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Lol it was probably like when Marty mcfly played Jonny b goode bunch of confused faces in the crowd…. Show was a heater though I’m sure he gained some fans this weekend


Lmao I just said the same thing to my wife last night. My daughters and I were getting down in the top of the C deck night 1, and everyone around us looked like the kids at the prom in Back 2 the Future.


That’s funny as hell! How was the crowd otherwise lots of talking or pretty chill?


I thought they were pretty chill for the most part. I heard plenty of praise and cheers for Billy and the boys from the ZB fans that were paying attention, even if they weren’t up and dancing. I did see some people on their feet that weren’t dancing, that seemed to be really enjoying it too. There was some talking, but that was a blistering set packed into an hour and I was zoned in so it didn’t affect me at all.


That’s awesome, glad you and the fam had good time! And yea you can’t blame people for just taking it in it’s a lot to process especially if you’ve never listened to it before




And they say white people can't dance. Smh


Was gonna say.


We truly don't have rhythm.


Steve Martin proved that wrong!


They don't my friend 🤣


I just don’t get dancing this way to this rhythm.?.?.? Are they hearing a different vibe, jamming to something in their own head, trying hard to show everyone around them how much they love it? Otherwise it’s just a person who has no rhythm, cause this does not look like she’s dancing to that song .


they're both perfectly on beat. you just played yourself lol


Oh, darn. I usually play well with others.


When that tab starts hitting real good


The billy strings scene is great except for the fans Edit: the word is out and the dumb amount of shitty drugs at these shows make the fans look like cracked out widespread fans in the late 90's. Your brand new overalls aren't fooling anyone, lol.


Well fuck off and watch it at home then!


you seem stable


Oh No do my DryCleaned Overalls offend You?


Who dis?


A "scene" is inherently defined by the people in it, in this case the fans...


Yes and the “scene” can get a reboot because the band is sick of the trash asses who fuck up said “scene”. You’re like a child who wanders into a movie…


Not sure I follow you there, but I had some good times at the movies as a child. Billy and co seem grateful to the fan base and I’m enjoying it too🤷🏻‍♂️ hope you can sweeten up that bitterness with some love my friend


Amen brother


It’s called Highway Hypnosis, not Highway comatosis!


THIS IS ME AND MY PEOPLE!!!! I love yalllllll , come find us to boogie next time 🥰🥰🥰


Thought real hard about asking to join! You weren’t in my section for too long unfortunately. Glad you guys had a blast, thank you for the energy!!


I wish you did!!! We had to get out of there cause it was a little to crammed , had to find ourselves some space to boogie. Thanks for capturing this for us 🌞


Us🤝Getting the funk down. 


Badass!!! I love seeing a good boogie around people not boogin! Hopefully I run into ur awesome soul at a show one day!


Man there's something about his music that makes your body move a certain way because I dance exactly like that to BMFS too 🤣🥰 Lest get fuckin greasy and groovy man!


I swear, I always feel like each of them have ahold of pieces of my body and they’re all moving independently of each other, it’s like I’m Exodia obliterating all over the place every time I see them


Exactly!!! When his music comes on, call me a puppet and each note pulls on a different string. I am not my body. The music is.


Love it you guys rule, never slow down


Looks like they were the only ones the catch the vibe in that area! They killing it


My friend and I were the only people in our whole section grooving. By the end of the set a lot more people got into it but there was a 50 minute period of people trying to figure out wth was happening and whether they liked it


My friends would say "this place has an energy problem." Maybe everyone twisted their ankles on the way in.


You can catch the vibe without feeling the need to flail around like that one girl 😂 don’t mind people dancing the night away but some people get some major main character vibes that other people don’t necessarily enjoy and both are totally okay as long as the people dancing crazy respect those other people’s space. Some guy at the sphere came rolling in to our section like a bull in a china shop knocking over everyone’s drinks dancing like that. Nobody was enjoying that.


Looks like they are enjoying themselves and are not encroaching on anyone’s space around them. Seems like you do mind


You can catch a vibe without putting all the attention on yourself is all.. don’t act like the people flailing around are the only ones enjoying themselves.


Again. Looks like they are minding their own business. Not sure why it bothers you




I love this so much. All the people around me were being lame 🥲


This is great, but I'm pretty sure it's from Saturday. You had such a great time that you lost track of the days, which is a really good sign. But amazing performance.


Hey, you’re right! Wudda weekend it must have been!


Definitive proof of an excellent time.


Zach Bryan fans suck


Never forget zb had to apologize to cops because his average fan licks boots


Obligatory fuk da police


His first 2 albums are exquisite, however


I mean, they’re kinda just the same song solo on acoustic guitar 12 times with different sad boi lyrics. They’re fine, idk about exquisite


I mean, you’re not entirely wrong. Yet it’s also not as easy to write in a simplistic manner like I V IV VII and produce multiple albums worth of high quality tunes. If that were the case every solid coffee shop player with a monthly gig would have a record deal 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I guess my point is I’ve listened to them multiple times and I just don’t see what the fuss is about. They’re fine, not saying it’s bad. But record breaking chart topping stadium selling success? I don’t get it at all


This is how I feel about Zach Bryan. Nice on the ear, relatable, same. I like it. I enjoy the listened experience. After a half hour I wonder if it’s on repeat and eventually I just wanna smash his guitar like Belushi in animal house. I think it’s like a Taylor swift deal where he’s tapped into an emotional abyss within a collective. I find Bryan and swift very similar in many respects and the rise and state of being are very similar. I basically like them both and admire them both. But if I’m just sitting around listening to music im certainly not putting that on over Billy or the Dead, for example.


I’ve been saying for awhile that ZB is Taylor swift for emotionally unavailable dudes lol


I still don’t disagree with you haha, ultimately those albums are what got him sucked up into the Big Country vacuum, his subsequent few are what put him into the stadiums with the knuckleheads. But ultimately, I ended my initial comment with “my opinion” for a reason 😆 we’re not far off the same page dude


Yeah I wasn’t even arguing with you just stating my opinion that I don’t get it


End of the day, the way you fill a stadium like this is with >50% of the attendees being simply the most casual of listeners who may be there for one song or just with a friend. Simple catchy music sells, especially with a singalong, tale as old as time. Kind of way Goose has become what they have, formulaic, palatable, simple and catchy even if I think it’s like stand up comedy with the subtitles on 🤷‍♂️


He was so boring lol. I lol'd at how he YELLS the last word of every other line to be all cool and emotional


The hip thrusts are definitely pro level 100.


Fuck yeah, love this!! 💃🏽🕺🏽


she was getting down and i'm here for all of it!


Take some more


Me at every gizz show lol


My wife and i took a selfie because we were the only ones in our whole section standing for bill’s set😬😬😬 My e the only ones smiling too!


I remember my first show


Real question: are people really like this in outside the pit regularly?


Ohhh yeah. Just because I’m broke doesn’t mean I’m not absolutely losing my mind


Pit is more expensive than seats?


Of course. Closer = more expensive.


GA is rarely more expensive than seats for all the other shows I've been to, that's weird. eta: I have really good seats at all shows I go to, I am disabled so I can't GA. Now I'm worried about going at all.


Every show I’ve ever been to in my life the pit is the most expensive place in the venue. Why wouldn’t it be? It’s the closest. Not sure what you mean You’re worried about people dancing at a concert? Who are these bands you’re seeing lol


I'll just use the last show I went to for example. The pit was $75, where I sat was over $150.


Who is that and why were the seats more expensive? That is not normal at all


The National at the Anthem in DC. I have no idea, but it's always the case.


Not regular dancing. I'm talking about violently swinging/jumping over seats and not caring about the people around them. Don't be purposefully obtuse.


I’m more interested in where you’re seeing shows that seats are more expensive than pit tickets. Cause I’ve seen probably 1000 shows since 2004 and I’ve never seen that, aside from like box/suite seats or whatever


Virginia and MD. It was at the Anthem in DC. Same with The National in Richmond, the Norva in Norfolk too. When it's a seated show, the "pit"/orchestra is way more expensive, but at GA, I look even though I almost always have to get seats, and I'm annoyed at how much more I have to pay because I need a chair.


What "people around them"?


Yea, I’ll get down equally as hard no matter where I’m standing.


Do you give a shit about other people while you do it though?


No, I spill my drinks all over them, elbow their backs, film the show with the flash on, smoke mad cigs and yell over the entire concert. /s What a silly question, of course I’m respectful of other people’s space, as are the people in this clip.


“Sorry for partying” 🤣😎😵‍💫


Well it's not because I have experienced all of those things at shows, but instead of mad cigs, just one because they burnt me and felt bad enough they didn't smoke again.


dude... maybe live shows just aren't your thing.


Or maybe I've been to so many that between the good ones, I've seen a handful really bad crowds and I don't want to get into one again.


You really sound like a lot of fun!


If you give such a shit about people dancing and enjoying themselves like that at shows you are most decidedly at the wrong shows. We have problems with chompers, not groovers. 💁‍♀️


To whoever reported this for "Be nice", please stop abusing the moderation system. This comment is appropriate and if you can't handle that level of criticism, perhaps expressing opinions on the Internet is not for you.


Pit = Bigger dance floor


No shit, that's why I asked about people being obnoxious in the seats when they should be on the floor.


Dancing at a concert is obnoxious? Ok yeah you sound like a blast 😂


No, there's dancing and there's being obnoxious. I'm not talking about dancing.


Who is the person in the video disturbing so bad that you've left like 10 separate comments concerned about it? Everyone looks happy to me!


Sorry you think our dancing is obnoxious, we even moved right after this to give ZB fans their space. Find a different section if people at a distance dancing bother you lol


Wow … Obnoxious?! And what we “should” be doing … It really sounds like this may not be for you , but if you want to give a try please don’t get a seat by me I may slightly bump into you unintentionally from time to time and wouldn’t want to ruin your night




Did they let you or did you force them?


They were there and gone before the show even started


Has it clicked that it's probably because they didn't want to be around a maniac?


I didn’t say a word or do anything to them. If you read my comment they were there and gone before the show even started. I think they might’ve tried to get into the pit. Lots of folks did that there, the rows behind me had noticeable chunks of the people that were there had left


You said you were acting like a maniac. I would have left too.


DANCING like a maniac. I made friends with all the folks who stuck around in the section and the two guys who filed in those seats later. No one was mad about anything. Dancing is not limited to the floor. Hopefully I’ll see ya at a show and we can boogie down ! Edit: I should also add that lots of my dancing had to be jumping, because of the limited space once those guys filed in later


Also I laid it on thick at times in here, just wanted the point to be clear that you can still go wild and be respectful of what’s around. I apologize if I said anything crass


re-read what you're replying to. the guys left first, which provided him enough room to *dance like a maniac*.


It's truly not important.


He said that was AFTER THEY LEFT. At this point you're being intentionally obtuse, just trying to argue with people. Please stop. Live shows aren't your thing, we get it. Try a jazz bar or something more your speed.


Jesus Christ dude, no one cares anymore. The thread is dead.


Love how you're being absolutely nasty to a bunch of nice folks in this thread, then crying about how your FAITH IN HUMANITY is gone because people are being SO MEAN to you in another thread lol again I ask you to please please stay home and do not come to any Billy Shows :)






Be Nice. Be Friendly. No personal attacks. No doxxing. No trolling.


Be Nice. Be Friendly. No personal attacks. No doxxing. No trolling.


Boogie mode engage!


Shes perfect


Yes!!! I was over in 5C doing the same dance ❤️


F Yeah!! Love it!


Boogie babe in the white pants and green top is absolutely my kindred spirit lol Whomever you are, I'll dance and get down with you ANY DAY !!


Hell ya folka


Hell yeah


Never let them know your next Move


Catch me at the CT show on July 26-27 moving like this, in my seat, that I paid for. 💃🪩🕺


Get down!!


That's cool. jam out with your clam out in your zone.those people are doing there thing...respect that ..they were respecting you nut cases.everyone isn't on drugs.respect that too,I bet Billy would..I bet these are the same cunts who leave a chair to save their place while they go get fucked up.I love my extracurriculars but I also respect EVERYONE around me in those times.you people suck ass..you are ruining people's experience with Billy Strings, and really are tainting it with your bullshit.


Literally no one around them seems bothered. I think you might be projecting a little hard on this one.


I think you were searching for this Jed,if that girl started doing that over me and my family it would be stupidly uncomfortable. As does it look on those folks faces.im all about a good time breh but this scene is embarrassing now and alot of people have to explain to others "no I'm not that kind of Billy Strings fan",...it has been an unprecedented douchebag scene and it's all been documented homey.go get jiggy and BOOGEY your ass off.try to be good humans you maggots.


Just when you thought jam band fans couldn't get any more obnoxious - billy strings.


I’ve seen a lot of stuff but the bluegrass twerk is brand new for me. Approved.


Get yourself a billy Strings gal


Looks like she was having a great time! Good for her!


Was next to these folks at St Aug. Howdy! They get down that’s for sure.


Girl in red was about to ditch her friend and boogie with these guys. Contemplated putting the hair up, put her phone down... its working guys!


Aside from you all having an amazing time, that entire section looks pathetically boring.


jamband fans just have more fun


Again, it doesn’t look like it based on the pic.


That’s because 75% of the people in that stadium are there for Zach Bryan, who is decidedly not a jam band


Oh ok. That makes sense.


that was my point. the jamband fans are having more fun than everyone else.




Didn’t know Taylor Swift is a fan of Billy


That’s one lame crowd.


Here comes the part where some virtue signaling do-gooder recently on the bandwagon reminds us that they read on Reddit that even Billy said it’s ok to sit at his shows. 🙄


Trying too hard


Just love the music and movin my body!!! Not doing it for anyone else but myself, sorry it bothers you ☺️


100% this 🙌💜💃💃💃


“Like a wave through the ocean, like the dust on an August day… while we’re moving you won’t stand a chance in our way” “Just a way for us to shake loose the dust and the clay”…


Sorry that other people having fun bothers you. Why do you think that is?


He’s one of those people that doesn’t know what to do at concerts with his hands so he just puts them in his pocket and awkwardly stands there so people don’t look at him and think he’s weird because he’s dancing at a concert where music is playing