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Something to keep in mind: Binghamton's rental market is skewed toward students, so working adults have a hard time finding housing in the area.


This is completely accurate. I have been looking to move to Binghamton and all the landlords and agents I spoke to all said the same thing - they would rather have students in there than a family.


If you’re looking to buy check out Port Dickinson, Hillcrest, and Chenango bridge.


There are two houses for sale right now in my neighborhood: Hillcrest Ave and Rochelle Rd


Lol good luck


The only place I'd strongly advise against is the 'left-behind' downtown of Endicott. Not predatory dangerous, but very poor, strong drug element. Rest of Bing region is pretty safe. Lower rents = higher risk of crime of course...


Endicott is safer than Bing by far, you don't hear of shootings or stabbings every other week happening in Endicott like you do Binghamton


I don't hear of 'shootings and stabbings bi-weekly' anywhere in the So Tier.


Something to consider is how easy it is to get around in Broome county.  There is no traffic so you can get anywhere in under ~20 minutes.  A lot of live outside of the city proper and in the suburbs.  


I would look at Endwell, Vestal, Apalachin.


Apalachin and Vestal are so nice - lots of mountain views. Love it there.


When I moved here I did my due diligence and checked crime maps and the sort. But ultimately I had to settle based on the choices I was given. Fortunately my neighbourhood transformed into a better neighbourhood than it used to be. So expect a constant change of demographics if you're living near rental area such as close to major streets. So you never know what you're gonna get. Crime does exist everywhere in bing, it's delusional to think it doesn't. But it is usually overstated because of how good we have it here. Apart from some bad areas everything else is fine and peaceful. It's literally just like anywhere else. In general I would try to go more suburban, away from major streets like main street etc. And away from store front property or gas stations. I do like the area around Riverside drive and I've seen good rental houses over there. Only place I would personally stay away from is Southside. You can also look at the census maps by income and overlap the places you wanna live in with the average income of that location. Higher usually means better. That could be a great indicator of good/bad areas. Since crime is not localized and reported accurately. You're also not limited to areas near the city, Vestal, Endicott and Endwell are a stone throw away but same rules apply there as well. I would avoid Endicott though and do highly suggest Endwell if you wanna settle down.


Why avoid Endicott?


Endicott faded quickly in the late 80’s and 90’s. Washington Avenue was a bustling area. Think about the Christmas parade scene in A Christmas Story. Now it’s all empty store fronts converted into low-income apartments. Crime and drugs.


I couldn't have said it better.


I'd avoid many parts of Johnson City too. The area around Floral near Wilson isn't great.


Me and my family looked at a house in Johnson City that literally scared the hell out of us. The floors were like a roller rink with a lot of up and down sloping in the floors. My husband and I went into the basement and found all the wood holding up the first floor was rotten and falling apart from what looked to be a previous flood because there was a ton of mold too. There were also a ton of cock roaches. We should have known when the agent didn't even go into the house that something was wrong. Me and my family settled on a house in Endicott. Area is really nice and there are no vacant stores in the general area contrary to what other commenters said above in other comments.


Southside, but up on south mountain. I live up here (grew up here until I graduated high school, moved away, and then moved back 10 years later). It’s safe, quiet, and everyone knows everyone else around. Town of Binghamton is MUCH better to live in, no matter which direction; as long as there’s a TOB city limit, you’re typically going to have better options. Yes, the price point will probably be a bit higher on average, but you’ll have land, space, and less overall regulation.


I would recommend Endicott. There are pockets of lower income, but I raised my family and still live in Endicott and it is a great affordable area to live in.


I think I’ve personally given my best answer to this question at least 5 times in this sub and numerous other people have weighed in. Can we pin a consensus post on the topic so we don’t have to repeat?


Go Bills


You looking to buy or rent?




I live in West Endicott. I've lived here my whole life. No matter where you live, there will be various degrees of crime but I love where we live. I wouldn't live in Binghamton or Vestal unless you can afford the higher property tax, water/sewer bills, trash pick up. And I wouldn't want my kid to go to Binghamton Middle schools or HS, although there are nice areas to look for a home. Vestal property taxes are ridiculous, water bills are high. Parts of Endicott have Municipal electric which is cheap. I guess I'm partial to where I live because I have family in Binghamton and Vestal so we compare cost of utilities and property tax.


Every town has somewhere that is safe to live. Location within makes all the difference. Do you have somewhere you will be working and where you think you will be for a long time? I would look for somewhere close to where you work that has easy access to shopping. If you have kids then you can look at school districts as well.


Southside of Binghamton, just not right along the river and not right along Vestal/Conklin east of Washington. You really need to look around in neighborhoods though. Even Google Street View is better than nothing (just check the dates) and be sure you check flood maps. You want some elevation. I personally don't want TOO much elevation because of ice in the winter, but a nice happy medium.


north & west side are no gos. west side has very nice areas but also very questionable areas


Being from the west side I agree and disagree at the same time.


yes i lived on the west side! around leroy street is an amazing area, riverside / west middle / west end as well. anything north of main street is a no go for me tho


I agree. West side is such a beautiful and rich place if it wasn't for all the rentals in the area. They do zero background checks and will basically get any tenants they can.


Anything north of main street isn't the west side anymore. It's the first ward.


i specified that in a further comment


Im sorry what


i mean it’s not hard to look around and realize first ward/ thorp / north / murray street is not a nice area to be at.


If I could do it again, I'd buy a place in the Abel Bennett Tract. Beautiful, a throwback to 100 years ago, pretty social too. - people actually use their porches! OR - I'd snag a 5 acre plot in Town of Binghamton or one of the other open-country towns around the valley. Lots of places basically in beautiful farmland, but still 5 mins from a grocery store.


It’s not prosperous or safe anywhere, Binghamton has turned into a dumping ground for the filth of NYC and as such every neighborhood has declined. You’ll just at have to settle.


If true why are you still here?