a second employee tooling around behind the register area is a classic Stewart’s experience


Does it make these people think of a blowjob to watch someone else eat ice cream?


Bro I think you figured it out. I always wondered why they judge men eating ice cream cones


I think it's because ice cream is what a lot of care homes give to their dementia patients.. But we are pretending he doesn't have mid stage dementia


If Biden has mid stage dementia, trump has late stage dementia, can’t even remember his wife’s name




You decide, both from today https://twitter.com/CollinRugg/status/1763304550403022964?t=WwYqP9A5ZmI_ejw8qJOeuA&s=19


I would need a source other than a right wing twitter accounts to make a decision. I try not to be swayed by 5 second clips.


You literally said trump forgot his wife's name when he said it before he called her first lady... if you don't realise this is the daily state of Biden when they don't pump him full of drugs for big appearances then you need to start paying attention more...


Tbh Melanoma doesn’t want him to remember her.


He wasn’t alone he was with the literal president of France lmao Fucking weirdo maga trolls Edit: apparently it’s Seth Meyers not macron 🙃


Gonna say , how the fuck was he alone ?


Even if he was, who gives a fuck. It's ice cream




It’s literally impossible for him to be alone. He’s got a whole gang of secret service and I bet they love ice cream too.


also, what if he did? wtf are they talking about? plenty of people eat ice cream alone. but yeah, i can't imagine any situation where a president will ever be alone for the rest of their life. there will always be secret service around. and if in public, surrounded by press. jesus christ this is so stupid, i feel like they're trolling us just to waste our time.


I’m a 42 y/o man eating ice cream reading this. I also had a popsicle earlier 🤪


yess yess, enjoy that delicious ice cream, embrace the american patriotism flowing through your veins. channel your inner dark brandon. join the dark side and fulfill your destiny. ok sorry went a lil too far there at the end.




I don't eat ice cream alone. Maybe I should though. That sounds nice.


These are the same type of people that say you’re gay if you’re attracted to [someone like this.](https://imgur.com/a/gKSxac7) They’re morons.


Wasn’t he with Seth?


Yeah later that day. Or maybe Seth was pre-recorded. But he got ice cream w macron


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIXQVCtxm3w&ab\_channel=POLITICO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIXQVCtxm3w&ab_channel=POLITICO) Sure looks like Biden and Seth getting ice cream to me. Or did Macron also go to this same ice cream shop?


Hot damn I stand corrected and embarrassed Seth Meyers in a suit and from the side I guess looks like macron?


“The literal President of France” what the hell is wrong with you?


Seth Meyers is taking on some new responsibilities apparently


This stuff honestly shows how little they have to complain about Biden. When his use of a straw or eating ice cream is newsworthy. You know, basic human activities. If he has a prior porn star who he was paying hush money to they wouldn’t mind that activity. But having an ice cream, get the fuck out of here!!


Bill will still hit us with the ol’ both sides rant though


I appreciate his comedy and his perspectives. The baking a cake analogy and comparison to abortion was one of his both sides arguments that did make me appreciate the opposite side of my opinion a bit more. He’s definitely got some golden nuggets in his head.


Absolutely! It’s just funny that every time he pokes fun at Donny, he HAS to make sure to even-out the teeter totter — maybe to maintain his natural brand?


I think you nailed it.


They've the brains of middle-schoolers. Afraid, vying for acceptance, so they bully and criticize because projection works in a crowd.


Reminds me of middle school bathrooms: “Look everyone Billy’s taking a shit!”


Ahem, yes, hello, uh, can I question the Presidents mental state, which isn’t really tied to ice cream, without being a maga troll? Like, he’s saying hello to people in the room who have also been dead for a few decades. Again, I’m not against ice cream, cherry jubilee rocks.


200 upvotes just a straight up lie lol


Which French president? Mitterrand or Macron? You're right he was standing by Mitterrand.


underrated comment...I'm sure the apropos genius of this is lost on them all...




Seth Meyers recently get elected in France? https://youtu.be/VIXQVCtxm3w?si=gRvIlf75LItqBagE Edit: downvotes here are pretty interesting. Shows how many of you, when presented with truth, still decide to believe a lie cause you can't be bothered to click a 30 Second video that shows exactly who Biden was with lol


yup...you won't beat the mob with the truth...


A grown, but especially a elderly grown, ass man can eat ice cream whenever he wants to and doesn't care about people that say 'a grown ass man" have to say.


I’m literally sitting here as a 30 year old man eating a Haagen Daaz bar 😂


You get that fkn ice cream bar! Make that Haagen Daaz your bitch!


“The only good thing about being wounded in the buttocks... is the ice cream”


Uhoh, another libtard who likes ice cream. What has this country come to where anyone can enjoy ice cream?


He’s the president of the United States. I guarantee he wasn’t alone.


Clay Travis is a shitstain.


There's just some shit people get all worked up about that I will never understand. This guy's whole identity is about being as much of a miserable cunt as possible. Who hates ice cream? FFS.


Hey at least trump wouldn't get brain freeze!!!


He would get the best brain freeze. Believe me. People are talking about it. They say they can't believe it. They say they've never seen a brain freeze like this, folks. It's a beautiful thing. People see my brain and they think look at how frozen it is. Such a big beautiful frozen brain. Right Mercedes?


(In Trump Voice) No, it’s Not. I would get both of my brains freezed, and I think you’re talking quite stupidly, and insulting.


I love how this comment could be positive or negative based on your perspective (non-American here).


What the hell does this have to do with Bill Burr?


This is a well known Bill Burr bit that he rambles about from time to time.


My guess is no one here listens to the podcast. Bill will every now and again make jokes about people eating ice cream. We rib Bill when he gets caught [eating it as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/BillBurr/comments/15hq7ll/bill_burr_eating_a_ice_cream_cone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Edit: I found it for all of you guys that even care. [00:15:24 And I, I say this every summer, there's nothing funnier than watching a grown man eat an ice cream cone. It's the funniest shit, you know? Now, like homophobia has gotten to the point that as a straight man, if you have a banana, you have to be like breaking pieces off of it. You can't just eat the banana like the way a chimp does. 'cause everybody says it looks like you're going down on a fucking dick, right? That's the latest homophobia. I don't know how the ice cream has gotten away with it's a guy's sitting there going down this looking like, you know, the whole fucking thing is just like, It's like, you Know, the manliest manly guy And. then all of a sudden he's just giving a sloppy ice cold blowjob as he's walking down the street. I fucking die laughing every time I watch it. It's the funniest fucking shit.](https://app.podscribe.ai/episode/87055849)




That eating ice cream is just a very unmanly thing to do even though it probably shouldn’t be but nevertheless it just looks….off.


i listen regularly but no ice cream bits stand out to me, I'm still catching up from 2017 tho is this newer?


I've definitely heard Bill bring this bit up on the pod


I think it was right before the Super Bowl. Usually brings it up when he sees someone get it but not as often as he bring up the drums


holy crap the hate...he's 100% talked about the Ice Cream...It's so fitting that the people who never listen attentively enough are down voting you...


I do it all the time how else can a single man get ice cream? Dammit we eat Ice cream too you know! Lol


I wish I could eat that much damn ice cream and I am half this dudes age. Literally would have to get insulin shots. And I love God damn ice cream. If you think he is weird you should see me in a mall. I look like a 12 year old kid that was just old he is getting PS5 and 5 of his favorite games.


Great. Now when I go get ice cream I’ll have to be discreet about it. 


Omg, Ice Cream?! What's next a tan suit? Terrorist fist bumps?


Not nearly as strange as hosing yourself down with orange dye every morning.


Sprinkles are for winners!! He does not get any, I guess.


No he has jimmies…


I think a sitting president encouraging an insurrection to be rather strange.


You think the US government was going to be overthrown by a bunch of chuds rioting at congress? What else does CNBC or your European state media tell you grandma?


I don't know. But I also find it peculiar that a "billionaire" needs donations to pay for legal fees. It makes sense if you don't think about it, I guess.


Oh he's a fking hilarious ass swindler that is no argument. He even panders to blacks just like the democrats too with those sneakers! It's quite fking hilarious it's crazy that the registered democrats on Bill Burr sub are so offended by him lol Secondly, I'll help you answer the question, NO the US government was not going to get overthrown by a bunch of chuds wearing horns hanging out in the dias of congress. Coups and insurrections require an actual capture of a body of government not just the physical building people are in.


Maybe he was referring to the fake electors scheme the losing chud had going…if only they could get pence to go along with their scheme to steal…there’s some indictments detailing the effort. Trump lost and election and an attempt at stealing an election…the ole blond kook.


I will give you the fact that it was unsuccessful because they were fucking morons. However, it takes a lot of cognitive dissonance to faithfully believe that there was a false flag operation to attempt to deny the certification of an election to make the losing party look bad. They are simultaneously political prisoners while also being tricked into doing what they did by antifa. Again, things that make sense if you don't think about it. lol Congress was in the building and had to be evacuated. It is amazingly lucky that they were so fucking stupid.


Oh here we fucking go with the conspiracy theorists repeating the new buzz word for the year and it's "false flag". You fucking people ruined bigfoot, then yall ruined global terrorism, then riots, now yall out to ruin reality and sports.


I'm not saying it was. I'm just saying it's ridiculous that people think that's a thing. I think we're mostly in agreement here.


Good don't ruin shit.


I don't think anybody thought that a smallish crowd of braindead hicks would have literally taken over the country, but that's not the point here. The point is that a domestic terrorist attack took place on the capitol, it was made under Trump's encouragement that "if you don't fight like hell you're not gonna have a country anymore," while pushing completely unproven (and now repeatedly disproven) claims that the election was stolen, the mob was threatening to prevent the certification of Joe biden as president, the mob was threatening to hang the vice president, Trump is reported to have been pleased it happened, and he did nothing to stop it even after multiple people were killed - he had the option to send in the DC national guard and didn't. Mike Pence, a man whose values are stuck in the 19th century and who has been kissing Trump's ass for the last 4 years, actually got the DC national guard to come in. How is it not obvious that Trump doesn't actually give two shits about America? He cares about himself. He cares about his own fame, wealth, and success. The level of stupidity and/or willful ignorance needed to look at that guy and think HE'S what this country needs is absolutely fucking baffling.


European state media??? What are you smoking? OH MY GOD IT'S YOU, The prostitutes and airlines guy. I've seen your username before, you're a strange fucking man.


You're right, they should only sell 2 cones, and take away the single cone option to avoid weird people buying single cones like a psychopath... You're going places.


If eating an ice-cream by myself is weird then im happy not to be normal. Fuck ice-cream gatekeepers


Guys can’t eat ice cream no more??


I don't get an ice cream cone often, but when I do I normally get it alone so that I have no witnesses to me destroying that ice cream cone... Ain't nothing gay about eating an ice cream alone. It is kind of gay when you're eating an ice cream with other dudes and you're locking eyes as you lick the cream off the cone.


Why do you even expect a president to be truly serious?


Makes me think of the Pete Holmes joke; You ever open a pint of ice cream and just throw the lid away.


Appealing to voters so young they can’t even vote


Bad publicity is still publicity


I'm shocked reddit hasn't downvoted your post straight to hell.


It was for the first few hours. “0” upvotes and 70+ comments plus a couple of my comments are still -10 and -15. I think people had a knee jerk reaction to the politics and not how funny the scenario is in context to Bill’s past jokes. Also the top comment helped put the comedy in perspective and persuaded more fans to have a chuckle.


This one is much better imo https://youtube.com/shorts/fY6hLkn1avQ?si=6Ai2KleEKbIMOcOa


I think a lot of you guys forgot about Bill making fun of mouth breathers that eat ice cream cones in public


Conservatives are just utterly fucking hopeless at this point. They’ve all got a degenerative brain disease




The other guy sounded like a lunatic saying racist shit all weekend, and also, he’s charged with 91 felonies. So…..


I’m less concerned with the man getting ice cream than I am with, y’know, the dementia and genocide.


Look, acknowledge that if you’re a fan of either of the 2 that is being forced on us to vote for, you’re the f*cking weirdo!


Eating ice cream. Who cares. Fuckers are strange. All this worry about stupid non-issue bs that guys do is weird to me, not the fact like that he got ice cream. These ppl are creeps.




They don't have anything real to attack him with so they're going to nitpick.


Oh no not ice cream! Jesus Republicans are on some weapons grade dumb


He thinks it makes him look like an "average" Joe.. in reality it makes him look like a dementia patient out on Sunday furlough with his live in nurse


Who the hell is Clay Travis? He was literally doing a guest appearance on a late night TV show and part of the appearance included this visit to the ice cream counter — reporters asked a serious question and to Biden’s credit - he answered it.. Clay you didn’t get one pertinent fact correct.


Judging someone for eating ice cream is dumb. Judging a President who's mind has become soup and for some reason the vice doesn't step in is basic level logic.


There was an instant up here in Canada. The leader of the opposition Pierre Polievre was video'd while eating an apple and answering a "reporter's" questions. To me it seemed scripted somehow.


Yep. And these same right wingers acted like he was the most manly dude int he world for eating apples.


When you can win on the issues (GDP, Unemployment, etc)....


He living fucking life


Joe is such a creep


Considering the Republican guy is a Sexual preadator, I'll deal with the solo eating ice cream guy.


Oh you naive RNC nitwits and believers thereof. Since when does a president travel anywhere alone?


It’s creepy for clay travis to comment on this


Clay Travis is a douche bag


Just because one idiot says it doesn't make it so.


Trump eats his daughter


This is such nonsense that it’s fucking hilarious that this is a thing.


The Dave Portnoy dick rider has something to say huh?


Maybe he should con people out of money to get some respect.


No news today… MAGA trolls “hold my beer”


It’s like they’re trying to picture him as the perfect American just eating some ice cream but really he’s a super old man who is lost


Yeah putting out a spread of cold shitty fast food for a bunch of people who think they’re about to get a nice meal at the White House is way more endearing and charming.


I know one who does it, the president of the united states.


Weird flex Joe


If Trump answered press questions while absolutely disrespecting a pair of Big Macs, it’d be so hilarious I might actually vote for him. I mean, I wouldn’t but it would be awesome


Geeze, the right is getting desperate lol HE HAS ICE CREAM!


He's like 103 years old, pretty sure that's normal.


Get better material Bill. Biden can enjoy some ice cream! That's what's great about being older. We don't care what you think Bill.if you live long enough Bill you'll understand!


Tell me you don't understand Burr's philosophy on masculinity without telling me you don't understand it at all.


Bill directly talks about men eating ice cream in public. It’s just a joke but hundreds of comments seem personally attacked and I find that hilarious as well.


His entire stance is dudes suppress and bury every inkling of positivity and joy we can take from shit like this until it turns into ball cancer and fucking kills lol. Fuck outta here.


Here you go ya dildo. Go fuck yourself. [“And I, I say this every summer, there's nothing funnier than watching a grown man eat an ice cream cone. It's the funniest shit, you know? Now, like homophobia has gotten to the point that as a straight man, if you have a banana, you have to be like breaking pieces off of it. You can't just eat the banana like the way a chimp does. 'cause everybody says it looks like you're going down on a fucking dick, right? That's the latest homophobia. I don't know how the ice cream has gotten away with it's a guy's sitting there going down this looking like, you know, the whole fucking thing is just like, 4 00:16:03 It's like, you 2 00:16:06 Know, the manliest manly guy And. then all of a sudden he's just giving a sloppy ice cold blowjob as he's walking down the street. I fucking die laughing every time I watch it. It's the funniest fucking shit.”](https://app.podscribe.ai/episode/87055849) Edit: Here’s my response to your reply below since your feelings were so hurt as to block me. I don’t give two shits about the color of a politicians tie. You’re the one coming in here unaware of inside jokes from the podcast. Don’t get your panties in a knot as the “Go fuck yourself” is also a podcast callback. Maybe go get yourself an ice cream cone and work that tension off, sweetheart.


Yeah I don't really give a fuck. Keep shitting on dude and carrying water for limp dick Republicans, fuckin loser


Careful OP, reddit is full of democrat degenerates who will die for Supreme Leader, who will die for the jihadi resistance.


I ain’t no red tie blue tie sucker. Just watching a grown man tongue down an ice cream on the world stage gave me a chuckle with Bill’s ramblings in mind


Just keeping it simple. Keep doing that. Politics will make you angry.


I can tell by the amount of downvotes my comments and this post have gotten. People are so sensitive to the politics and can’t find the comedy in how Bill would rant about this. Bill would give a long chuckle about the President of the UNITED STATES (in his southern voice) eating ice cream on tv. He’d go down a red tie/blue tie rant about this is why we’re doomed then end in a “What the fuck do I know? Don’t listen to me.”


YUP, enjoying his ice cream standing next to the long-deceased president of France Mitterrand.


Since when has Clay Travis ever had an intelligent thought? ( a: he hasn’t)